
    您輸入的關鍵字: Tumoa


    搜尋結果共 8 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    Picnic - Te Bikiniki (Te Kiribati)

    Picnic - Te Bikiniki (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    It was a picnic day and plenty children came. Everyone had lunch then went to play different games. ... more

    What Can You Do at the Park - Teraa ae ko na karaoia n te tabo ni kamaangngang? (Te Kiribati)

    What Can You Do at the Park - Teraa ae ko na karaoia n te tabo ni kamaangngang? (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    There were many things you can do or play with at the park. E mwaiti bwaai aika ko kona ni karaoi ao... more

    It’s Picnic Time - E a boo tain te bikiniki (Te Kiribati)

    It’s Picnic Time - E a boo tain te bikiniki (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    A young boy went for a picnic with his family and they were having fun playing games and singing. Th... more

    Do You Like Pancakes - Ko taatangira te buraibaan? (Te Kiribati)

    Do You Like Pancakes - Ko taatangira te buraibaan? (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    I can use different spreads on my pancakes. I can add fillings to my pancake. I love pancake. A mwai... more

    The Missing Eggs - Bunimoa aika bua (Te Kiribati)

    The Missing Eggs - Bunimoa aika bua (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    Titen has a hen, when one day he realized that the hen had laid five eggs. On the third week the egg... more

    My Ukulele - Au ukirere (Te Kiribati)

    My Ukulele - Au ukirere (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    A girl named Titaa loves to sing with her purple ukulele most of the time. She likes to sing with he... more

    Our Five Senses - Ara bwai n namakin aika nimaua (Te Kiribati)

    Our Five Senses - Ara bwai n namakin aika nimaua (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    One boy uses his five senses to see different colours of vegetables, tasting the soup, feel the hot,... more

    A Non-Salty Sea - Taari ae aki taoro (Te Kiribati)

    A Non-Salty Sea - Taari ae aki taoro (Te Kiribati)

    • 優惠價: 549

    Wiwii and her younger brother named Tenten woke up early to go for a swim. They used to swim in the ... more



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