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    Notion最強效應用:卡片盒筆記法×GTD時間管理×電子手帳×數位履歷×Notion AI

    Notion最強效應用:卡片盒筆記法×GTD時間管理×電子手帳×數位履歷×Notion AI

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 394

    教你怎麼從零開始,蛻變成為 Notion 活用大師 掌握 Notion 的方法不是直接套用模板,而是加入自己的想法 讓資訊吸收、整理、輸出的過程,以最適合你的方式去運行 書寫的載體因為科技發展而不... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    ★還原佛法本意的佛法 如何在這個當代「照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄」? 本書引你豁然明白,找到人生力量、掃除一切恐懼 繼《地藏經》之後,作者再次透過通靈訊息,重新詮釋佛法中最人盡皆知,也被視為高深究竟... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    ★還原佛法本意的佛法 佛背後那道圓滿的光明, 是祂與這個世界之間, 「取得了最大的雙贏」的象徵。 走向這條金剛不壞的 「慈」的道路的人, 會有很多很多的感謝。 他會驚訝於這條道路如此奇妙, 竟是無... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    第三次世界大戰,不流血的革命! 乘著新時代的浪頭,開創屬於你的黃金年代! ◆接下來的時代,別人要的不是你的夢想,是你的理念!◆ ★做對你的生存選擇,富貴就會自動找上你!★ 為什麼 在兩... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1080

    ★還原佛法本意的佛法 ★隨書附贈由作者手書心咒的「金剛薩埵心咒 護持卡」★ 佛背後那道圓滿的光明, 是祂與這個世界之間, 「取得了最大的雙贏」的象徵。 走向這條金剛不壞的 「慈」的道路的人, 會有... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 224

    根治飼主的不安、困擾! 一次解決飼養柴犬的問題與煩惱! 有可愛的立耳和捲尾、體質強健,身形嬌小卻精悍又結實的柴犬,是日本代表性犬種,而牠不隨意親近陌生人,對主人忠貞不二的特性,更是讓牠在海外也大受... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 355

    只要我真誠又良善的生活著, 就當得起這世上的一切美好事物。 十二篇故事,十二段奇緣…… 關於生死、友誼的真實生命故事 繼《海岸山脈的瑞士人》、《公東的教堂》後, 范毅舜又一真情心靈書寫。 十二篇真... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 458

    “本書滿足以下重要需求:引導學生優雅的實作訊號與影像、圖學和生物資訊學中的經典演算法”-Lav Varshney University of Illinois “雖然沒有一本書可以教完科學研究P... more

    金剛經:人生經歷無數,喜樂一如最初 (電子書)

    金剛經:人生經歷無數,喜樂一如最初 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 320

    ★還原佛法本意的佛法 佛背後那道圓滿的光明, 是祂與這個世界之間, 「取得了最大的雙贏」的象徵。 走向這條金剛不壞的 「慈」的道路的人, 會有很多很多的感謝。 他會驚訝於這條道路如此奇妙, 竟是無... more

    心經:通往心經開悟的《心經》 (電子書)

    心經:通往心經開悟的《心經》 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 315

    ★還原佛法本意的佛法 如何在這個當代「照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄」? 本書引你豁然明白,找到人生力量、掃除一切恐懼 繼《地藏經》之後,作者再次透過通靈訊息,重新詮釋佛法中最人盡皆知,也被視為高深究竟... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    從天而降的禮物,到底屬於誰呢? 得到還是付出? 是人生重要的問題! 擁有還是分享? 是人生重要的課題! 一本奇異想像的繪本, 讓孩子學習人際關係的道理, 理解人生快樂的原理。 在某個星期四,... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 285

    智慧甚深的東方版《與神對話》,拆解人間遊戲,還你本來面目! 祂們聽見了你的困惑: 自我實現、生涯規劃、身心保健、癌症及生死、人生終極意義、宇宙的本質、人類的未來…… 於是祂們從高次元走下來... more

    與佛對話(長銷增訂版):來自宇宙的拾堂高階心靈課 (電子書)

    與佛對話(長銷增訂版):來自宇宙的拾堂高階心靈課 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 245

    新增最新高靈訊息〈事半功倍的人生精彩法〉 智慧甚深的東方版《與神對話》,拆解人間遊戲,還你本來面目! 祂們聽見了你的困惑: 自我實現、生涯規劃、身心保健、癌症及生死、人生終極意義、宇宙的本質、... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 210

    真正能解決飼主教養苦惱的專書, 所有法國鬥牛犬的飼育疑問一一解答! 時而憂鬱、時而搞笑的表情,滿臉皺紋、醜得可愛的五官,以及詼諧、逗趣的行為舉止,還有對飼主滿滿的愛——這就是法國鬥牛犬。雖然名... more

    扭曲仙境 粉絲書

    扭曲仙境 粉絲書

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 790

    位在陌生世界前方的扭曲、奇妙世界──名為「扭曲仙境」。 各位監督生, 歡迎來到反派的世界。 // 故事描繪的是「壞人們(迪士尼反派)」的真實面貌—— 主人公受到魔鏡引導,被召喚到異世界「扭... more

    都可以,就是大覺醒 (電子書)

    都可以,就是大覺醒 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 196

    當你從夢裡面醒來,夢裡面的時間就統統不算數了…… ☆全球頂尖科學家都在研究的:心電感應、天眼通、他心通、虹光身、量子力學、平行宇宙、時間、空間、重力的真相……大解密! ★破解天機,體驗無限... more

    Ten Little Dumplings

    Ten Little Dumplings

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 505

    哪裡?小女孩和哥哥們一起學習、成長,勇敢追求夢想……讓我們一起來看看她的故事,透過角色的驚喜翻轉,帶領讀者切換視角,發現每個故事中,或許都有未曾被注意到的聲音。 本書作者為台裔華人范梅雅(Larissa Fan),搭檔曾入選義大利波隆納插畫...... more

    The Night Gardener

    The Night Gardener

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 527

    creativity from brothers Terry and Eric Fan. One day, William discovers that the tree outside his window has been sculpted...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 135

    於2D美少女雜誌《萌娘電波》中長期連載的漫畫『我與姐姐與她的惡作劇』集結成單行本問市。 由台灣知名原創漫畫團體「LevelX勇者工作室」旗下畫家「FAN」所執筆。內容精采,不可不看! 兩位雙胞胎姐妹的日常生活與校園點滴(惡作劇...... more

    回家:看見自己內在的靈性伴侶,完成今生功課,離開輪迴教室 (電子書)

    回家:看見自己內在的靈性伴侶,完成今生功課,離開輪迴教室 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 200

    [跟隨著心,回頭是岸] ★感謝+反省=奉獻 ★永恆的愛+靈修的美=回家的感動! 最終我們都是自己一個人離開這個世界,不是跟身邊伴侶一起離開的。 可是當你可以跟你「內在的靈性伴侶」——神... more

    Night Lunch

    Night Lunch

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 527

    that were the predecessors of today’s food trucks and diners. For fans of The Night Gardener. Noses sniff the air as...... more

    與佛對話(暢銷改版):來自宇宙的拾堂高階心靈課 (電子書)

    與佛對話(暢銷改版):來自宇宙的拾堂高階心靈課 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 237

    智慧甚深的東方版《與神對話》,拆解人間遊戲,還你本來面目! 祂們聽見了你的困惑: 自我實現、生涯規劃、身心保健、癌症及生死、人生終極意義、宇宙的本質、人類的未來…… 於是祂們從高次元走下來... more

    It Fell from the Sky

    It Fell from the Sky

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    From the creators of the critically acclaimedThe Night GardenerandOcean Meets Skycomes a whimsical a... more

    理念崛起:準備面對2015~2025台灣社會大蛻變,突破盲點,看見你的生涯契機 (電子書)

    理念崛起:準備面對2015~2025台灣社會大蛻變,突破盲點,看見你的生涯契機 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 196

    第三次世界大戰,不流血的革命! 乘著新時代的浪頭,開創屬於你的黃金年代! ◆接下來的時代,別人要的不是你的夢想,是你的理念!◆ ★做對你的生存選擇,富貴就會自動找上你!★ 為什麼 在兩... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    手。 【作者簡介】 范禕,英文名Nancy Yi Fan 旅美華裔小作家,1993年生。13歲出版處女作《劍鳥》 (Swordbird),登上了《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,成為哈珀柯林斯歷史上最年輕的小說作者。該書榮獲美國獨立書商協會選書。次年,范禕...... more

    The Night Gardener

    The Night Gardener

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 307

    ,已深深扎根在男孩心土裡,他要守護大自然給全人類的禮讚。 Terry Fan與Eric Fan兄弟檔的細膩插畫,讓人有在夜晚誤闖神秘馬戲團的錯覺,創作風格和畫面氛圍的營造,令人聯想到知名美國插畫家--愛德華‧戈里(Edward Gorey...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    為主題的,讀起來生動、感人。那跌宕起伏的情節值得細細品味。 作者簡介 范禕 英文名Nancy Yi Fan,旅美華裔小作家,1993年生。13歲出版處女作《劍鳥》 (Swordbird),登上了《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,成為哈珀柯林斯歷史上...... more

    Lizzy and the Cloud

    Lizzy and the Cloud

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 527

    From the critically acclaimed, award-winning creators of Ocean Meets Sky and The Night Gardener come... more

    Ocean Meets Sky

    Ocean Meets Sky

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    Young readers will be captivated. --The Washington Post From the creators of the gorgeous bests... more

    The Antlered Ship

    The Antlered Ship

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 329

    An inquisitive fox sets off on a seafaring voyage with a crew of deer and pigeons in this enchanting... more

    The Antlered Ship

    The Antlered Ship

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    Parents Choice Recommended An inquisitive fox sets off on a seafaring voyage with a crew of deer an... more

    The Darkest Dark

    The Darkest Dark

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 289

    . The Darkest Dark is his debut children s book, brought to life by the illustrations of Terry and Eric Fan. The evocative...... more

    The Darkest Dark

    The Darkest Dark

    • 優惠價: 684

    Inspired by the childhood of real-life astronaut Chris Hadfield and brought to life by Terry and Eric Fan s lush...... more



    • 優惠價: 646
    Toaster’s Handbook: Jokes, Stories, and Quotations

    Toaster’s Handbook: Jokes, Stories, and Quotations

    • 優惠價: 1427

    Toaster’s Handbook: Jokes, Stories, and Quotations, a classical book, has been considered important ... more

    Asian American Fiction After 1965: Transnational Fantasies of Economic Mobility

    Asian American Fiction After 1965: Transnational Fantasies of Economic Mobility

    • 優惠價: 2100

    parental and social expectations that they would pursue lucrative careers on their way to becoming writers. Christopher T. Fan...... more

    Asian American Fiction After 1965: Transnational Fantasies of Economic Mobility

    Asian American Fiction After 1965: Transnational Fantasies of Economic Mobility

    • 優惠價: 8400

    parental and social expectations that they would pursue lucrative careers on their way to becoming writers. Christopher T. Fan...... more

    The Scarecrow

    The Scarecrow

    • 優惠價: 760

    Journal (starred review) Bestselling author Beth Ferry (Stick and Stone) and the widely acclaimed Fan Brothers (The Night...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 261

    ‧Helamowa手作布藝品牌創作‧由兒童到成年人都感動的寓言‧專業繪畫教師繪製‧精美森系書裝設計 在森林裡面住了一班兔兔,包括了啡毛毛、訊息兔大粒豆、秒速兔和白白喂,牠們樣子各有不同性格也各... more

    The Shocklosers Swing for the Fences: The Shocklosers (Super Science Showcase Stories #6)

    The Shocklosers Swing for the Fences: The Shocklosers (Super Science Showcase Stories #6)

    • 優惠價: 418

    The Shocklosers head to the baseball field for a little league matchup against an opponent that hasn... more

    The Barnabus Project

    The Barnabus Project

    • 優惠價: 722

    bestsellers The Fan Brothers, joined by their brother Devin Fan. Deep underground beneath Perfect Pets, where children can buy...... more

    Tom Sawyer’s Luck: Tom & Huck: St. Petersburg Adventures (Super Science Showcase Stories #5)

    Tom Sawyer’s Luck: Tom & Huck: St. Petersburg Adventures (Super Science Showcase Stories #5)

    • 優惠價: 418

    Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn are in Arkansas when they learn of a local legend-a mythical wild pig ... more

    Lizzy and the Cloud

    Lizzy and the Cloud

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 329

    talented Fan brothers will enchant readers young and old alike, teaching children an unpredictable journey of growth and loving...... more

    Consciousness, Life and the Universe

    Consciousness, Life and the Universe

    • 優惠價: 10200

    What is consciousness? What is life? What is the universe? This book explores these three interconne... more

    Consciousness, Life and the Universe

    Consciousness, Life and the Universe

    • 優惠價: 3177

    What is consciousness? What is life? What is the universe? This book explores these three interconne... more

    The Translator’s Mirror for the Romantic: Cao Xueqin’s Dream and David Hawkes’ Stone

    The Translator’s Mirror for the Romantic: Cao Xueqin’s Dream and David Hawkes’ Stone

    • 優惠價: 3177

    The Translator’s Mirror for the Romantic: Cao Xueqin’s Dream and David Hawkes’ Stone is a book that ... more

    The Socioeconomics of Nationalism in China: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

    The Socioeconomics of Nationalism in China: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

    • 優惠價: 3177

    This book analyzes Chinese nationalism from the perspective of social economics. It posits a concept... more

    Political Economy in the Evolution of China’s Urban-Rural Economic Relations

    Political Economy in the Evolution of China’s Urban-Rural Economic Relations

    • 優惠價: 3297

    This book investigates the trajectory and evolutionary mechanisms of China’s urban-rural economic re... more

    Mathematical Theory of Elasticity and Generalized Dynamics of Quasicrystals and Its Applications

    Mathematical Theory of Elasticity and Generalized Dynamics of Quasicrystals and Its Applications

    • 優惠價: 10080

    Applications was published by the Beijing Institute of Technology Press in 1999, written by Prof Tian-You Fan. In this English...... more

    Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing: A Game-Theoretic Approach

    Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing: A Game-Theoretic Approach

    • 優惠價: 2999

    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is emerging as a novel sensing paradigm in the Internet of Things (IoTs) d... more

    Frida Kahlo: My First Frida Kahlovolume 2

    Frida Kahlo: My First Frida Kahlovolume 2

    • 優惠價: 380

    This board book version of Frida Kahlo--an international bestseller in the critically acclaimed Litt... more

    The Eastern Land and the Western Heaven: Qing Cosmopolitanism and Its Translation in Tibet in the Eighteenth Century

    The Eastern Land and the Western Heaven: Qing Cosmopolitanism and Its Translation in Tibet in the Eighteenth Century

    • 優惠價: 10200

    This book sheds light on the structure of "a unity with diversity" developed in the Qing imperial fo... more

    Another Tie for Christmas: Journal Against the Unknown (Super Science Showcase Christmas Stories #6): Journal Against the Unknown (Super Science

    Another Tie for Christmas: Journal Against the Unknown (Super Science Showcase Christmas Stories #6): Journal Against the Unknown (Super Science

    • 優惠價: 418

    It’s Christmastime, and international adventurer & archaeologist John Patton Jr. is home for a quiet... more

    普羅旺斯的聖誕夜──十二篇關於生死、友誼的生命故事 (電子書)

    普羅旺斯的聖誕夜──十二篇關於生死、友誼的生命故事 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 350

    只要我真誠又良善的生活著, 就當得起這世上的一切美好事物。 十二篇故事,十二段奇緣…… 關於生死、友誼的真實生命故事 繼《海岸山脈的瑞士人》、《公東的教堂》後, 范毅舜又一真情心靈書寫。 十二篇真... more

    Modeling and Stability Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources

    Modeling and Stability Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources

    • 優惠價: 8525

    Renewable energy sources interface with the ac grids via inverters and are termed inverter-based res... more



    • 優惠價: 2223

    You know how most wolves are black, brown, golden brown, grey and the famous white wolf? Well, my wo... more

    Drawing 100 Years of Disney Wonder: A Retrospective Collection of Artwork and Step-By-Step Drawing Projects Featuring a Curated Collection of Iconic D

    Drawing 100 Years of Disney Wonder: A Retrospective Collection of Artwork and Step-By-Step Drawing Projects Featuring a Curated Collection of Iconic D

    • 優惠價: 1520

    , and Meilin from Turning Red Artists and Disney fans alike will be entertained and enlightened by the well-rounded...... more

    Aging in the Context of Urbanization: Social Determinants for the Depression of the Chinese Older Population

    Aging in the Context of Urbanization: Social Determinants for the Depression of the Chinese Older Population

    • 優惠價: 1044

    As China has undergone rapid urbanization and population aging in the past few decades, improving th... more

    Redundant Inertial Measurement Unit Reconfiguration and Trajectory Replanning of Launch Vehicle

    Redundant Inertial Measurement Unit Reconfiguration and Trajectory Replanning of Launch Vehicle

    • 優惠價: 6599
    Performance Optimization of Fault Diagnosis Methods for Power Systems

    Performance Optimization of Fault Diagnosis Methods for Power Systems

    • 優惠價: 6599
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