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    山澤 Cat.5e 無屏蔽高速傳輸八芯雙絞鍍金芯網路線 黑/15M

    山澤 Cat.5e 無屏蔽高速傳輸芯雙絞鍍金芯網路線 黑/15M

    • 3C
    • 優惠價: 599

    ◆ 傳輸速率快速穩定 ◆ 24AWG加粗線芯,穩固耐拉扯 ◆ RJ45網線接口,設備兼容強,適用各種設備 ◆ 使用優質PVC線材,耐拉扯,抗氧化 ◆ 雙絞線結構,有效阻隔電磁波干擾,傳輸更穩定 ◆ 芯... more

    逸奇e-Kit 八米遠距會議型抗噪觸控麥克風 MIC-B10

    逸奇e-Kit 米遠距會議型抗噪觸控麥克風 MIC-B10

    • 優惠價: 1699

    ●360度收音會議USB麥克風 ●收音範圍可達八米距離 ●擁有獨立觸碰式靜音開關 ●會議型專用麥克風,高感度收音 ●適合直播、電競、線上會議使用 ●隨插即用,簡單又方便 ●外接喇叭不必擔心喇叭沒地方接... more

    MANTRABAND 美國悄悄話戒指 She Believed She Could, So She Did 玫瑰金戒指 她相信她可以 (內徑1.8公分)8_附項鍊

    MANTRABAND 美國悄悄話戒指 She Believed She Could, So She Did 玫瑰金戒指 她相信她可以 (內徑1.8公分)8_附項鍊

    • 優惠價: 1035

    現貨+預購(尺寸訂製約2-3週) MANTRABAND 風靡全美超夯熱門品牌 每個手環都有傳達正面能量的話語 戴在手上時時提醒自己要實現夢想 鼓勵自己用積極樂觀的態度面對人生 材質 鍍K金, 316L... more



    • 優惠價: 1000

    (本賣場是售 AD-S7多功能八角柔光罩 一組,詳細請參考下方的●【隨附】) ●【品名】Godox多用柔光箱即多功能八角柔光罩,AD-S7 ●【特點】 ●傘式設計,撐開即用,製造均勻柔和的光線; ●... more



    • 優惠價: 77 折, 39

    ◆ 商品名稱:八角形鏤空隔熱餐墊 ◆ 內容物:餐墊x1 ◆ 顏色:玫瑰金 ◆ 尺寸:38x38cm ◆ 材質:PVC ◆ 網頁圖片因拍攝關係會與實際商品略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準... more

    【E.dot】黑色網紗化妝包 -八角包(2入組)

    E.dot】黑色網紗化妝包 -角包(2入組)

    • 優惠價: 379

    ★ 五種款式可選,滿足需求 ★ 黑色強韌網紗,耐磨耐用 ★ 金色英文+星星拉鍊,時尚摩登 ★ 內容物清楚可視 ★ 出差旅行方便攜帶 ◆ 品名:黑色網紗化妝包 ◆ 款式:八角包 ◆ 尺寸:八角包18x... more

    【E.dot】黑色網紗化妝包 -八角包

    E.dot】黑色網紗化妝包 -角包

    • 優惠價: 220

    ★ 五種款式可選,滿足需求 ★ 黑色強韌網紗,耐磨耐用 ★ 金色英文+星星拉鍊,時尚摩登 ★ 內容物清楚可視 ★ 出差旅行方便攜帶 ◆ 品名:黑色網紗化妝包 ◆ 款式:八角包 ◆ 尺寸:八角包18x... more

    【E.dot】黑色網紗化妝包 -八角包

    E.dot】黑色網紗化妝包 -角包

    • 優惠價: 181

    ★ 五種款式可選,滿足需求 ★ 黑色強韌網紗,耐磨耐用 ★ 金色英文+星星拉鍊,時尚摩登 ★ 內容物清楚可視 ★ 出差旅行方便攜帶 ◆ 品名:黑色網紗化妝包 ◆ 款式:八角包 ◆ 尺寸:八角包18x... more

    E.C outdoor 八入組316不鏽鋼環保冰塊↘贈冰夾+隨身收納盒 冰塊 不鏽鋼冰塊 環保冰塊

    E.C outdoor 入組316不鏽鋼環保冰塊↘贈冰夾+隨身收納盒 冰塊 不鏽鋼冰塊 環保冰塊

    • 優惠價: 499

    ✨特色亮點:快速冷凍,讓飲料始終保持原汁原味,絕不變調。 ⛺重複使用:高品質不鏽鋼材質,可重複使用,環保又經濟。 ⛺用具齊全:每盒附送8入冰塊,並附贈一隻冰夾,方便使用,更加貼心。 ⛺ 高級材質:由高... more

    E.C outdoor 旅行收納袋 八件組 旅行袋 收納包 束口袋 行李收納 盥洗收納包 衣物分類袋 -米色

    E.C outdoor 旅行收納袋 件組 旅行袋 收納包 束口袋 行李收納 盥洗收納包 衣物分類袋 -米色

    • 優惠價: 449

    ⛺透氣網紗設計:透氣網紗設計,一目了然地查看袋內物品,快速找到所需物品,方便實用。 ⛺雙扣環設計:採用雙扣環設計,拉關方便,可快速開啟或關閉袋口,省時省力。 ⛺防潑水設計:表面防潑水設計,有效阻擋水滴... more

    E.C outdoor 旅行收納袋 八件組 旅行袋 收納包 束口袋 行李收納 盥洗收納包 衣物分類袋 -黑色

    E.C outdoor 旅行收納袋 件組 旅行袋 收納包 束口袋 行李收納 盥洗收納包 衣物分類袋 -黑色

    • 優惠價: 449

    ⛺透氣網紗設計:透氣網紗設計,一目了然地查看袋內物品,快速找到所需物品,方便實用。 ⛺雙扣環設計:採用雙扣環設計,拉關方便,可快速開啟或關閉袋口,省時省力。 ⛺防潑水設計:表面防潑水設計,有效阻擋水滴... more

    【USL遊思樂教具】八形大花片(125pcs) E1005A01

    【USL遊思樂教具】形大花片(125pcs) E1005A01

    • 優惠價: 319

    ◇激發孩子無限的創意潛。 ◇增進專注力及耐心,真正達到寓教於樂的學習功效。 ◇提供智慧與遊戲並重的學習。 商品品牌 : USL 遊思樂 適用對象 : 學齡兒童 商品材質 : 塑膠 商品產地 : 台灣製... more

    E.C outdoor 304不鏽鋼氣壓式玻璃噴油瓶八件組 油醋瓶 噴油瓶 氣炸鍋 調味罐 控油瓶

    E.C outdoor 304不鏽鋼氣壓式玻璃噴油瓶件組 油醋瓶 噴油瓶 氣炸鍋 調味罐 控油瓶

    • 優惠價: 469

    不鏽鋼漏斗使用更安心 按壓不費力瓶身好握 噴油角度大噴灑均勻 接口處加密封條倒下也不漏出 品名:304不銹鋼噴油瓶八件組 材質:不鏽鋼.高硼硅.PP 標配:噴油瓶x2 不鏽鋼漏斗x2 油刷x2 清潔刷... more



    • 優惠價: 295

    ★ 八合一多功能設計 ★ 適用於各式管線、水槽 ★ 專為狹小空間設計 ★ 適合2/3/4/6/角螺帽 ★ 輕鬆拆卸各種水管 ◆ 商品名稱:多功能水槽扳手(2入組) ◆ 內容:扳手x2、拆卸頭x6、螺絲... more

    美國Elegant kids八件組彌月禮盒-藍色 (E011) 彌月禮盒 八件組彌月禮盒 男嬰裝 男嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    美國Elegant kids件組彌月禮盒-藍色 (E011) 彌月禮盒 件組彌月禮盒 男嬰裝 男嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    • 優惠價: 1480

    【商品照片】 【商品特色】 70%聚酯纖維30%棉 適用於 : 0-6個月男寶 美國設計品牌 質感加倍 Elegant kids美國設計品牌彌月禮盒 藍色為可愛小熊風格 適用於 : 0-6個月 款式 ... more

    美國Elegant kids八件組彌月禮盒-粉色 (E012) 彌月禮盒 八件組彌月禮盒 女嬰裝 女嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    美國Elegant kids件組彌月禮盒-粉色 (E012) 彌月禮盒 件組彌月禮盒 女嬰裝 女嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    • 優惠價: 1480

    【商品照片】 【商品特色】 適用於 : 0-6個月女寶 70%聚酯纖維30%棉 超優雅好看的女寶彌月禮盒 Elegant kids美國設計品牌彌月禮盒 粉色為優雅蝴蝶小碎花風格 適用於 : 0-6個月... more



    • 優惠價: 190

    ★ 八合一多功能設計 ★ 適用於各式管線、水槽 ★ 專為狹小空間設計 ★ 適合2/3/4/6/角螺帽 ★ 輕鬆拆卸各種水管 ◆ 商品名稱:拆卸神器八合一多功能水槽扳手 ◆ 內容物:扳手x1、拆卸頭x3... more

    美國Elegant kids十一件組彌月禮盒-粉色 (E016) 彌月禮盒 八件組彌月禮盒 女嬰裝 女嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    美國Elegant kids十一件組彌月禮盒-粉色 (E016) 彌月禮盒 件組彌月禮盒 女嬰裝 女嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    • 優惠價: 1790

    【商品照片】 【商品規格】 顏色 十一件組彌月禮盒 粉色 現貨 99 件 Elegant kids美國設計品牌彌月禮盒 粉色為可愛兔子愛心風格 適用於 : 0-6個月 款式 : 11件式 重量 : 6... more

    美國Elegant kids十一件組彌月禮盒-藍色 (E015) 彌月禮盒 八件組彌月禮盒 男嬰裝 男嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    美國Elegant kids十一件組彌月禮盒-藍色 (E015) 彌月禮盒 件組彌月禮盒 男嬰裝 男嬰 嬰兒手套 嬰兒帽子 嬰兒圍兜 嬰兒套裝 嬰兒襪子 嬰兒裝

    • 優惠價: 1790

    【商品照片】 【商品規格】 顏色 十一件組彌月禮盒 藍色 現貨 99 件 Elegant kids美國設計品牌彌月禮盒 藍色為可愛大象和恐龍風格 適用於 : 0-6個月 款式 : 11件式 重量 : ... more

    MLA Handbook, 8/e

    MLA Handbook, 8/e

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    本書為「現代語言學會」(Modern Language Association)指定的論文寫作手冊,指導研究報告及學術論文的寫作法和標準格式。自從問世以來,廣受重視,全球銷售量已超過三百萬冊,為大專學... more

    八掛海寫真集:She Loves You

    掛海寫真集:She Loves You

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1549

    性感可愛無極限! 「可愛程度讓人光是對到眼都不自覺心跳加速、小鹿亂撞」,這樣形容一點也不為過的偶像女優「八掛海」,在出道第3年首次發行個人精裝寫真集,超豪華128頁面中共在11個場合換上各種不同造型,... more

    Starting a Business in Ireland 8e

    Starting a Business in Ireland 8e

    • 優惠價: 1647
    She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Light Novel) Vol. 8

    She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Light Novel) Vol. 8

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 416

    RESCUE MISSION When an alchemist who holds the key to stopping the Chimera Clausen’s evil schemes is... more

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e

    • 優惠價: 1152

    This is a detailed examination of the customary laws in Punjab, India. The book covers everything fr... more

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 4

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 4

    • 優惠價: 1042

    Delve into the complex and intricate set of societal customs and norms that compromise Punjab’s cust... more

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This is a detailed examination of the customary laws in Punjab, India. The book covers everything fr... more

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 4

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 4

    • 優惠價: 1757

    Delve into the complex and intricate set of societal customs and norms that compromise Punjab’s cust... more

    Smn’s Emrgncy Orthpdcs 8e (Pb)

    Smn’s Emrgncy Orthpdcs 8e (Pb)

    • 優惠價: 17400

    The emergency physician’s most trusted reference for handling orthopedic injuries and disorders in t... more

    She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga) Vol. 8

    She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga) Vol. 8

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 360

    TINY TRAVELER Mira has received leads on the whereabouts of several of the Nine Wise Men. And what b... more

    Mann and Proctor on the Legal Aspect of Money 8e

    Mann and Proctor on the Legal Aspect of Money 8e

    • 優惠價: 22200

    Providing a thorough legal analysis of money in all its aspects, Mann on the Legal Aspect of Money h... more

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 17

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 17

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 17

    Punjab Customary Law. Vol. I-5, 6, 6 (rev. Ed.) 8, 8(b)-11, 11 (rev. Ed.) 12, 12 (rev. Ed.) 13-29.e; Volume 17

    • 優惠價: 877

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    8th e-Learning Excellence Awards - ECEL 2022

    8th e-Learning Excellence Awards - ECEL 2022

    • 優惠價: 1319

    e-Learning and indeed blended learning are now established integral ways in which education and trai... more

    The SSD Optimization Guide For Windows 7 & Windows 8.1 Edition 2018

    The SSD Optimization Guide For Windows 7 & Windows 8.1 Edition 2018

    • 優惠價: 900

    SSD Tweaking and Optimization Guide For Windows 7, Windows 8.1 also Windows 10. Panduan mentweaking ... more

    Labour Relations: A Southern African Perspective 8e

    Labour Relations: A Southern African Perspective 8e

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2022-01-27
    • 優惠價: 1920

    Labour Relations: A southern African perspective is the eighth edition of a text first published in ... more

    Kaiatonsera Ionterennaientag8a [microform]: Sonha Ong8e On8e Ga8ennontag8en

    Kaiatonsera Ionterennaientag8a [microform]: Sonha Ong8e On8e Ga8ennontag8en

    • 優惠價: 987
    Winning the Losers Game, 8e

    Winning the Losers Game, 8e

    • 優惠價: 1406
    Loose-Leaf Version for Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8e & Achieve Essentials for Lehninger Principles of

    Loose-Leaf Version for Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8e & Achieve Essentials for Lehninger Principles of

    • 優惠價: 14340
    Fun Mazes For Kids Ages 4-8: Problem solving puzzles for children. Easy activity book for kids age 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

    Fun Mazes For Kids Ages 4-8: Problem solving puzzles for children. Easy activity book for kids age 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

    • 優惠價: 494
    TX PACT Science Grades 4-8 - Test Taking Strategies: TX PACT 716 Exam - Free Online Tutoring - New 2020 Edition - The

    TX PACT Science Grades 4-8 - Test Taking Strategies: TX PACT 716 Exam - Free Online Tutoring - New 2020 Edition - The

    • 優惠價: 1924

    ***New 2020 Edition - The latest strategies to pass your exam.*** This booklet does not contain any ... more

    Planner 2020: Planner Weekly and Monthly for 2020 Calendar Business Planners Organizer For To do list 8,5" x 11" with

    Planner 2020: Planner Weekly and Monthly for 2020 Calendar Business Planners Organizer For To do list 8,5" x 11" with

    • 優惠價: 659
    She Believed She Could So She Did 2020-2021 Planner: Weekly And Monthly 24 Months 2 Years Calendar With Federal

    She Believed She Could So She Did 2020-2021 Planner: Weekly And Monthly 24 Months 2 Years Calendar With Federal

    • 優惠價: 472
    She Believed She Could, So She Did: Undated Weekly and Monthly Planner with To Do List Pink Marble Notebook 8.5 x 11

    She Believed She Could, So She Did: Undated Weekly and Monthly Planner with To Do List Pink Marble Notebook 8.5 x 11

    • 優惠價: 432
    My Favorite Aunt Gave Me This Sketchbook - She Is Freaking Awesome: 120 Pages of 8.5"x11" Blank Paper for Drawing

    My Favorite Aunt Gave Me This Sketchbook - She Is Freaking Awesome: 120 Pages of 8.5"x11" Blank Paper for Drawing

    • 優惠價: 384
    My Favorite Aunt Gave Me This Sketchbook - She Is Freaking Awesome: 120 Pages of 8.5"x11" Blank Paper for Drawing

    My Favorite Aunt Gave Me This Sketchbook - She Is Freaking Awesome: 120 Pages of 8.5"x11" Blank Paper for Drawing

    • 優惠價: 384
    Musica Elettronica e Sound Design - Teoria e Pratica con Max 8 - volume 2 (Terza Edizione)

    Musica Elettronica e Sound Design - Teoria e Pratica con Max 8 - volume 2 (Terza Edizione)

    • 優惠價: 3150
    Collection 8: Learn to Read Phonetically: Compounds with Silent e Words

    Collection 8: Learn to Read Phonetically: Compounds with Silent e Words

    • 優惠價: 934
    R.P. Philippi Bebii e Societate Jesu,: Chronologia brevis, ab orbe condito ad haec tempora, ex Bellarmino ac Baronio

    R.P. Philippi Bebii e Societate Jesu,: Chronologia brevis, ab orbe condito ad haec tempora, ex Bellarmino ac Baronio

    • 優惠價: 908
    Tricolore 5e Edition Grammar in Action 4 (8 Pack)

    Tricolore 5e Edition Grammar in Action 4 (8 Pack)

    • 優惠價: 4739

    This new edition of the best-selling and trusted Tricolore 4, is written by the highly experienced T... more

    Lecture à haute voix - 8e et 9e années

    Lecture à haute voix - 8e et 9e années

    • 優惠價: 861

    Lecture à haute voix, 8e et 9e années, Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Québec, Canada, 1941 ***Veuillez ... more

    1999 AUDI A8 TDI Turbocharger Rebuild and Repair Guide: 715294-0001, 715294-5001, 715294-9001, 715294-1, 057145702e

    1999 AUDI A8 TDI Turbocharger Rebuild and Repair Guide: 715294-0001, 715294-5001, 715294-9001, 715294-1, 057145702e

    • 優惠價: 1925
    1999 AUDI A8 TDI Turbocharger Rebuild and Repair Guide: 715224-0001, 715224-5001, 715224-9001, 715224-1, 057145701e

    1999 AUDI A8 TDI Turbocharger Rebuild and Repair Guide: 715224-0001, 715224-5001, 715224-9001, 715224-1, 057145701e

    • 優惠價: 1925
    The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 7th Ifip Wg 8.1 Working Conference, Poem 2014, Manchester, Uk November 12-13 2014

    The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 7th Ifip Wg 8.1 Working Conference, Poem 2014, Manchester, Uk November 12-13 2014

    • 優惠價: 3299
    California History 8e P

    California History 8e P

    • 優惠價: 3417

    The eighth edition of California: A History covers the entire scope of the history of the Golden Sta... more

    The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 6th Ifip Wg 8.1 Working Conference, Poem 2013, Riga, Latvia, November 6-7, 2013

    The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 6th Ifip Wg 8.1 Working Conference, Poem 2013, Riga, Latvia, November 6-7, 2013

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 6th IFIP WG 8.1 Conference on the Practice of Enterpr... more

    D.r.e.a.m.c.h.a.s.e.r: 8 Ways to Make It Happen

    D.r.e.a.m.c.h.a.s.e.r: 8 Ways to Make It Happen

    • 優惠價: 820

    D.R.E.A.M.C.H.A.S.E.R: 8 Ways to Make it Happen . It s aimed primarily at young people and uses exam... more

    Cardiac Arrhythmias 8e

    Cardiac Arrhythmias 8e

    • 優惠價: 2087

    Reviews of previous editions: "...a well conceived practical guide to the interpretation and treatme... more

    The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 5th Ifip Wg 8.1 Working Conference, Poem 2012, Rostock, Germany, November 7-8

    The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 5th Ifip Wg 8.1 Working Conference, Poem 2012, Rostock, Germany, November 7-8

    • 優惠價: 3299
    Balance the Mother Load: R.e.i.n.v.e.n.t. Your Life in Just 8 Weeks!

    Balance the Mother Load: R.e.i.n.v.e.n.t. Your Life in Just 8 Weeks!

    • 優惠價: 494

    Juggling two young kids and a full-time job derailed me. This book put me back on track and even had... more

    Balance the Mother Load: R.e.i.n.v.e.n.t. Your Life in Just 8 Weeks!

    Balance the Mother Load: R.e.i.n.v.e.n.t. Your Life in Just 8 Weeks!

    • 優惠價: 1178

    Juggling two young kids and a full-time job derailed me. This book put me back on track and even had... more

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