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    與神對話 I

    與神對話 I

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    一個結過五次婚、有九個小孩的男人,在他個人事業最不順遂時,神來之筆,「寫」出了這本「驚世之作」。 在這本書裡,神透過作者「直接的」和你一起討論你所有生命與生活中各個層面上的問題: 「人的一生到... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 395

    《與神對話》共分為三部曲,總共花了六年的時間才完成。三部曲涵蓋的題材非常的廣博精深,從人與人的關係說到宇宙的結構、生與死、婚姻與性、精神與宗教、工作與志業、罪與罰,甚至教育、經濟、政治、社會,以及如何... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 316

    這是一部非比尋常的文獻,一部向你顯示了你自己和全人類面目的三部曲。 第一部,是神的擁抱:大大的、溫暖的環抱著你的雙肩。第二部,也是神同等的愛,但把肩膀輕輕的搖撼了一下。是叫人覺醒的呼喚,是叫人走向... more

    半導體物理與元件 4/e

    半導體物理與元件 4/e

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 912

    本書乃原作者Neamen多年編寫半導體物理與元件教科書的結晶,目前已為國內、外大學半導體物理與元件課程的主要教材之ㄧ。 本書選材適中,內容條理分明,架構清楚完整,可使讀者以大學的普通物理、簡易的固... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 475

    本書三位作者具備豐富的家庭社會工作經驗和學養。全書內容以家庭系統為架構,理論與實務並重,不僅對家庭社會工作的歷史與哲理詳加闡述,亦提供了清楚的工作步驟和具體的處遇技術。同時將家庭多元性、性別議題、文化... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 428

    《心理診斷與人格測驗手冊》主要是關於心理診斷的假設及人格結構和功能方面的評估,內含魏氏智力量表、羅氏墨跡測驗、投射畫及班達視覺動作完形測驗,可以說這些最被廣為使用的心理診斷工具的詮釋性假設的綜合性結論... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 314

    《創造力與創新教育:創造力教學實務指引》是一本有關於認識、學習和教導創造力與創新的實用指南書,它可以提升個人在生活和專業學習領域的創意表現。適用於教育行政人員、教師、有志於教育工作的未來教師和從事創意... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    困惑、惱怒,還有沮喪; 《情感@設計》則解釋了為什麼它們也必須迷人、賞心悅目,以及充滿樂趣。 作者簡介 唐納.諾曼(Donald A. Norman) 曾被美國《商業週刊》選為全球最具影響力設計師之一,兼具教授、企業高階主管與顧問的...... more

    Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach(Asia Edition)(3版)

    Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach(Asia Edition)(3版)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1482

    Learn to market effectively using social media with the unique emphasis and best practices found onl... more

    Supply Chain Logistics Management(5版)

    Supply Chain Logistics Management(5版)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1216

    The Fifth Edition of Supply Chain Logistics Management presents Logistics in the context of integrat... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    1944年秋天,曾經許下重返菲律賓承諾的麥克阿瑟率領大軍向雷伊泰灣開進,與日軍在太平洋上爆發了一場史無前例的激烈海戰. 在這場海戰中,日軍投下了剩餘的所有海軍力量,展開了瘋狂的 < 捷一號 > 作戰計... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 1785

    專為犬貓正常影像的深入判讀,使診斷更精確達到更佳的治療 以這本詳盡的圖譜學習犬貓正常放射線解剖學的範圍。精通本書將可使診斷更精確並達到更佳的治療效果! 全書皆為高對比的數位影像,除提供正常影像... more

    獸醫放射診斷學 第七版

    獸醫放射診斷學 第七版

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 2295

    以這本放射技術與判讀指南進行臨床實務的準備! 利用這份一站式資源來掌握獸醫放射診斷學的最新發展,包括犬貓的放射診斷學、超音波、MRI與CT。 全新第七版的重要特點,包括: • 全新!新... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 285

    更好的政策要靠更好的佐證,而《大數據與公共政策》一書,讓追求這件事變得有趣。這本輕薄小書處理的都是大難題,卻能透過生動的故事、清楚易懂的例子,說明分析要怎麼做才會有用—也就是要能讓政策制定者聽得進去、... more

    Raspberry Pi x Python x Prolog:虛實整合的AI人工智慧專案開發實戰

    Raspberry Pi x Python x Prolog:虛實整合的AI人工智慧專案開發實戰

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 522

    利用Raspberry Pi開發人工智慧的應用 本書會討論到許多主要的AI主題,包含專家系統、淺層與深度機器學習、模糊邏輯控制等等。我們會在Raspberry Pi上透過Python程式語言來示範... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 646

    本書融合兩個領域的教育研究。一是「教學如何影響學習」的研究。這就包括了1970年代早期以來的眾多研究。這方面的研究原來是所謂有效教學的研究,但後來範圍擴大,而包括了教師與學生的認知、建構主義、以理解為... more

    Career Paths:Logistics Student’s Book with DigiBooks App

    Career Paths:Logistics Student’s Book with DigiBooks App

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 665

    Description Career Paths: Logisticsis a new educational resource for Logistics professionals who w... more

    Hospitality Financial Accounting

    Hospitality Financial Accounting

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 2014

    In Hospitality Financial Accounting, the authors behind North America s leading accounting textbooks... more

    Contact : Customer Service in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

    Contact : Customer Service in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1891

    For courses in sales and marketing in hospitality/travel, tourism, and customer service, this book d... more

    The Hotel and Restaurant Business, 6/e

    The Hotel and Restaurant Business, 6/e

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1891

    The Hotel and Restaurant Business Sixth Edition Donald E. Lundberg Completely updated to cover current trends and...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 789

    Donald Walsch 結過五次婚、有九個小孩,在個人事業最不順遂時,神來之筆,「寫」出了《與神對話》這本「驚世之作」。之後,他整個人生觀與生活都改變了。他創立了一個名為「再創造」(ReCreation)的組織,專門致力於傳播自己所領悟的喜悅...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 331

    深刻影響全球千萬讀者生命 跨越文化與國界,震撼靈性圈的現象級作家 暢銷書《與神對話》作者尼爾.唐納.沃許最新力作! 與神對話,從來不是某些人的專屬特權, 在神與你之間,更不需要任何權威詮釋。 你需要的... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 181

    每個人都是小靈魂,記得你與神做過的約定嗎? 《與神對話》作者尼爾獻給全球大小讀者們,最淺顯易懂、也最觸動人心的精采繪本! 中英雙語版全新增訂 《小靈魂與太陽》全新增訂中英雙語版,藉由中英文... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 337

    全世界2,000萬人在讀他的書 「與神對話」三千頁內容的精華版+實踐版 神給世人的首要訊息是:你們誤會我了! ---------------------------------------------... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 181

    小靈魂探險系列第二彈! 獻給全球大小讀者們,最淺顯易懂、也最觸動人心的精采繪本! 中英雙語版全新增訂 《小靈魂與地球》全新增訂中英雙語版,藉由中英文淺顯易懂並生動的表達,讓我們能夠直接迎向... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 210

    生命中隨時可能遇上的失敗和改變,並提供療癒和應用的實用技能。 作者簡介 尼爾.唐納.沃許(Neale Donald Walsch) 非營利組織「與神對話基金會」創始者,並建立「人道團隊」,致力催生一種展新的靈性形式。 一九九二年,在他...... more

    哈利波特:迷你巫師棋組 Harry Potter Wizard Chess Set

    哈利波特:迷你巫師棋組 Harry Potter Wizard Chess Set

    • 優惠價: 450

    哈利波特:迷你巫師棋組 《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》經典場景重現!巫師棋是巫師和女巫們最喜歡的休閒娛樂之一,其玩法和西洋棋相同,但特別的是,巫師棋是活生生的棋子,不只會自行移動,更不時會給玩家下... more

    哈利波特:海格給哈利的生日蛋糕【附演員原音音效】Harry Potter: Hagrid with Harry’s Birthday Cake (“You’re a Wizard, Harry”): With Sound! (RP Minis)

    哈利波特:海格給哈利的生日蛋糕【附演員原音音效】Harry Potter: Hagrid with Harry’s Birthday Cake (“You’re a Wizard, Harry”): With Sound! (RP Minis)

    • 優惠價: 399

    Celebrate Harry Potter’s birthday (or your own—or a fellow Wizarding World fan s) with this one-of-a... more

    哈利波特行李箱豪華收藏組(附入學信、劫盜地圖、魔杖筆、巧克力蛙別針等)Harry Potter: Hogwarts Trunk Collectible Set

    哈利波特行李箱豪華收藏組(附入學信、劫盜地圖、魔杖筆、巧克力蛙別針等)Harry Potter: Hogwarts Trunk Collectible Set

    • 優惠價: 899

    官方授權 哈利波特行李箱豪華收藏組 收錄七大經典魔法道具和用品 終於等到期盼已久的入學信!拿出和魔法界名人哈利波特同款的行李箱,整理入學的必備物品,帶上七大經典的魔法道具和用品,準備展開精彩的魔法... more

    迷你桌上型摔門神器Desktop Door Slam: With Sound!

    迷你桌上型摔門神器Desktop Door Slam: With Sound!

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 303

    Release your aggression withDesktop Door Slam--the perfect desk accessory for fun yet effective stre... more

    哈利波特:怪獸的怪獸書迷你版(會咬會動附音效)Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps!

    哈利波特:怪獸的怪獸書迷你版(會咬會動附音效)Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps!

    • 優惠價: 379

    怪獸的怪獸書迷你版 「怪獸的怪獸書」不只是霍格華茲奇獸飼育學課程指定教科書,也是海格送給哈利的 13 歲生日禮物。迷你版「怪獸的怪獸書」搭配音效,不只會兇猛的張嘴咬,還可如劇情中在房間裡四處亂竄,... more

    哈利波特:時光器項鍊 Harry Potter Time-Turner Kit (Revised, All-Metal Construction)

    哈利波特:時光器項鍊 Harry Potter Time-Turner Kit (Revised, All-Metal Construction)

    • 優惠價: 359

    哈利波特:時光器項鍊 只要轉動時光器項鍊上的沙漏,配戴項鍊的人就可以時空旅行回到過去,也因此時光器受到魔法部的嚴格管控。在《哈利波特3:阿茲卡班的逃犯》中,妙麗特別獲准使用時光器,幫助她解決衝堂的... more

    哈利波特:魁地奇收藏套組(內含金探子、搏格、快浮)Harry Potter Collectible Quidditch Set (Includes Removeable Golden Snitch!)

    哈利波特:魁地奇收藏套組(內含金探子、搏格、快浮)Harry Potter Collectible Quidditch Set (Includes Removeable Golden Snitch!)

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 1108

    This new and improved edition of the Harry Potter Quidditch Collectible Set features a Golden Snitch... more

    哈利波特:占卜學水晶球迷你版(附燈光) Harry Potter Divination Crystal Ball: Lights Up!

    哈利波特:占卜學水晶球迷你版(附燈光) Harry Potter Divination Crystal Ball: Lights Up!

    • 優惠價: 349

    哈利波特:占卜學水晶球迷你版(附燈光) 占卜學開課囉!在《哈利波特 3:阿茲卡班的逃犯》中,升上三年級的哈利第一次上占卜學,課堂中崔老妮教授不只預言了哈利的死亡,她戲劇性而充滿神祕色彩的發言也讓人... more

    哈利波特斜角巷豪華收藏組(附海格雨傘魔杖筆、毛毛球玩偶、斜角巷地圖、預言家日報等)Harry Potter Diagon Alley Collectible Set

    哈利波特斜角巷豪華收藏組(附海格雨傘魔杖筆、毛毛球玩偶、斜角巷地圖、預言家日報等)Harry Potter Diagon Alley Collectible Set

    • 優惠價: 999

    【官方授權】哈利波特:斜角巷豪華收藏組 來到倫敦查令十字街的破釜酒吧,在店後方的外牆往上數三塊,再往旁邊數兩塊磚塊敲三下,斜角巷入口即可開啟囉。這裡不只可以買到霍格華茲就學必備的所有物品,還可以買... more

    哈利波特:護法珍藏組(夜光牌卡+筆記本+貼紙)Harry Potter Patronus Guided Journal and Inspiration Card Set

    哈利波特:護法珍藏組(夜光牌卡+筆記本+貼紙)Harry Potter Patronus Guided Journal and Inspiration Card Set

    • 優惠價: 599

    Officially licensed Wizarding World gift set including a Patronus-themed interactive journal, sticke... more

    Harry Potter Dark Arts Mini Deck and Guidebook

    Harry Potter Dark Arts Mini Deck and Guidebook

    • 優惠價: 349

    Explore the mysterious world of the Dark Arts within the Wizarding World, with this unique, official... more

    Harry Potter Magical Creatures Deck and Interactive Book

    Harry Potter Magical Creatures Deck and Interactive Book

    • 優惠價: 499

    Engage with all your favorite magical creatures from the Wizarding World with this one-of-a-kind gif... more

    哈利波特:魔法咒語牌卡組(40張咒語牌卡+手冊) Harry Potter: Spell Deck and Interactive Book of Magic

    哈利波特:魔法咒語牌卡組(40張咒語牌卡+手冊) Harry Potter: Spell Deck and Interactive Book of Magic

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 525

    From Patronus-casting to the cursed Avada Kedavra, this spell deck and book set is your guide to the... more

    Trump: The Art of the Deal

    Trump: The Art of the Deal

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 221
    Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered

    Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 692
    Covert Decisions

    Covert Decisions

    • 優惠價: 1822

    this globe-trotting thriller, Donald Peters offers a gripping insight into the complexities of international terrorism...... more

    Covert Decisions

    Covert Decisions

    • 優惠價: 1252

    this globe-trotting thriller, Donald Peters offers a gripping insight into the complexities of international terrorism...... more



    • 優惠價: 872

    Early 21st century America simmers with colliding ideologies, torn between nostalgia for a romantici... more



    • 優惠價: 302

    Early 21st century America simmers with colliding ideologies, torn between nostalgia for a romantici... more

    Trees You Want to Know

    Trees You Want to Know

    • 優惠價: 816

    Trees You Want to Know, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history... more

    Sir Beves of Hamtoun. A Metrical Romance. Now First Edited from the Auchinleck MS.

    Sir Beves of Hamtoun. A Metrical Romance. Now First Edited from the Auchinleck MS.

    • 優惠價: 3845
    Sir Beves of Hamtoun. A Metrical Romance. Now First Edited from the Auchinleck MS.

    Sir Beves of Hamtoun. A Metrical Romance. Now First Edited from the Auchinleck MS.

    • 優惠價: 2745
    Fairies and Sorcery

    Fairies and Sorcery

    • 優惠價: 760

    A tale of fairies and sorcery begins when a green fairy dares to come and find her cousin in the for... more

    Fairies and Sorcery

    Fairies and Sorcery

    • 優惠價: 1292

    A tale of fairies and sorcery begins when a green fairy dares to come and find her cousin in the for... more

    Nature’s Writers: Mentored by the Land

    Nature’s Writers: Mentored by the Land

    • 優惠價: 1330

    John Muir to Terry Tempest Williams to Barbara Kingsolver. Since 2019, Donald S. Clark has documented the places that have...... more

    ’A Seditious and Sinister Tribe’: The Crimean Tatars and Their Khanate

    ’A Seditious and Sinister Tribe’: The Crimean Tatars and Their Khanate

    • 優惠價: 1520

    , eminent scholar Donald Rayfield shows that this misunderstood and much-feared nation was, in fact, a flourishing state with a...... more

    American Memory Hole: How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation

    American Memory Hole: How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation

    • 優惠價: 1330

    Donald Jeffries takes another deep dive down the historical rabbit holes with American Memory Hole: How the Court...... more

    Daddy Cool

    Daddy Cool

    • 優惠價: 644

    thriller from Donald Goines, the OG master of urban lit . . . Nobody’s better at taking out bodies than Larry Jackson, aka...... more

    The Spy in the Elevator

    The Spy in the Elevator

    • 優惠價: 708

    The Spy in the Elevator, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human histor... more

    Quotations of Donald John Trump

    Quotations of Donald John Trump

    • 優惠價: 492

    A Pocket-sized Collection of Quotations by Donald Trump in an Elegant Hardcover Edition...... more

    Introduction to Financial Mathematics: With Computer Applications

    Introduction to Financial Mathematics: With Computer Applications

    • 優惠價: 4499

    This book’s primary objective is to educate aspiring finance professionals about mathematics and com... more

    Waters of Wealth: The Story of the Kootenai River and Libby Dam

    Waters of Wealth: The Story of the Kootenai River and Libby Dam

    • 優惠價: 825

    Waters of Wealth was first published four years after the dedication of Libby Dam in 1975. Author Donald Spritzer...... more

    The vz. 52 Rifle Series

    The vz. 52 Rifle Series

    • 優惠價: 950

    The history of the vz. 52 and vz. 52/57 rifles is far more dynamic than the rifles themselves. While... more

    In Sacred Relationship

    In Sacred Relationship

    • 優惠價: 568

    In Sacred Relationship provides a new spiritual compass, assisting us in navigating today’s turbulen... more

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