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    克蘇魯的呼喚:H.P. Lovecraft恐怖小說傑作選(全新重譯版)

    克蘇魯的呼喚:H.P. Lovecraft恐怖小說傑作選(全新重譯版)

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 364

    二十世紀最偉大的古典恐怖故事作家 史蒂芬.金、尼爾.蓋曼、喬治.馬丁、伊藤潤二創作的原點 二〇二〇年追頒雨果獎最佳系列作品 「克蘇魯神話」的起源,恐怖小說的同義詞 「人類最古老、最強烈的情感就是恐怖... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 646

    》、《敦威治驚魂》並稱克蘇魯神話三大核心之作。 H.P.洛夫克拉夫特生前唯一出版單行本作品, 達貢密教、深潛者──克蘇魯神話知名關鍵字初次登場。 【本書特色】 ★克蘇魯神話是在上世紀20年代開始,以洛夫克拉夫特一系列...... more



    …… 20世紀最具影響力的古典恐怖小說體系, 眾多恐怖電影、遊戲、文學作品永不枯竭的靈感根源—— 克蘇魯神話創始者、恐怖小說之王H.P.洛夫克拉夫特 集「宇宙恐怖」創作觀之大成,創作生涯代表作──《瘋狂山脈》 日本當代洛夫克拉夫特作品改編漫畫第一人...... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 323

    、遊戲、文學作品永不枯竭的靈感根源—— 「長眠的克蘇魯,於拉萊耶宅邸中,候汝入夢。」 H.P.洛夫克拉夫特影響最巨大作品、克蘇魯神話的原點, 完全漫畫化! 【本書特色】 ★克蘇魯神話是在上世紀20年代開始,以洛夫克拉夫特...... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 272

    日美法權威漫畫獎項肯定, 世界級好評克蘇魯神話改編漫畫神作,降臨台灣! ◆「洛夫克拉夫特如同一名神官, 以神話筆法勾勒出黎明前的黑暗, 豐富的創造力令人敬畏。」... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 272

    日美法權威漫畫獎項肯定, 世界級好評克蘇魯神話改編漫畫神作, 降臨台灣! 洛夫克拉夫特自認《星之彩》為其最高傑作。 多次改編電影,最廣為人知的洛氏小說之一。 20世紀最具影響力的古典恐怖小說體系, 眾... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 476

    , 眾多恐怖電影、遊戲、文學作品永不枯竭的靈感根源—— 克蘇魯神話創始者、恐怖小說之王H.P.洛夫克拉夫特生涯晚期代表作 出現了時間旅行、精神挾持等題材,對後世科幻創作者影響甚深——《超越時間之影》 日本當代洛夫克拉夫特作品改編漫畫第一人田邊剛...... more

    無名之城:H.P. Lovecraft短篇怪談選+克蘇魯神話故事傑作選(全新重譯版)(隨書贈「克蘇魯大宇宙」限定海報+「呼喚克蘇魯」專屬明信片)

    無名之城:H.P. Lovecraft短篇怪談選+克蘇魯神話故事傑作選(全新重譯版)(隨書贈「克蘇魯大宇宙」限定海報+「呼喚克蘇魯」專屬明信片)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 347

    ☆隨書贈★ 限定版《克蘇魯大宇宙》群星歸位紀念海報(55.8cm×41cm) + 「呼喚克蘇魯」無名之城專屬明信片 + 加碼 myVideo X 堡壘文化{恐怖大師H.P.Lovecraft─克蘇魯主題選影}專區限定電影序號...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 237

    不要凝視深淵。不要試探恐懼。 好奇心,會扭曲你的人性與肢體! 「所有的恐怖傑作,都籠罩在他的陰影之下。」――恐怖大師史蒂芬.金 ★「邪惡」一詞無法形容的外星恐怖故事集! ★全新導讀、插... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 428

    陰影之中,你必須管好自己的想象力。」繁星已經抵達特定的位置,舊日支配者即將重現人間。 作者:H.P.洛夫克拉夫特Howard Philips Lovecraft(1890—1937)1890年出生於普羅維登斯安格爾街194號。3歲時父親因...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 1311

    , 眾多恐怖電影、遊戲、文學作品永不枯竭的靈感根源—— 克蘇魯神話創始者、恐怖小說之王H.P.洛夫克拉夫特 集「宇宙恐怖」創作觀之大成,創作生涯代表作──《瘋狂山脈》 日本當代洛夫克拉夫特作品改編漫畫第一人田邊剛, 以電影語言精彩轉譯洛夫克拉夫特...... more

    夢尋祕境卡達斯:H.P. Lovecraft幻夢境小說傑作選(全新重譯版)

    夢尋祕境卡達斯:H.P. Lovecraft幻夢境小說傑作選(全新重譯版)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 292

    二十世紀最偉大的古典恐怖故事作家 史蒂芬.金、尼爾.蓋曼、喬治.馬丁、伊藤潤二創作的原點 二〇二〇年追頒雨果獎最佳系列作品 深入「克蘇魯神話」的世界,與地球神明、舊日支配者和外神正式接觸! 最... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 204

    《克蘇魯神話》(Ⅰ-Ⅲ 卷函套)二十世紀最有影響力的恐怖小說體系!《克蘇魯神話》(Ⅰ-Ⅲ 卷函套)最受期待的譯本,克蘇魯神話的入門寶典、檢索大綱!《克蘇魯神話》(Ⅰ-Ⅲ 卷函套)收錄洛夫克拉夫特名篇:... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 204

    《克蘇魯神話Ⅱ 黑暗中的低語》二十世紀最有影響力的恐怖小說體系!《克蘇魯神話Ⅱ 黑暗中的低語》最受期待的權威譯本,克蘇魯神話的入門寶典、檢索大綱!《克蘇魯神話Ⅱ 黑暗中的低語》收錄洛夫克拉夫特名篇:《... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 282

    語言學介於藝術與科學之間,這裡有激動人心的發現和孜孜以求的答案。《繽紛的語言學》以時間為序,由“藝術”起始,轉向最新的科學研究,分述了史前語言及其共同的源頭、語言的演變、語言固有的變化屬性、語法以及語... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 308

    了作者對偉大宇宙的感知和幻想。 H.P.洛夫克拉夫特(Howard Phillips Lovecraft,1890年—1937年),美國恐怖、科幻與奇幻小說作家,尤以其怪奇小說著稱。其代表作品有《克蘇魯的呼喚》《星之彩》《瘋狂山脈》《印斯...... more

    English Villages: in large print

    English Villages: in large print

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    English Villages: in large print

    English Villages: in large print

    • 優惠價: 3295

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Blalè, resisting colonial penetration in Côte d’Ivoire

    Blalè, resisting colonial penetration in Côte d’Ivoire

    • 優惠價: 3960

    During the colonial period, the brutal methods of recruiting workers and collecting taxes awakened t... more

    Vanishing England (Esprios Classics)

    Vanishing England (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1368

    Rev. Peter Hempson Ditchfield, FSA (1854-1930) was a Church of England priest, an historian and a pr... more

    English Villages (Esprios Classics)

    English Villages (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1178

    Rev. Peter Hempson Ditchfield, FSA (1854-1930) was a Church of England priest, an historian and a pr... more

    Welsh Fairy-Tales and Other Stories: in large print

    Welsh Fairy-Tales and Other Stories: in large print

    • 優惠價: 3295

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Welsh Fairy-Tales and Other Stories: in large print

    Welsh Fairy-Tales and Other Stories: in large print

    • 優惠價: 2195

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Books Fatal to Their Authors: in large print

    Books Fatal to Their Authors: in large print

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more

    Books Fatal to Their Authors: in large print

    Books Fatal to Their Authors: in large print

    • 優惠價: 2745

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical work... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 459

    》:智者巴爾塞的悲劇。 《永恆湮滅》:清淡的浪漫小文。 《綠色草原》:這熟悉的克味兒。 《記憶》:小丑竟是我自己。 《霧中的怪異高屋》:一座幾個世紀以來都無人問津的古怪小屋,屋主來自深淵。 《夢尋未知之地卡達斯》:名作。 H.P.洛夫克拉夫特...... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 459

    ,一座廢墟和在上面跳舞的人。 《他》:是誰。 《夜晚的海洋》:愛手藝的溫柔和浪漫。 H.P.洛夫克拉夫特(Howard Philips Lovecraft,1890—1937),1890年出生於普羅維登斯安格爾街194號。3歲時父親因精神崩潰被...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 274

    20世紀影響力極大的奇幻恐怖小說體系!“克蘇魯神話”由美國作家洛夫克拉夫特開創,他構建了一個極其宏大的世界,其間充斥着超越人類認知維度、時空上極為悠遠的造物與存在。喬治·馬丁、史蒂芬·金、以及《美國眾... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 1143

    在《克蘇魯宇宙諾頓注釋本》中,注釋家萊斯利·S.克林格收集並注解了洛夫克拉夫特的22個最佳故事,其中大多是讓人寒毛直豎的“阿卡姆”故事,包括《敦威治恐怖事件》《黑暗中的低語》《瘋狂山脈》《印斯茅斯陰雲... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 322

    收錄了洛夫克拉夫特所作的“文明3.5部曲”的經典篇目,包括《無名之城》《荒丘》《瘋狂山脈》《超越時光之影》四部作品。其中的《無名之城》因沒有對文明進行正面描寫,且篇幅較短,故被當作第“零點五部曲”。此... more

    A Dream of Destiny: Awakening

    A Dream of Destiny: Awakening

    • 優惠價: 744

    tree and a tomb. When she and Kyle meet on the doomed cruise ship, she realises that their dreams might be connected. And...... more

    Leading Health Care Transformation: A Primer for Physician Leaders

    Leading Health Care Transformation: A Primer for Physician Leaders

    • 優惠價: 1869

    This 2nd edition of Leading Health Care Transformation is a succinct and practical primer on sixteen... more

    Leading Health Care Transformation: A Primer for Physician Leaders

    Leading Health Care Transformation: A Primer for Physician Leaders

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This 2nd edition of Leading Health Care Transformation is a succinct and practical primer on sixteen... more

    Hachette’s Children’s Own French Book

    Hachette’s Children’s Own French Book

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1873. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historica... more

    Hachette’s Children’s Own French Book

    Hachette’s Children’s Own French Book

    • 優惠價: 2745

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1873. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historica... more

    Memorials of William Fowler

    Memorials of William Fowler

    • 優惠價: 1370

    Memorials of William Fowler is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1875. H... more

    Nouvelle Théorie Des Hydrométéores, Suivie D’un Mémoire Sur L’électricité Atmosphérique, Et D’un Autre Sur La Pluviométrie

    Nouvelle Théorie Des Hydrométéores, Suivie D’un Mémoire Sur L’électricité Atmosphérique, Et D’un Autre Sur La Pluviométrie

    • 優惠價: 1372

    This groundbreaking work on the properties of hydrometeors explores the physics of rain, snow, and h... more

    Memorial day Exercises at La Cygne, Kansas ..

    Memorial day Exercises at La Cygne, Kansas ..

    • 優惠價: 767

    Join P.H. Coney in a poignant and powerful tribute to America’s fallen soldiers. This moving work documents the...... more

    Rock-Breakers Kingdom Building in Kongo Land

    Rock-Breakers Kingdom Building in Kongo Land

    • 優惠價: 1262

    This book tells the story of the European colonization of Kongo Land. It focuses on the building of ... more

    Analytical Theory of Turbulent Diffusion

    Analytical Theory of Turbulent Diffusion

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This book provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical foundations of turbulent diffusion, whi... more

    The Counties of England Their Story and Antiquities

    The Counties of England Their Story and Antiquities

    • 優惠價: 2197

    country’s counties, P.H. Ditchfield explores the unique characteristics of each region, offering insights into the customs...... more

    Vegetable Growing in the South for Northern Markets

    Vegetable Growing in the South for Northern Markets

    • 優惠價: 1867

    A comprehensive guide to growing vegetables in the southern United States for sale in northern marke... more

    Dextrose in Commercial Ice-cream Manufacture

    Dextrose in Commercial Ice-cream Manufacture

    • 優惠價: 1482

    Have you ever wondered about the chemistry behind your favorite ice cream? This book provides a deta... more

    Essays on Naval Defence

    Essays on Naval Defence

    • 優惠價: 2032

    How can a nation best defend itself against naval threats? P.H. Colomb explores this question in a series of...... more

    Marsh Leaves

    Marsh Leaves

    • 優惠價: 1812

    photographer and writer P. H. Emerson. Featuring breathtaking photographs and poignant descriptions, this book is a tribute to the...... more

    A Tribute to the Memory of Alexander Milne

    A Tribute to the Memory of Alexander Milne

    • 優惠價: 767

    history. Through extensive research and personal anecdotes, author R. P. H. Vail provides insight into Milne’s accomplishments...... more

    Memorial day Exercises at La Cygne, Kansas ..

    Memorial day Exercises at La Cygne, Kansas ..

    • 優惠價: 1482

    Join P.H. Coney in a poignant and powerful tribute to America’s fallen soldiers. This moving work documents the...... more

    Rock-Breakers Kingdom Building in Kongo Land

    Rock-Breakers Kingdom Building in Kongo Land

    • 優惠價: 1867

    This book tells the story of the European colonization of Kongo Land. It focuses on the building of ... more

    A Tribute to the Memory of Alexander Milne

    A Tribute to the Memory of Alexander Milne

    • 優惠價: 1482

    history. Through extensive research and personal anecdotes, author R. P. H. Vail provides insight into Milne’s accomplishments...... more

    The Mysteries of the Great Deep

    The Mysteries of the Great Deep

    • 優惠價: 2032

    An exploration of the wonders of the ocean, this book provides a glimpse into the fascinating and of... more

    Socialism Means Slavery for the Working Man

    Socialism Means Slavery for the Working Man

    • 優惠價: 1482

    In this provocative essay, P. H. Scullin takes aim at the ideology of socialism, arguing that it ultimately leads to...... more

    Analytical Theory of Turbulent Diffusion

    Analytical Theory of Turbulent Diffusion

    • 優惠價: 877

    This book provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical foundations of turbulent diffusion, whi... more

    Marsh Leaves

    Marsh Leaves

    • 優惠價: 1152

    photographer and writer P. H. Emerson. Featuring breathtaking photographs and poignant descriptions, this book is a tribute to the...... more

    Socialism Means Slavery for the Working Man

    Socialism Means Slavery for the Working Man

    • 優惠價: 767

    In this provocative essay, P. H. Scullin takes aim at the ideology of socialism, arguing that it ultimately leads to...... more

    The Mysteries of the Great Deep

    The Mysteries of the Great Deep

    • 優惠價: 1372

    An exploration of the wonders of the ocean, this book provides a glimpse into the fascinating and of... more

    The Counties of England Their Story and Antiquities

    The Counties of England Their Story and Antiquities

    • 優惠價: 1537

    country’s counties, P.H. Ditchfield explores the unique characteristics of each region, offering insights into the customs...... more

    Vegetable Growing in the South for Northern Markets

    Vegetable Growing in the South for Northern Markets

    • 優惠價: 1262

    A comprehensive guide to growing vegetables in the southern United States for sale in northern marke... more

    Nouvelle Théorie Des Hydrométéores, Suivie D’un Mémoire Sur L’électricité Atmosphérique, Et D’un Autre Sur La Pluviométrie

    Nouvelle Théorie Des Hydrométéores, Suivie D’un Mémoire Sur L’électricité Atmosphérique, Et D’un Autre Sur La Pluviométrie

    • 優惠價: 2032

    This groundbreaking work on the properties of hydrometeors explores the physics of rain, snow, and h... more

    The Story of our English Towns

    The Story of our English Towns

    • 優惠價: 2063

    The Story of our English Towns is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1897... more

    Memorials of old Cheshire

    Memorials of old Cheshire

    • 優惠價: 964

    Memorials of old Cheshire, has been considered important throughout human history. In an effort to e... more

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