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    搜尋結果共 452 筆, 頁數 4 / 8

    Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 18th International Conference, Acns 2020, Rome, Italy, October 19-22, 2020, Proceedings, Part II

    Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 18th International Conference, Acns 2020, Rome, Italy, October 19-22, 2020, Proceedings, Part II

    • 優惠價: 5999
    Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 18th International Conference, Acns 2020, Rome, Italy, October 19-22, 2020, Proceedings, Part I

    Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 18th International Conference, Acns 2020, Rome, Italy, October 19-22, 2020, Proceedings, Part I

    • 優惠價: 5399
    National Political Elites, European Integration and the Eurozone Crisis

    National Political Elites, European Integration and the Eurozone Crisis

    • 優惠價: 3177

    The global financial, economic and sovereign debt crisis since 2008 has led to increases in politica... more

    The Social Work and Lgbtq Sexual Trauma Casebook: Phenomenological Perspectives

    The Social Work and Lgbtq Sexual Trauma Casebook: Phenomenological Perspectives

    • 優惠價: 2364

    This inspiring text offers a collection of case studies from expert clinical social workers who work... more

    Security and Trust Management: 15th International Workshop, STM 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 26-27, 2019, Proceedings

    Security and Trust Management: 15th International Workshop, STM 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 26-27, 2019, Proceedings

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Security and Trust Manag... more

    The Sentimental Hippo and His Friends

    The Sentimental Hippo and His Friends

    • 優惠價: 550
    Responsible Conduct in Chemistry Research and Practice: Global Perspectives

    Responsible Conduct in Chemistry Research and Practice: Global Perspectives

    • 優惠價: 11400

    The development of Responsible Conduct in Chemistry Research and Practice: Global Perspectives was b... more

    The Convoy

    The Convoy

    • 優惠價: 769
    1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

    1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

    • 優惠價: 1900

    The church fathers, as they did in earlier books dealing with Israel’s history from the time of Josh... more



    • 優惠價: 1900

    The book of Job presents its readers with a profound drama concerning innocent suffering. Such hones... more

    Mobile Networks for Biometric Data Analysis

    Mobile Networks for Biometric Data Analysis

    • 優惠價: 13199
    The Challenge of Coalition Government: The Italian Case

    The Challenge of Coalition Government: The Italian Case

    • 優惠價: 2577

    This book addresses this question by empirically assessing and theoretically evaluating the outcomes... more

    Analysis and Computation of Microstructure in Finite Plasticity

    Analysis and Computation of Microstructure in Finite Plasticity

    • 優惠價: 6599

    This book addresses the need for a fundamental understanding of the physical origin, the mathematica... more

    Future Vision and Trends on Shapes, Geometry and Algebra

    Future Vision and Trends on Shapes, Geometry and Algebra

    • 優惠價: 6599

    Mathematical algorithms are a fundamental component of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/... more

    Contributions to Sampling Statistics

    Contributions to Sampling Statistics

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This book contains a selection of the papers presented at the ITACOSM 2013 Conference, held in Milan... more

    Chocolate and Health

    Chocolate and Health

    • 優惠價: 10199
    Party Attitudes Towards the Eu in the Member States: Parties for Europe, Parties Against Europe

    Party Attitudes Towards the Eu in the Member States: Parties for Europe, Parties Against Europe

    • 優惠價: 3297

    In a moment where the EU is facing an important number of challenges, there is growing interest in u... more

    Trust and Trustworthy Computing: 8th International Conference, Trust 2015, Heraklion, Greece, August 24-26, 2015, Proceedings

    Trust and Trustworthy Computing: 8th International Conference, Trust 2015, Heraklion, Greece, August 24-26, 2015, Proceedings

    • 優惠價: 3299
    Phosphodiesterases as Drug Targets

    Phosphodiesterases as Drug Targets

    • 優惠價: 19799
    Solutions on Embedded Systems

    Solutions on Embedded Systems

    • 優惠價: 6599
    Neurobiology: Ionic Channels, Neurons and the Brain

    Neurobiology: Ionic Channels, Neurons and the Brain

    • 優惠價: 3299
    The Brink of Mystery

    The Brink of Mystery

    • 優惠價: 988

    Austin Farrer in his later years was striving for new depths of simplicity and insight. This collect... more

    Words for Life

    Words for Life

    • 優惠價: 798

    Previously unpublished, the forty sermons collected here were preached by Austin Farrer during his t... more

    Interpretation and Belief

    Interpretation and Belief

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Austin Farrer’s writings show amazing originality and independence of thought. To the end of his lif... more

    Reflective Faith

    Reflective Faith

    • 優惠價: 1292

    In the foreword to this collection of essays, the noted British philosopher of religion John Hick ap... more

    The End of Man

    The End of Man

    • 優惠價: 1026

    ""Published sermons present a special problem,"" writes John Austin Baker in his introduction to The... more

    Pet-CT: A Case Based Approach

    Pet-CT: A Case Based Approach

    • 優惠價: 14940

    director of the USC PET Center, Dr. Peter Conti, is a distinguished leader in the nuclear medicine community. He and one of his...... more

    Vizsec 2007: Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security

    Vizsec 2007: Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security

    • 優惠價: 3299
    Financial Markets Liberalisation and the Role of Banks

    Financial Markets Liberalisation and the Role of Banks

    • 優惠價: 2819
    Personal Wireless Communications: Ifip-Tc6 8th International Conference, Pwc 2003, Venice, Italy, September 23-25, 2003, Proceedings

    Personal Wireless Communications: Ifip-Tc6 8th International Conference, Pwc 2003, Venice, Italy, September 23-25, 2003, Proceedings

    • 優惠價: 6599
    Understanding Art: A Reference Guide to Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque Periods

    Understanding Art: A Reference Guide to Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque Periods

    • 優惠價: 6900

    Understanding Art is a two-volume, fully illustrated work that strives to explain and discuss four i... more

    Financial Markets Liberalisation and the Role of Banks

    Financial Markets Liberalisation and the Role of Banks

    • 優惠價: 8400
    Mass Loss and Evolution of O-Type Stars

    Mass Loss and Evolution of O-Type Stars

    • 優惠價: 3299

    The organization of this Symposium had its beginnings at the International Astronomical Union Genera... more

    ACCS古代基督信仰聖經註釋叢書約伯記 (電子書)

    ACCS古代基督信仰聖經註釋叢書約伯記 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 455

    與古代教父同讀聖經,開啟豐盛屬靈寶庫! 約伯記講的是這樣一個故事:一位義人遭遇災禍,然後發覺自己沒理由要受這樣的懲罰。雖然約伯沒有失去盼望,也沒有咒詛上帝,但是他問,為甚麼自己遭遇這樣的禍事。約伯... more

    芭比:我可以成為體操選手 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為體操選手 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    芭比和她的朋友們都是體操隊的成員。這天,她被教練指定為全國體操錦標賽的參賽選手之一!在興奮之餘,芭比很清楚比賽的競爭非常激烈,她必須不斷練習,配合教練和朋友們的幫助,才能順利贏得比賽。 魔鬼訓練才... more

    芭比:我可以成為武術高手 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為武術高手 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    武術的種類和技巧非常多,芭比和斯佩決定一起報名武術課程。學習武術需要有很大的耐心,同時鍛鍊身心,因此,芭比決定讓害怕獨自入睡的小凱莉一起來參加。 在演練武術的過程中,她們能體會到哪些樂趣?得到什麼... more

    芭比:我可以成為嬰兒保育員 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為嬰兒保育員 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    芭比正在接受嬰兒保育員的訓練,今天她來到醫院的育嬰室幫忙。 所有嬰兒都需要餵食、拍撫和換尿布,會非常忙碌。芭比溫柔的把每個寶寶都顧得很好──餵他們喝牛奶、幫助他們打嗝、哄他們睡覺。 ... more

    ACCS古代基督信仰聖經註釋叢書列王紀上下、歷代志上下、以斯拉記、尼希米記、以斯帖記 (電子書)

    ACCS古代基督信仰聖經註釋叢書列王紀上下、歷代志上下、以斯拉記、尼希米記、以斯帖記 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 549

    與古代教父同讀聖經 這套《古代基督信仰聖經註釋叢書》幫助了今日研讀聖經的人,完成了靠他們自己無法完成的事。拜今日電腦科技之賜,早期教父的浩瀚著作--其中不少是以古代語文著述--得以被梳理出來。從這... more

    芭比:我可以成為救生員 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為救生員 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    芭比和夏日完成了她們的救生員訓練,今天是她們擔任救生員工作的第一天!瑞秋和泰瑞莎特地來海灘探班,並且下水游泳,然而瑞秋輕忽了危險海域的威力,眼看就要在海中失去力氣……。 芭比和夏日能不能運用她們所... more

    芭比:我可以成為畫家 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為畫家 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    為了練習在美術課上學到的繪畫技巧,芭比和斯佩決定幫她們的寵物畫肖像。然而她們發現,幫寵物畫素描比想像中還要困難,正在苦惱時,毛小孩調皮的把顏料弄得一團糟。斯佩靈光一閃,發現一個可以創作出美麗作品,新鮮... more

    芭比:我可以成為攝影師 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為攝影師 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    芭比在學校報社擔任攝影的工作,她的作品被時尚雜誌的編輯看中;在雜誌編輯的邀請下,芭比接下了一連串具有挑戰性的攝影工作,幸運的是,她有斯佩和妮基會在旁邊幫忙! 芭比能不能克服萬難,拍出亮眼的作品,順... more

    芭比:我可以成為電腦工程師 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為電腦工程師 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    芭比正在設計電腦遊戲,斯佩則是剛完成一項麻煩的作業,她們把所有的工作都儲存在筆記型電腦裡。 突然間,芭比的電腦螢幕開始閃爍,電腦竟然中毒了!妳知道電腦中毒該怎麼辦嗎?幸好芭比對電腦很熟悉!快來看看... more

    芭比:我可以成為網球選手 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為網球選手 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    斯佩報名了一個慈善網球比賽,她希望芭比能跟她一起參加!在這個比賽中獲勝的隊伍可以將獎金捐給指定的慈善機構,芭比希望將獎金捐給她擔任志工的動物之家,好讓他們擴建場地,收留更多流浪動物。 然而網球雙打... more

    芭比:我可以成為消防員 (中英對照)

    芭比:我可以成為消防員 (中英對照)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    芭比和斯佩在一個晴朗的夏日,舉辦了泳池派對,大家玩得非常開心。 到了吃飯時間,她們決定架起烤爐來烤肉,但點火是很危險的,接觸火需要注意很多細節,果不其然,泳池派對差點釀成災禍!幸好芭比始終保持冷靜... more

    Scarves: Timeless Elegance

    Scarves: Timeless Elegance

    • 優惠價: 2090

    The scarf throughout history, from the Roman military to Hermès Scarves tells the story of this perr... more

    Knowledge Share: The (R)Evolution of Technology Transfer

    Knowledge Share: The (R)Evolution of Technology Transfer

    • 優惠價: 5999

    The book is the outcome of a thoughtful reflection on Knowledge Share (KS), encompassing the distrib... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 235

    本書以全球知名的品牌之一——Google為例,全面地闡述使用Google工具和服務的各種隱私泄露的可能渠道,以及防範隱私泄露的方法。主要內容包括︰泄露信息的類型和方式,使用網絡時留下的信息以及Goog... more

    The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Cardiovascular System, Volume 8

    The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Cardiovascular System, Volume 8

    • 優惠價: 4104

    didactic illustrations reflecting the latest medical knowledge. Revised by Drs. Jamie B. Conti and C. Richard Conti...... more

    Cucina Italia: Rediscover the Authentic Flavors of Italian Cuisine

    Cucina Italia: Rediscover the Authentic Flavors of Italian Cuisine

    • 優惠價: 1541

    Italy, where the true essence of Italian cooking comes alive. Esteemed author Giovanni Conti unveils a treasury of beloved...... more

    Atomic Steps: From a Negative Mindset to a Positive Mindset Through a Seven-Day Process for Lifelong Benefits

    Atomic Steps: From a Negative Mindset to a Positive Mindset Through a Seven-Day Process for Lifelong Benefits

    • 優惠價: 769

    Does life seem like one big disappointment after another? Does it seem like it’s out of your hands, ... more

    Pizza Selbst Gemacht: Die Besten Pizzarezepte und Geheimnisse um die Kunst der Italienischen Pizza zu Beherrschen

    Pizza Selbst Gemacht: Die Besten Pizzarezepte und Geheimnisse um die Kunst der Italienischen Pizza zu Beherrschen

    • 優惠價: 1101
    Dash Diet - Poultry and Meat: 50 Healthy Poultry And Meat Recipes For Lowering Blood Pressure!

    Dash Diet - Poultry and Meat: 50 Healthy Poultry And Meat Recipes For Lowering Blood Pressure!

    • 優惠價: 1404
    Dash Diet - Desserts: 50 Easy-To-Follow Dessert Recipes To Boost Your Well-Being!

    Dash Diet - Desserts: 50 Easy-To-Follow Dessert Recipes To Boost Your Well-Being!

    • 優惠價: 1024
    Dash Diet - Desserts: 50 Easy-To-Follow Dessert Recipes To Boost Your Well-Being!

    Dash Diet - Desserts: 50 Easy-To-Follow Dessert Recipes To Boost Your Well-Being!

    • 優惠價: 1404
    Dash Diet - Fish, Seafood and Dessert: Lower Your Sodium Intake With 50 Dash Diet Recipes!

    Dash Diet - Fish, Seafood and Dessert: Lower Your Sodium Intake With 50 Dash Diet Recipes!

    • 優惠價: 1404
    Dash Diet - Fish, Seafood and Dessert: Lower Your Sodium Intake With 50 Dash Diet Recipes!

    Dash Diet - Fish, Seafood and Dessert: Lower Your Sodium Intake With 50 Dash Diet Recipes!

    • 優惠價: 1024
    Dash Diet - Meat, Fish and Seafood: 50 Quick-Fix Recipes To Help You Start And Stick To Low-Salt Dash Diet!

    Dash Diet - Meat, Fish and Seafood: 50 Quick-Fix Recipes To Help You Start And Stick To Low-Salt Dash Diet!

    • 優惠價: 1404
    Dash Diet - Meat, Fish and Seafood: 50 Quick-Fix Recipes To Help You Start And Stick To Low-Salt Dash Diet!

    Dash Diet - Meat, Fish and Seafood: 50 Quick-Fix Recipes To Help You Start And Stick To Low-Salt Dash Diet!

    • 優惠價: 1024
    Dash Diet - Poultry and Meat: 50 Healthy Poultry And Meat Recipes For Lowering Blood Pressure!

    Dash Diet - Poultry and Meat: 50 Healthy Poultry And Meat Recipes For Lowering Blood Pressure!

    • 優惠價: 1404
    Dash Diet - Snacks: 50 Greatest Dash Diet Snack And Poultry Recipes To Restore Your Health!

    Dash Diet - Snacks: 50 Greatest Dash Diet Snack And Poultry Recipes To Restore Your Health!

    • 優惠價: 1404



    • 618夏購狂歡派對