
    您輸入的關鍵字: Discepolo


    搜尋結果共 16 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    Valutate La Vostra Sinastria

    Valutate La Vostra Sinastria

    • 優惠價: 877

    Questo agile libro si propone di suggerire al Lettore un metodo pratico per la valutazione, con l au... more

    Transits and Solar Returns

    Transits and Solar Returns

    • 優惠價: 1372
    The 20 Days Before and After the Birthday: The Only Two Rules of Astrology Certified by Official Science

    The 20 Days Before and After the Birthday: The Only Two Rules of Astrology Certified by Official Science

    • 優惠價: 877

    The aim of this short volume is to illustrate to my colleagues the technical and non technical reaso... more

    The New Dictionary of Astrology

    The New Dictionary of Astrology

    • 優惠價: 1427

    constantly evolving. In this work Ciro Discepolo aims at recapitulating and systematizing contemporary astrological knowledge...... more

    Elective Astrology: Choosing the Best Moment to ”Baptize” a New Business, a New Love, a New Home...

    Elective Astrology: Choosing the Best Moment to ”Baptize” a New Business, a New Love, a New Home...

    • 優惠價: 877

    This short volume condenses the Author s 42 year-long experience in the field of Elective Astrology,... more

    The Reading of the Natal Chart: The Secrets of Interpreting the Natal Chart Illustrated With Simplicity and Clarity

    The Reading of the Natal Chart: The Secrets of Interpreting the Natal Chart Illustrated With Simplicity and Clarity

    • 優惠價: 987

    , Ciro Discepolo has been able to present to both neophytes and the more experienced readers the most difficult concepts in a...... more

    Astro & Geography: Choose the Best Place on Earth to Live With Success or Love or Money or Health

    Astro & Geography: Choose the Best Place on Earth to Live With Success or Love or Money or Health

    • 優惠價: 987

    Astrogeography probably represents, together with the Aimed Solar Returns and the Aimed Lunar Return... more

    The New Guide to Astrology

    The New Guide to Astrology

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This book is a bestseller in Italy, having sold over 50,000 copies from 1979 to the present. What is... more

    The Protocol for Correction of Birth Time: A Practical Method to Correct Your Birth Time

    The Protocol for Correction of Birth Time: A Practical Method to Correct Your Birth Time

    • 優惠價: 987

    Discepolo studied the methods of his masters to verify the best one for a good protocol of correction of birth time, but...... more

    Die Transite und das Solarhoroskop: Ein neues System für zwei klassische Methoden

    Die Transite und das Solarhoroskop: Ein neues System für zwei klassische Methoden

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Discepolo, wie und warum jedes einzelne Ereignis passiert ist. Dieses Buch wurde in wenigen Jahren mit gro em Erfolg in Italien...... more

    Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action

    Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action

    • 優惠價: 1798

    Pierre Bourdieu, one of the most influential critical social theorists of the second half of the twe... more

    Transits et Révolutions Solaires: Un nouveau système pour deux méthodes anciennes

    Transits et Révolutions Solaires: Un nouveau système pour deux méthodes anciennes

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Discepolo explique comment et pourquoi chaque v nement eu lieu. Ce livre s est tr s bien vendu en Italie et en France. Certains...... more

    Get Money by Astrology: Some Aimed Advice to Earn Money Quickly

    Get Money by Astrology: Some Aimed Advice to Earn Money Quickly

    • 優惠價: 376
    Astrologie Active: Voila Ce Qu’il Convient de Faire Si Vous Ne Pouvez Pas Pour Votre Anniversaire

    Astrologie Active: Voila Ce Qu’il Convient de Faire Si Vous Ne Pouvez Pas Pour Votre Anniversaire

    • 優惠價: 454

    Toutes les personnes s int ressant de pr s ou de loin l astrologie ont certainement remarqu que les ... more

    Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action

    Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action

    • 優惠價: 5500

    Pierre Bourdieu, one of the most influential critical social theorists of the second half of the 20t... more

    Transits and Solar Returns

    Transits and Solar Returns

    • 優惠價: 950



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