
    您輸入的關鍵字: Cyclone


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    The Journey and Ordeal of Cabeza de Vaca: His Account of the Disastrous First European Exploration of the American Southwest

    The Journey and Ordeal of Cabeza de Vaca: His Account of the Disastrous First European Exploration of the American Southwest

    • 優惠價: 416

    Of the 300 Spanish explorers who set out to discover North America, only four returned. Cabeza de Va... more

    Cabeza De Vaca’s Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America

    Cabeza De Vaca’s Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America

    • 優惠價: 1197

    Cabeza de Vaca came to the New world in 1527 as part of a Spanish expedition to conquer the region n... more

    Old World Roots of the Cherokee: How DNA, Ancient Alphabets and Religion Explain the Origins of America’s Largest Indian Nation

    Old World Roots of the Cherokee: How DNA, Ancient Alphabets and Religion Explain the Origins of America’s Largest Indian Nation

    • 優惠價: 2397

    Most histories of the Cherokee nation focus on its encounters with Europeans, its conflicts with the... more


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