

    您輸入的關鍵字: Luis Miguel


    搜尋結果共 66 筆, 頁數 2 / 2

    Wittgenstein, Kraus, and Valery: A Paradigm for Poetic Rhyme and Reason

    Wittgenstein, Kraus, and Valery: A Paradigm for Poetic Rhyme and Reason

    • 優惠價: 2696

    This book attempts to establish a paradigm for the way language works - that is, means and creates m... more

    Luis Miguel / Aries(路易斯馬吉爾 / 牡羊座)

    Luis Miguel / Aries(路易斯馬吉爾 / 牡羊座)

    • 優惠價: 429

    拉丁浪漫主義的最佳化身,10首熱情奔放柔情繾綣的動人詮釋 93年最新專輯 【得獎榮譽】... more

    Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands: Science and Conservation

    Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands: Science and Conservation

    • 優惠價: 3599

    This open access book presents a comprehensive synthesis of the biodiversity of the oceanic islands ... more

    Differential Diagnosis in Sheep

    Differential Diagnosis in Sheep

    • 優惠價: 4320

    A practical, concise and easy-to-consult guide for the differential, clinical, etiological and labor... more

    Aging Research - Methodological Issues

    Aging Research - Methodological Issues

    • 優惠價: 7199


    • 優惠價: 9 折, 324

    見證者之一。 馬力歐.莫雷第:第二代紅軍旅創立者,最後被判處六個無期徒刑,但卻於一九九四年意外獲釋。 J.C.:生卒年不詳,為無數恐怖行動之真正主使者,義大利共濟會成員,在犯罪世界舉足輕重。 作者簡介 路易斯.馬吉爾.羅沙(Luis...... more



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