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    神話傳說英雄的異世界奇譚(4) (電子書)

    神話傳說英雄的異世界奇譚(4) (電子書)

    • 中文電子書 ,  Y.S , 東立 , 出版日期: 2021-09-07
    • 優惠價: 150

    第六皇女麗茲慘吞敗戰,《少女軍神》奧拉孤立無援──得知消息的比呂急忙趕回帝都。然而,從皇帝口中接獲的諭令竟是「捨棄奧拉」這道無情的指示。比呂無論如何都想避免痛失才能堪比《軍神(瑪爾斯)》的奧拉,於是決... more

    神話傳說英雄的異世界奇譚(6) (電子書)

    神話傳說英雄的異世界奇譚(6) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 150

    比呂和麗茲無力阻止休特貝爾的陰謀,為了避免大帝國上下陷入混亂,於是隱瞞葛蘭兹大帝國皇帝的死訊。然而,屋漏偏逢連夜雨,聯邦六國入侵與休太峴共和國於國境佈署兵力的消息,接連傳入帝都。比呂將南方的防衛工作交... more

    請讓我撒嬌,仙狐大人! (11) (電子書)

    請讓我撒嬌,仙狐大人! (11) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 100

    中野的上司,四谷小姐最近有個煩惱… 那就是自己的靈感原本就已經夠強了, 如今居然還被愈來愈清晰的「可見」的存在跟上了。 對象是位自帶獸耳和毛茸茸尾巴, 個性慌張的迷糊蛋…… 被這位... more

    請讓我撒嬌,仙狐大人! (6) (電子書)

    請讓我撒嬌,仙狐大人! (6) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 90

    一個人外出的中野行跡實在太可疑了!? 察覺到異樣感而決定偷偷尾隨的仙狐小姐 目擊到的是…中野和高圓寺小姐會合的一幕! 這該不會是所謂的…「私會」? 以「母親」的立場來說明明應該感到欣慰... more

    Enzymes Beyond Traditional Applications in Dairy Science and Technology

    Enzymes Beyond Traditional Applications in Dairy Science and Technology

    • 優惠價: 12000

    A volume in the series on Foundations and Frontiers of Enzymology, Enzymes Beyond Traditional Applic... more

    我的朋友♂♀可愛到讓人困擾! (5) (電子書)

    我的朋友♂♀可愛到讓人困擾! (5) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 90

    天野滉一原以為來自芬蘭的寄宿生是個男孩子, 但實際上卻是名為實佳.柯克薴的女孩子。 原來實佳同樣有著女體化的體質! 實佳第一次來到日本,對任何事都很感興趣, 因此滉一也只好捨命陪君子…... more

    我的朋友♂♀可愛到讓人困擾! (4) (電子書)

    我的朋友♂♀可愛到讓人困擾! (4) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 90

    天野滉一回想起澤渡雪緒在祭典的夜晚 給了自己一「吻」,每天為此陷入苦惱。 難以釋懷的暑假結束後,第二學期開始。 在另一名兒時玩伴──水瀨夏希的提議下, 班上決定在文化祭推出女僕咖啡廳…... more

    Spoil to Soil: Mine Site Rehabilitation and Revegetation

    Spoil to Soil: Mine Site Rehabilitation and Revegetation

    • 優惠價: 3597

    Spoil to Soil: Mine Site Rehabilitation and Revegetation presents both fundamental and practical asp... more

    妳在月夜裡閃耀光輝 (下) (電子書)

    妳在月夜裡閃耀光輝 (下) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 90

    罹患身體會在月光下發出淡淡光芒的不治之症「發光病」, 而被醫生宣告即將不久於人世的渡良瀨真水, 以及因姊姊過世而天天在自暴自棄中度過的岡田卓也。 原本便已所剩無幾的時間一分一秒逝去, ... more

    小涼宮春日的憂鬱 (12) (電子書)

    小涼宮春日的憂鬱 (12) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 90

    總覺得好像結束了,又好像還沒結束……正可謂是永無止境的最終章!? 就好比暑假終究會進入尾聲一般,連載同樣也會有結束的一天。 然而,阿虛卻一直為了謎樣的既視感與異樣感而苦惱不已。 有如是鬼打... more

    妳在月夜裡閃耀光輝 (上) (電子書)

    妳在月夜裡閃耀光輝 (上) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 90

    自從姊姊過世後,每天都在自怨自艾中度過的高中生卓也, 某天被推派去探望生病的同班同學。 那位同學名叫渡良瀨真水,她罹患了一種稱為「發光病」的不治之症, 當她沐浴在月光下時,身體便會發出淡淡... more

    隨性所欲的世界 (3) (電子書)

    隨性所欲的世界 (3) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 80

    暑假開學後,勇次班上轉來一名和昔日友人十分相似的少女──橘高晶輝。 然而,隱藏著某道祕密的晶輝卻將勇次拒於門外…… 因為性別選擇制度而歷經波瀾的年輕人們將迎向什麼樣的未來──!? 在網路上... more

    隨性所欲的世界 (2) (電子書)

    隨性所欲的世界 (2) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 80

    利用性別選擇制度變身成女性的「啟太郎」改名為「啟子」重新出現。 一開始還相當困惑的勇次隨著時間過去, 慢慢地不再覺得將啟子當作女性看待有任何異樣…… 勇次與啟子、哥哥洋介三個一起到遊樂園玩... more

    The Camino de Santiago in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Global Views

    The Camino de Santiago in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Global Views

    • 優惠價: 3597

    . Complementing existing studies of the Camino’s medieval origins, it situates the Camino as a modern experience and engages...... more

    戰姬?唱SYMPHOGEAR (3) (電子書)

    戰姬?唱SYMPHOGEAR (3) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 80

    活過悠長歲月的菲妮唯一目的只為了解除混亂的詛咒。 雪音克莉絲裝備SYMPHOGEAR「Ichaival」,決心與響和翼併肩而戰! 響、翼、克莉絲──SYMPHOGEAR少女裝者們的歌聲是否能化... more

    戰姬?唱SYMPHOGEAR (2) (電子書)

    戰姬?唱SYMPHOGEAR (2) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 80

    繼承了奏的SYMPHOGEAR,下定決心憑著自我意志戰鬥的立花響; 做好覺悟要與響共同對抗人類之敵「NOISE」的風鳴翼。 兩人的思緒慢慢開始有了交集。 就在此時,裝備Nehushtan鎧... more

    戰姬?唱SYMPHOGEAR (1) (電子書)

    戰姬?唱SYMPHOGEAR (1) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 80

    「SYMPHOGEAR系統」── 那是開發作為對抗人類未知強敵NOISE的異端技術,也是唯一的殺手鐧。 裝備著此項技術、在暗中默默保護人們免受NOISE侵襲的竟是幾名花漾年華的少女。 當立... more

    Income Distribution in Historical Perspective

    Income Distribution in Historical Perspective

    • 優惠價: 4559


    • 優惠價: 87 折, 198

    本書的組織是從一般到具體,從過去到現在。第Ⅰ部分是對本領域的定位,從歷史開始,然後轉到應用定性研究傳統,探討實地研究的他者、政治與倫理。第Ⅱ部分專門討論現在正建構並影響著人類各學科之定性研究的我們所認... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 78

    人生就像一場戰爭,職場是每一個現代人的主戰場。本叢書是一套職場指導全輯(共10冊),以專題討論的形式全面、系統地介紹了實用的職場策略和個人技能提升方法,並配有經典案例,視角新穎,重點突出。趣味活動模擬... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 177

    基因工程、納米技術、天體物理學、粒子物理學︰我們生活在一個工程的世界里,科學和工程、技術和研究之間的根本差別正在快速消泯之中。本書展示的是︰隨著21世紀的曙光降臨,自然科學家的目標——發現什麼是未知的... more

    Lipids Iron Uric Acid Satus Role of Oxidative Stress in Parkinson Disease

    Lipids Iron Uric Acid Satus Role of Oxidative Stress in Parkinson Disease

    • 優惠價: 1254

    Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer. According to the United...... more

    If Only I Could Tell

    If Only I Could Tell

    • 優惠價: 684

    The story chronicles the life experiences of a young girl named Trisha. Trisha encountered various struggles as she...... more

    The Unceasing Storm: Memories of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    The Unceasing Storm: Memories of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    • 優惠價: 872

    Just over fifty years ago, China s Cultural Revolution began. The movement was intended to bring about a return to...... more

    A Theory of Full Employment

    A Theory of Full Employment

    • 優惠價: 6900

    In A Theory of Full Employment, Y. S. Brenner reviews the current drift toward a society he finds neither economically...... more

    The Traitor in the Tunnel

    The Traitor in the Tunnel

    • 優惠價: 304

    with Mary s long-lost father. Meanwhile, engineer James Easton, Mary s onetime paramour, is at work shoring up the sewers...... more

    The Agency: A Spy in the House

    The Agency: A Spy in the House

    • 優惠價: 380

    Steeped in Victorian atmosphere and intrigue, this diverting mystery trails a feisty heroine as she takes on a...... more

    The Agency: The Body at the Tower

    The Agency: The Body at the Tower

    • 優惠價: 380

    Mary s second adventure as an undercover agent forces her to relive some harrowing childhood experiences as she seeks...... more

    Rivals in the City

    Rivals in the City

    • 優惠價: 304

    In her fourth adventure, available in paperback for the first time, Mary Quinn no longer has the Age... more

    Inorganic Materials for Separation

    Inorganic Materials for Separation

    • 優惠價: 8550
    Effective Survival Strategies

    Effective Survival Strategies

    • 優惠價: 6546
    Beyond 2020: A Vision for Tomorrow’’s India

    Beyond 2020: A Vision for Tomorrow’’s India

    • 優惠價: 758
    Defeating Depression

    Defeating Depression

    • 優惠價: 2168
    A Spy in the House

    A Spy in the House

    • 優惠價: 380

    Steeped in Victorian atmosphere and intrigue, this diverting mystery trails a feisty heroine as she takes on a...... more

    The Body at the Tower

    The Body at the Tower

    • 優惠價: 380

    Mary s second adventure as an undercover agent forces her to relive some harrowing childhood experiences as she seeks...... more

    Minimally Invasive Coloproctology: Advances in Techniques and Technology

    Minimally Invasive Coloproctology: Advances in Techniques and Technology

    • 優惠價: 6599

    In this book, pioneers and distinguished masters of surgery describe novel minimally invasive colo- ... more

    Rivals in the City

    Rivals in the City

    • 優惠價: 765

    In a tale steeped in action, romance, and the gaslit intrigue of Victorian London, Mary Quinn s detective skills are...... more

    極野大冒險.4 撒哈拉黑色木乃伊之眼

    極野大冒險.4 撒哈拉黑色木乃伊之眼

    • 優惠價: 87 折, 72

    。 誰是捕食蟬的螳螂?誰又是捕食螳螂的黃雀? S.Y.格萊特,暢銷童書作家,已出版多部深受小讀者喜愛的作品。 因為做過教師,S.Y.格萊特特別熟悉孩子的生活。她從小喜愛驚險絕倫的冒險故事,也願意為小讀者奉獻最耐讀的兒童小說,因此用心創作了《極野...... more

    極野大冒險.1 非洲驚魂記

    極野大冒險.1 非洲驚魂記

    • 優惠價: 87 折, 72

    S.Y.格萊特的《極野大冒險(1非洲驚魂記)》講述了從東方的天際漂來了一只漂流瓶,冒險小分隊在漂流瓶里發現了一張神秘的非洲藏寶圖。 這是惡作劇還是上帝的指示?冒險的欲望在冒險小分隊四個人的心中盪漾,他們決定找到藏寶圖中的寶藏。 當冒險...... more

    極野大冒險.3 猛 象復活

    極野大冒險.3 猛 象復活

    • 優惠價: 87 折, 72

    ,冒險小分隊試圖突破由猩猩怪、熊怪和犯罪分子構成的防衛圈,他們最終能夠成功解救身處險境的毛毛父母嗎?被復活的猛獁象又將何去何從? S.Y.格萊特,暢銷童書作家,已出版多部深受小讀者喜愛的作品。 因為做過教師,S.Y.格萊特特別熟悉孩子的生活。她...... more

    極野大冒險.2 南極奇險大拯救

    極野大冒險.2 南極奇險大拯救

    • 優惠價: 87 折, 72

    死存亡的關鍵時刻,孩子們得到了神秘人的幫助。 神秘人為何要幫助孩子們?孩子們又會從他那里得到怎樣的啟示?加速融化的冰川下面到底隱藏了什麼秘密? S.Y.格萊特,暢銷童書作家,已出版多部深受小讀者喜愛的作品。 因為做過教師,S.Y.格萊特特別熟悉...... more

    Mission India

    Mission India

    • 優惠價: 760
    The Primeval Flood Catastrophe: Origins and Early Development in Mesopotamian Traditions

    The Primeval Flood Catastrophe: Origins and Early Development in Mesopotamian Traditions

    • 優惠價: 9600

    period (ca. 2600-2350 BC) to the end of first millennium BC, Y. S. Chen observes that it is during the Old Babylonian period...... more

    The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR

    The Second Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 903

    , the second Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, how shall we rate Tsang s performance during this 7-year term? This...... more

    Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)

    Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 589

    S-Y. WANG William S-Y. WANG was Professor of Linguistics at the University of California in Berkeley for 30 years. He...... more

    The Traitor in the Tunnel

    The Traitor in the Tunnel

    • 優惠價: 304
    Optimizing Decision Making in the Apparel Supply Chain Using Artificial Intelligence Ai: From Production to Retail

    Optimizing Decision Making in the Apparel Supply Chain Using Artificial Intelligence Ai: From Production to Retail

    • 優惠價: 14535

    Practitioners in apparel manufacturing and retailing enterprises in the fashion industry, ranging fr... more

    China - A New Stage of Development for an Emerging Superpower

    China - A New Stage of Development for an Emerging Superpower

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 903

    This volume presents a timely assessment of the Hu–Wen Administration at the juncture of preparing a change of China’s...... more

    The Agency: The Traitor in the Tunnel

    The Agency: The Traitor in the Tunnel

    • 優惠價: 646

    learns a startling secret at the Tower of London. Queen Victoria has a little problem: there s a petty thief at work in...... more

    MRI Manual of Pelvic Cancer, Second Edition

    MRI Manual of Pelvic Cancer, Second Edition

    • 優惠價: 15600

    the imaging of metastatic disease within the pelvis What s new to this edition: New techniques in a number of pelvic...... more

    Japanese Designs

    Japanese Designs

    • 優惠價: 380
    The Body at the Tower

    The Body at the Tower

    • 優惠價: 304
    Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation and Space-Time Coding: EXIT-Chart-Aided Near-Capacity Designs for Wireless Channels

    Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation and Space-Time Coding: EXIT-Chart-Aided Near-Capacity Designs for Wireless Channels

    • 優惠價: 10497

    Covering the full range of channel codes from the most conventional through to the most advanced, th... more

    A Spy in the House

    A Spy in the House

    • 優惠價: 304
    Theories of Economic Development and Growth

    Theories of Economic Development and Growth

    • 優惠價: 5320
    Whither China’s Democracy?: Democratization in China Since the Tiananmen Incident

    Whither China’s Democracy?: Democratization in China Since the Tiananmen Incident

    • 優惠價: 2280
    The Body at the Tower: A Mary Quinn Mystery

    The Body at the Tower: A Mary Quinn Mystery

    • 優惠價: 760

    Mary s second adventure as an undercover agent forces her to relive some harrowing childhood experiences as she seeks...... more

    The Body at the Tower: Library Edition

    The Body at the Tower: Library Edition

    • 優惠價: 2474

    Mary s second adventure as an undercover agent forces her to relive some harrowing childhood experiences as she seeks...... more

    The Body at the Tower

    The Body at the Tower

    • 優惠價: 760
    A Spy in the House

    A Spy in the House

    • 優惠價: 760