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    OVERLORD (18)

    OVERLORD (18)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    ――那麼,絕望要開始了。 與六萬人的巴哈斯帝國軍在卡茲平原上對峙的是 二十四萬人以上的里.耶斯提傑王國的大軍勢。 與帝國締結同盟的安茲發動超位魔法「黑暗豐穰之獻祭」,開啟戰端。 但那卻... more

    OVERLORD (17)

    OVERLORD (17)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 135

    巴哈斯帝國皇帝經由使者的報告將造訪納薩力克地下大墳墓。 安茲.烏爾.恭的宣戰布告。 雙方的思緒交錯,將會迎來難以預料的發展…? 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的網路小說漫畫版。 ★以結束營運的網... more

    OVERLORD (16)

    OVERLORD (16)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    闖入納薩力克地下大墳墓的「活祭品們」 將會為自己的罪付出代價… 他們是否能在安茲手中平安生還――!? 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的網路小說漫畫版。 ★以結束營運的網路遊戲為舞台,骷髏大法... more

    OVERLORD (15)

    OVERLORD (15)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    安茲於造訪之處與東方巨人 一對一決勝負。 與此同時,卡恩村所彌漫的不安氣氛 宛如疾風般朝安莉等人襲來。 他是否能夠守護好心愛的事物――!? 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的網路小說漫畫版。 ... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (10)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (10)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    原本是平凡上班族的鈴木悟, 有一天穿越到了異世界, 舉手投足都迫與強大的 死之統治者(OVERLORD)身分相符, 結果要陪著七五三祈福、 用獨自規則玩麻將、 和部下一起享受三... more

    OVERLORD (1)

    OVERLORD (1)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    席捲遊戲界的網路遊戲「YGGDRASIL」即將停止一切服務當晚, 玩家之一的飛鼠依依不捨地待至最後一刻,然而過了結束時間, 飛鼠卻發現自己與整個公會一起穿越到異世界,變成擁有骷髏外表的最強魔法... more

    OVERLORD (14)

    OVERLORD (14)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    卡恩村面臨新的威脅! 由於勢力分布產生變動, 棲息於村莊附近大森林裡的大魔獸們 散發一股蠢動不安的氣息…… 安莉.艾默特開始東奔西走的忙碌生活—— 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的網路小說漫... more

    OVERLORD (6)

    OVERLORD (6)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    讓你見識見識蜥蜴人的驕傲! 納薩力克終於開始侵略,面對壓倒性的力量之差, 蜥蜴人看似只能發抖,然而其實……? 故事終於來到動畫版第一季之後的內容!大受好評的第六集登場! 本書特色 ★大... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (8)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (8)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫持續讓人噴笑不停! 本集收錄: 「靈光一閃★機智解謎★吸血鬼」、「Ainz Ooal Gown Time」、「Quiz 納薩力克」、「至尊的修學旅行」、「來當異... more

    OVERLORD (11)

    OVERLORD (11)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    在黑暗中受到測試的「忠誠」。 塞巴斯被納薩力克的統治者,同時也是自己主人的安茲傳喚。 針對拯救了人類琪雅蕾卻疏於報告的罪過,塞巴斯受到盤問, 而他會選擇「忠誠」,抑或自己的「正義」呢── ... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (9)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (9)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫持續讓人噴笑不停! 本集收錄 「最強支配者穿搭術」、「納薩力匹克競技選定」、「至尊大小姐」、「沒有去買衣服時能穿的衣服」、「女夢魔建議」、「集合吧!環境音」、「... more

    OVERLORD (7)

    OVERLORD (7)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    小小英雄最後抓住的是…… 蜥蜴人憑著智慧與勇氣彌補了戰力上的差異。 然而出現在他眼前的,卻是更為深沉的「絕望」…… 薩留斯與寇兒修的戀情、蜥蜴人的未來── 所有的一切都掌握在安茲大人手... more

    OVERLORD (10)

    OVERLORD (10)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    〈王國篇〉終於揭幕! 他們遇見了「命運」。 僅為了那如同太陽一般的人物,而追求著強悍之人; 因恐懼敗北的記憶,而緊抓著不穩的大地不放之人; 以及與在忠義與正義之間糾葛不定之人…… ... more

    OVERLORD (13)

    OVERLORD (13)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    王國篇進入高潮!!另外收錄納薩力克日常篇加筆漫畫50P!! 王國篇終於進入決戰時刻!! 以飛飛為首的王國軍與亞達巴沃率領的惡魔大軍之間的對決, 結果究竟會如何--!? 迪米烏哥斯策劃... more

    OVERLORD (9)

    OVERLORD (9)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    錯綜複雜的算計、深藏不露的野心。 幕後操盤的究竟是── 蠢動的惡意與陰謀,引發了意想不到的事態。 為實踐目標而鍛鍊不懈者,面露微笑操弄大局者,以及貫徹正義者…… 各自的決心交互衝突,世... more

    OVERLORD (12)

    OVERLORD (12)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    在背地裡蠢蠢欲動的「神謀鬼算」-- 迪米烏哥斯的計畫終於要啟動-- 神祕「訓蟲師」與名為「亞達巴沃」的惡魔突然出現在王國內; 另一方面,王國最強的精鋼級冒險者隊伍「蒼薔薇」也前來援助! 本... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (7)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (7)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    馬雷的夢想是什麼?泡泡茶壺主辦的「最棒的時裝秀」又是怎樣的內容? 《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫第7集持續讓人噴笑不停! 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的小說《OVERLORD》外傳版。 ★用盡原... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (6)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (6)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫持續讓人噴笑不停! 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的小說《OVERLORD》外傳版。 ★用盡原作設定改編的搞笑漫畫誕生! ★獲喜愛原作的日本AMAZON粉絲一致好評!... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (1)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (1)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫爆笑登場! 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的小說《OVERLORD》外傳版。 ★用盡原作設定改編的搞笑漫畫誕生! ★獲喜愛原作的日本AMAZON粉絲一致好評!... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (3)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫持續讓人噴笑不停! 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的小說《OVERLORD》外傳版。 ★用盡原作設定改編的搞笑漫畫誕生! ★獲喜愛原作的日本AMAZON粉絲一致好評... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (2)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (2)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫持續讓人噴笑不停! 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的小說《OVERLORD》外傳版。 ★用盡原作設定改編的搞笑漫畫誕生! ★獲喜愛原作的日本AMAZON粉絲一致好評!... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (4)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (4)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫持續讓人噴笑不停! 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的小說《OVERLORD》外傳版。 ★用盡原作設定改編的搞笑漫畫誕生! ★獲喜愛原作的日本AMAZON粉絲一致好評!... more

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (5)

    OVERLORD 不死者之Oh! (5)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    《OVERLORD》外傳搞笑漫畫持續讓人噴笑不停! 本書特色 ★大受歡迎的小說《OVERLORD》外傳版。 ★用盡原作設定改編的搞笑漫畫誕生! ★獲喜愛原作的日本AMAZON粉絲一致好... more

    OVERLORD官方漫畫精選集 (1)

    OVERLORD官方漫畫精選集 (1)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    超人氣作品《OVERLORD》首部官方漫畫精選集誕生!!!! 盡情享受優秀作家陣容所描繪, 充滿對OVERLORD世界(當然還有安茲大人)的愛的作品! 作者陣容: so-bin/深山フギン/あらきかなお/惡道GAZARI...... more

    OVERLORD官方漫畫精選集 (2)

    OVERLORD官方漫畫精選集 (2)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    超人氣作品《OVERLORD》首部官方漫畫精選集誕生!!!! 盡情享受優秀作家陣容所描繪, 充滿對OVERLORD世界(當然還有安茲大人)的愛的作品! 作者陣容: TAa/じゅうあみ/... more

    Digital Forensics and Watermarking: 22nd International Workshop, Iwdw 2023, Jinan, China, November 25-26, 2023, Revised Selected Papers

    Digital Forensics and Watermarking: 22nd International Workshop, Iwdw 2023, Jinan, China, November 25-26, 2023, Revised Selected Papers

    • 優惠價: 5340

    This book constitutes the refereed post proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Digital Fo... more

    Indonesia and Islam in Transition

    Indonesia and Islam in Transition

    • 優惠價: 7799

    This book focuses on Islam in Indonesia, showcasing the wide range of Muslim organisations, belief s... more

    Spin-While-Burn: The New Approach for Tiny Medical Device Fabrication

    Spin-While-Burn: The New Approach for Tiny Medical Device Fabrication

    • 優惠價: 2399

    This book explains the challenges and advancements in cutting precise cylindrical shapes on difficul... more

    The Malay Nobat: A History of Power, Acculturation, and Sovereignty

    The Malay Nobat: A History of Power, Acculturation, and Sovereignty

    • 優惠價: 2399

    times. Raja Iskandar Bin Raja Halid examines the nobat spread throughout the Muslim empire and its emergence as a symbol of...... more

    Women In Islam

    Women In Islam

    • 優惠價: 1026

    Shedding light on the status of women prior to Islam, this book explains that women were ill-treated... more

    Jesus In The Quran

    Jesus In The Quran

    • 優惠價: 880

    By God’s grace, Islam is the fastest growing religion in our time, as confirmed by a study undertake... more

    The Strategy of the Mathematical Olympiad

    The Strategy of the Mathematical Olympiad

    • 優惠價: 2280

    This book not only introduces important methods and strategies for solving problems in mathematics c... more

    The Strategy of the Mathematical Olympiad

    The Strategy of the Mathematical Olympiad

    • 優惠價: 4080

    This book not only introduces important methods and strategies for solving problems in mathematics c... more

    Early Infiltrators

    Early Infiltrators

    • 優惠價: 2880

    First of all, the basis of any credible history is truth, and truth means recognizing the obvious. B... more

    Refined Safety Control of Unmanned Flight Vehicles Via Fractional-Order Calculus

    Refined Safety Control of Unmanned Flight Vehicles Via Fractional-Order Calculus

    • 優惠價: 5997

    The monograph explores the safety of unmanned flight vehicles via the corresponding fault-tolerant c... more

    Life Cycle Costing of Thermal Energy Storage System

    Life Cycle Costing of Thermal Energy Storage System

    • 優惠價: 2820

    This book consists of a brief background for the electric chiller, Energy Storage (ES), Thermal ener... more

    Computational Welding Mechanics for Engineering Application: Buckling Distortion of Thin Plate and Residual Stress of Thick Plate

    Computational Welding Mechanics for Engineering Application: Buckling Distortion of Thin Plate and Residual Stress of Thick Plate

    • 優惠價: 5997

    The book deals with two special issues in the field of computational welding mechanics: buckling dis... more

    Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    • 優惠價: 9599

    This book focuses on the fault-tolerant cooperative control (FTCC) of multiple unmanned aerial vehic... more



    • 優惠價: 340

    When Khalifa, a skilled Emirati equestrian, is presented with the chance to compete in an internatio... more

    Trust and Justice: Complexity of Man, Complexity of Society, and Complexity Theory

    Trust and Justice: Complexity of Man, Complexity of Society, and Complexity Theory

    • 優惠價: 5700

    The book applies ideas and results from complexity theory with man and societies as organic complex ... more

    Securing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks: Models and Algorithms

    Securing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks: Models and Algorithms

    • 優惠價: 2999

    This book focuses on the model and algorithm aspects of securing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks (U... more

    Enterprises’ Green Growth Model and Value Chain Reconstruction: Theory and Method

    Enterprises’ Green Growth Model and Value Chain Reconstruction: Theory and Method

    • 優惠價: 6599
    Complexity Theory and Uncertainties: Interdependence Between Man, Society, and the Environment

    Complexity Theory and Uncertainties: Interdependence Between Man, Society, and the Environment

    • 優惠價: 7199
    Freedom of Expression Debates in Europe and the Muslim World After 9/11

    Freedom of Expression Debates in Europe and the Muslim World After 9/11

    • 優惠價: 5700

    This book analyzes freedom of expression debates that emerged in Europe after 9/11 affecting Muslims... more

    Demoni Vankil

    Demoni Vankil

    • 優惠價: 822

    When the Royal Guard showed up to escort Eamon before the King and Queen, he sent his family into hi... more

    Demoni Vankil

    Demoni Vankil

    • 優惠價: 549

    When the Royal Guard showed up to escort Eamon before the King and Queen, he sent his family into hi... more

    Resilient Governance of Urban Redevelopment: State, Market and Communities in China Since 1990

    Resilient Governance of Urban Redevelopment: State, Market and Communities in China Since 1990

    • 外文書 , Bin Li , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-31
    • 優惠價: 2279

    To examine the origins, characteristics, and outcomes of resilient governance with Chinese character... more

    101 Jihaad from the Holy Quran Al-Kareem

    101 Jihaad from the Holy Quran Al-Kareem

    • 優惠價: 1097

    Synopsis The word Jihaad has been totally manipulated to create Islamophobia. As stated in the Holy ... more

    Ibn Khaldun’s Theory and the Party-Political Edifice of the United Malays National Organisation

    Ibn Khaldun’s Theory and the Party-Political Edifice of the United Malays National Organisation

    • 優惠價: 2279

    This concise book examines the decline and erosion of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO)... more

    Forestland Investment: Valuation and Analysis

    Forestland Investment: Valuation and Analysis

    • 優惠價: 7425

    Forestland investment has surged in the past few decades as a result of land ownership change in the... more

    Forestland Investment: Valuation and Analysis

    Forestland Investment: Valuation and Analysis

    • 優惠價: 2034

    Forestland investment has surged in the past few decades as a result of land ownership change in the... more

    The Works of ... Hugh Binning

    The Works of ... Hugh Binning

    • 優惠價: 2417

    Explore the rich spiritual heritage of Hugh Binning with this comprehensive collection of his works. From his powerful...... more

    The Works of ... Hugh Binning

    The Works of ... Hugh Binning

    • 優惠價: 1757

    Explore the rich spiritual heritage of Hugh Binning with this comprehensive collection of his works. From his powerful...... more

    He Who is Made Lord: Empire, Class and Race in Postwar Singapore

    He Who is Made Lord: Empire, Class and Race in Postwar Singapore

    • 優惠價: 2272
    A Civil Life

    A Civil Life

    • 優惠價: 1370

    A remarkable first-hand account of the events and personalities that shaped Malaysia during the colo... more

    Chaos, Complexity, and Nonlinear Economic Theory

    Chaos, Complexity, and Nonlinear Economic Theory

    • 優惠價: 5880

    What do economic chaos and uncertainties mean in rational or irrational economic theories? How do si... more

    A Journal of Two Years’ Travel in Persia, Ceylon, etc.: Vol. I

    A Journal of Two Years’ Travel in Persia, Ceylon, etc.: Vol. I

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1857. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historica... more

    A Journal of Two Years’ Travel in Persia, Ceylon, etc.: Vol. I

    A Journal of Two Years’ Travel in Persia, Ceylon, etc.: Vol. I

    • 優惠價: 5495

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1857. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historica... more

    Campus Network Architectures and Technologies

    Campus Network Architectures and Technologies

    • 優惠價: 2474

    The book will provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of next-generation campus network s... more

    Christian liturgy: a Chinese catechism of celebrating

    Christian liturgy: a Chinese catechism of celebrating

    • 優惠價: 1209

    Ten Commandments (Vol. 3), and the Liturgy as celebration of Life (Vol. 4). The author You Bin from Beijing offers it from...... more

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