
    您輸入的關鍵字: Paula


    搜尋結果共 9817 筆, 頁數 2 / 164

    【SOS!公主出任務】07:拯救雨林猴子 (中高年級讀本‧解救動物/調查推理)

    【SOS!公主出任務】07:拯救雨林猴子 (中高年級讀本‧解救動物/調查推理)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 198

    機智+友誼+團結合作 英國暢銷童書作家 寶拉‧哈里森 ‧最具代表作 The Rescue Princesses系列‧ 全球銷量突破1000000冊 版權售出美國、義大利、日本、法國、波蘭、土耳其等九... more

    SOS!公主出任務04:竹林貓熊的危機 (中高年級讀本‧解救動物/調查推理)

    SOS!公主出任務04:竹林貓熊的危機 (中高年級讀本‧解救動物/調查推理)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 198

    全球銷量突破1000000冊 版權售出美國、義大利、日本、法國、波蘭、土耳其等九國 英國暢銷童書作家 寶拉‧哈里森 ‧最具代表作 The Rescue Princesses系列‧ ★★★★★ ... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    ★英國知名兒童出版社Child s Play與發展心理學Kathryn Lester 博士攜手打造幼兒EQ管理繪本★ ★知名繪本作家Paula Bowles用童趣筆觸描繪小怪獸們的各種情緒★ ★中英雙語繪本,認識憤怒的情緒,親子一同探討...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    ★英國暢銷童書‧全球銷售超過1,000,000冊★ ★可愛公主系推理讀本+動腦﹝IQ小遊戲﹞★ 珍貴的皇家名畫竟然憑空消失! 公主蜜莉&女僕潔絲 決定再度化身小偵探,找出神祕的偷畫賊... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    ★英國知名兒童出版社Child s Play與發展心理學Kathryn Lester 博士攜手打造幼兒EQ管理繪本★ ★知名繪本作家Paula Bowles用童趣筆觸描繪小怪獸們的各種情緒★ ★中英雙語繪本,認識憤怒的情緒,親子一同探討...... more

    寶拉的保養聖經:現在起,擁有此生最棒的肌膚 (電子書)

    寶拉的保養聖經:現在起,擁有此生最棒的肌膚 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 315

    全球暢銷數百萬冊,皮膚科醫師,都認同寶拉對肌膚保養的觀點! 打造完美肌膚,聽寶拉的話準沒錯! 別再相信別人的「感覺」及來源不明的「分享」! 獲得完美肌膚的唯一途徑,是使用有科學根據的護膚方法,確實且持... more

    Poetry Speaks To Children

    Poetry Speaks To Children

    • 優惠價: 758

    New York Times Bestseller! In the tradition of Poetry Speaks, the anthology named a Best Book of 200... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    您渴望改變嗎?渴望身、心、靈都健康完整嗎? 我們都渴望完全,也期盼自己是個心靈健康的人。但太多時候我們卻發現這是一個難以捉摸的目標。本書為舉世公認的「心靈醫治」經典鉅作,由心靈醫治大師、經驗老練的... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    您渴望改變嗎?渴望身、心、靈都健康完整嗎? 我們都渴望完全,也期盼自己是個心靈健康的人。但太多時候我們卻發現這是一個難以捉摸的目標。本書為舉世公認的「心靈醫治」經典鉅作,由心靈醫治大師、經驗老練的... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    ★英國知名兒童出版社Child s Play與發展心理學Kathryn Lester 博士攜手打造幼兒EQ管理繪本★ ★知名繪本作家Paula Bowles用童趣筆觸描繪小怪獸們的各種情緒★ ★中英雙語繪本,認識憤怒的情緒,親子一同探討...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    。 作者簡介 Paula Woods 專長室內設計及工藝設計。曾擔任英國知名家居設計雜誌編輯。目前為自由作家及設計師。出版過室內設計及家居生活系列作品。 Petra Boase 本書的所有場景佈置設計師曾擔任英國BBC廣播公司『Change That...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    ★英國知名兒童出版社Child s Play與發展心理學Kathryn Lester 博士攜手打造幼兒EQ管理繪本★ ★知名繪本作家Paula Bowles用童趣筆觸描繪小怪獸們的各種情緒★ ★中英雙語繪本,認識憤怒的情緒,親子一同探討...... more

    Star Trek Pop-Ups

    Star Trek Pop-Ups

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 800

    Star Trek is one of the most enduring franchises in Hollywood entertainment history. Part of the pub... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    每一份工作,都有它存在的價值與意義 在各自領域堅守崗位的每一位,都值得我們尊敬 在海濱小鎮長大的男孩,一心嚮往著海洋。入夜以後,他總會站在窗邊,當整座小鎮悄然睡去,男孩看著漁夫航向大海的身影,夢想... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    散發出的人性光輝與奮發向上的勇氣,並為科索沃的民族血淚史留下一頁見證。 作者簡介 寶拉.包林.韓特莉(Paula Bowlin Huntely) 美國阿肯色州人,林登伍德(Lindenwood)大學學士,南方衛理公會大學歷史學碩士。職業生涯...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 297

    神創造你的生命,就在你的掌握中! 如果你覺得好像有某樣東西在攔阻你,使你無法活出神原先創造你的樣式…… 如果你覺得自己不斷落入同樣的罪中…… 桑得福夫婦希望你知道,更新──完全的更新──是... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 306

    全球各地正出現一個可悲的偏差現象:年輕的成年人踏入社會開始自立或開始建立家庭之際,個人往事的創傷都尚未得醫治,而自己個人的罪、父母的失職,或童年期種種疏失所形成的負面人格,皆未獲得醫治。人類對自己內心... more

    《心經》的療癒藝術:色與空的極致視覺體驗 (電子書)

    《心經》的療癒藝術:色與空的極致視覺體驗 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 800

    達賴喇嘛盛讚: 「他的畫有一種力量,能表達佛教和科學兩者看待實相的共鳴之處。」 本書共收錄五十多幅日本書法家兼畫家岩崎常夫的畫作。岩崎常夫曾是中學教師和獲得國家獎金的生物學家,他五十五歲開始學習書... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    這是心靈醫治大師,經驗老練的協談者桑得福夫婦,自全球銷售最高的「心靈醫治」經典之作《更新裏面的人》一書之後的另一鉅作。 它更具體而微的從一個人幼時在肉身、靈裡受到重創之後所呈現出的症狀作深入說明。... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 216

    這是心靈醫治大師,經驗老練的協談者桑得福夫婦,自全球銷售最高的「心靈醫治」經典之作《更新裏面的人》一書之後的另一鉅作。 它更具體而微的從一個人幼時在肉身、靈裡受到重創之後所呈現出的症狀作深入說明。... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    本套書具體而微的從一個人幼時在肉身、靈裡受到重創之後所呈現出的症狀作深入說明,提供協談及靈裡的釋放之道。 每人都有隱藏的痛苦,神能幫助您辨識您自己或別人靈的受損狀況,並一步步指示您如何在生活中接受... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 423

    本書乃《靈的禁錮與釋放》的最新修訂版。 當今教會對「成聖與轉化過程」神學的認知常過度簡化,以致扭曲了「救恩過程」(process of salvation)的神學觀,而有殘缺不全之處。人們的許多... more

    Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon

    Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon

    • 優惠價: 266

    Even when her best friend is moving away, Amber Brown is always bold, bright, and colorful. #Amber B... more

    The Girl on the Train

    The Girl on the Train

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    The #1 New York Times Bestseller, USA Today Book of the Year, now a major motion picture starring Em... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 171

    婚姻中的饒恕之道、彼此傾聽是每個人都需要學習的,心靈醫治大師桑得福夫婦在本書即針對諸多問題深入剖析並提出解決之道,盼能帶領您的家走入基督化的家庭。... more

    The Who Was? History of the World

    The Who Was? History of the World

    • 優惠價: 380

    Based on The New York Times Best-Selling series, this timeline of world history gives a fresh take o... more

    那盞小紅燈 (電子書)

    那盞小紅燈 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 270

    本書為加爾默羅會士保拉姆姆(Mother Paula)的信仰見證和傳記。因為父親身為政治人物的生涯,從小過著非凡的生活,從東北到日本,從南京到上海,在細膩多感的筆觸裡,同時也見證了二十世紀動盪的中國。 全書分三部分。第一部「人間事」,為從...... more

    The Paris Wife

    The Paris Wife

    • 優惠價: 684

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - A deeply evocative novel of ambition and betrayal that captures the love... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 221

    婚姻中的饒恕之道、彼此傾聽是每個人都需要學習的,心靈醫治大師桑得福夫婦在本書即針對諸多問題深入剖析並提出解決之道,盼能帶領您的家走入基督化的家庭。... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    ★亞馬遜五星好評暢銷系列★ 「不要讓恐懼限制你,你比自己想的還要勇敢!」 看小女孩凱蒂如何鼓起勇氣、克服恐懼,成為最有自信的超能英雄! 白天是平凡女孩,夜裡變身貓咪英雄,最「萌」的超能凱蒂準備出動囉... more

    Methods for Community-Based Research: Advancing Educational Justice and Epistemic Rights

    Methods for Community-Based Research: Advancing Educational Justice and Epistemic Rights

    • 優惠價: 10200

    Methods for Community-Based Research describes how Community-Based Research (CBR) is particularly su... more

    Methods for Community-Based Research: Advancing Educational Justice and Epistemic Rights

    Methods for Community-Based Research: Advancing Educational Justice and Epistemic Rights

    • 優惠價: 2997

    Methods for Community-Based Research describes how Community-Based Research (CBR) is particularly su... more

    ¿Quién Fue Salvador Dalí?

    ¿Quién Fue Salvador Dalí?

    • 優惠價: 266

    "Most famous for his surrealist painting The Persistence of Memory and its melting clocks, Salvador ... more

    Sherlock Holmes - Eliminate The Impossible

    Sherlock Holmes - Eliminate The Impossible

    • 優惠價: 822

    In The Sign of Four, the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, famously says: "... when you have elimina... more

    Sherlock Holmes - Eliminate The Impossible

    Sherlock Holmes - Eliminate The Impossible

    • 優惠價: 1262

    In The Sign of Four, the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, famously says: "... when you have elimina... more

    Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World

    Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World

    • 優惠價: 3477

    This book is the one place to find unprecedented access to case-law, doctrinal debates and comparati... more

    Toys and Play in Early Childhood Education

    Toys and Play in Early Childhood Education

    • 優惠價: 2580
    Life Wants You Dead: A Calm, Rational, and Totally Legit Guide to Scaring Yourself Safe

    Life Wants You Dead: A Calm, Rational, and Totally Legit Guide to Scaring Yourself Safe

    • 優惠價: 758

    "Life wants you dead, and this book wants to be READ! Ha ha I love being a comedian." --Patton Oswal... more

    Gestalt Therapy and Phenomenology

    Gestalt Therapy and Phenomenology

    • 優惠價: 2580
    Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue

    Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue

    • 優惠價: 266
    A Promise for All Time

    A Promise for All Time

    • 優惠價: 608

    "You’re like the treasure box filled with all the laughter I’ve lost." When social outcast Mercy Bla... more

    The Cool of the Evening

    The Cool of the Evening

    • 優惠價: 1368
    Topics in Gerontology

    Topics in Gerontology

    • 優惠價: 2340

    Caring for an Alzheimer’s patient often triggers new demands for caregivers, family members and soci... more

    Chapel Field

    Chapel Field

    • 優惠價: 879

    A psychological suspense about silence and its sinister effects on a family and a village from the a... more

    Intrinsic work values among higher education graduates

    Intrinsic work values among higher education graduates

    • 優惠價: 4200

    The professional integration of higher education graduates is a relatively recent area of research. ... more

    The Stuff of a Life: Collected Essays

    The Stuff of a Life: Collected Essays

    • 優惠價: 662

    A Quaker childhood, a hefty dose of adolescent insecurity, a conflicted relationship with 1970s Wome... more

    Educational Practices for Autistic People

    Educational Practices for Autistic People

    • 優惠價: 1440

    The universe of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) leads us to expand the possibilities for these chil... more

    Análise das políticas públicas

    Análise das políticas públicas

    • 優惠價: 4680

    Trata-se de uma análise de políticas públicas centrada nos actores sobre a violência devida ao confl... more

    Dragon Noodle Party

    Dragon Noodle Party

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 249

    Join the animals of the zodiac as they make noodles for a party in this festive book from an award-w... more

    Emerge with Self-Love

    Emerge with Self-Love

    • 優惠價: 570

    , or need more faith? All the women in this book have been through this and more! This book is your answer. I am Paula...... more

    Bottom Set Citizen: Ability Grouping in Schools - Meritocracy’s Undeserving

    Bottom Set Citizen: Ability Grouping in Schools - Meritocracy’s Undeserving

    • 優惠價: 3897

    While research evidence shows the negative impact of ability grouping on children, this book suggest... more

    From the point of view of preschool teachers

    From the point of view of preschool teachers

    • 優惠價: 2340

    A theoretical review of the topic was conducted and an attempt was made to understand, through the d... more

    The double in Romanticism: the example of E. T. A. Hoffmann

    The double in Romanticism: the example of E. T. A. Hoffmann

    • 優惠價: 4260

    The aim of this paper is to point out the reasons why the phenomenon of the double became one of the... more

    Rapid diagnosis of mental disorders

    Rapid diagnosis of mental disorders

    • 優惠價: 1210

    This book should not even exist, because a "quick diagnosis of mental disorders" is a contradiction ... more

    Into the Water

    Into the Water

    • 優惠價: 824

    Into the Water is the incredible new standalone thriller from Paula Hawkins, author of The Girl on the Train. Published...... more

    Traumatic Septic Arthritis in an Equine Tarsus

    Traumatic Septic Arthritis in an Equine Tarsus

    • 優惠價: 2340

    Orthopaedic problems in horses can result in the loss of a limb, which is essential to the animal’s ... more

    Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 15th International Conference, Icaart 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, February 22-24, 2023, Revised Selected Papers

    Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 15th International Conference, Icaart 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, February 22-24, 2023, Revised Selected Papers

    • 優惠價: 4799

    This book contains the revised and extended versions of selected papers from the 15th International ... more

    The Long 2020: Reflections of Epidemiological Times

    The Long 2020: Reflections of Epidemiological Times

    • 優惠價: 9599

    This book looks at the current crises of life and livelihood following the global epidemiological cr... more

    Pennsylvania Government and Politics: Understanding Public Policy in the Keystone State

    Pennsylvania Government and Politics: Understanding Public Policy in the Keystone State

    • 優惠價: 7497

    This book provides a comprehensive examination of the Keystone State’s formal and informal political... more

    Pennsylvania Government and Politics: Understanding Public Policy in the Keystone State

    Pennsylvania Government and Politics: Understanding Public Policy in the Keystone State

    • 優惠價: 1977

    This book provides a comprehensive examination of the Keystone State’s formal and informal political... more

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