
    您輸入的關鍵字: S. Agnes


    搜尋結果共 165 筆, 頁數 1 / 3

    A Dog’’s Guide to Being Human

    A Dog’’s Guide to Being Human

    • 優惠價: 646

    and illustrator Agnès Ernoult comes a hilarious and heartwarming picture book sharing a dog’s hard-earned wisdom about...... more

    Cedric’’s Tail

    Cedric’’s Tail

    • 優惠價: 570

    hilarious cautionary tale, Amani Uduman and Agnès Ernoult invite readers to experience the joys and frustrations of an...... more

    Settling the Good Land: Governance and Promotion in John Winthrop’’s New England (1630-1650)

    Settling the Good Land: Governance and Promotion in John Winthrop’’s New England (1630-1650)

    • 優惠價: 9720

    history of the Massachusetts Bay Company, cornerstone of early modern English colonisation in North America. Agnès Delahaye...... more

    The Story of St. John’s College, Agra: The Truth Shall Make You Free

    The Story of St. John’s College, Agra: The Truth Shall Make You Free

    • 優惠價: 450
    The Story of St. John’s College, Agra: The Truth Shall Make You Free

    The Story of St. John’s College, Agra: The Truth Shall Make You Free

    • 優惠價: 839
    Conrad’s Eastern Vision: A Vain and Floating Appearance

    Conrad’s Eastern Vision: A Vain and Floating Appearance

    • 優惠價: 7000

    This book traces the dialogic relation between Conrad’s Eastern fiction and other histories and argues that it is...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    比利時兒童文學獎(Libbylit)、安德爾文學獎(Escapages)推薦! 即使不夠高大、不夠強壯,也要勇敢的告訴自己: 「明天,我要送一束小雛菊給薇歐蕾特!」 尼可丹姆最有自信的告白... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 234

    一本關於哀悼、自我重建與愛的小說 寫作風格近似於法國著名女作家安娜.戈華達 「他們下樓的時候在樓梯間裡嘻嘻鬧鬧,我後來聽說當卡車撞上他們的時候,他們還在車子裡玩鬧。我對自己說,他們死的時候是笑著的... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 276

    說不出口的情緒,最渴望被聆聽 一個學習同理、愛、真誠關懷的故事 開卷年度最佳童書獎作家、 法國永恆不朽圖書獎(Prix des Incorruptibles)得主, 觸動人心的感動力作! 在爸爸頭... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 247

    ★以奇幻故事作背景,探討艱深難解的死亡議題,讓孩子能不帶畏懼地理解生命。 ★安詳寧靜的繪畫風格,搭配細膩的情節設定,令人回味無窮。 ★頗具匠心的故事結合獨具風格的繪圖,是一本教育兒童生死觀念的... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    ★法國丹妮爾格登兒童文學獎入選★ 當你的孩子不擅長與人交流, 好像躲進厚厚的牆裡, 該怎麼走進他們的內心世界? 本書以雅致的圖文,詮釋自閉症孩子的心理, 要讓更多孩子明白,每個人都... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 304

    ★本書獲2016年第70梯次「好書大家讀--圖畫書及幼兒讀物組」入選書單 ★在無聊的生活中,利用一點想像力,增加無限的樂趣! ★鼓勵孩子用心觀察、放膽創造! ★優美的文字與圖畫,帶你進入大... more



    趣味拉頁書, 讓孩子從閱讀遊戲, 培養樂觀思考的能力。 我們都想要快樂,但同一件事, 看待的角度、思考的態度不同, 決定生活是黑白還是彩色。 樂觀思維,是需要學習和練習的! 本書以... more

    This is 馬諦斯

    This is 馬諦斯

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 276

    「我總是盡量藏起我的努力,希望作品中自然蕩漾著春光的輕盈愉悅,不讓人察覺我為此所耗費的力氣。」——亨利.馬諦斯 馬諦斯成為藝術家,是偶然也是必然。原本學習法律的他,意外收到禮物油畫工具組,讓他「... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 229

    每位個性不同的孩子 進入團體生活都將面臨不同的挑戰 克羅伊是個活潑好動、愛提問的女生;艾略特是個安靜內向、性格穩定的男生。 從小,他們就展露出很不一樣的天生氣質。 進入托兒所、幼兒園、... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 260

    掠奪的擁有 只會帶來傷害;分享 快樂自來 一隻從天上掉落的小怪獸,在落到地面的過程中,丟失了他的微笑。於是,他想方設法要把微笑找回來。小怪獸找到一個快樂村莊,村民們睡覺前會把微笑收在床底下,於是,... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 333

    ★重新詮釋經典《小王子》,感動人心的全新繪本版! ★法國知名作者雷斯塔與阿根廷繪者多坎波再次完美合作! ★讓我們再次與心中最純真、最夢幻的小王子相遇! ★唯美畫風,經典故事,感動久久長存!... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1406

    ★兒童繪本不僅是兒時記憶,也值得一輩子珍藏,本社精選了五本好書,適合大朋友小朋友一起閱讀、好好蒐藏。 ★本套書精選自本社2015年已出版的繪本,請讀者注意不要重複購買。 「值得珍藏套書」共五本... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1292

    ★可愛溫暖的精緻繪本,帶你經歷不同生活、用心領悟人生。 ★本套書乃精選自本社2015年已出版的法文翻譯繪本,請讀者注意不要重複購買。 「法文翻譯繪本精選套書(三)」共五本:《瑪拉的失物招領舖》... more

    Analysis of discrimination against women on the job market

    Analysis of discrimination against women on the job market

    • 優惠價: 2820

    highlights this problem at a critical period in the country’s history. To this end, a number of variables that may help to better...... more

    A Malaysian Ecocriticism Reader: Considerations of Nature, Culture, Place and Identities

    A Malaysian Ecocriticism Reader: Considerations of Nature, Culture, Place and Identities

    • 優惠價: 9599

    This collection of essays brings together ecocritical interpretations of Malaysian texts - including... more

    The Niqab in France: Between Piety and Subversion

    The Niqab in France: Between Piety and Subversion

    • 優惠價: 1348

    An intimate look at a fiercely controversial topic in contemporary Western culture and politics: a g... more

    The Niqab in France: Between Piety and Subversion

    The Niqab in France: Between Piety and Subversion

    • 優惠價: 6600

    An intimate look at a fiercely controversial topic in contemporary Western culture and politics: a g... more

    The Nested Games of Brexit

    The Nested Games of Brexit

    • 優惠價: 3177

    This book offers a novel perspective on the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, providing insights to the ways in...... more

    The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought

    The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought

    • 優惠價: 3299

    The book responds to the need for greater clarity regarding the relationship between descriptive, ev... more

    Applications of Digital Signal Processing

    Applications of Digital Signal Processing

    • 優惠價: 2820

    This book offers a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of DSP with minima... more

    A Roadmap for Plant Genome Editing

    A Roadmap for Plant Genome Editing

    • 優惠價: 3599

    This open access book is an update of genome editing techniques applied to a range of plants. We dis... more

    A Roadmap for Plant Genome Editing

    A Roadmap for Plant Genome Editing

    • 優惠價: 2999

    This open access book is an update of genome editing techniques applied to a range of plants. We dis... more

    The Rotters

    The Rotters

    • 優惠價: 714

    school children about learning the importance of dental health, brilliantly illustrated by Agnès Ernoult. It’s also an ideal...... more

    Witnessing and Psychoanalysis: As If It Never Happened

    Witnessing and Psychoanalysis: As If It Never Happened

    • 優惠價: 6600

    éfabert’s own thinking and clinical practice. Réfabert’s work invites analysts to reflect on the inception of psychic life...... more

    Witnessing and Psychoanalysis: As If It Never Happened

    Witnessing and Psychoanalysis: As If It Never Happened

    • 優惠價: 1759

    éfabert’s own thinking and clinical practice. Réfabert’s work invites analysts to reflect on the inception of psychic life...... more

    Henri Rapin, a decorator between Art Nouveau and Art Deco

    Henri Rapin, a decorator between Art Nouveau and Art Deco

    • 優惠價: 5995

    Henri Rapin (1873-1939) is a prime example of the artist-decorator of the early 20th century. Althou... more

    Entrepreneurship: a solution to the problem of youth unemployment

    Entrepreneurship: a solution to the problem of youth unemployment

    • 優惠價: 2365

    Abstract: Is entrepreneurship a solution to youth unemployment in Côte d’Ivoire? An analysis of the ... more

    Incidence and Severity Study of Banana Bacterial Wilt (BWX)

    Incidence and Severity Study of Banana Bacterial Wilt (BWX)

    • 優惠價: 2420

    Banana cultivation is of great importance to human nutrition in the eastern part of the Democratic R... more

    No More Ear Buns!

    No More Ear Buns!

    • 優惠價: 266

    "Many things bother Dagfrid. Her name, for starters. And life as a viking girl isn’t exactly a piece... more

    Secret Viking Wishes

    Secret Viking Wishes

    • 優惠價: 266

    Viking gender roles are turned on their head! Dagfrid’s brother, Odalrik, has turned sixteen years old. For his...... more

    Transference in Institutional Work with Psychosis and Autism: The Transferential Constellation

    Transference in Institutional Work with Psychosis and Autism: The Transferential Constellation

    • 優惠價: 2694

    Transference in Institutional Work with Psychosis and Autism presents Pierre Delion’s extensive experience in...... more

    Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies

    Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies

    • 優惠價: 2397

    A collection of essays that encompass the two principal approaches to the history of ancient Near Ea... more

    Shandean Psychoanalysis: Tristram Shandy, Madness and Trauma

    Shandean Psychoanalysis: Tristram Shandy, Madness and Trauma

    • 優惠價: 1649

    : the monologue by Tristram’s embryo in the opening chapter, the war traumas of Captain Toby and Corporal Trim and several...... more

    Shandean Psychoanalysis: Tristram Shandy, Madness and Trauma

    Shandean Psychoanalysis: Tristram Shandy, Madness and Trauma

    • 優惠價: 6600

    : the monologue by Tristram’s embryo in the opening chapter, the war traumas of Captain Toby and Corporal Trim and several...... more

    Plant Biotechnology: Experience and Future Prospects

    Plant Biotechnology: Experience and Future Prospects

    • 優惠價: 13199

    Written in easy to follow language, the book presents cutting-edge agriculturally relevant plant bio... more

    The Alps 1900. a Portrait in Color

    The Alps 1900. a Portrait in Color

    • 優惠價: 12000

    Jungfrau, the Matterhorn, and their glaciers. Tourism began in the late 1800s and grew tremendously over the next centuries...... more

    The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought

    The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought

    • 優惠價: 7425

    The book responds to the need for greater clarity regarding the relationship between descriptive, ev... more

    The Nested Games of Brexit

    The Nested Games of Brexit

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This book offers a novel perspective on the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, providing insights to the ways in...... more

    Innovations, Reinvented Politics and Representative Democracy

    Innovations, Reinvented Politics and Representative Democracy

    • 優惠價: 3177
    In the Shadow of History: Sinn Fã(c)in 1926â "70

    In the Shadow of History: Sinn Fã(c)in 1926â "70

    • 優惠價: 2277

    From 1926 onward, Sinn Féin, which had been instrumental in the revolutionary period of 1919-23, fad... more

    Plant Biotechnology: Experience and Future Prospects

    Plant Biotechnology: Experience and Future Prospects

    • 優惠價: 13199
    Formal Concept Analysis: 16th International Conference, Icfca 2021, Strasbourg, France, June 29-July 2, 2021, Proceedings

    Formal Concept Analysis: 16th International Conference, Icfca 2021, Strasbourg, France, June 29-July 2, 2021, Proceedings

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysi... more

    Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies

    Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies

    • 優惠價: 7797

    A collection of essays that encompass the two principal approaches to the history of ancient Near Ea... more

    VEGF Gene Polymorphisms in Behçet Disease

    VEGF Gene Polymorphisms in Behçet Disease

    • 優惠價: 2192
    The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices

    The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices

    • 優惠價: 361
    The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices

    The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices

    • 優惠價: 855
    Review on Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing Techniques

    Review on Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing Techniques

    • 優惠價: 2370
    From Freud to Kafka: The Paradoxical Foundation of the Life-And-Death Instinct

    From Freud to Kafka: The Paradoxical Foundation of the Life-And-Death Instinct

    • 優惠價: 7150
    Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt - For the Use of Students and Travellers

    Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt - For the Use of Students and Travellers

    • 優惠價: 1209

    "Manual of Egyptian Archaeology" is a detailed guide to the study of Ancient Egypt, with reference t... more

    Applied Stochastic Control of Jump Diffusions

    Applied Stochastic Control of Jump Diffusions

    • 優惠價: 4199

    The main purpose of the book is to give a rigorous introduction to the most important and useful sol... more

    Printed Circuit Board - Monograph

    Printed Circuit Board - Monograph

    • 優惠價: 2370
    Monograph on Environmental Pollution

    Monograph on Environmental Pollution

    • 優惠價: 2370
    Non-Violent Resistance: Irreverence in Irish Culture

    Non-Violent Resistance: Irreverence in Irish Culture

    • 優惠價: 4302

    The scrutiny of Irish culture through the lens of humour is highly revealing, contributing to an alt... more

    Non-Violent Resistance: Counter-Discourse in Irish Culture

    Non-Violent Resistance: Counter-Discourse in Irish Culture

    • 優惠價: 4302

    This volume assesses the role of counter-discourses as non-violent forms of resistance to the status... more