
    您輸入的關鍵字: Chu


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    • 優惠價: 75 折, 285

    ★融入印度瑜伽、中醫經絡、佛家正念與內觀智慧,打開靈性療癒的大門。 ★首位完成內觀瑜伽創辦人莎拉.鮑爾斯(Sarah Powers)陰瑜伽全系列師訓的華人作者。 ★30個體式 + 五臟經絡解說 + 正... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    只用家庭式烤箱,也能做出pro級麵包! 結合歐式✕台式✕港式麵包作法,從基礎到運用,一次學會! 人氣FB版主捨棄專業級設備,只用家庭式烤箱,結合歐式、台式、港式麵包作法,融入料理和甜點元素,重新詮... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    《正念陰瑜伽》作者最新力作 首創以「類新詩」形式撰寫而成 華人界第一本靜瑜伽專書 在陽剛世界中,給自己一個留白喘息的空間 八大體式圖解X作者原創療癒插畫X類新詩教學文曾幾何時,練習瑜伽變得只追求... more

    日檢拿高分,N3單字大全:只要3週, N3就合格(附MP3)

    日檢拿高分,N3單字大全:只要3週, N3就合格(附MP3)

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 250

    您相信嗎? 3週就可以拿到N3合格證書。 這絕對是真的! 作者留學日本9年,受日本語言學校訓練, 從50音開始,到通過N1檢定, 所學所得傾嚢相授, 只要按照作者的學習日語的方... more

    My First Home Baking挑戰第一次在家烘焙:餅乾、瑪芬、蛋糕、麵包、免烤箱烘焙及兒童烘焙共48道,超過8000萬人認證,絕對不會失敗的食譜

    My First Home Baking挑戰第一次在家烘焙:餅乾、瑪芬、蛋糕、麵包、免烤箱烘焙及兒童烘焙共48道,超過8000萬人認證,絕對不會失敗的食譜

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 266

    韓國人氣部落客小不點Chu Chu 真正為新手準備的超簡單烘焙食譜 * 零添加,家人的健康自己把關! Chu Chu家中有13歲的兒子和11歲的女兒,因為小孩的皮膚比較敏感,是個孩子們吃的所有食物都親手製作的家庭主婦。不買外面...... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 285

    陽光穿過了樹梢,在森林裡灑下層層光影,空氣中瀰漫著土地與植物散發出的芬芳,只要用心體會、專注當下,您也可以是敏銳的自然觀察家。 本書以自然生態素人的角度,分享在野地實際走訪觀察的大自然面貌,透過作... more

    Cat Zodiac Puzzle: 500 Piece

    Cat Zodiac Puzzle: 500 Piece

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 388

    Galison s Cat Zodiac 500 Piece Puzzle features the 12 signs of the zodiac impurrsonated by illustrat... more

    正念陰瑜伽:自我療癒與轉化之道 (電子書)

    正念陰瑜伽:自我療癒與轉化之道 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 250

    ★融入印度瑜伽、中醫經絡、佛家正念與內觀智慧,打開靈性療癒的大門。 ★首位完成內觀瑜伽創辦人莎拉.鮑爾斯(Sarah Powers)陰瑜伽全系列師訓的華人作者。 ★30個體式 + 五臟經絡解說 + 正... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 324

    一樣是海外打工度假, 他卻在APPLE、Burberry、AllSaints……等品牌工作! 讓湯姆來告訴你, 打工度假不是只能在果園、農場、餐廳…… 你可以擁有更好的! 面試實戰經驗,精彩倫敦體驗,... more

    日檢拿高分,N5單字大全(精修版):合格必勝,考遍天下無敵手 (附MP3)

    日檢拿高分,N5單字大全(精修版):合格必勝,考遍天下無敵手 (附MP3)

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 250

    完整收錄N5必考單字 單字無敵速成 從50音開始學 1天30分鐘,考遍天下無敵手 合格必勝! ◆全部命中 N5必考單字、頻出考古題,全收入,強化臨場應考能力,考一次就合格 ◆應考策略 ... more

    合格完勝:新日檢必考單字N4 (附MP3)

    合格完勝:新日檢必考單字N4 (附MP3)

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 197

    新日檢合格,就靠這本! 日語能力檢定N4語�,必考單字,重點整理, 完整歸納,輕鬆記憶,累積實力,一次過關。 【N4合格攻略】 1.攻略: 新日檢應考教戰策略,迅速掌握主考官的出... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    每天都把「心情好差」掛在嘴上? 從現在起,讓人生的天空放晴! 每天都鬱鬱寡歡的粉領族奈緒,某天向公司請假在表參道上散步時,看到一棟潔白的房子。「光夢健心房-歡迎希望為人生帶來巨變的妳」——奈緒... more

    English for Hospitality & Tourism

    English for Hospitality & Tourism

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 495

    本書專為觀光餐旅相關科系學生量身打造,針對餐廳、旅館、觀光旅遊等主題設計而成。並與國外專業主編合作,提供原汁原味的道地美式英語教材。各單元對話之音檔可掃描QR Code後取得,藉以同步提昇讀者在觀光旅... more

    Michelle Chu老師帶你學靜瑜伽(音頻課) (有聲書)

    Michelle Chu老師帶你學靜瑜伽(音頻課) (有聲書)

    • 優惠價: 899

    ※本課程為音頻課程,非書籍有聲書 【城邦微學習線上課程】 「靜瑜伽」是一種能夠達到深層放鬆與休息的瑜伽類型。本套音頻課程由美國瑜伽聯盟最高認證師資,資深瑜伽老師Michelle Chu特別設計,提供現代人在繁忙日程中,做15分鐘或30分鐘...... more

    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    • 優惠價: 10200

    This book investigates various dimensions of the economic conflicts between the US - and other democ... more

    Research Methods and Design Beyond a Single Discipline: From Principles to Practice

    Research Methods and Design Beyond a Single Discipline: From Principles to Practice

    • 優惠價: 10200

    This book presents and discusses 15 research methods after an overview of each, an illustration of t... more

    Research Methods and Design Beyond a Single Discipline: From Principles to Practice

    Research Methods and Design Beyond a Single Discipline: From Principles to Practice

    • 優惠價: 4199

    This book presents and discusses 15 research methods after an overview of each, an illustration of t... more

    Biomaterials for Modern Cancer Imaging and Therapies

    Biomaterials for Modern Cancer Imaging and Therapies

    • 優惠價: 5280

    Methylene blue (MB) is a biocompatible and environmentally friendly material that has been widely us... more

    Taiwan at the End of the 20th Century:the Gains and Losses

    Taiwan at the End of the 20th Century:the Gains and Losses

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    Praise for:Taiiwan at the End of the 20th Century:the Gains and Losses Professor Chu has analyzed the interplay of...... more

    Transfiguration of Chinese Christianity: Localization and Globalization

    Transfiguration of Chinese Christianity: Localization and Globalization

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 304

    Since Christianity was re-introduced to China in the early nineteenth century, Chinese Christianity ... more

    The Complex Answer: On Art as a Non-Binary Intelligence

    The Complex Answer: On Art as a Non-Binary Intelligence

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 719

    cornea of an eye. This adding to an organ is how Chus Martínez understands the intelligence of art. Poets and artists have...... more

    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    Ultimate Economic Conflict Between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional Analysis

    • 優惠價: 3177

    This book investigates various dimensions of the economic conflicts between the US - and other democ... more

    China, Taiwan, and International Sporting Events: Face-Off in Cross-Strait Relations

    China, Taiwan, and International Sporting Events: Face-Off in Cross-Strait Relations

    • 優惠價: 3177

    Reviewing 17 cases of major sporting events in Taiwan, Chu explores the inseparable nature of politics and Taiwanese...... more

    Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2024

    Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2024

    • 優惠價: 5997

    Completely revised and updated for 2024, the Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is an up-to... more

    手繪自然筆記 (電子書)

    手繪自然筆記 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    陽光穿過了樹梢,在森林裡灑下層層光影,空氣中瀰漫著土地與植物散發出的芬芳,只要用心體會、專注當下,您也可以是敏銳的自然觀察家。 本書以自然生態素人的角度,分享在野地實際走訪觀察的大自然面貌,透過作... more

    Advanced Financial Accounting:An IFRS Standards Approach(3版)

    Advanced Financial Accounting:An IFRS Standards Approach(3版)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1311

    This book is a suitable text for both accounting students in universities and candidates sitting for... more

    From Applicant to Hired: Unlocking the Secrets of Resumes, Interviews, and Employment

    From Applicant to Hired: Unlocking the Secrets of Resumes, Interviews, and Employment

    • 優惠價: 989

    interviewing skills are a must. Jeff Chu, an employment consultant and recruiter, shares his experiences, insights, and...... more

    美國五十年: 50 Years in the U.S.A.

    美國五十年: 50 Years in the U.S.A.

    • 優惠價: 1140

    本書是美籍華裔作家居曉玉最新文學作品,內容集結七十篇散文,多為作者美國五十年來的社會觀察與心得記錄,作者於美國分別待過明尼蘇達州與加利福尼亞州,散文集結於三大部分:「在明尼蘇達州」、「在加利福尼亞州」... more

    Our Land,Our People-The Story of Taiwan National Museum of Taiwan History /Guide Book

    Our Land,Our People-The Story of Taiwan National Museum of Taiwan History /Guide Book

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 333

    臺史博期望透過有趣的展示與教育推廣,使參觀者能夠在沒有距離感的環境下親近歷史,這本導覽手冊即是以本館常設展內容為主,輔以園區、建築、劇場及相關設施之介紹,依照博物館參觀動線及展場時序安排,以圖文並茂的... more

    The Red Scrolls of Magic

    The Red Scrolls of Magic

    • 優惠價: 570

    Clare and award-winner Wesley Chu comes the first book in a new series full of "swoon-worthy romance [and] abundant action...... more

    Brandon Makes Jiaozi: Simplified Chinese

    Brandon Makes Jiaozi: Simplified Chinese

    • 優惠價: 1207

    Mommy surprises Brandon with his grandma, Pópo (婆婆), and grandpa, Gōnggong (公公), when she picks him ... more

    The Art of Destiny

    The Art of Destiny

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Wesley Chu. Once there was a prophecy that a chosen one would rise to defeat the Eternal Khan, an immortal god-king. But the...... more

    Network Analysis and Architecture

    Network Analysis and Architecture

    • 優惠價: 10799

    This book covers network analysis and architecture for large-scale computer network planning. Networ... more

    Birth of Resilience

    Birth of Resilience

    • 優惠價: 646

    Betrayal strikes deep in bonds forged in friendship and loyalty. Five years after the Knights unifie... more

    Overwatch Anthology 1

    Overwatch Anthology 1

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 554

    Your favorite Overwatch(R) heroes backstories are revealed in this anthology from Dark Horse Books ... more

    Transformational Music Teaching

    Transformational Music Teaching

    • 優惠價: 7799

    Designed as a practical resource, this book examines transformational and inclusive approaches to th... more

    Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival: History, Traditions, and Activities - A Holiday Book for Kids

    Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival: History, Traditions, and Activities - A Holiday Book for Kids

    • 優惠價: 1044
    Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival: History, Traditions, and Activities - A Holiday Book for Kids

    Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival: History, Traditions, and Activities - A Holiday Book for Kids

    • 優惠價: 604

    The Mid-Autumn Festival celebrates the warmth of family, the joy of togetherness, and the enchantmen... more

    Greater China’s Olympic Medal Haul: Beyond Sports Excellence

    Greater China’s Olympic Medal Haul: Beyond Sports Excellence

    • 優惠價: 7425

    Chu explores the significance of the Summer Olympic medal haul for relations between Beijing and Taipei, and between...... more

    Celebration of the Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the Orange Valley Church of Orange, New Jersey: Also the Sixth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Rev.

    Celebration of the Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the Orange Valley Church of Orange, New Jersey: Also the Sixth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Rev.

    • 優惠價: 987

    This book is a historical account of the Orange Valley Church of Orange, New Jersey. It provides ins... more

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to testing repulsion induction motors. With detailed explan... more

    Chinese Students in America: Qualities Associated With Their Success

    Chinese Students in America: Qualities Associated With Their Success

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Based on a study of Chinese students in American universities, this book examines the qualities and ... more

    Celebration of the Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the Orange Valley Church of Orange, New Jersey: Also the Sixth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Rev.

    Celebration of the Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the Orange Valley Church of Orange, New Jersey: Also the Sixth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Rev.

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This book is a historical account of the Orange Valley Church of Orange, New Jersey. It provides ins... more

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    Testing of Repulsion Induction Motor

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to testing repulsion induction motors. With detailed explan... more

    Good Math: A Geek’s Guide to the Beauty of Numbers, Logic, and Computation

    Good Math: A Geek’s Guide to the Beauty of Numbers, Logic, and Computation

    • 優惠價: 1292

    scientist Mark Chu-Carroll explores some of the greatest breakthroughs and disappointments of more than two thousand years of...... more

    Rose and Renaissance#4

    Rose and Renaissance#4

    • 優惠價: 1139

    Please do not order before the publication date to avoid getting the wrong version of the book. Kids... more

    Rose and Renaissance#3

    Rose and Renaissance#3

    • 優惠價: 1139

    Please do not order before the publication date to avoid getting the wrong version of the book. Kids... more

    Rose and Renaissance#2

    Rose and Renaissance#2

    • 優惠價: 1139

    Please do not order before the publication date to avoid getting the wrong version of the book. Kids... more

    Rose and Renaissance#1

    Rose and Renaissance#1

    • 優惠價: 1139

    Please do not order before the publication date to avoid getting the wrong version of the book. Kids... more



    • 優惠價: 1216

    Is God changing the face of the church in North America today? The secularization thesis makes it ap... more

    Christianity: An Asian Religion in Vancouver

    Christianity: An Asian Religion in Vancouver

    • 優惠價: 646

    Is God changing the face of the church in North America today? The secularization thesis makes it ap... more



    • 優惠價: 608

    Lovely is an exceptional collection that seamlessly weaves together philosophical inquiries and poet... more

    Chemometric Methods in Analytical Spectroscopy Technology

    Chemometric Methods in Analytical Spectroscopy Technology

    • 優惠價: 11999
    Thick Face, Black Heart: The Warrior Philosophy for Conquering the Challenges of Business and Life

    Thick Face, Black Heart: The Warrior Philosophy for Conquering the Challenges of Business and Life

    • 優惠價: 760

    Chin-Ning Chu is one of the world s foremost experts on Asian business psychology, a frequent guest on Larry King Live...... more

    A Student Grammar of Chinese

    A Student Grammar of Chinese

    • 優惠價: 2399
    A Student Grammar of Chinese

    A Student Grammar of Chinese

    • 優惠價: 7200
    The Comeback

    The Comeback

    • 優惠價: 646

    For fans of The People We Meet on Vacation and everything K-Pop comes a hilarious and thoughtful sto... more

    見證澳門:22個故事,澳門歷史城區地標為你娓娓道來 (電子書)

    見證澳門:22個故事,澳門歷史城區地標為你娓娓道來 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 602

    大三巴牌坊為什麼叫作“大三巴”?澳門又是如何同時擁有“天主聖名之城”與“慾望都市”之名?這是一本趣味性與學術性兼具的書籍,作者Christopher Chu與Maggie Hoi以簡短的篇幅,配以珍藏圖片,講述澳門文化遺跡背後22個...... more

    Breaking the Code: Thriving as Black Individuals in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

    Breaking the Code: Thriving as Black Individuals in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

    • 優惠價: 722

    "Breaking the Code: Thriving as Black Individuals in the Era of Artificial Intelligence" is an essen... more

    How Does Sunshine Become Electricity

    How Does Sunshine Become Electricity

    • 優惠價: 1440

    In recent decades, scientists have done a lot of research to find ways to make use of solar energy. ... more

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