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    、媽媽追隨的萬人迷蘋果媽媽 用這種方式畫畫,一定簡單、可愛又好看! 超人氣部落客蘋果媽媽Apple Horong 最受歡迎的不藏私可愛畫畫法! 想畫什麼,就畫什麼! 讓大小朋友與親子都愛的快樂畫畫趣,蒐錄最受歡迎、最常用...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    聖桑出生貧寒,早年失怙,兩歲半開始學鋼琴,十歲公開演出,十二歲進入巴黎音樂學院主修管風琴和作曲,畢業後在教堂擔任管風琴師。聖桑與李斯特為好友,作品也深受李斯特影響。《C小調第三號協奏曲》是聖桑獻給李斯... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 238

    以民主為依歸的學校、教室建立模式,已受到許多教育專家的肯定。James A. Beane 與 Michael W. Apple 將美國七位最具有創意的民主教育家集結在一起,透過學校裡發生的真實故事,詳盡地記錄他們是如何將民主教育的想法具體...... more

    蘋果媽媽最受歡迎的超萌塗鴉書(暢銷增訂版) (獨家附贈兩款可愛紙玩偶插卡)

    蘋果媽媽最受歡迎的超萌塗鴉書(暢銷增訂版) (獨家附贈兩款可愛紙玩偶插卡)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    簡單、可愛又好看! 媲美迪士尼角色 可愛度、喜愛度、完成度100% 大小朋友都喜歡的231款人氣圖畫 超人氣插畫家蘋果媽媽Apple Horong 最受歡迎的不藏私可愛畫畫法 【想畫什麼,就畫什麼】 讓大小朋友與...... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 245

    《魔笛》是莫札特創作的最後一齣歌劇,此劇首演後兩個月,莫札特便離開了人世,得年僅36歲。 劇中傳達出共濟會的道德思想,慈善、寬容和邪不勝正的真理。 《古典音樂故事館》共有二十冊繪本,總共介紹了... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    由於母親為鋼琴家,他自幼即展現作曲才華。十三歲進入聖彼得堡音樂學院接受林姆斯基–高沙可夫等人的指導。二十三歲以自創作品《第一號鋼琴協奏曲》參加安東•魯賓斯坦鋼琴比賽,獲得首獎。1917年因俄國革命流亡... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    維瓦地的《四季》是根據一首描寫四季風情的詩創作的,他描述出大自然的聲響〈如鳥聲、風聲、雨聲等〉,也描繪出四季的生活景象,〈如打獵、舞會等〉,讓我們再聆聽音樂十,彷彿也欣賞到一幕幕生動的田員景象。在〈牧... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    傳說海頓再英國倫敦演出他的作品十發現許多上流社會的貴婦並不懂得欣賞音樂,只是附庸風雅的去參加音樂會,甚至在會中打瞌睡。於是,幽默的海頓寫了這首《驚愕交響曲》,以出奇不意的震耳音量來下嚇醒睡夢中的聽眾,... more

    Disney Pixar Cars Five Fast Tales

    Disney Pixar Cars Five Fast Tales

    • 優惠價: 342

    This storybook collection features five early readers based on Disney/Pixar Cars. Starring Lightning... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 245

    柴可夫斯基出生於富裕的中產家庭,法學院畢業後在司法部工作。 1863年師事音樂家安東•魯賓斯坦。1866至1878年於莫斯科音樂學院擔任教授。1876年獲梅克夫人資助專心作曲。他的作品形式豐富,交... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    全台銷量超過3萬本暢銷繪畫書作者 Apple Horong的神奇彩繪著色書 ~因美麗且富有情感的插畫而廣受眾人喜愛, 只是翻閱都覺得心情愉悅~ 結合彩繪著色與心情對話, 在任何時刻都可以試著放鬆與靜心。 現在...... more

    Sheep in a Jeep

    Sheep in a Jeep

    • 優惠價: 342

    "A rollicking, simple story that never loses its bounce" --Boston Globe Here they come, a flock of r... more

    The Chocolate Touch

    The Chocolate Touch

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 277

    In this zany twist on the legend of King Midas and his golden touch, a boy acquires a magical gift t... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    蕭邦六歲開始學鋼琴,八歲公開演奏,十二歲跟華沙音樂學院院長學作曲,但是院長看出他在鋼琴上的天賦,不想以傳統的作曲法限制他的創意。蕭邦果真在日後開創了許多新的鋼琴曲式,如詩意的夜曲、有民族色彩的馬祖卡和... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    《皇家煙火》1749年4月27日,為了慶祝英國合法國第節和平條約,英國在倫敦的綠園(Green Park)舉行盛大的煙火表演。英國國王委任韓德爾創作配合煙火活動的軍樂取。表演當天,「皇家煙火」的音樂會... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    布拉姆斯的父親為低音大提琴演奏者,七歲學習鋼琴,十五歲在酒館演奏貼補家用。十七歲與小提琴家雷梅尼巡迴演奏,接觸匈牙利音樂,結識了小提琴家姚阿幸。二十歲結識對他一生影響最大的舒曼夫婦,他們幫助他在樂壇上... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    葛利格的母親為鋼琴家,自幼跟隨母親學習音樂,十三歲進入德國萊比錫音樂學院就讀。畢業後專心作曲,曾任克利斯地尼亞交響樂團指揮,聲譽揚名國際。葛利格的音樂深受到德國浪漫樂派的影響,並受到好友民族主義樂派作... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    舒伯特年少時曾加入宮廷教堂合唱團並學習樂器,受到宮廷樂長的賞識。曾任家庭鋼琴教師,生活多賴朋友相助,和愛樂的朋友建立「舒伯特雅集」,以音樂自娛娛人。抒情的歌樂風格是舒伯特的音樂特色,他一生創作了六百餘... more

    Sheep in a Shop

    Sheep in a Shop

    • 優惠價: 380

    The "lovable muttonheads" are off to the store in search of the perfect birthday gift in this latest... more

    Your First iPhone Guide - Understanding Your Device from A to Z: Designed for absolute beginners with no prior exposure to iPhones.

    Your First iPhone Guide - Understanding Your Device from A to Z: Designed for absolute beginners with no prior exposure to iPhones.

    • 優惠價: 1119

    Unlock the Full Potential of Your iPhone with "Your First iPhone Guide" by Alex Apple Have you just purchased your...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    孟德爾頌的父親是銀行家,自幼人文素養深厚。九歲開始公開演出,十一歲開始作曲,父親在他十四歲時聘組樂團供他練習指揮和發表作品。他一生富裕順遂,因此作品也洋溢著綺麗與幸福之美。他經常在歐洲各地旅行,根據旅... more

    Sheep in a Jeep (Board Book)

    Sheep in a Jeep (Board Book)

    • 優惠價: 380

    "A rollicking, simple story that never loses its bounce" --Boston Globe Here they come, a flock of r... more

    Sarah Apple Winter Fairy Spotting Guide

    Sarah Apple Winter Fairy Spotting Guide

    • 優惠價: 765

    culture, and will have you wishing for the days to hurry up and shorten! Sarah Apple, known as the "Margaret Mead of Fairies...... more

    Winter Wishes

    Winter Wishes

    • 優惠價: 228

    Share the wintry wishes and dreams of Cinderella, Ariel, and all the Disney Princesses in this sweet... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    西貝流士出生於醫生家庭,九歲開始學琴,十五歲學小提琴。二十歲進入赫爾辛基大學攻讀法律,後專心致力於音樂,獲得獎學金前往柏林和維也納深造。回國後開始以芬蘭民族的文化音樂素材從事創作,1899年的交響詩《... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    德弗札克十六歲進入布拉格管風琴學校就讀,畢業後於捷克國民劇院擔任小提琴手。受到劇院指揮史麥塔納的影響,致力於國民樂派音樂的推展。三十二歲發表《第三號交響曲獲得布接姆斯賞識,在其提拔與教導下揚名歐洲大陸... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    奧芬巴赫為德裔猶太人,十四歲進入巴黎音樂學院就讀,並在歌劇院的管弦樂團工作。三十歲出任法國劇院樂團指揮。三十六歲開設歌劇院,演出自己的作品,以《天堂與地獄》、《美麗的海倫》、《傑羅斯坦公爵夫人》等作品... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    舒曼的父親是書商,自幼深具文學素養。父親過世後,奉母命攻讀法律,但也同時拜師學鋼琴和作曲。舒曼摒棄重形式的古典風格,而致力於重感情和氣氛的浪漫風格,是當時的革新者。和鋼琴家克拉拉成婚之後,創作了百餘首... more

    Living on A Razor’s Edge

    Living on A Razor’s Edge

    • 優惠價: 989

    Based in Darwin, a Detective Commander who is trying to raise four teenage boys on his own after his... more

    Writing the Dash: Drawing Inspiration from Life

    Writing the Dash: Drawing Inspiration from Life

    • 優惠價: 494

    Compelling Memoires - Effective and Cathartic Writing Exercises Linda Apple is an acclaimed author of fiction and nonfiction. She...... more

    iPhone 15: The Complete Senior Guide - Embrace Technology with Confidence: Featuring step-by-step visual instructions and a focus

    iPhone 15: The Complete Senior Guide - Embrace Technology with Confidence: Featuring step-by-step visual instructions and a focus

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Unlock the Power of Your iPhone 15 with Confidence! As a senior, diving into new technology can seem... more

    Arf!: Winston’s Arfsome Real-Life Fables

    Arf!: Winston’s Arfsome Real-Life Fables

    • 優惠價: 494

    MEET WINSTON, A SCOTTISH TERRIER who may be small but is the Top Dog in Charge of his home. With his... more

    Alice Waters & Chez Panisse: The Romantic, Impractical, Often Eccentric, Ultimately Brilliant Making of a Food Revolution

    Alice Waters & Chez Panisse: The Romantic, Impractical, Often Eccentric, Ultimately Brilliant Making of a Food Revolution

    • 優惠價: 1080

    The first authorized biography of "the mother of American cooking" (The New York Times) This adventu... more

    My Growing-Up Library

    My Growing-Up Library

    • 優惠價: 418

    This sturdy carry-along boxed set collects four previously published Sesame Street photographic boar... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    普契尼出生於音樂世家,音樂學校畢業後擔任管風琴師。十八歲欣賞威爾第歌劇《阿依達》深受感動,立志創作歌劇。日後獲得獎學金至米蘭深造。1896年《波希米亞人》大獲成功,名揚國際,奠立了歌劇大師地位。此作品... more

    Rethinking Tourism and Environmental Governance

    Rethinking Tourism and Environmental Governance

    • 優惠價: 1102

    Rethinking Tourism and Environmental Governance Subtitle: A Study of Decision-Making in St. Kitts fo... more

    Big Enough for a Bed

    Big Enough for a Bed

    • 優惠價: 190

    Elmo is just too big for his crib He s finally ready to sleep in a big kid s bed It may take a littl... more

    las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America (Large Print)

    las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America (Large Print)

    • 優惠價: 756

    humor and fast-paced page-turners, then you’ll love Apple An’s inspirational account. Fleeing the aftermath of the Tiananmen...... more

    Las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America (Large Print)

    Las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America (Large Print)

    • 優惠價: 1136

    humor and fast-paced page-turners, then you’ll love Apple An’s inspirational account. Fleeing the aftermath of the Tiananmen...... more

    I Am Dumbo

    I Am Dumbo

    • 優惠價: 190

    This new Little Golden Book is all about the flying elephant from Disney’s Dumbo! This new Little Go... more

    One Year Year One

    One Year Year One

    • 優惠價: 604

    ""1 year, 2 deaths, 3 heartbreaks, 4 illnesses, 5 weeks of hospital, 6 people, 12 months.""... more

    Sheep on a Ship

    Sheep on a Ship

    • 優惠價: 380


    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    威爾第的父親經營鄉間旅館,他自幼向當地的教會風琴師學習音樂理論,之後也在布塞托和米蘭接受正式的音樂教育。 1842年,《拿布果》在米蘭首演成功,獲得肯定。1850年代創作的歌劇《弄臣》、《遊唱詩人... more

    las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America

    las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America

    • 優惠價: 490

    humor and fast-paced page-turners, then you’ll love Apple An’s inspirational account. Fleeing the aftermath of the Tiananmen...... more

    Sheep Out To Eat

    Sheep Out To Eat

    • 優惠價: 304

    The sheep are back, and this time they’re hungry, venturing into a tea shop for even more rollicking... more

    Oak Apples; Otherwise Double Acrostics and Buried Cities

    Oak Apples; Otherwise Double Acrostics and Buried Cities

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This book is a collection of challenging and fascinating acrostic puzzles, as well as a deep dive in... more

    Oak Apples; Otherwise Double Acrostics and Buried Cities

    Oak Apples; Otherwise Double Acrostics and Buried Cities

    • 優惠價: 877

    This book is a collection of challenging and fascinating acrostic puzzles, as well as a deep dive in... more

    las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America

    las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America

    • 優惠價: 832

    humor and fast-paced page-turners, then you’ll love Apple An’s inspirational account. Fleeing the aftermath of the Tiananmen...... more

    Make a Wish for a Rabbit: Mastering Emotions Through Fun Interactive Storytelling

    Make a Wish for a Rabbit: Mastering Emotions Through Fun Interactive Storytelling

    • 優惠價: 1040

    Step into the world of magic where YOU become the magician! Unleash the power of your imagination in... more

    Make a Wish for a Dinosaur: Roar with the dinosaur, hug the dinosaur, rub the dinosaur’s belly! A funny and silly book that will make your kids la

    Make a Wish for a Dinosaur: Roar with the dinosaur, hug the dinosaur, rub the dinosaur’s belly! A funny and silly book that will make your kids la

    • 優惠價: 1040

    DO NOT buy this book if you’re in search of a serious storybook for your child! Join the mischievous... more

    Make a Wish for an Elephant: Mastering Emotions Through Fun Interactive Storytelling

    Make a Wish for an Elephant: Mastering Emotions Through Fun Interactive Storytelling

    • 優惠價: 930

    beloved "Make a Wish for a Book" series by Apple Sophia Lim. It teaches children to navigate their feelings, develop...... more

    Kami Ang Pinakbet: (We are Pinakbet)

    Kami Ang Pinakbet: (We are Pinakbet)

    • 優惠價: 769

    A colorful illustrated book of vegetable ingredients of the native Filipino dish called Pinakbet. In... more

    Wild Monogamy: Cultivating Erotic Intimacy to Keep Passion and Desire Alive

    Wild Monogamy: Cultivating Erotic Intimacy to Keep Passion and Desire Alive

    • 優惠價: 880

    National Indie Excellence Awards: Gold Medal Living Now Book Awards: Silver Medal Independent Publis... more

    Enchanted Paris

    Enchanted Paris

    • 優惠價: 568

    Join Morgan on an enchanted journey to a wonderful place called Paris, where she encounters beauty a... more

    Winston’s World: The Way He Sniffs It

    Winston’s World: The Way He Sniffs It

    • 優惠價: 494

    he uses his ’sniffer’ to discover what really matters. Sugar (Linda Apple) is an award-winning author of children’s...... more

    The Strength That Lies Within

    The Strength That Lies Within

    • 優惠價: 900

    You suddenly find yourself becoming the judge and jury in this world of twisted and tainted crime. T... more

    Have You Eaten Rice Today?

    Have You Eaten Rice Today?

    • 優惠價: 989

    The Emergency rumbles through the jungle, the kampongs, and towns as the communist uprising in 1950’... more

    Winston and the Mystery of the Alien Rock

    Winston and the Mystery of the Alien Rock

    • 優惠價: 874

    Sometimes things are not what they seem When Winston the lovable Scotty Dog discovers an unknown cre... more

    Winston and the Mystery of the Alien Rock

    Winston and the Mystery of the Alien Rock

    • 優惠價: 418

    Sometimes things are not what they seem When Winston the lovable Scotty Dog discovers an unknown cre... more

    Educating the Right Way: Markets, Standards, God, and Inequality

    Educating the Right Way: Markets, Standards, God, and Inequality

    • 優惠價: 2199

    This thoroughly revised edition of Educating the "Right" Way brings readers up to date on what are n... more

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