

    您輸入的關鍵字: Cantata Learning


    搜尋結果共 140795 筆, 頁數 12 / 2347

    【Listen & Learn Series】Odd One Out. 8, 9 and 10(學著聽英語故事:數一數,是誰不一樣?)(附美籍教師朗讀音檔) (電子書)

    【Listen & Learn Series】Odd One Out. 8, 9 and 10(學著聽英語故事:數一數,是誰不一樣?)(附美籍教師朗讀音檔) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 175

    \寶貝的第一本「學數數」英語繪本/誰用一隻腳站著?誰又用兩隻腳呢?小貓尾巴上有幾個黑花斑?有八隻腳的動物呢?在哪裡?*POINT*MP3為台版獨家限定!「從1數到10」是語言學習的基礎之一。在這本帶有... more

    美國Learning Resources教學資源 - 昆蟲幾何拼圖

    美國Learning Resources教學資源 - 昆蟲幾何拼圖

    • 優惠價: 1150
    美國Learning Resources教學資源 - 糊塗貓頭鷹呼特

    美國Learning Resources教學資源 - 糊塗貓頭鷹呼特

    • 優惠價: 750
    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第433期

    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第433期

    • 歐美雜誌, 出版日期: 2023-11-01
    • 優惠價: 500
    Let’s Learn About Spiders!英語有聲繪本 (電子書)

    Let’s Learn About Spiders!英語有聲繪本 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    本書為母語英語的老師錄製的英文有聲電子書 藍思810-1000L以上 / 9-13歲 你看到多少種蜘蛛?和我們的朋友一起去尋找蜘蛛吧。... more

    Let’s Learn About Wild Cats!英語有聲繪本 (電子書)

    Let’s Learn About Wild Cats!英語有聲繪本 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    本書為母語英語的老師錄製的英文有聲電子書 藍思210-400L / 3-6歲 認識不同的野生貓科動物。... more

    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第432期

    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第432期

    • 歐美雜誌, 出版日期: 2023-10-04
    • 優惠價: 500
    Diving into Harvard Education: Learn to Change the World(魚遊哈佛:學習改變世界)(英文版) (電子書)

    Diving into Harvard Education: Learn to Change the World(魚遊哈佛:學習改變世界)(英文版) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 708

    以路易士教授《大學靈魂的尋回與守護》為開篇之作,將22個訪談,按照道德教育、通識教育、社會情感教育、融合和公平教育、比較教育、數字時代教育、哈佛經歷、學以致用—工程教育共8章徐徐展開,為讀者勾勒出本書... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 412

    《Scikit-Learn機器學習核心技術與實踐》循序漸進地講解了使用Scikit-Learn開發機器學習程序的核心知識,並通過具體實例的實現過程演練了使用Scikit-Learn的方法和流程。全書共... more

    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第431期

    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第431期

    • 歐美雜誌, 出版日期: 2023-09-06
    • 優惠價: 500
    美國Learning Resources教學資源 三合一變形交通組 - 工程車隊

    美國Learning Resources教學資源 三合一變形交通組 - 工程車隊

    • 優惠價: 1150
    語言學習與語言教學的原則(第六版):英文=Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (Sixth Edition)

    語言學習與語言教學的原則(第六版):英文=Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (Sixth Edition)

    • 優惠價: 87 折, 360

    《語言學習與語言教學的原則(第六版)》是二語習得與外語教學領域的經典圖書,已重版五次,此次推出的第六版收錄了該領域的新理論成果和研究課題,同時更為注重聯繫課堂實踐:每章在闡述理論內容的同時,穿插有多個... more

    美國Learning Resources教學資源 - 堡壘建築師

    美國Learning Resources教學資源 - 堡壘建築師

    • 優惠價: 1350

    「美國Learning Resources ® 」是專業開發設計各種教育階段教具的公司 很多幼兒園都指定使用Learning Resources ,做為課堂上教學輔助的教具 讓小孩透過玩樂來學習,讓學... more

    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第430期

    FUN TO LEARN Favourites 第430期

    • 歐美雜誌, 出版日期: 2023-08-09
    • 優惠價: 500
    Michael Learns To Rock / Played On Pepper(「情歌至尊」MLTR搖滾麥克 / 胡椒把戲 2014完美升級豪華盤)

    Michael Learns To Rock / Played On Pepper(「情歌至尊」MLTR搖滾麥克 / 胡椒把戲 2014完美升級豪華盤)

    • 優惠價: 509

    *締造全球逾1100萬張專輯總銷量,席捲亞洲各國的抒情搖滾天團! *1995年發行並淪陷歐亞非洲各國的樂團第三張專輯,收錄「Someday」、「That’s Why (You Go Away)」等冠軍... more

    【Listen & Learn Series】Larry & Lola. What Do We Buy? (電子書)

    【Listen & Learn Series】Larry & Lola. What Do We Buy? (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    \Listen and Learn Series/ 全球獨家限定「美籍外師朗讀」音檔, 強化聽力,奠定語言學習最佳基礎, 讓繪本不只是繪本! 小兔子拉瑞和小貓蘿拉說: 咕嚕嚕〜肚子好餓啊,一起... more

    Wanderlust+Co 澳洲品牌 藍水晶橢圓形相本項鍊 Healing Learning Growing

    Wanderlust+Co 澳洲品牌 藍水晶橢圓形相本項鍊 Healing Learning Growing

    • 優惠價: 2083

    Wanderlust+Co 自澳洲的潮牌Wanderlust+Co 手工製造 天馬行空的玩味風格 精緻時尚的金屬飾品 關注細節的設計 性感得恰到好處 全球IG時尚部落客的最愛 一定要擁有 材質 鍍K金... more

    【Listen & Learn Series】Does Giraffe Eat Alone?(學著聽英語故事:你是自己一個嗎?)(附音檔QRcode) (電子書)

    【Listen & Learn Series】Does Giraffe Eat Alone?(學著聽英語故事:你是自己一個嗎?)(附音檔QRcode) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    \是英語繪本,也是安全教育讀本/ 「嘿!可愛的小長頸鹿,你落單了嗎?」 「還有你,正在玩水的小象,你自己一個嗎?」 動物寶寶們都有乖乖地跟在父母身邊,你也可以嗎? *POINT* MP3為台版獨家限定... more

    【Listen & Learn Series】My Birthday(學著聽英語故事:大熊過生日)(附音檔QRcode) (電子書)

    【Listen & Learn Series】My Birthday(學著聽英語故事:大熊過生日)(附音檔QRcode) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    大家都忘記今天是大熊的生日! 這真是太糟糕、太不妙了! 但是,大熊都戴上生日小尖帽、還特地打上啾啾啦, 為什麼還是沒人跟他說「生日快樂」呢? *POINT* MP3為台版獨家限定! 大熊等不到朋友們... more

    【Listen & Learn Series】Larry & Lola. What Will We See There? (電子書)

    【Listen & Learn Series】Larry & Lola. What Will We See There? (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    \Listen and Learn Series/ 全球獨家限定「美籍外師朗讀」音檔, 強化聽力,奠定語言學習最佳基礎, 讓繪本不只是繪本! 小兔子拉瑞和小貓蘿拉總是一起出門去玩耍。 昨天他們... more

    【Listen & Learn Series】Larry & Lola. What Will We Choose? (電子書)

    【Listen & Learn Series】Larry & Lola. What Will We Choose? (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    \Listen and Learn Series/ 全球獨家限定「美籍外師朗讀」音檔, 強化聽力,奠定語言學習最佳基礎, 讓繪本不只是繪本! 小兔子拉瑞和小貓蘿拉說: 一起吃早餐吧?你今天想吃... more

    eeBoo 恐龍36片微夜光拼圖組 - Ready to Learn- Dinosaurs 36 Piece 4 Puzzle Set (36)

    eeBoo 恐龍36片微夜光拼圖組 - Ready to Learn- Dinosaurs 36 Piece 4 Puzzle Set (36)

    • 優惠價: 1200

    四種不同的恐龍謎題:霸王龍、棘龍、三角龍和劍龍,還有額外的驚喜:關掉燈,看看它們在黑暗中微發光的骨骼!藝術家Linda Bleck生動的藝術作品使這些古老的巨人栩栩如生。 榮獲Oppenheim G... more

    VIVALDI: Cantatas / Moynihan, Ensemble Nota Velata(維瓦第:女高音清唱劇「在參天的山毛櫸樹蔭下」、「逐漸消逝的面容」等 / 戴爾德芮‧茉妮涵(女高音)、諾塔維拉塔古樂團)

    VIVALDI: Cantatas / Moynihan, Ensemble Nota Velata(維瓦第:女高音清唱劇「在參天的山毛櫸樹蔭下」、「逐漸消逝的面容」等 / 戴爾德芮‧茉妮涵(女高音)、諾塔維拉塔古樂團)

    • CD , Naxos , 出版日期: 2014-05-20
    • 優惠價: 309

    維瓦第一生大約寫了四十餘首的清唱劇,這些清唱劇依照我們今日稱為「拿波里風格」的形式,採詠嘆調與宣敘調交錯進行。多產的維瓦第所選擇的題材包羅萬象,有描寫自然田園風光的「在參天的山毛櫸樹蔭下」,也有描寫愛... more

    JS Bach: Cantatas for Epiphany / St. Thomas Boys’ Choir of Leipzig, Georg Christoph Biller(conductor)Gewandhaus(巴哈:主顯節清唱劇選(BWV3、65、72) / 萊比錫聖湯瑪斯合唱團, 葛歐戈.克里斯多夫.畢勒(指揮)萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團)

    JS Bach: Cantatas for Epiphany / St. Thomas Boys’ Choir of Leipzig, Georg Christoph Biller(conductor)Gewandhaus(巴哈:主顯節清唱劇選(BWV3、65、72) / 萊比錫聖湯瑪斯合唱團, 葛歐戈.克里斯多夫.畢勒(指揮)萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團)

    • CD , Rondeau , 出版日期: 2013-02-08
    • 優惠價: 589

    巴哈:主顯節清唱劇選(BWV3、65、72) 萊比錫聖湯瑪斯合唱團 康拉德.祖畢爾(童聲女高音)、馬丁.德克爾曼(童聲女中音)、史戴芬.卡勒(假聲男高音)、馬丁.佩佐德(男高音)、葛托德.舒瓦茲(男低... more

    JS Bach: Cantatas for Advent / St. Thomas Boys’ Choir of Leipzig, Georg Christoph Biller(conductor)Gewandhaus Orchestra(巴哈:降臨節清唱劇選(BWV36、61、62) / 萊比錫聖湯瑪斯教堂合唱團, 葛歐戈.克里斯多夫.畢勒(指揮)萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團)

    JS Bach: Cantatas for Advent / St. Thomas Boys’ Choir of Leipzig, Georg Christoph Biller(conductor)Gewandhaus Orchestra(巴哈:降臨節清唱劇選(BWV36、61、62) / 萊比錫聖湯瑪斯教堂合唱團, 葛歐戈.克里斯多夫.畢勒(指揮)萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團)

    • CD , Rondeau , 出版日期: 2013-02-08
    • 優惠價: 589

    巴哈:降臨節清唱劇選(BWV36、61、62) 萊比錫聖湯瑪斯教堂合唱團 費德里希.普瑞托流斯(童聲女高音)、保羅.貝納威茲(童聲女高音)、史戴芬.卡勒(假聲男高音)、克里斯多夫.甘茲(男高音)、葛托... more



    • 日文書.MOOK
    • 優惠價: 66

    1994年Eagles重組後所推出的專輯, Leam To be Still 是 Hell Freeze Over 中的一首慢版抒情歌。P.S. 特價商品,偶有折痕,敬請見諒!... more

    Alessandro Melani : Cantatas for soprano, instruments and basso continuo / Velardi, Alessandro Stradella Consort(梅蘭尼: 清唱劇作品集 / 維勒第(指揮)Alessandro Stradella Consort)

    Alessandro Melani : Cantatas for soprano, instruments and basso continuo / Velardi, Alessandro Stradella Consort(梅蘭尼: 清唱劇作品集 / 維勒第(指揮)Alessandro Stradella Consort)

    • 優惠價: 460

    女高音: Rosita Frisani 小提琴: Fabrizio Cipriani 樂團: Alessandro Stradella Consort 指揮: Estevan Velardi ALES... more

    Creating Authenticity in STEAM Education: A project-based learning and design thinking approach

    Creating Authenticity in STEAM Education: A project-based learning and design thinking approach

    • 優惠價: 1026

    Michelle Bradley’s Creating Authenticity in STEAM Education goes beyond the confines of traditional ... more

    THAWZEN Moments: Autoethnographic piano teaching and learning stories

    THAWZEN Moments: Autoethnographic piano teaching and learning stories

    • 優惠價: 3575
    Pedagogical assessment and learning quality

    Pedagogical assessment and learning quality

    • 優惠價: 2820
    The Baby Plan: An uplifting feel-good romantic comedy about learning to love and laugh when everything falls apart

    The Baby Plan: An uplifting feel-good romantic comedy about learning to love and laugh when everything falls apart

    • 優惠價: 494
    Active Machine Learning with Python: Refine and elevate data quality over quantity with active learning

    Active Machine Learning with Python: Refine and elevate data quality over quantity with active learning

    • 優惠價: 2474

    Use active machine learning with Python to improve the accuracy of predictive models, streamline the... more

    Virtual community for English language learning and competencies

    Virtual community for English language learning and competencies

    • 優惠價: 2820

    The book demonstrates that the virtual learning community (VLC) variable correlates with the English... more

    From Start to Mastery: Focuses on the latest Pro Max model, ensuring a smooth learning curve with pictures.

    From Start to Mastery: Focuses on the latest Pro Max model, ensuring a smooth learning curve with pictures.

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Unleash the Ultimate Pro Experience on Your iPhone 15 Pro Max Are you the proud owner of Apple’s lat... more

    Methods and resources for distance learning: using AVA Chamilo

    Methods and resources for distance learning: using AVA Chamilo

    • 優惠價: 1860

    With constant technological advances and the emergence of distance learning in the second half of th... more

    Dance and the teaching and learning process

    Dance and the teaching and learning process

    • 優惠價: 2580

    Dance plays a fundamental role in the teaching and learning process in early childhood education, as... more

    An immersion in the learning possibilities of young children

    An immersion in the learning possibilities of young children

    • 優惠價: 2340

    "While Marcos, the day’s helper, was giving the children their caps so they could get ready for coff... more

    Nani-Ma’s ABC’s: A delicious alphabet jouney learning about foods found in the Pakistani Cuisine.

    Nani-Ma’s ABC’s: A delicious alphabet jouney learning about foods found in the Pakistani Cuisine.

    • 優惠價: 604

    Who has a Nani-Ma (Grandma) that loves to cook and feed her family? This is so much more than an alp... more

    Teacher training and the implications for learning to read

    Teacher training and the implications for learning to read

    • 優惠價: 5040

    This book aims to analyze teacher training and its implications for the learning of students in the ... more

    Blended learning

    Blended learning

    • 優惠價: 2820
    A teaching/learning experience about art and nature

    A teaching/learning experience about art and nature

    • 優惠價: 3660

    This monographic study is the result of reflections on my professional life as an Early Childhood Ed... more

    Automatic learning

    Automatic learning

    • 優惠價: 2580

    Machine Learning is a sub-domain of Artificial Intelligence, in this book we talk about some algorit... more

    Difficulties in teaching and learning maths

    Difficulties in teaching and learning maths

    • 優惠價: 2340

    This book is aimed at maths teachers. It tries to relate the choice of methods used in the classroom... more

    Implementing a Repository for the OBA-MC learning object

    Implementing a Repository for the OBA-MC learning object

    • 優惠價: 2340

    The main aim of this work is to improve the usability of the OBA-MC by implementing a learning objec... more

    Grammar teaching and learning from the student’s perspective

    Grammar teaching and learning from the student’s perspective

    • 優惠價: 2340

    The perception that there is no dialogue between language professionals and the documents that regul... more

    The constructive from the epistemology of meaningful learning.

    The constructive from the epistemology of meaningful learning.

    • 優惠價: 2580

    The purpose of this research was to establish constructivism from the epistemology of meaningful lea... more

    Music therapy, affect and learning

    Music therapy, affect and learning

    • 優惠價: 2580

    This book is the result of a combination of scientific research and clinical practice by music thera... more

    Learn Autonomous Programming with Python: Utilize Python’s capabilities in artificial intelligence, machine learning

    Learn Autonomous Programming with Python: Utilize Python’s capabilities in artificial intelligence, machine learning

    • 優惠價: 2197

    The current industry (also called Industry 4.0) has witnessed an unprecedented expansion of technolo... more

    Low Poly 3D Modeling in Blender: Kickstart your career as a 3D artist by learning how to create low poly assets and

    Low Poly 3D Modeling in Blender: Kickstart your career as a 3D artist by learning how to create low poly assets and

    • 優惠價: 2474

    Master the art of modeling, shading, and rendering low poly 3D creations to transform into the 3D ar... more

    Machine Learning with Rust: A practical attempt to explore Rust and its libraries across popular machine learning

    Machine Learning with Rust: A practical attempt to explore Rust and its libraries across popular machine learning

    • 優惠價: 3040

    In this stimulating journey of Rust, you’ll learn how to use the Rust programming language in conjun... more

    Integral learning of basic sciences: mathematics in chemistry and mathematics in the sciences

    Integral learning of basic sciences: mathematics in chemistry and mathematics in the sciences

    • 優惠價: 2580

    The structure of this book presents, in Chapter One: "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STOCHIOMETRY AND DIFFEREN... more

    Educational videos to reinforce multiplication learning

    Educational videos to reinforce multiplication learning

    • 優惠價: 3960

    The creation of educational videos serves as a reinforcement to the learning of multiplication for c... more

    MLOps with Red Hat OpenShift: A cloud-native approach to machine learning operations

    MLOps with Red Hat OpenShift: A cloud-native approach to machine learning operations

    • 優惠價: 2474

    Build and manage MLOps pipelines with this practical guide to using Red Hat OpenShift Data Science, ... more

    Machine Learning Infrastructure and Best Practices for Software Engineers: Take your machine learning software from a

    Machine Learning Infrastructure and Best Practices for Software Engineers: Take your machine learning software from a

    • 優惠價: 2474

    Efficiently transform your initial designs into big systems by learning the foundations of infrastru... more

     machine learning

    machine learning

    • 優惠價: 2749

    Transform your data into insights with must-know techniques and mathematical concepts to unravel the... more

    MATLAB for Machine Learning - Second Edition: Unlock the power of deep learning for swift and enhanced results

    MATLAB for Machine Learning - Second Edition: Unlock the power of deep learning for swift and enhanced results

    • 優惠價: 2749

    Master MATLAB tools for creating machine learning applications through effective code writing, guide... more

    Camera Shy: a grumpy sunshine romance about learning to take risks

    Camera Shy: a grumpy sunshine romance about learning to take risks

    • 優惠價: 549

    Heartbroken after her almost-engagement was called off, Jess goes on a mini-break to Paris seeking c... more

    The use of ICT in the process of teaching and learning English

    The use of ICT in the process of teaching and learning English

    • 優惠價: 2580

    Information and communication technology (hereafter ICT) has revolutionized many aspects of our live... more

    Drawing. Teaching and learning process in the first year of training

    Drawing. Teaching and learning process in the first year of training

    • 優惠價: 4020

    The work carried out has recorded and analyzed the drawings of first year students of the Plastic Ar... more

    The impact of flipped classroom on the learning process

    The impact of flipped classroom on the learning process

    • 優惠價: 3900

    Numerous countries throughout the world began reforming their educational systems in order to meet t... more



    • 4.17-4.30愛媽折學 寵愛美好生活|母親節獨家商品3折起