

    您輸入的關鍵字: Billy (CON)


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    解剖Billy Showell水彩植物畫:世界級藝術家的傳奇畫作及其技法【精裝典藏版】

    解剖Billy Showell水彩植物畫:世界級藝術家的傳奇畫作及其技法【精裝典藏版】

    全球首屈一指的水彩植物畫畫家 寫實、細膩,令人驚嘆的彩繪技法 精裝典藏畫集 磅礡登場 比莉.舒薇爾筆下的花卉、蔬果精美絕倫,廣受世界各地不少人的歡迎與讚賞。翻閱這本裝幀華美的畫集,便能細細... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(13)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(13)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    那隻蝙蝠代表的是 黑闇 還是 光明 呢? 在美國,這個蝙蝠是從1940年代起變成家喻戶曉的漫畫角色, 但實際上,這神秘的蝙蝠長久以來一直影響著人類的歷史黑暗面。 然後, 那個男人的真面目也... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(14)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(14)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    那隻蝙蝠代表的是 黑闇 還是 光明 呢? 在美國,這個蝙蝠是從1940年代起變成家喻戶曉的漫畫角色, 但實際上,這神秘的蝙蝠長久以來一直影響著人類的歷史黑暗面。 某個男人終於實現願望, ... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(20)完

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(20)完

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    ★震撼人類歷史的完結篇登場!! 再見了BILLY BAT!!再見了人類!! 下山事件、登陸月球、十字架的救世主、 伊賀之亂、暗殺甘迺迪、聖方濟•沙勿略、 東京奧運、愛因斯坦、希特勒、 ... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(01)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(01)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    那隻蝙蝠代表的是 黑闇 還是 光明 呢? 美國的日系漫畫家-凱文,被捲入了日本戰後最大的陰謀謎團 下山事件 (1949年行蹤不明的國鐵總裁下山定則在常磐線綾瀨站附近遭列車輾斃)之中,在這起事件的背... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(19)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(19)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    即將解開所有的謎團,拯救世界的旅程開幕-- 地球正在朝向崩壞。 雖然知道的這件事實, 卻還是看不見比利的凱文‧古德曼, 決定前往巴斯克地區 尋找他的心之師父,凱文‧山縣... ... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(18)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(18)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    「天然」的蝙蝠漫畫家全部消失,人類文明的最後曙光也即將熄滅... 無法看見比利蝙蝠、也無法聽到比利蝙蝠聲音的凱文, 為了找尋謎底,他前往了「時間卷軸」所指示的巴斯克地區。 然而,那只是他未... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(17)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(17)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    世界即將發生空前的危機,即將迎來人類的毀滅之日... 「紐約」、「兩座高塔」、「飛機攻擊」, 提米所描繪的令人不忍正視的比利蝙蝠版本-- 為了要避免人類發生史上前所未有的悲劇, 凱文決... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(16)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(16)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    ★掌握蝙蝠的人就能操控未來、神祕的數字預知了世界浩劫? 2001年,美國倒下了兩座高塔。 殘破不堪的混沌開始了-- 比利最後所說的話, 跟凱文腦中的想像產生了共鳴……。... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(15)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(15)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    1990年、激情的那一年!! 時代的寵兒、預言者、天才... 畫出世界稱許的全新「比利蝙蝠」的凱文!! 但是比利卻對凱文說出了令人驚愕的事實...!? 人類將會迎向怎樣恐怖的未來!? ... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(09)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(09)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    1922年,訪日的愛因斯坦和年輕時的雜風。 1920年,胸口刺著蝙蝠刺青的殺人犯和紙芝居作家雜風。 他們唯一的共通點,就是蝙蝠--!!... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(11)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(11)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    從1924年到1964年, 有3個漫畫家相信出現在耳邊的那個聲音, 就是來自於不可思議的BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠... 後來那隻蝙蝠卻造成了歷史上的神秘SF事件, 無法解讀,無法判斷... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(10)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(10)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    從1964年的紀伊半島光森村, 到1924年的洛杉磯。 過去就是明日,未來也會成為昨日。... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(04)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(04)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    In the 1960’s, Golden Age of America…… 一九六0年代, 美國的黃金時代, 那隻影響人類歷史的蝙蝠, 又會掀起什麼樣的波瀾……?... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(08)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(08)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    1581年→1964年 相隔了三百八十年之久, 卷軸的爭奪戰再度展開── 舞台就在舉辦東京奧運會而沸騰的日本!! 作者簡介 長崎尚志、浦澤直樹 明星大學經濟學部畢。1983年以『BET... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(05)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(05)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    In 1960 from Southern U.S. “Deep South” To State of Texas Dallas of 1962. That case happens ... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(07)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(07)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    1963年11月22日, 達拉斯的埃爾姆街── 歷史巨輪「按照預定」開始轉動了!! 暗殺甘迺迪的兇手就是......... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(03)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(03)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    從遙遠的異國西班牙,到戰國時代的忍者之里伊賀—— 那主掌人類歷史的蝙蝠,他的秘密是否能夠被送達目的地?... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(02)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(02)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    那隻蝙蝠織出一段 黑闇 與 光明 的歷史!! 兩千年前,一個不知名的地方。 有個人肩上背負著重物,赤腳走著。 瘋狂的群眾向這人扔擲石塊, 將這人打的渾身是血。這副景象,深深烙印在一個男... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(06)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(06)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    凱文正努力想要阻止暗殺甘迺迪總統的計畫, 奧茲華卻不管甘迺迪,聽比利的命令,要保護凱文的生命安全。 這兩個人的命運交會在一起──!!... more

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(12)

    BILLY BAT比利蝙蝠(12)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    1981年,那個人再度現身了… 然後,又走往相同的方向集結。... more

    比莉 Billie

    比莉 Billie

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 351

    珍妮與小黑狗比莉互相拯救的故事 ”但珍妮卻不知, 比莉也默默地許下了同樣承諾。” 小黑狗比莉住在充滿美麗茶園的杭州, 但活潑好動的她從都沒有到處玩耍。不管風吹雨淋或是炎熱夏日, 比莉總是被綁... more

    Uncle Billy 會唱歌的烘焙書(BD)

    Uncle Billy 會唱歌的烘焙書(BD)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    故事描述一家烘培屋如何?病友們學烘培,不但烘培餅乾給自己吃,也可分享親朋好友,而將其取名為『會唱歌的烘培書』,是不是讓人感覺很溫馨、很親切、很喜悅。... more

    Penguin 3 (Pre-Int): Billy Elliott with Audio CDs/2片

    Penguin 3 (Pre-Int): Billy Elliott with Audio CDs/2片

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 342

    Eleven-year old Billy Elliot is different from other boys. He is not very clever or good at sport. T... more

    Macmillan(Beginner): Billy Budd

    Macmillan(Beginner): Billy Budd

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 124
    PM Plus Red (3) Jack and Billy

    PM Plus Red (3) Jack and Billy

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 171

    This is the second book in the series about Jack and Billy. Jack has made a car by painting a box an... more

    PM Plus Red (5) Billy is Hiding

    PM Plus Red (5) Billy is Hiding

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 171

    Description Jack’s little brother Billy cannot be found when Mum wants to take the boys out. This ... more

    Henry Goes to the Zoo con Su Abuelo

    Henry Goes to the Zoo con Su Abuelo

    • 優惠價: 1320

    Henry is excited to visit the zoo with his Abuelo. During his visit to the zoo he sees a wolf, a mon... more

    Como un hijo con su padre: Sentando la base para los hijos espirituales

    Como un hijo con su padre: Sentando la base para los hijos espirituales

    • 優惠價: 646

    Hoy en día, más que en cualquier otro momento de la historia, hay una generación sin padre - una gen... more

    Café con Leche

    Café con Leche

    • 優惠價: 608

    Tyisha is a young lady who suffers far too much at an early age. Her color, her place of birth, the ... more

    Pickpocket Chessboard: The billionaire over night con man

    Pickpocket Chessboard: The billionaire over night con man

    • 優惠價: 769

    Hustlers were everywhere in the world looking for the perfect trick to make off with a buck. It did ... more

    Como un hijo con su padre: Sentando la base para los hijos espirituales

    Como un hijo con su padre: Sentando la base para los hijos espirituales

    • 優惠價: 1102

    Hoy en día, más que en cualquier otro momento de la historia, hay una generación sin padre - una gen... more

    The Confessions of a con man as Told to Will Irwin

    The Confessions of a con man as Told to Will Irwin

    • 優惠價: 1812

    A memoir by a former con artist, recounting his experiences as a fraudster and the methods he used t... more

    Il Precursore Italiano di Carlo Marx Giuseppe Pecchio: Saggi Critici con Prefazione di Giacomo Bar

    Il Precursore Italiano di Carlo Marx Giuseppe Pecchio: Saggi Critici con Prefazione di Giacomo Bar

    • 優惠價: 1812

    Il Precursore Italiano di Carlo Marx is an examination of the life and works of Giuseppe Pecchio, an... more

    Biografia con Alquante Poesie Inedite di Giannina Milli, Improvvisatrice

    Biografia con Alquante Poesie Inedite di Giannina Milli, Improvvisatrice

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Raggi explores the life and poetry of Giannina Milli, a famous improviser from Italy. He uses unpubl... more

    Compendio de la Gramática Castellana: En Conformidad con los Acuerdos de la Academia Española

    Compendio de la Gramática Castellana: En Conformidad con los Acuerdos de la Academia Española

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This Spanish grammar compendium follows the guidelines of the Spanish Royal Academy and includes all... more

     Accession of James the First ... [con

    Accession of James the First ... [con

    • 優惠價: 2252

    Gain insight into the history of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland with this detailed account by Ja... more

    L’Unione Popolare fra i Cattolici D’Italia: Ragioni-Scopi-Incitamenti. 3. Ediz. Riveduta con Nuova P

    L’Unione Popolare fra i Cattolici D’Italia: Ragioni-Scopi-Incitamenti. 3. Ediz. Riveduta con Nuova P

    • 優惠價: 1647

    In this passionate call to action, Giuseppe Toniolo urges Italian Catholics to unite in the face of ... more

    L’Unione Popolare fra i Cattolici D’Italia: Ragioni-Scopi-Incitamenti. 3. Ediz. Riveduta con Nuova P

    L’Unione Popolare fra i Cattolici D’Italia: Ragioni-Scopi-Incitamenti. 3. Ediz. Riveduta con Nuova P

    • 優惠價: 877

    In this passionate call to action, Giuseppe Toniolo urges Italian Catholics to unite in the face of ... more

    La "Germania" Comparata con la Naturalis Historia di Plinio e con le Opere di Tacito

    La "Germania" Comparata con la Naturalis Historia di Plinio e con le Opere di Tacito

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This scholarly monograph explores the relationship between two ancient works of geography that shape... more

    Conversaciones con el Pueblo Español

    Conversaciones con el Pueblo Español

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This book is a collection of conversations with ordinary people in Spain, exploring their views and ... more

    La Gerusalemme e L’Aminta, con Note di Diversi per Diligenza e Studio

    La Gerusalemme e L’Aminta, con Note di Diversi per Diligenza e Studio

    • 優惠價: 2197

    Experience the epic journey of Jerusalem in this stunning Italian poem by Torquato Tasso. With addit... more

    Opere Poetiche di Dante Alighieri, con Note di Diversi, Tomo Secondo

    Opere Poetiche di Dante Alighieri, con Note di Diversi, Tomo Secondo

    • 優惠價: 2197

    Experience the timeless beauty of Dante’s poetry in this comprehensive collection of his most celebr... more

    God’s Revenge Against Adultery: Awfully Exemplified in the Following Cases of American Crim. con. I. The Accomplished

    God’s Revenge Against Adultery: Awfully Exemplified in the Following Cases of American Crim. con. I. The Accomplished

    • 優惠價: 877

    This book is a collection of morality tales about the dangers of adultery, written by M. L. Weems. T... more

    The Confessions of a con man as Told to Will Irwin

    The Confessions of a con man as Told to Will Irwin

    • 優惠價: 1152

    A memoir by a former con artist, recounting his experiences as a fraudster and the methods he used t... more

    La "Germania" Comparata con la Naturalis Historia di Plinio e con le Opere di Tacito

    La "Germania" Comparata con la Naturalis Historia di Plinio e con le Opere di Tacito

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This scholarly monograph explores the relationship between two ancient works of geography that shape... more

    Conversaciones con el Pueblo Español

    Conversaciones con el Pueblo Español

    • 優惠價: 1152

    This book is a collection of conversations with ordinary people in Spain, exploring their views and ... more

    La Gerusalemme e L’Aminta, con Note di Diversi per Diligenza e Studio

    La Gerusalemme e L’Aminta, con Note di Diversi per Diligenza e Studio

    • 優惠價: 1482

    Experience the epic journey of Jerusalem in this stunning Italian poem by Torquato Tasso. With addit... more

    Opere Poetiche di Dante Alighieri, con Note di Diversi, Tomo Secondo

    Opere Poetiche di Dante Alighieri, con Note di Diversi, Tomo Secondo

    • 優惠價: 1482

    Experience the timeless beauty of Dante’s poetry in this comprehensive collection of his most celebr... more

    Il Precursore Italiano di Carlo Marx Giuseppe Pecchio: Saggi Critici con Prefazione di Giacomo Bar

    Il Precursore Italiano di Carlo Marx Giuseppe Pecchio: Saggi Critici con Prefazione di Giacomo Bar

    • 優惠價: 1152

    Il Precursore Italiano di Carlo Marx is an examination of the life and works of Giuseppe Pecchio, an... more

    Compendio de la Gramática Castellana: En Conformidad con los Acuerdos de la Academia Española

    Compendio de la Gramática Castellana: En Conformidad con los Acuerdos de la Academia Española

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This Spanish grammar compendium follows the guidelines of the Spanish Royal Academy and includes all... more

    Biografia con Alquante Poesie Inedite di Giannina Milli, Improvvisatrice

    Biografia con Alquante Poesie Inedite di Giannina Milli, Improvvisatrice

    • 優惠價: 877

    Raggi explores the life and poetry of Giannina Milli, a famous improviser from Italy. He uses unpubl... more

     Accession of James the First ... [con

    Accession of James the First ... [con

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Gain insight into the history of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland with this detailed account by Ja... more

    God’s Revenge Against Adultery: Awfully Exemplified in the Following Cases of American Crim. con. I. The Accomplished

    God’s Revenge Against Adultery: Awfully Exemplified in the Following Cases of American Crim. con. I. The Accomplished

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This book is a collection of morality tales about the dangers of adultery, written by M. L. Weems. T... more

    From (con)experience in the library, to an eternal romance with books

    From (con)experience in the library, to an eternal romance with books

    • 優惠價: 4675

    The theme of reading is present in various educational research materials; however, the state of the... more

    Sleep Tight, Little Wolf - Ngủ ngon, Sói con yêu (English - Vietnamese): Bilingual children’’s picture book

    Sleep Tight, Little Wolf - Ngủ ngon, Sói con yêu (English - Vietnamese): Bilingual children’’s picture book

    • 優惠價: 594

    Heart-warming bedtime story in two languages (English and Vietnamese) for children from 2 years. Acc... more

    Orando con nuestra Madre dolorosa

    Orando con nuestra Madre dolorosa

    • 優惠價: 468

    Orando con Nuestra Madre Dolorosa es un libro único que explora las riquezas de la vida interior de ... more

    A Day with Aj/Un dia con Aj: A hospital visit/Una visita al hospital

    A Day with Aj/Un dia con Aj: A hospital visit/Una visita al hospital

    • 優惠價: 684

    A Day with AJ is written for children of any age beginning to read. The main character, AJ, is based... more

    A Day with Aj/Un dia con Aj: A hospital visit/Una visita al hospital

    A Day with Aj/Un dia con Aj: A hospital visit/Una visita al hospital

    • 優惠價: 266

    A Day with AJ is written for children of any age beginning to read. The main character, AJ, is based... more

    Nueva matemática, triunfa con la matemática: Matemáticas de letras, divertida, con nuevas tablas matemáticas y nuevos

    Nueva matemática, triunfa con la matemática: Matemáticas de letras, divertida, con nuevas tablas matemáticas y nuevos

    • 優惠價: 605

    Solución a algún problema del milenio: Algunos problemas del milenio se pueden resolver con una mate... more



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