

    您輸入的關鍵字: Hall-Swadley


    搜尋結果共 4 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Dramaturgical Leaves: Richard Wagner

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Dramaturgical Leaves: Richard Wagner

    • 優惠價: 7800

    This volume completes the second half of Liszt’s writings about stage works, its composers, and musi... more

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Dramaturgical Leaves: Essays about Musical Works for the Stage and Queries about the Stage, Its Composers, and

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Dramaturgical Leaves: Essays about Musical Works for the Stage and Queries about the Stage, Its Composers, and

    • 優惠價: 7080

    Performers, the third volume in Janita R. Hall-Swadley’s The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt, Liszt heralds his admiration for...... more

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Essays and Letters of a Traveling Bachelor of Music

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Essays and Letters of a Traveling Bachelor of Music

    • 優惠價: 6060

    Hall-Swadley’s The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt, Liszt’s work as a music essayist and journalist is on full display. In his...... more

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: F. Chopin

    The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: F. Chopin

    • 優惠價: 7080

    This translation is the starting volume of Janita Hall-Swadley’s The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt, the very first...... more



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