
    您輸入的關鍵字: Branding


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    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    Leximodel 字串學習法 語言由字串構成,所有的字串可分成三大類—— chunks、set-phrases 和 word partnerships,並且可依其可預測的程度區分,可預測度愈高的... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    Quentin Brand 20 年商務英文教學經驗,專為上班族量身打造的字串學習法,幫助忙碌的商務人士利用有限時間、大幅提升英文的活用能力。廣受企業界好評,爭相延攬為企業培訓講師,歷年來邀約不斷,台積電、宏達電、廣達電、趨勢科技、Ben Q...... more

    愈忙愈要學100個商業動詞(1書+1 MP3)

    愈忙愈要學100個商業動詞(1書+1 MP3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    本書特色 1. Leximodel 字串學習法 語言由字串構成,所有的字串可分成三大類—— chunks、set-phrases 和 word partnerships,並且可依其可預測的程度區分... more

    職場英文進化術:從聽不懂到流利對談的學習奇蹟!(菁英篇)【1書+ 1MP3】

    職場英文進化術:從聽不懂到流利對談的學習奇蹟!(菁英篇)【1書+ 1MP3】

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 198

    提升,缺一不可。想知道一開始聽不懂、開不了口的上班族,如何練就英文聽、說的即時反應力嗎?本書作者 Quentin Brand 乃百大企業爭相邀約的英語培訓講師,針對華人學習英語的罩門研擬出一套破解策略,幫助上班族在短時間內掌握重點、突破盲點...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    更亮眼,生涯展望再升級。 作者簡介 Quentin Brand 過去 15 年來在全球各地從事英語教學,其中大半時光是待在台灣教書,教學對象為商界專業人士。從大型國際企業的國外分公司經理,到有國外市場的國內小型公司的初階實習生。獨創的...... more

    商務英文 Email 速成語庫書

    商務英文 Email 速成語庫書

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    商務英文教學第一品牌──Quentin Brand 百大企業邀約內訓課程,成千上班族實用認證推薦, 商英教父 Quentin Brand 助您迅速提升職場英語力! 學習×工具 2in1,一本集大成! 本書融合了作者的暢銷作...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 198

    字串、 ★36篇社交擬真對話, ★你也可以成為社交高手! ★掌握敲定生意的關鍵優勢! ★ 小開本口袋書,方便隨身攜帶,時時補充職場競爭能量! 作者簡介 Quentin Brand 過去 17 年來在全球各地從事英語教學,其中大半時光是待在...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    SOS! 出國在外,健康亮紅燈!! 英文卡卡,有苦無法對醫生說明; 英文瓶頸堅,病患怎樣痛聽不懂? 一本涵蓋必備句藥帖,特效專治溝通困難症! 就醫問診實用句全收錄,從基本表達、預約門診、確認保險事... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    適用級數及對象 英文程度中級偏難之企業界人士、對商務有興趣的在學生 本書特色 1. Leximodel 字串學習法 語言由字串構成,所有的字串可分成三大類—— chunks、set-phras... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    「求職達人基本功」單元涵括個人簡介、常用動詞、關鍵字和發音等練習,輕鬆練就社會人謀生必備的求職技巧,助您博得理想職位、順利轉換生涯跑道。 作者簡介 Quentin Brand 過去17年來在全球各地從事英語教學,其中大半時光是待在台灣教書...... more

    NEW iBT托福:學術討論寫作實測

    NEW iBT托福:學術討論寫作實測

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 450

    TOEFL iBT 全新「學術討論寫作」題型 怎麼考?怎麼寫?徹底洞悉! 豐富擬真測驗高效建構新制試題最佳論述策略 多元指導社經、教育、科學、公衛等學科領域高分範文 2023年7月改制的TOEFL... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 306

    Quentin Brand 主修人文學科,喜愛研讀經典文學作品。取得英語教師資格後,迄今已從事英語教學長達 20 年。1998 年來到台灣,在淡江大學學習中文。並先後在英國文化協會(British Council)、登峰美語任職、任教,同期間擔任...... more

    論證型英文寫作速成教戰 Writing Argumentative Essays in English

    論證型英文寫作速成教戰 Writing Argumentative Essays in English

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 324

    Step by Step循序建構高分寫作力 多樣練習教你寫好「論證型文章」! 「論證型英文寫作」是指針對一個觀點、問題或議題提出論述,透過有力的論據和清晰的邏輯來支持並證明所持觀點,從而使讀者接... more

    IELTS高點:雅思制霸7.0+說寫通 (寫作強化篇+口說教戰篇+1MP3)

    IELTS高點:雅思制霸7.0+說寫通 (寫作強化篇+口說教戰篇+1MP3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 522

    in a mock test with teacher Quentin Brand’s support within only one month. The biggest feature of his teaching style is tha...... more

    IELTS高點:雅思制霸7.0+ 字彙通(MP3線上下載)

    IELTS高點:雅思制霸7.0+ 字彙通(MP3線上下載)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 540

    為什麼從小到大買了許多單字書、背了許多單字,但面對考試(尤其是口說、寫作項目)時,還是充滿「字到用時方恨少」的挫折感?其實,不是你認識的字不夠多,而是能真正拿出來應用的字太少!雅思教父 Quentin Brand 說,基本上每個人腦中的英語字彙都可...... more

    愈忙愈要學社交英文【與時俱進版】(MP3 線上下載)

    愈忙愈要學社交英文【與時俱進版】(MP3 線上下載)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    閒聊有梗,商談有物! 無論 on & off、正式or非正式, 透過多樣化的動筆練習和大量聆聽, 學習適時適地的社交英文, 活絡話題,拓展人脈! ◎ 愈忙愈要學,愈學愈敢開口!! 獻給在英語職... more

    Presentation Skills and Language(with MP3)

    Presentation Skills and Language(with MP3)

    • 優惠價: 450

    適合程度:Pre-intermediate to Advanced 科技大學、大學英語演說、簡報課程 配備:學生本、Audio MP3、教師手冊 連結測驗:TOEIC、TOEFL、GEPT、I... more

    Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China

    Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China

    . Yet Hal Brands and Michael Beckley pose a counterintuitive question: What if the sharpest phase of that competition is...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    怪獸入侵森林!動物們不再快樂、每天唉聲嘆氣。 聽說「夢幻森林」充滿著不可思議,是個沒有汙染、充滿鳥語花香的地方。 於是,動物們決定搬家到夢幻森林! 不過,前往森林一定要穿越過馬路, 該... more

    The 616 Bible

    The 616 Bible

    • 優惠價: 1520
    Visual Working: Business Drawing Skills for Effective Communication

    Visual Working: Business Drawing Skills for Effective Communication

    • 優惠價: 950
    Bull Hunter (Esprios Classics)

    Bull Hunter (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 988

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    The Rangeland Avenger (Esprios Classics)

    The Rangeland Avenger (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1178

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Alcatraz (Esprios Classics)

    Alcatraz (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1064

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    The Garden of Eden (Esprios Classics)

    The Garden of Eden (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Way of the Lawless (Esprios Classics)

    Way of the Lawless (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1102

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    A Sagebrush Cinderella (Esprios Classics)

    A Sagebrush Cinderella (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 836

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Ronicky Doone (Esprios Classics)

    Ronicky Doone (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1026

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    The Untamed (Esprios Classics)

    The Untamed (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1178

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Trailin’’! (Esprios Classics)

    Trailin’’! (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1178

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    The Seventh Man (Esprios Classics)

    The Seventh Man (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Riders of the Silences (Esprios Classics)

    Riders of the Silences (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1102

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Black Jack (Esprios Classics)

    Black Jack (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Gunman’’s Reckoning (Esprios Classics)

    Gunman’’s Reckoning (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1216

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Harrigan (Esprios Classics)

    Harrigan (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1102

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    The Night Horseman (Esprios Classics)

    The Night Horseman (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1216

    Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, and today he is primarily known by one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen...... more

    Paths of Life

    Paths of Life

    • 優惠價: 606

    Daniel Brande is a Sunday school teacher, prolific writer, consummate marketing practitioner, and eminent award-winning...... more

    Harrigan: in large print

    Harrigan: in large print

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Harrigan: in large print

    Harrigan: in large print

    • 優惠價: 3295

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Service Design for Business: A Practical Guide to Optimizing the Customer Experience

    Service Design for Business: A Practical Guide to Optimizing the Customer Experience

    • 優惠價: 1064

    A practical approach to better customer experience through service design Service Design for Busines... more

    The Image Factory

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    • 優惠價: 5400

    Why do we refer to cinema as the "Seventh Art"? The name comes from Ricciotto Canudo, one of the pio... more

    How to Write a Book: 10 Simple Steps: Think Like a Reader & Write Like a Bestselling Author

    How to Write a Book: 10 Simple Steps: Think Like a Reader & Write Like a Bestselling Author

    • 優惠價: 899

    What’s the key to building your community of superfans? Why do only a handful of authors ever make a... more

    Extracting RNA from the hippocampus of wistar rats

    Extracting RNA from the hippocampus of wistar rats

    • 優惠價: 2340

    In this book you can find information on the history of the discovery of nucleic acids, with an emph... more

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    • 優惠價: 4945

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Study of Mo2C production in rotary and fixed bed reactors

    Study of Mo2C production in rotary and fixed bed reactors

    • 優惠價: 2340

    In addition to hydrocarbons, which make up the majority of oil, impurities such as sulphur, oxygen, ... more

    The media discourse on the process of adultisation of children

    The media discourse on the process of adultisation of children

    • 優惠價: 2340

    The adultisation of children is a process that is increasingly present these days, and most of the t... more

    The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention

    The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention

    • 優惠價: 9900

    Declared a ’game-changer’ by the Hague Conference Secretary General, the 2019 Hague Convention on th... more

    One More Try: A growth mindset story about feeling lonely

    One More Try: A growth mindset story about feeling lonely

    • 優惠價: 604

    "Take a trek out As far as you can For friends may be found By sky or by land." One More Try is a po... more

    Because Of You

    Because Of You

    • 優惠價: 1406

    Liv and her best friends Travis and April have just started their last year of high school and thing... more

    Because Of You

    Because Of You

    • 優惠價: 684

    Liv and her best friends Travis and April have just started their last year of high school and thing... more

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. I

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. I

    • 優惠價: 5495

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. I

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. I

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Lessons on the Human Body

    Lessons on the Human Body

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Lessons on the Human Body

    Lessons on the Human Body

    • 優惠價: 2745

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    • 優惠價: 4945

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth Bishop of Maryland: Vol. II

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    The Great Debate: Nietzsche, Culture, and the Scandinavian Welfare Society

    The Great Debate: Nietzsche, Culture, and the Scandinavian Welfare Society

    • 優惠價: 4797

    English translation of six essays which originally appeared in the Danish journal Tilskueren (The Ob... more

    A Cornish Spring

    A Cornish Spring

    • 優惠價: 824

    Three years after An Irish Winter, some of that novel’s minor characters, along with a few new ones,... more

    A Cornish Spring

    A Cornish Spring

    • 優惠價: 824

    Three years after An Irish Winter, some of that novel’s minor characters, along with a few new ones,... more

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