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    Power BI x Copilot x ChatGPT 商業報表設計入門:資料清理、資料模型、資料視覺化到報表共享建立全局觀念

    Power BI x Copilot x ChatGPT 商業報表設計入門:資料清理、資料模型、資料視覺化到報表共享建立全局觀念

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 497

    Stark,憑藉在 Power BI 領域的豐富經驗,為讀者提供全面而深入的學習途徑。 本書從「資料流」的視角切入,全面介紹 Power BI 的各個方面,從資料清理、資料模型建構,到資料視覺化和雲端分享報表等。對於初學者而言,這本書從...... more

    翻倍效率工作術 - 不會就太可惜的Power BI大數據視覺圖表設計與分析(第三版) (附範例/影音)

    翻倍效率工作術 - 不會就太可惜的Power BI大數據視覺圖表設計與分析(第三版) (附範例/影音)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 308

    【博客來連續5年年度百大暢銷書,同主題累積銷售Top 1】 用1張圖,說1000字!大數據商業數字解讀更簡單! 提升資料視覺化效率!掌握 Power BI 的 AI 視覺化智慧分析、善用熱門工具 ChatGPT ‧行銷企劃...... more

    Excel 儀表板與圖表設計 + Power BI 資料處理 (Excel 2019、2021適用)

    Excel 儀表板與圖表設計 + Power BI 資料處理 (Excel 2019、2021適用)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 497

    轉換為有效資訊才行, 而這樣的過程就是我們所說的『商業智慧(BI, business intelligence)』, 製作儀表板(dashboards)就是資料視覺化成果的重要一環。 其實 BI 的概念早就存在很長時間了, 只不過隨著...... more

    Power BI最強入門:AI視覺圖表 + 智慧決策 + 雲端分享 王者歸來(全彩印刷) (第二版)

    Power BI最強入門:AI視覺圖表 + 智慧決策 + 雲端分享 王者歸來(全彩印刷) (第二版)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 513

    Power BI最強入門 AI視覺圖表+智慧決策+雲端分享 王者歸來 ★★★★★【第1本採用2023年Power BI Desktop】★★★★★ ★★★★★【第1本講解AI視覺圖表】★★★★★ ★★★★★【第1名最完整視覺化圖示...... more

    Power BI X ChatGPT:實作大數據篩選分析與商業圖表設計

    Power BI X ChatGPT:實作大數據篩選分析與商業圖表設計

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 450

    ☑多樣的Power BI商務範例,易懂易學又易上手 ☑融會貫通大數據資料分析利器,提高自身商務職場價值 ☑滿足讀者一次了解Power BI三大平台的功能特點 ☑依循step by step的步驟引導,降低學習過程的障礙...... more

    Power BI商業智慧分析(第二版)|數據建模、資料分析、安全分享、平台管理與監控

    Power BI商業智慧分析(第二版)|數據建模、資料分析、安全分享、平台管理與監控

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 553

    業界頂尖顧問教您如何用Power BI分析資料! 商業智慧(Business Intelligence BI)一直都是顯學,因為企業希望全體做任何決策時,能即時取得有效的輔助資訊,以因應快速地變遷與複雜的商業形勢。而精準的分析能夠改善...... more

    Big Data大數據分析使用Power BI視覺化應用與Azure雲端平台

    Big Data大數據分析使用Power BI視覺化應用與Azure雲端平台

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 468

    1.採用Microsoft 微軟所推出Power BI 軟體結合Excel 應用工具,透過步驟化的教學與說明,讓跨領域者與商業數據分析應用技能相互整合。 2.本書囊括資料清理到應用與視覺化分析等專業知識建構,一應俱全。 3.本書...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 522

    資料淘金時代正式來臨,資料即現金 從繁瑣中找整齊,從混亂中找規律看懂本書 分析並預測客戶的消費傾向,企業應用BI正是時候 本書聚焦BIBI 專案,重點介紹BI專案的建設流程和營運技巧,並圍繞BI專案中的場景和人員兩大要素,分享BI...... more

    邊境的老騎士 (5) 巴爾特.羅恩與始祖王的遺產(完)

    邊境的老騎士 (5) 巴爾特.羅恩與始祖王的遺產(完)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 205

    望著伏薩里翁的繁榮景象, 巴爾特對其豐裕的未來感到安心, 於是終於踏上了解開魔獸與精靈之謎的旅途。 恰巧就在此時, 帕魯薩姆王宮卻遭到意料之外的勢力襲擊。 巴爾特面臨了一場陷入劣勢... more

    邊境的老騎士 (1)

    邊境的老騎士 (1)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 189

    老騎士巴爾特察覺自己時日無多, 為了享受珍奇景色與大啖美食, 他向侍奉多年的領主之家遞出了辭呈。 帶著長年形影相隨的一匹馬, 開始一場隨心所欲的旅行。 而他不知道── 這場旅行... more

    迷宮之王 1

    迷宮之王 1

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 124

    原本迷宮的魔獸〈MONSTER〉不會進化跟繼承也不會成長,然而這一天在沙薩東迷宮第十層的BOSS房出現的魔獸卻超乎所有人的想像。不但習性出乎冒險者的既定印象,還能透過戰鬥去學習對手的優點,是個顛覆常識... more

    邊境的老騎士 (2) 新生之森

    邊境的老騎士 (2) 新生之森

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    在劍的引領之下──走向各自的生存之道。 為了敬愛的公主,想狩獵魔獸的女騎士。 被深沉黑暗附身的「赤鴉」──班.伍利略。 把領地託付給妹妹夫婦, 與巴爾特結伴旅行的哥頓。 為了信念、... more

    邊境的老騎士 (3) 巴爾特.羅恩與王國太子

    邊境的老騎士 (3) 巴爾特.羅恩與王國太子

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    老騎士的過去與等著他的未來 老騎士巴爾特.羅恩與哥頓.察爾克斯道別之後, 再次渡河來到奧巴河西岸。 此次渡河是為了前往洛特班城舉行的邊境武術競技會觀戰, 見證女騎士多里亞德沙參加對戰的... more

    邊境的老騎士 (4) 巴爾特.羅恩與不死將軍

    邊境的老騎士 (4) 巴爾特.羅恩與不死將軍

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    指揮由帕魯薩姆、葛立奧拉及蓋涅利亞三國所派出的部隊, 前往剿滅蜂擁而至的魔獸群── 老騎士巴爾特.羅恩心愛的弟子居爾南繼承了帕魯薩姆王位, 並對他下達了此一命令。 對把一生都奉獻在擊退... more

    邊境的老騎士 巴爾特‧羅恩 3

    邊境的老騎士 巴爾特‧羅恩 3

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 133

    身為公主以及人民的老騎士,將要面臨的是長年的恩怨情仇— 「印章」和「雙重漩渦」這兩個造成邊境動盪的謎團, 其實與巴爾特.羅恩所敬愛的愛朵菈之子-居爾南的出生有著關聯, 而仇敵卡爾多斯.寇安... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    決心貫徹冒險者之道的雷肯正式展開旅程。 他受某位商人所託,接下了護衛任務。 同行者是—名自稱本領高強,卻怎麼看都處處外行的女冒險者艾達。 面對魔物與盜賊的襲擊,雷肯能否帶著這樣的隊友安然度... more

    BI生物智慧: 建築創意的源頭

    BI生物智慧: 建築創意的源頭

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 899

    自然界中的多樣性與美麗總是令人嘆為觀止,我們把這意想不到的創造力背後的機制稱為「BI生物智慧(Biological Intelligence)」。設計與建造一座建築與創造一個新的生命有著極高的相似性,我們可以藉由對生物智慧的理解來學習創造...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    〈獨眼狼〉雷肯穿越了在迷宮中所發現的〈黑洞〉,前往異世界。 身為一名冒險者,即使身處異界,也要毫不猶豫地貫徹自身信念。 追求更強的力量、向迷宮挑戰,並擊敗強敵。 然而,這樣的他卻遇上了一輛... more

    Power BI 快速入門

    Power BI 快速入門

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 466

    教學影片,讓您跟著作者一起做,輕鬆掌握Power BI Desktop的使用技巧,全面貫通相關應用! 本書特色 1.說明淺顯易懂,搭配step-by-step步驟引導範例實作,初學與自學的讀者皆能輕鬆上手。 2.獨家!實用的教學影片及...... more

    Window on USA : Listening and Speaking Plus

    Window on USA : Listening and Speaking Plus

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 423

    Window on USA:Listening and Speaking Plus是一本針對大專學生聽力及口說學習而設計的英語教科書,本書以學生赴美求學為根本,來進行內容的編寫; 課程內容包含:相... more

    The Worldwide Memorial Institutions of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (全球孫中山紀念機構-英文版)

    The Worldwide Memorial Institutions of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (全球孫中山紀念機構-英文版)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 95

    Sun, Yat-sen, 1866-1925—Homes and haunts Sun, Yat-sen, 1866-1925—Biography... more

    DAX權威指南:運用Power BI、SQL Server Analysis Services和Excel實現商業智慧分析(第2版)

    DAX權威指南:運用Power BI、SQL Server Analysis Services和Excel實現商業智慧分析(第2版)

    • 優惠價: 1128

    ;你將確切瞭解在運行DAX運算式時,引擎內部所執行的操作,並利用這些知識編寫可以高速運行且健壯的代碼。 《DAX權威指南》第2版的重點內容包括基於免費的Power BI Desktop來構建和運行示例,幫助你在Power Bl、SQL...... more

    Power BI商業數據分析項目實戰

    Power BI商業數據分析項目實戰

    • 優惠價: 479

    本書從Power BI的基礎功能講起,逐步深入到Power BI進階實戰,以業務案例為導向,以Power BI桌面版操作為基礎進行講解,深入講述Power BI在各個業務部門的應用。本書包括7篇共21章內容,分業務場景進行講解。第1篇用1...... more

    從Power BI 到 Power Platform:低代碼應用開發實戰

    從Power BI 到 Power Platform:低代碼應用開發實戰

    • 優惠價: 87 折, 469

    實踐,除了介紹大眾熟知的數據視覺化工具Power BI,還介紹Power Apps、Power Automate、Power Virtual Agents 及萬用群組件(AI Builder、Data Connector、Dataverse...... more

    Dear Bi Men: A Black Man’s Perspective on Power, Consent, Breaking Down Binaries, and Combati Ng Erasure

    Dear Bi Men: A Black Man’s Perspective on Power, Consent, Breaking Down Binaries, and Combati Ng Erasure

    • 優惠價: 758

    "An unapologetic guide for readers who are Black, masc, and bi-unlearning biphobia, coming out, combatting erasure, and...... more

    The Complete Power BI Interview Guide: A modern approach to acing the data analyst interview and landing your dream job

    The Complete Power BI Interview Guide: A modern approach to acing the data analyst interview and landing your dream job

    • 優惠價: 2584

    Build your career in data analytics with this ultimate guide to excelling as a Power BI professionalKey Features Seize...... more

    , and Execute Their Bi

    , and Execute Their Bi

    • 優惠價: 988

    Lauren Wesley Wilson, businesswoman and founder and CEO of ColorComm Corporation uncovers the skills... more

    Should Our Hearts Catch Fire: A Grumpy/Sunshine Bi-awakening MM Romance

    Should Our Hearts Catch Fire: A Grumpy/Sunshine Bi-awakening MM Romance

    • 優惠價: 769

    Ellis has been looking for something for as long as he can remember. It was never important, though.... more

    Musealisation of Communism in Poland and East Central Europe

    Musealisation of Communism in Poland and East Central Europe

    • 優惠價: 4077

    Comparative studies on the exhibitions of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. The conclusions c... more

    Extending Power BI with Python and R - Second Edition: Perform advanced analysis using the power of analytical

    Extending Power BI with Python and R - Second Edition: Perform advanced analysis using the power of analytical

    • 優惠價: 3024

    Ingest, transform, manipulate, and visualize your data beyond Power BI’s capabilities. Purchase of the print or Kindle...... more

     Education department on the Queen’s bi

    Education department on the Queen’s bi

    • 優惠價: 967

    Ryerson Memorial Volume; Prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryerson statute in the gro... more

    Taxonomic study

    Taxonomic study

    • 優惠價: 2820

    Taxonomy is the classification, the sequence of elements forming the components of a domain, a notio... more

    Data Cleaning with Power BI: The definitive guide to transforming dirty data into actionable insights

    Data Cleaning with Power BI: The definitive guide to transforming dirty data into actionable insights

    • 優惠價: 2034

    Unlock the full potential of your data by mastering the art of cleaning, preparing, and transforming data with Power BI...... more

    The Ultimate Power Query Cookbook for Power Bi and Excel: Leveraging Power Query for Collecting, Combining and

    The Ultimate Power Query Cookbook for Power Bi and Excel: Leveraging Power Query for Collecting, Combining and

    • 優惠價: 2197

    "The Ultimate Power Query Cookbook for Power BI and Excel" serves up easy-to-follow recipes that transform data into...... more

    Multifunctional materials: exploiting the versatility of Bi2Se3 for multimodal sensing and zero power sensor systems

    Multifunctional materials: exploiting the versatility of Bi2Se3 for multimodal sensing and zero power sensor systems

    • 優惠價: 3849

    , Bi2Se3 micropillars were achieved for the first time, which are tens of micrometers thick....... more

    My Proposal to France for the Reconquest of Africa

    My Proposal to France for the Reconquest of Africa

    • 優惠價: 2820

    To sum up, my proposal for France’s reconquest of Africa is based on strengthening diplomatic relati... more

    Proceedings of the Bi-centenial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    Proceedings of the Bi-centenial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    • 優惠價: 2910

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Proceedings of the Bi-centenial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    Proceedings of the Bi-centenial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    • 優惠價: 1810

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Power BI: Data Mastery Made Easy

    Power BI: Data Mastery Made Easy

    • 優惠價: 1726

    Unlock the Full Potential of Your Data with the "Power BI Data Mastery Made Easy" Book Bundle! Are you ready to...... more

    Ebimanyererio bi’Abagusii: Totems of Abagusii of Kenya

    Ebimanyererio bi’Abagusii: Totems of Abagusii of Kenya

    • 優惠價: 1100

    Ebimanyererio nigo bire bi’echingencho ao ao ase abanto ao ao. N’enchera eyemo abanto b’ororeria oromo bakomanyana na...... more

    Proceedings of the Bi-centennial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    Proceedings of the Bi-centennial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    • 優惠價: 2910

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Proceedings of the Bi-centennial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    Proceedings of the Bi-centennial Celebration of Richmond County, Staten Island, New York

    • 優惠價: 1810

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Ne Bis in Idem and Multiple Sanctioning Systems: A Case Law Study of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court

    Ne Bis in Idem and Multiple Sanctioning Systems: A Case Law Study of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court

    • 優惠價: 8399
    The Symphony of Resistance

    The Symphony of Resistance

    • 優惠價: 1024

    Abdellatif Laâbi is an internationally renowned poet and activist famous for his support of Arab liberation and unity...... more

    BI-Yker Vixen: More Than I should

    BI-Yker Vixen: More Than I should

    • 優惠價: 760

    self-fulfilled or self-tanked, uplifted or deteriorated. BI-Yker Vixen explores one lady rider’s experience of motorcycle clubs, run...... more

    Celebration of the Bi-centennial Anniversary of the New Jersey Legislature, 1683-1883

    Celebration of the Bi-centennial Anniversary of the New Jersey Legislature, 1683-1883

    • 優惠價: 2910

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Celebration of the Bi-centennial Anniversary of the New Jersey Legislature, 1683-1883

    Celebration of the Bi-centennial Anniversary of the New Jersey Legislature, 1683-1883

    • 優惠價: 1810

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Land Use Mapping and Climate Change

    Land Use Mapping and Climate Change

    • 優惠價: 2880

    Biodiversity conservation in Côte d’Ivoire is a major issue, given its importance, diversity and the... more

    Study of the determinants of smartphone addiction

    Study of the determinants of smartphone addiction

    • 優惠價: 4500

    This book takes stock of the phenomenon of behavioral addition, particularly that of smartphone addi... more

    Bi-centenary Memorial of Jeremiah Carter, Who Came to the Province of Pennsylvania in 1682, Containing a

    Bi-centenary Memorial of Jeremiah Carter, Who Came to the Province of Pennsylvania in 1682, Containing a

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Bi-centenary Memorial of Jeremiah Carter, Who Came to the Province of Pennsylvania in 1682, Containing a

    Bi-centenary Memorial of Jeremiah Carter, Who Came to the Province of Pennsylvania in 1682, Containing a

    • 優惠價: 3295

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    The Future of Finance with ChatGPT and Power BI: Transform your trading, investing, and financial reporting with

    The Future of Finance with ChatGPT and Power BI: Transform your trading, investing, and financial reporting with

    • 優惠價: 2474

    , and data visualization with ChatGPT’s analytics and Power BI’s visuals Key Features: Automate Power BI with ChatGPT for...... more

    Bi-Tandem Priority Queue System

    Bi-Tandem Priority Queue System

    • 優惠價: 1615

    bi-tandem queue network of two parallel biserial subsystems commonly connected to a single server. This analytical study is not...... more

    Nan I Think I’m Bi

    Nan I Think I’m Bi

    • 優惠價: 937

    representation of it in the media? Why are so many bi men in the closet? And why are bi women so oversexualised? Get ready to not...... more

    Stewardship: A Disciples Response

    Stewardship: A Disciples Response

    • 優惠價: 758

    As disciples of Jesus Christ, we must be good stewards of the gifts God has given us. Stewardship is... more

    A Power Bi Compendium: Answers to 50 Commonly Asked Questions on Power Bi

    A Power Bi Compendium: Answers to 50 Commonly Asked Questions on Power Bi

    • 優惠價: 2280

    Are you a reasonably competent Power BI user but still struggling to generate reports that truly tell the story of your...... more

     #Passion to Purpose #Bi

    #Passion to Purpose #Bi

    • 優惠價: 439

    ’Be A Solution Provider: From Passion to Purpose-A Biblical Guide to Being the Answer to the World!’... more

    Beginning Microsoft Power Bi: A Practical Guide to Self-Service Data Analytics

    Beginning Microsoft Power Bi: A Practical Guide to Self-Service Data Analytics

    • 優惠價: 2090

    BI is a hands-on, activity-based guide that takes you through the process of analyzing your data using the tools that...... more

    Beginning Power Bi for Business Users: Learning to Turn Data Into Insights

    Beginning Power Bi for Business Users: Learning to Turn Data Into Insights

    • 優惠價: 3025

    Discover the utility of your organization’s data with Microsoft Power BI In Beginning Power BI for Business Users...... more

    Introduction to cellular literature

    Introduction to cellular literature

    • 優惠價: 2200

    For the general public, but in its second part, this book is a collection of sms grouped into four c... more

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