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    搜尋結果共 475 筆, 頁數 3 / 8

    The MC Train: A Spiritual Journey in the Footsteps of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Via the Letters of Father Sebastian Vazhakala, MC -

    The MC Train: A Spiritual Journey in the Footsteps of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Via the Letters of Father Sebastian Vazhakala, MC -

    • 優惠價: 948
    The MC Train

    The MC Train

    • 優惠價: 986
    Common Neuro-Ophthalmic Pitfalls: Case-Based Teaching

    Common Neuro-Ophthalmic Pitfalls: Case-Based Teaching

    • 優惠價: 5548

    Using real-life cases describing patients with neuro-ophthalmic disorders, this book is a case-based... more

    Immigration: A Documentary and Reference Guide

    Immigration: A Documentary and Reference Guide

    • 優惠價: 6180

    The uncomfortable contemporary realities of immigration, enmeshed as they are in economic, human rig... more

    Seismic Motion, Lithospheric Structures, Earthquake and Volcanic Sources: The Keiiti Aki Volume

    Seismic Motion, Lithospheric Structures, Earthquake and Volcanic Sources: The Keiiti Aki Volume

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Discussed subjects include analytical and numerical techniques for calculating dynamic rupture and r... more

    Design and Fabrication of Acousto-Optic Devices

    Design and Fabrication of Acousto-Optic Devices

    • 優惠價: 18500

    This work offers detailed discussions on all aspects of acousto-optic deflectors, modulators and tun... more

    Participatory Design CL

    Participatory Design CL

    • 優惠價: 8250

    The voices in this collection are primarily those of researchers and developers concerned with bring... more

    Scattering and Attenuation of Seismic Waves, Part II

    Scattering and Attenuation of Seismic Waves, Part II

    • 外文書 , Aki Wu , Ingram , 出版日期: 1989-10-01
    • 優惠價: 2090
    Scattering and Attenuations of Seismic Waves, Part I

    Scattering and Attenuations of Seismic Waves, Part I

    • 外文書 , Aki Wu , Ingram , 出版日期: 1988-11-01
    • 優惠價: 3299
    名偵探柯南 FBI精選集(全)

    名偵探柯南 FBI精選集(全)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 216

    江戶川柯南VS黑衣組織! 與這場激戰扯上的神祕人物們, 赤井秀一、茱蒂、詹姆斯、卡邁爾… 他們的真正身分,正是在追查黑衣組織的 FBI能幹諜報員們! 這本除了收錄柯南與FBI的成員... more

    名偵探柯南 赤井家族精選集

    名偵探柯南 赤井家族精選集

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    精明能幹的FBI搜查官赤井秀一 其實有個充滿謎團的家庭! 世良真純、羽田秀吉、瑪莉、赤井務武… 每個成員都充滿個性且擁有出色的推理能力! 本書收錄了描述他們活躍表現的章節, ... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 238

    真相揭露時,肯定會想要讀第二次! 特殊時間輪迴設定! 感動的青春SF登場! 傍晚六點的報時鐘聲開始播放時,奏江的意識就會進行時間跳躍── 從東京離家出走到曾經居住過的離島,袖島的船見奏江,... more

    有溝通障礙的上班族不懂得如何談戀愛 全

    有溝通障礙的上班族不懂得如何談戀愛 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    外表帥氣且工作能力強,在公司是人氣王的大倉七瀬,其實有著嚴重的溝通障礙。也因此他私底下總是獨來獨往,直到他遇見性格外向開朗的日吉元春。日吉撞見他平常邋遢的模樣,不僅不在意還積極地想幫他克服溝通障礙。幾... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 127

    大隈與中西是對互有好感,卻不曾告白的漫畫家與編集。因大隈創作陷入瓶頸,中西找來學弟兼床伴鋼太郎去照顧他。怎知鋼太郎會錯意,直接去照顧大隈的下半身,陰錯陽差開啟這段三人關係。鋼太郎直覺發現他們倆互有好感... more

    獸人貴族的珍愛伴侶 全

    獸人貴族的珍愛伴侶 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    從人口販子手中逃跑的思特拉,因緣際會之下,被貴族迪爾所救。迪爾不在意失去記憶的思特拉來歷不明,對他照顧有加。甚至再一次,將他從人口販子手中解救出來。為此,思特拉心裡由衷地感謝迪爾。聽聞迪爾將面臨婚事,... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 234

    榮獲第7回角川BEANS小說大賞!漫畫化,廣播劇化! 日本全系列熱賣50萬冊! 《A.D天使的謊言》、《花祭》、《神的樂園》 ❤あき(AKI)老師又一唯美力作❤ 漫畫好評連載第2卷! 該放手讓對方尋找真正的自由與幸福, 還是該堅持...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    榮獲第7回角川BEANS小說大賞!漫畫化,廣播劇化! 《A.D天使的謊言》、《花祭》、《神的樂園》 ❤あき(AKI)老師又一唯美力作❤ 【~★☆銀砂糖師官方應援團☆★~】FB上正式成立! 持續召募團員中! 只要加入...... more

    懲罰純真兔男孩 全

    懲罰純真兔男孩 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    (全一冊)房子被燒了公司也倒了,衰運連連的目黑圭好不容易找到一間夜店應徵清潔人員,卻陰錯陽差成了店裡負責接待客人的兔男孩。圭的清純令高傲的老闆榊總司不禁為他著迷,霸道地要他當自己專屬的兔男孩,還要圭住... more

    激情夜晚的反轉結局 全

    激情夜晚的反轉結局 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    失業又被男人甩了, 靠違法賭博賺取每天收入的青葉。 因為常去的地下賭場被抄, 眼看要被逮捕!…就在青葉走投無路之時, 對他伸出援手的,是一名叫檀上的男子。 檀上是地下賭場的老闆,且... more

    不自量力的愛愛課程 全

    不自量力的愛愛課程 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    多名部圭斗國中時得知自己心儀的對象矢野一臣,喜歡的類型是經驗豐富的情場老手,他花了三年的時間打扮、磨練自己,無奈他心中只有一臣,所以始終無法跟別人交往,好增加自己的經驗值。三年後和一臣重逢,圭斗只好裝... more

    White Pawn-白棋- 全

    White Pawn-白棋- 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    (全一冊)黑木美喜男大學入學時,對校內的王子學長白澤爽一見鐘情。入學後,正當黑木思索要如何進攻時,白澤竟主動送上門來,邀請黑木當他美術作品的模特兒。黑木順勢藉機親近他,而當他終於來到學長家,準備要占有... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 204

    ★「成為小說家吧!」投稿網站話題之作! ★空前魅力,再版不斷!PTT C_Chat轉載推薦作品! ★他國的勇者,是現代魔術師的青梅竹馬!? 遭到龍人因祿襲擊的八鍵水明與朽葉初美。因祿的目的... more

    向鄰人伸出愛之手 全

    向鄰人伸出愛之手 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    享受單身的警察藤嶋健吾,因緣際會下結識了新鄰居五条滿。五条和藹的笑容,有時令藤嶋也不禁臉紅心跳,幾天沒碰面還會想念他。不料時隔幾日再見面,竟出現一個長相和五条相似,有戀兄情結的同父異母弟弟。從弟弟口中... more

    不良教師和慘遭惡搞的王子 1

    不良教師和慘遭惡搞的王子 1

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 195

    不擅和人溝通的矢部漆羽被同學譏笑是有溝通障礙的王子。一天班上來了個無厘頭的新班導蛇淵劍。矢部莫名奇妙被他纏上,還無意中看到他背上的紋身知道他出身黑道世家。之後他從蛇淵父親口中知道他們的過去,才對他卸下... more

    在下仰慕的少主! 全

    在下仰慕的少主! 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    小太是個盡忠職守卻有點天然呆的忍者,他對少主忠心耿耿,就連少主相親都在暗中保護他,但卻也因此老是無意中搞砸少主的相親。每當他搞砸相親,少主就會有在床上對他進行懲罰。另一方面,少主對小太其實是愛在心裡口... more

    我的主人 1

    我的主人 1

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    被家人拋棄拿來抵債的貓獸人優尼,本身沒有任何專長也沒有魔力,還以為這下會被債主,犬獸人革蘭侯爵殺了。沒想到侯爵不僅收留他,後來甚至還成了他的伴侶。然而接下來,兩人並不是從此過著幸福快樂的生活,而是面對... more

    【修復】技能既然變成了萬能作弊招式,乾脆開間武器店吧 1

    【修復】技能既然變成了萬能作弊招式,乾脆開間武器店吧 1

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 195

    三流冒險者洛克被勇者丟棄在最險惡的地下城深處。在這生死關頭的一刻,他的【修復】技能進化成具有【分解】、【合成】機能的萬用技能,最終得以生存下來! 但是這件事讓他對冒險者工作感到身心俱疲。於是他決定... more

    蜘蛛與性 全

    蜘蛛與性 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    (全一冊)(前篇) 風戶是個自律的上班族,在同事捉弄下被拉進SM酒吧還被綑綁,而綁他的人就是聖。這場邂逅讓風戶被虐屬性為之覺醒,即使他危心抗拒,卻仍被神秘的聖所吸引,沉溺在他給予的快感裡。 (... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 127

    高中生藤村誠是個早熟的小大人,他身邊的大人卻沒一個有大人樣,在這種環境下,他心裡的支柱是成熟穩重的伊藤優一郎,他是小誠心目中的理想哥哥。但小誠不知道的是伊藤是個超級正太控。小誠哥哥想阻止他們靠太近,伊... more

    任性貓咪的鬱悶心情 全

    任性貓咪的鬱悶心情 全

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 119

    當紅作家桐島晴人總是放縱自我,和每一任責任編輯發生關係。直到他遇到九条巽。面對性格單純認真的九条,讓桐島不禁開始正視過往,想重新振作再出發。而純情的九条雖心裡排斥與桐島的床伴關係,卻又被他的美麗迷得團... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    方式。──孫大川(原住民委員會主委) 作者簡介 里慕伊.阿紀(Rimuy Aki),漢名曾修媚 1962年生,泰雅族新竹縣尖石鄉葛拉拜(Klapay)部落人。 從事學前教育十餘年,曾任幼稚園園長。目前於北縣小學擔任泰雅族語教師,以及泰雅族語...... more

    笨蛋沒藥醫! (全) (電子書)

    笨蛋沒藥醫! (全) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 105

    大隈與中西是對互有好感,卻不曾告白的漫畫家與編集。因大隈創作陷入瓶頸,中西找來學弟兼床伴鋼太郎去照顧他。怎知鋼太郎會錯意,直接去照顧大隈的下半身,陰錯陽差開啟這段三人關係。鋼太郎直覺發現他們倆互有好感... more

    不良教師和慘遭惡搞的王子 (1) (電子書)

    不良教師和慘遭惡搞的王子 (1) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 175

    不擅和人溝通的矢部漆羽被同學譏笑是有溝通障礙的王子。一天班上來了個無厘頭的新班導蛇淵劍。矢部莫名奇妙被他纏上,還無意中看到他背上的紋身知道他出身黑道世家。之後他從蛇淵父親口中知道他們的過去,才對他卸下... more

    The Vibes Book

    The Vibes Book

    • 優惠價: 758

    A sweet and vibrant story (for kids 3-7) about something that’s all around us and has an astounding ... more

    Transformation of Higher Education in the Age of Society 5.0: Trends in International Higher Education

    Transformation of Higher Education in the Age of Society 5.0: Trends in International Higher Education

    • 優惠價: 9599
    Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan

    Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan

    • 優惠價: 3177

    Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in Fran... more

    【修復】技能既然變成了萬能作弊招式,乾脆開間武器店吧(1) (電子書)

    【修復】技能既然變成了萬能作弊招式,乾脆開間武器店吧(1) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 150

    三流冒險者洛克被勇者丟棄在最險惡的地下城深處。在這生死關頭的一刻,他的【修復】技能進化成具有【分解】、【合成】機能的萬用技能,最終得以生存下來! 但是這件事讓他對冒險者工作感到身心俱疲。於是他決定... more

    Billie’s Special Stories

    Billie’s Special Stories

    • 優惠價: 342

    Celebrate with Billie in three favorite stories about special occasions: The Birthday Mix-up, The Bi... more

    Billie’s Super Stories

    Billie’s Super Stories

    • 優惠價: 342

    The super-duper Billie stars in three favorite super stories: The Second-best Friend, The Secret Mes... more

    The Pocket Money Blues

    The Pocket Money Blues

    • 優惠價: 190

    Jack’s helping Billie with the extra jobs she’s doing to earn money for a special toy ... but can th... more

    The Best Day Ever

    The Best Day Ever

    • 優惠價: 190

    Billie’s eager to have fun at the school bazaar, but then she gets separated from her friends ... Bi... more

    Billie’s Sneaky Stories

    Billie’s Sneaky Stories

    • 優惠價: 342

    Join Billie in three favorite stories full of surprises: The Midnight Feast, The Cutest Pet Ever, an... more

    The Cutest Pet Ever

    The Cutest Pet Ever

    • 優惠價: 190

    Billie desperately wants the guinea pig in the pet shop! Mom finally agrees, but is it too late? Bil... more

    The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey

    The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey

    • 優惠價: 1497

    Since coming to power, President Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) have focused on narra... more

    Transformation of Higher Education in the Age of Society 5.0: Trends in International Higher Education

    Transformation of Higher Education in the Age of Society 5.0: Trends in International Higher Education

    • 優惠價: 9599

    Chapter 1. IntroductionChapter 2. Redefining the Role of the University and the Social Sciences With... more

    由諸神養育的神子,將成為世界最強(2) (電子書)

    由諸神養育的神子,將成為世界最強(2) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 150

    接受諸神的英才教育,得到了連諸神也嘖嘖稱奇的最強力量的少年‧威爾,應傾慕他的巫女露娜瑪麗亞邀請,踏上周遊世界之旅。旅途上威爾無人能敵的氣勢是有增無減──!? 遇到新夥伴的威爾以超凡的力量與智慧為... more

    Sustainability and the Automobile Industry in Asia: Policy and Governance

    Sustainability and the Automobile Industry in Asia: Policy and Governance

    • 優惠價: 2144

    This book provides a wealth of information and a critically required framework for sustainable autom... more

    Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan

    Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan

    • 優惠價: 7150

    Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in Fran... more

    The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey

    The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey

    • 優惠價: 7200

    Since coming to power, President Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) have focused on narra... more

    The Bad Butterfly

    The Bad Butterfly

    • 優惠價: 190

    Meet Billie B. Brown, brave, brilliant and bold, and bound to become your best friend! Children will... more

    在昨日的春天等待你 (電子書)

    在昨日的春天等待你 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 168

    真相揭露時,肯定會想要讀第二次! 特殊時間輪迴設定! 感動的青春SF登場! 傍晚六點的報時鐘聲開始播放時,奏江的意識就會進行時間跳躍── 從東京離家出走到曾經居住過的離島,袖島的船見奏江,... more

    The Hat Parade

    The Hat Parade

    • 優惠價: 190

    Billie really wants to win the school hat parade. She has made lots of amazing hats! But when Billie... more

    The Grumpy Neighbor

    The Grumpy Neighbor

    • 優惠價: 190

    Billie has kicked her new soccer ball over Grumpy Gertie’s fence. Her friends say Gertie will never ... more

    Stepping Up Lesson Study: An Educator’’s Guide to Deeper Learning

    Stepping Up Lesson Study: An Educator’’s Guide to Deeper Learning

    • 優惠價: 1539

    This is a much-needed book for educators who want to learn more than just the surface features of le... more

    Stepping Up Lesson Study: An Educator’’s Guide to Deeper Learning

    Stepping Up Lesson Study: An Educator’’s Guide to Deeper Learning

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This is a much-needed book for educators who want to learn more than just the surface features of le... more

    Sustainability and the Automobile Industry in Asia: Policy and Governance

    Sustainability and the Automobile Industry in Asia: Policy and Governance

    • 優惠價: 7150

    This book provides a wealth of information and a critically required framework for sustainable autom... more

    The Book Buddies

    The Book Buddies

    • 優惠價: 190

    Best friends Billie and Jack do everything together. Billie loves reading, but Jack sometimes get th... more

    The Bully Buster

    The Bully Buster

    • 優惠價: 190

    Billie is furious! A bully at school is being mean, mean, mean. But what can Billie do about it?... more

    New Directions of Stem Research and Learning in the World Ranking Movement: A Comparative Perspective

    New Directions of Stem Research and Learning in the World Ranking Movement: A Comparative Perspective

    • 優惠價: 5999

    This volume analyzes the dominance of STEM fields in various university rankings and the reasons why... more

    Applications of Data-Centric Science to Social Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Understanding of Collective Human Behavior

    Applications of Data-Centric Science to Social Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Understanding of Collective Human Behavior

    • 優惠價: 7799

    The intention behind this book is to illustrate the deep relation among human behavior, data-centric... more



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