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    • 優惠價: 75 折, 270

    也想要有一隻聰明又解人意的甲蟲朋友!——知名奇幻小說《詩魂》、《詞靈》作者陳郁如 如果還沒把大部分時間耗費在甲蟲身上,讀了這本書之後,一定會。 ——倫敦自然歷史博物館鞘翅目標本室經理,馬克斯•巴克萊 M. G. 里奧納把甲蟲與生俱來的能力跟冒險...... more



    • 優惠價: 72 折, 777

    堅強的甲蟲一起冒險的精采故事,特殊的架構讓人眼睛一亮,情節緊湊讓我連連吸氣,看完會讓你也想要有一隻聰明又解人意的甲蟲朋友!——暢銷奇幻小說【仙靈傳奇】系列作者陳郁如 各界好評 ■M. G.里奧納刻劃的對白沉重有力,情節緊張;到最後你只...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    歡迎各位乘客蒞臨英國皇家列車 「高地獵鷹號」的退役之旅! 鐵道迷和推理迷絕不能錯過, 一定能讓你像書中主角一樣放下遊戲機、 享受精采且捨不得闔眼的火車偵探小說傑作! ★榮獲英國國家圖書獎兒童小說... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    !──法蘭克.考崔爾.波伊斯(英國小說家) 有件事情我要在車站廣播:M.G.里奧納和山姆.賽吉曼聯手推出的這部火車小說精采至極!──英國《泰晤士報》當週重點童書 對於喜愛老派推理探案的讀者來說,這絕對是本理想的讀物。──英國Book...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    探案,儘管時空背景放在當代,卻飽含黃金時代犯罪小說的情懷。──英國《衛報》 樂趣橫生,有意料之外的情節轉折和充滿創意的角色,這個系列肯定會大為暢銷。──英國《每日郵報》 有件事情我要在車站廣播:M.G.里奧納和山姆‧賽吉曼聯手推出的...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    專欄作家陳安儀 一個男孩與三個朋友,還有一群美麗堅強的甲蟲一起冒險的精采故事,特殊的架構讓人眼睛一亮,情節緊湊讓我連連吸氣,看完會讓你也想要有一隻聰明又解人意的甲蟲朋友!——暢銷奇幻小說【仙靈傳奇】系列作者陳郁如 M. G.里奧納刻劃的對白沉...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    來源。更進一步親子攜手戶外踏查,發現甲蟲及萬物的美麗靈魂,反思理解大自然,書中正有暗示與邀請。~國立清華大學實驗小學教師 葉惠貞 各界好評 ■M. G.里奧納刻劃的對白沉重有力,情節緊張;到最後你只能讚頌她是兒童文學界原創的新代言人。預期將掀起另一...... more

    英文故事初階 (100常用字) (1書 + 1 CD)

    英文故事初階 (100常用字) (1書 + 1 CD)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 152

    本書收錄六篇故事: (1)小女孩佩姬與盲眼的老人發展出一段友誼。 (2)龜兔賽跑的故事。 (3)落井的狐狸欺騙好心的山羊跳下井幫助牠出去。 (4)兩人拾到一把斧頭之後遇到失主的經過。 ... more

    【品格教育繪本:誠實/勇敢面對】 愛吹牛的獨角仙

    【品格教育繪本:誠實/勇敢面對】 愛吹牛的獨角仙

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    《甲蟲男孩》作者、英國卡內基文學獎提名作家﹝M.G.里奧納﹞ 水石書店童書獎入圍插畫家﹝鄧肯˙畢迪﹞ 首次聯合創作繪本 學者出版集團Scholasitc UK優質推薦主題繪本 以趣味情節傳遞誠實的重要性 【誠實/勇敢面對...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 359

    ,釋放氧氣的能力也比樹木強,也就是說竹子是天然的空氣清新機。因此,使用薩米竹牙刷不僅可以減少塑膠汙染,還可以淨化空氣,讓地球更健康。 名人推薦 這是一本由國際知名作家M. G. Leonard創作的繪本。孩子每天早上和晚上都用牙刷刷牙,每隔...... more

    鐵道偵探大歷險1【英國篇】:高地獵鷹號竊盜案(英國國家圖書獎兒童小說類年度圖書) (電子書)

    鐵道偵探大歷險1【英國篇】:高地獵鷹號竊盜案(英國國家圖書獎兒童小說類年度圖書) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    歡迎各位乘客蒞臨英國皇家列車 「高地獵鷹號」的退役之旅! 鐵道迷和推理迷絕不能錯過, 一定能讓你像書中主角一樣放下遊戲機、 享受精采且捨不得闔眼的火車偵探小說傑作! ★榮獲英國國家圖書獎兒童小說... more

    鐵道偵探大歷險3【南非篇】:薩伐旅之星謀殺案(英國國家圖書獎兒童小說類年度圖書系列作) (電子書)

    鐵道偵探大歷險3【南非篇】:薩伐旅之星謀殺案(英國國家圖書獎兒童小說類年度圖書系列作) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    探案,儘管時空背景放在當代,卻飽含黃金時代犯罪小說的情懷。──英國《衛報》 樂趣橫生,有意料之外的情節轉折和充滿創意的角色,這個系列肯定會大為暢銷。──英國《每日郵報》 有件事情我要在車站廣播:M.G.里奧納和山姆‧賽吉曼聯手推出的...... more

    I Think We Can!: A Visit to the Pride Parade

    I Think We Can!: A Visit to the Pride Parade

    • 優惠價: 570

    Little Engine That Could is going to the Pride Parade! The Little Engine is on her way to join the P... more

    甲蟲男孩 (電子書)

    甲蟲男孩 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 252

    也想要有一隻聰明又解人意的甲蟲朋友!——知名奇幻小說《詩魂》、《詞靈》作者陳郁如 如果還沒把大部分時間耗費在甲蟲身上,讀了這本書之後,一定會。 ——倫敦自然歷史博物館鞘翅目標本室經理,馬克斯•巴克萊 M. G. 里奧納把甲蟲與生俱來的能力跟冒險...... more

    Percussion Outlines

    Percussion Outlines

    • 優惠價: 2910
    Percussion Outlines

    Percussion Outlines

    • 優惠價: 1810
    Bee pollen

    Bee pollen

    • 優惠價: 2340

    Bee pollen appears when bees collect pollen grains from flowers and add them to their bodies with th... more

    Tennyson’s "Queen Mary." A Criticism

    Tennyson’s "Queen Mary." A Criticism

    • 優惠價: 2910

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    Tennyson’s "Queen Mary." A Criticism

    Tennyson’s "Queen Mary." A Criticism

    • 優惠價: 1810

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    ADHD and Bariatric Surgery: is there any interference in the results

    ADHD and Bariatric Surgery: is there any interference in the results

    • 優惠價: 2340

    Bariatric surgery has shown effective and well-established results in the fight against the obesity ... more

    鐵道偵探大歷險2【美國篇】:加州彗星號綁架案(英國國家圖書獎兒童小說類年度圖書系列作) (電子書)

    鐵道偵探大歷險2【美國篇】:加州彗星號綁架案(英國國家圖書獎兒童小說類年度圖書系列作) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    !──法蘭克.考崔爾.波伊斯(英國小說家) 有件事情我要在車站廣播:M.G.里奧納和山姆.賽吉曼聯手推出的這部火車小說精采至極!──英國《泰晤士報》當週重點童書 對於喜愛老派推理探案的讀者來說,這絕對是本理想的讀物。──英國Book...... more



    • 優惠價: 87 折, 3550

    參考書,也可作為收藏愛好者的必備工具書,還可作為廣大青少年讀者的高級科普讀物。 M.G.哈拉塞維奇(M.G. Harasewych),國際史密森學會無脊椎動物研究所負責人,收藏有全世界十分豐富的軟體動物標本。他發現了很多新物種。 法比奧.莫爾茲...... more

    The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology: Vol. 9

    The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology: Vol. 9

    • 優惠價: 5495

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology: Vol. 9

    The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology: Vol. 9

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    When Granny Witch Came To Stay

    When Granny Witch Came To Stay

    • 優惠價: 416

    Arabella shares a deep bond with her grandmother, affectionately known as Granny Witch. But when a t... more

    Invitation to a Killer

    Invitation to a Killer

    • 優惠價: 722

    Crime writer turned sleuth, Augusta Hawke finds herself drawn into her second mystery when a celebri... more

    On the Reproduction of Capitalism: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses

    On the Reproduction of Capitalism: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses

    • 優惠價: 1138

    Louis Althusser s renowned short text Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses radically transfo... more

    The Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy Is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy

    The Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy Is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy

    • 優惠價: 456

    In this beautifully designed special edition, Professor George G. M. James explains how the ancient Greeks learned a...... more

    甲蟲男孩2:女王再臨 (電子書)

    甲蟲男孩2:女王再臨 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 252

    專欄作家陳安儀 一個男孩與三個朋友,還有一群美麗堅強的甲蟲一起冒險的精采故事,特殊的架構讓人眼睛一亮,情節緊湊讓我連連吸氣,看完會讓你也想要有一隻聰明又解人意的甲蟲朋友!——暢銷奇幻小說【仙靈傳奇】系列作者陳郁如 M. G.里奧納刻劃的對白沉...... more

    The Bible and the Rule of Faith

    The Bible and the Rule of Faith

    • 優惠價: 4395

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    The Bible and the Rule of Faith

    The Bible and the Rule of Faith

    • 優惠價: 3295

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1875.... more

    Secret Origins of the TidalWave Universe: Volume One

    Secret Origins of the TidalWave Universe: Volume One

    • 優惠價: 1099

    villain, Medusa, this collected edition will keep you on the edge of your seat with stories written by Darren G. Davis and...... more

    The Movie Director

    The Movie Director

    • 優惠價: 228

    Harper Walsh has her dream job producing a major TV news show, but her personal life has taken a bac... more

    Plain Jane

    Plain Jane

    • 優惠價: 655
    Use of international financial technologies

    Use of international financial technologies

    • 優惠價: 2915
    Innerlight’s Eat and Drink My Words

    Innerlight’s Eat and Drink My Words

    • 優惠價: 371

    "Innerlight’s; Eat and Drink My Words" I wrote this book over a span of many years. I hope my book w... more

    The Pharmacy Doctor

    The Pharmacy Doctor

    • 優惠價: 228

    Sarah is just trying to get by when she lands a job at a local pharmacy. She dreads working with Vic... more

    The Pool Guy

    The Pool Guy

    • 優惠價: 228

    Sarah is just trying to get by when she lands a job at a local pharmacy. She dreads working with Vic... more

    I’m Able: A Woman’s Advice for Disability Change Agents

    I’m Able: A Woman’s Advice for Disability Change Agents

    • 優惠價: 684

    This book is about my life - from under my mother’s desk as a child in Ghana to the hills of Vermont... more

    Being Young and Redefining the Political: Youth in Turkey’s Gezi Protests

    Being Young and Redefining the Political: Youth in Turkey’s Gezi Protests

    • 優惠價: 4799

    This book offers an analysis of the complex and shifting conditions of being young as well as the ne... more

    Death in Print

    Death in Print

    • 優惠價: 1140

    A celebration in Oxford for university tutor and bestselling author Jason Verdoot, attended by DCI S... more

    Veneering and Inlaying

    Veneering and Inlaying

    • 優惠價: 767

    This practical guide to the art of veneering and inlaying is a must-have for amateur and professiona... more

    Henry Hudson the Navigator: The Original Documents in Which his Career is Recorded, Collected, Partly Translated, and Annotated Volume No.27

    Henry Hudson the Navigator: The Original Documents in Which his Career is Recorded, Collected, Partly Translated, and Annotated Volume No.27

    • 優惠價: 2197

    This book presents a comprehensive collection of documents related to the career of the English expl... more

    Bayesian Analysis of the Independent Multi-normal Process--neither Mean nor Precision Known

    Bayesian Analysis of the Independent Multi-normal Process--neither Mean nor Precision Known

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This essential text explores the Bayesian analysis of independent multi-normal processes when neithe... more

    Odyssey, Book X;

    Odyssey, Book X;

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This annotated edition of Book X of Homer’s Odyssey offers a comprehensive and insightful guide to o... more

    A Physical and Political School Geography

    A Physical and Political School Geography

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This classic geography textbook offers a fascinating glimpse into the world as it was understood in ... more

    Henry Fielding: A memoir

    Henry Fielding: A memoir

    • 優惠價: 1867

    Learn about the life and works of one of England’s greatest novelists with this comprehensive biogra... more

    Ponce de Leon Land

    Ponce de Leon Land

    • 優惠價: 1702

    Ponce de Leon Land is a comprehensive history of Florida, covering its earliest days up to the prese... more

    Properties of Successive Sample Moment Estimators

    Properties of Successive Sample Moment Estimators

    • 優惠價: 1647

    This book provides an in-depth analysis of successive sample moment estimators and their properties.... more

    The Date and Origin of the Phonetic Alphabet

    The Date and Origin of the Phonetic Alphabet

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This scholarly work examines the history and development of the phonetic alphabet, which is a set of... more

    The Date and Origin of the Phonetic Alphabet

    The Date and Origin of the Phonetic Alphabet

    • 優惠價: 767

    This scholarly work examines the history and development of the phonetic alphabet, which is a set of... more

    Abraham Lincoln’s pen and Voice; Being a Complete Compilation of his Letters, Civil, Political, and Military, Also his Public Addresses, Messages to C

    Abraham Lincoln’s pen and Voice; Being a Complete Compilation of his Letters, Civil, Political, and Military, Also his Public Addresses, Messages to C

    • 優惠價: 2142

    This extensive compilation of Abraham Lincoln’s writings provides readers with a unique insight into... more

    Veneering and Inlaying

    Veneering and Inlaying

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This practical guide to the art of veneering and inlaying is a must-have for amateur and professiona... more

    Henry Hudson, the Navigator: The Original Documents in Which his Career is Recorded, Collected, Partly Translated, and Annotated, With an Introduct

    Henry Hudson, the Navigator: The Original Documents in Which his Career is Recorded, Collected, Partly Translated, and Annotated, With an Introduct

    • 優惠價: 2197

    This book is an essential read for anyone interested in the life and career of Henry Hudson, the Eng... more

    The Ebony Idol

    The Ebony Idol

    • 優惠價: 1867

    This novel tells the story of a young woman who is drawn into a dark and dangerous world of voodoo a... more

    The Ebony Idol

    The Ebony Idol

    • 優惠價: 1262

    This novel tells the story of a young woman who is drawn into a dark and dangerous world of voodoo a... more

    Bayesian Analysis of the Independent Multi-normal Process--neither Mean nor Precision Known

    Bayesian Analysis of the Independent Multi-normal Process--neither Mean nor Precision Known

    • 優惠價: 767

    This essential text explores the Bayesian analysis of independent multi-normal processes when neithe... more

    Properties of Successive Sample Moment Estimators

    Properties of Successive Sample Moment Estimators

    • 優惠價: 877

    This book provides an in-depth analysis of successive sample moment estimators and their properties.... more

    Ponce de Leon Land

    Ponce de Leon Land

    • 優惠價: 987

    Ponce de Leon Land is a comprehensive history of Florida, covering its earliest days up to the prese... more

    Odyssey, Book X;

    Odyssey, Book X;

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This annotated edition of Book X of Homer’s Odyssey offers a comprehensive and insightful guide to o... more

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