
    您輸入的關鍵字: A.J. Finn


    搜尋結果共 2457247 筆, 頁數 4 / 40955

    Bruboses 巴伯思 BS002J 聖母峰系列 鏤空背蓋 夜光指針 全自動機械 腕錶 BS002J 藍色

    Bruboses 巴伯思 BS002J 聖母峰系列 鏤空背蓋 夜光指針 全自動機械 腕錶 BS002J 藍色

    • 鞋包配件
    • 優惠價: 14500

    品 牌:Bruboses 巴伯思 型 號:BS002J 機 芯:全自動機械機芯 錶 扣:針扣 錶 殼:不鏽鋼錶殼 錶 帶:矽膠錶帶 鏡 面:藍寶石水晶玻璃 錶 徑:直徑約 43mm 厚... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 456

    在社會變遷與壓力下,心理疾病者已無法以過去傳統一對一的諮商與心理治療方式可以解決。面對多元文化社會思維,主流與弱勢族群必須受到社會公平正義的對待,社區諮商模式的新思維、新視野是值得推廣與運用的。 ... more

    The Baby: An absolutely gripping psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping twist

    The Baby: An absolutely gripping psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping twist

    • 優惠價: 659

    The harsh light streams into the living room. On the worn rug sits an out-of-place wooden drawer and... more

    j5create凱捷 Type-A to USB-C 2.0充電傳輸線內嵌OLED動態螢幕顯示1.2米-JUCP13

    j5create凱捷 Type-A to USB-C 2.0充電傳輸線內嵌OLED動態螢幕顯示1.2米-JUCP13

    • 優惠價: 449

    ● 即時顯示電壓、電流、功率、充電流向、毫安時、充電時間等充電資訊 ● 秒懂裝置的充電狀況 ● 最高達60W(20V/3A) ● 配備OLED動態螢幕顯示 ● 顯示數值精準至小數點第二位 ● 線長12... more



    • 優惠價: 580

    啟動自主學習力 用STAEM實驗遊戲玩出數學力&跨領域思考力 符合教育部新課綱之核心素養,培養「系統思考」與「解決問題」能力 深入跨領域學習──結合「自然科學」、「科技」與「藝術」等學科 符合STEA... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 597

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 :羅亞爾河城堡輕旅棉麻V領七分袖上衣#j104087 * 顏色 : 白 / 藍 * 材質 :95%棉 5%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : F * 產地 : 中... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 598

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 :希臘風情星球印花浪漫五分袖棉麻洋裝#j104003 * 顏色 : 白 / 黑 * 材質 :65%棉 35%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : M / L / X... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 549

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 : 神戶森林漫步棉麻藝術格紋V領洋裝#j103500 * 顏色 : 紅 / 咖 * 材質 : 95%棉 5%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : M / L / ... more

    The Sand People: a collection of magical realism and other stories

    The Sand People: a collection of magical realism and other stories

    • 優惠價: 659

    The insightful and intimate stories in THE SAND PEOPLE meander through hope and despair, loss and tr... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    這場大規模的中途島海戰是歷史上一件玄之又玄的事。假如美國的密碼分析員未能截獲日軍的密碼電報;假如日軍那架偵察機的飛行員再往前飛一點進行偵察;假如美軍那名俯衝轟炸機中隊長的猜測有誤;假如日軍那艘航艦的艦... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 475

    台大醫院兒童心理衛生中心 宋維村醫師、蘇淑貞臨床心理師 推薦 為人父母,您是孩子第一個、也是最具影響力的老師,這是個重要的工作!而這本廣獲好評的親職手冊(英文版已發行第四版),能幫您輕易完成任務!... more

    Jan: A Dog and a Romance (Esprios Classics)

    Jan: A Dog and a Romance (Esprios Classics)

    • 優惠價: 1064

    Alec John Dawson (1872 - 3 February 1951), generally known as A J. Dawson (pseudonyms Major Dawson, ... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 551

    本書以優勢、多元為基礎,呈現理論扎實的生涯發展及諮商歷程模式。適用於針對諮商師的訓練,對經驗豐富的實務者也很實用。本書介紹的生涯諮商歷程架構,在實務上具有足夠的友善性,對處於任何情境、任何年齡層的個案... more



    哈利波特出版20週年紀念! 大英圖書館隆重鉅獻! ★獨家收錄J.K.羅琳從未公諸於世的手稿與素描,《哈利波特》出版秘辛首度公開! ★《哈利波特》插畫版御用畫家吉姆.凱精心繪製插圖,經典場景躍然... more

    【A.P.J】Rodney便利貼 ‧ 閃電邦妮兔A

    A.P.J】Rodney便利貼 ‧ 閃電邦妮兔A

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 69

    共50枚 尺寸:H104xW79mm 材質:紙 產地:日本 由畫家Rodney Greenblat原創設計的圖案為設計的便利貼。 復古可愛的圖案,相當具有人氣! ▼【A.P.J】Rodney便利貼 ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    【內容簡介】 太平洋戰爭的導火線 對於第二次世界大戰來說,日本的偷襲珍珠港,是一個最為關鍵的動作;這事件讓美國捲入了戰爭,讓歐亞戰場合流,讓日本註定走上失敗的道路。本書將這事件的來龍去脈,諸如決策的過... more

    Eye of a Little God

    Eye of a Little God

    • 優惠價: 1140

    A twisted, creepy fever dream of a novel, Eye of a Little God is a surreal horror story that explore... more

    【A.P.J】Rodney便利貼 ‧ 動感小子B

    A.P.J】Rodney便利貼 ‧ 動感小子B

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 69

    共50枚 尺寸:H104xW79mm 材質:紙 產地:日本 由畫家Rodney Greenblat原創設計的圖案為設計的便利貼。 復古可愛的圖案,相當具有人氣! ​ ▼【A.P.J】Rodney便利... more

    【A.P.J】Rodney便利貼 ‧ 動感小子A

    A.P.J】Rodney便利貼 ‧ 動感小子A

    • 優惠價: 6 折, 69

    共50枚 尺寸:H104xW79mm 材質:紙 產地:日本 由畫家Rodney Greenblat原創設計的圖案為設計的便利貼。 復古可愛的圖案,相當具有人氣! ​ ▼【A.P.J】Rodney便利... more

    j5create USB3.1 Type-C公對USB3.0 A母 轉接線-JUCX05

    j5create USB3.1 Type-C公對USB3.0 A母 轉接線-JUCX05

    • 優惠價: 599

    •Type-C 接頭正、反面皆可插入 •最大傳輸速率5Gbps •Type-A(母端)為鋁材質 •向下相容USB 2.0 裝置 保固一年(憑購買證明)... more

    Shadow of a Dead Man

    Shadow of a Dead Man

    • 優惠價: 342

    The top dogs of bestselling western action thrillers hit the bullseye with Shotgun Johnny, a disgrac... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 333

    不用敲鑼打鼓地炫耀﹐手語已經融入世界主流的溝通中了。看到某人在政治集會、新聞播報或其他任何職務中打手語﹐已不再是什麼新奇的事。由於這種對手語的接觸情況﹐有愈來愈多人為手語所著迷﹐並想要更了解手語。這本... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 552

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 :日本小樽多姿寬鬆棉麻舒爽背心洋裝#j104454 * 顏色 : 酒紅 / 橘 / 藏青 * 材質 :95%棉 5%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : M / L... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 598

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 :韓佳人涵舍創意棉麻寬鬆洋裝#j103995 * 顏色 : 黑 / 磚紅 / 墨綠 * 材質 :90%棉 10%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : M / L /... more

    【A.Cheter】 韓國蜜桃視覺清瘦佳人氣質刺繡V領棉麻上衣#j103724XL藍

    A.Cheter】 韓國蜜桃視覺清瘦佳人氣質刺繡V領棉麻上衣#j103724XL藍

    • 優惠價: 69 折, 598

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 : 韓國蜜桃視覺清瘦佳人氣質刺繡V領棉麻上衣#j103724 * 顏色 : 白 / 藍 * 材質 : 90%棉 10%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : M / ... more

    【A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧ 露營

    A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧ 露營

    • 優惠價: 68 折, 176

    尺寸:H155xW66mm 材質:紙 產地:日本 人氣的史努比,貼紙新系列登場。 共有四種款式,用來裝飾手帳、筆記本十分可愛! ▼【A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧露營... more

    【A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧ 信紙

    A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧ 信紙

    • 優惠價: 68 折, 176

    尺寸:H155xW66mm 材質:紙 產地:日本 人氣的史努比,貼紙新系列登場。 共有四種款式,用來裝飾手帳、筆記本十分可愛! ▼【A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧信紙... more

    【A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧ 派對

    A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧ 派對

    • 優惠價: 68 折, 176

    尺寸:H155xW66mm 材質:紙 產地:日本 人氣的史努比,貼紙新系列登場。 共有四種款式,用來裝飾手帳、筆記本十分可愛! ▼【A.P.J】史努比Natural貼紙 ‧ 派對... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 438

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 : 韓國大碼花藝刺繡荷葉袖口棉麻寬鬆上衣#j103486 * 顏色 : 白 / 黑 / 粉紅 / 紫 * 材質 : 95%棉 5%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 438

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 : 韓國大碼花藝刺繡荷葉袖口棉麻寬鬆上衣#j103486 * 顏色 : 白 / 黑 / 粉紅 / 紫 * 材質 : 95%棉 5%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 465

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 : 古羅馬宮廷風印花撞色袖口公主領棉麻洋裝外罩#j103512 * 顏色 : 棗紅 / 深藍 * 材質 : 95%棉 5%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : M... more



    • 優惠價: 69 折, 460

    現貨+預購 ※訂單下單後約兩週左右出貨 * 內含 : 東京雅子典雅風名媛精緻蕾絲拼接上衣#j103283 * 顏色 : 酒紅 / 卡其 / 咖 * 材質 : 90%棉 10%聚酯纖維 * 尺寸 : ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    二次大戰時,日本軍隊最讓盟軍震驚的不是先進的武器,而是他們勇於犧牲自己國民的瘋狂作戰方式·� 大戰末期,窮途末路的日軍為了挽回頹勢,決定採用自殺攻擊戰術,於是成立了神風特攻隊,並研發一系列自殺武器·�... more

    【Jilli~ko】後腰鬆緊顯瘦垂墜A字牛仔長裙 M-XL J10052 XL 深藍色

    【Jilli~ko】後腰鬆緊顯瘦垂墜A字牛仔長裙 M-XL J10052 XL 深藍色

    • 優惠價: 69 折, 672
    Do You Want to Know a Secret?: The Autobiography of Billy J. Kramer

    Do You Want to Know a Secret?: The Autobiography of Billy J. Kramer

    • 優惠價: 1042

    When Billy J. Kramer’s "Do You Want To Know A Secret?" by Lennon and McCartney topped the charts in ... more

    How to Derive a Formula - Volume 2: Further Analytical Skills and Methods for Physical Scientists

    How to Derive a Formula - Volume 2: Further Analytical Skills and Methods for Physical Scientists

    • 優惠價: 5880

    Will artificial intelligence make scientific formulae redundant by eventually solving all current an... more

    How to Derive a Formula - Volume 2: Further Analytical Skills and Methods for Physical Scientists

    How to Derive a Formula - Volume 2: Further Analytical Skills and Methods for Physical Scientists

    • 優惠價: 10080

    Will artificial intelligence make scientific formulae redundant by eventually solving all current an... more

    Thermal and dynamic analysis and design of a brake system

    Thermal and dynamic analysis and design of a brake system

    • 優惠價: 2420

    The different systems of a vehicle allow it to move safely, among these systems one of great importa... more

    Side by Side with Workbook (2A), 3/e

    Side by Side with Workbook (2A), 3/e

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 380
    Peru in the Guano AgePeru in the Guano Age;Being a Short Account of a Recent Visit to the Guano Deposits, with Some

    Peru in the Guano AgePeru in the Guano Age;Being a Short Account of a Recent Visit to the Guano Deposits, with Some

    • 優惠價: 718

    Peru in the Guano AgePeru in the Guano Age;Being a Short Account of a Recent Visit to the Guano Depo... more

    Reformed, not Ritualistic: Apostolic, not Patristic: a Reply to Dr. Nevin’s Vindication, Etc

    Reformed, not Ritualistic: Apostolic, not Patristic: a Reply to Dr. Nevin’s Vindication, Etc

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This insightful work of theology challenges some of the most deeply entrenched assumptions of the Ch... more

    Shakespeare and his day; a Study of the Topical Element in Shakespeare and in the Elizabethan Drama, Being the Harness

    Shakespeare and his day; a Study of the Topical Element in Shakespeare and in the Elizabethan Drama, Being the Harness

    • 優惠價: 1262

    Shakespeare and His Day is a scholarly exploration of the ways in which contemporary events and soci... more

    Primary Sources, Historical Collections: The Heritage Of India The Heart Of Buddhism, With a Foreword by T. S

    Primary Sources, Historical Collections: The Heritage Of India The Heart Of Buddhism, With a Foreword by T. S

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This collection of primary sources provides insight into the history and philosophy of Buddhism as i... more

    Ithaca, N.Y. as a City of Residence and Manufacture

    Ithaca, N.Y. as a City of Residence and Manufacture

    • 優惠價: 1482

    Published in the early 20th century, this book is a guide to the city of Ithaca, NY, and its surroun... more

    Brain Mechanisms and Learning, a Symposium

    Brain Mechanisms and Learning, a Symposium

    • 優惠價: 2472

    This symposium explores the latest research on brain mechanisms and learning. The contributing autho... more

    Why I am not a Swedenborgian: A Letter to A Friend

    Why I am not a Swedenborgian: A Letter to A Friend

    • 優惠價: 1482

    J.A. Williams lays out his reasons for rejecting the teachings of Swedenborgianism in this thought-p... more

    The Practical Mechanic: Comprising a Clear Exposition of the Principles and Practice of Mechanism

    The Practical Mechanic: Comprising a Clear Exposition of the Principles and Practice of Mechanism

    • 優惠價: 1867

    The Practical Mechanic is a practical guide to the principles and practice of mechanical engineering... more

    Collections for a Parochial History of Barrow Gurney

    Collections for a Parochial History of Barrow Gurney

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Discover the colorful history of Barrow Gurney, a small village in Somerset, England, with this meti... more

    The Real Argentine; Notes and Impressions of a Year in the Argentine and Uruguay

    The Real Argentine; Notes and Impressions of a Year in the Argentine and Uruguay

    • 優惠價: 2252

    A firsthand account of life and culture in Argentina and Uruguay, written by a British journalist wh... more

    The Canadian Iron and Steel Industry; a Study in the Economic History of a Protected Industry

    The Canadian Iron and Steel Industry; a Study in the Economic History of a Protected Industry

    • 優惠價: 2032

    This comprehensive study provides a detailed account of the development of the Canadian iron and ste... more

    Memoir ... to Illustrate the Origin and Foundation of the Pollock Medal [By J.L.a. Simmons]

    Memoir ... to Illustrate the Origin and Foundation of the Pollock Medal [By J.L.a. Simmons]

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This memoir tells the story of the Pollock Medal, a prestigious award established by the University ... more

    Memoir ... to Illustrate the Origin and Foundation of the Pollock Medal [By J.L.a. Simmons]

    Memoir ... to Illustrate the Origin and Foundation of the Pollock Medal [By J.L.a. Simmons]

    • 優惠價: 987

    This memoir tells the story of the Pollock Medal, a prestigious award established by the University ... more

    The Anglo-catholic Sacramentary, By A Catholic Priest [signing Himself G.j.o.]

    The Anglo-catholic Sacramentary, By A Catholic Priest [signing Himself G.j.o.]

    • 優惠價: 877

    The Anglo-Catholic Sacramentary is a rare and valuable liturgical resource, providing prayers, ritua... more

    Darjeeling Ditties and Other Poems; a Souvenir

    Darjeeling Ditties and Other Poems; a Souvenir

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This book is a delightful collection of poems that celebrate the beauty and grandeur of Darjeeling. ... more

    The American Indian as a Product of Environment

    The American Indian as a Product of Environment

    • 優惠價: 1867

    Fynn’s groundbreaking study of the impact of the North American environment on the life and culture ... more

    Darjeeling Ditties and Other Poems; a Souvenir

    Darjeeling Ditties and Other Poems; a Souvenir

    • 優惠價: 1152

    This book is a delightful collection of poems that celebrate the beauty and grandeur of Darjeeling. ... more

    The American Indian as a Product of Environment

    The American Indian as a Product of Environment

    • 優惠價: 1262

    Fynn’s groundbreaking study of the impact of the North American environment on the life and culture ... more

    Primary Sources, Historical Collections: The Heritage Of India The Heart Of Buddhism, With a Foreword by T. S

    Primary Sources, Historical Collections: The Heritage Of India The Heart Of Buddhism, With a Foreword by T. S

    • 優惠價: 877

    This collection of primary sources provides insight into the history and philosophy of Buddhism as i... more

    Ithaca, N.Y. as a City of Residence and Manufacture

    Ithaca, N.Y. as a City of Residence and Manufacture

    • 優惠價: 767

    Published in the early 20th century, this book is a guide to the city of Ithaca, NY, and its surroun... more

    Brain Mechanisms and Learning, a Symposium

    Brain Mechanisms and Learning, a Symposium

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This symposium explores the latest research on brain mechanisms and learning. The contributing autho... more