
    您輸入的關鍵字: Liao


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    全面突破全新制多益TOEIC 660分:專為突破最低錄取門檻考生而設計(附1CD)

    全面突破全新制多益TOEIC 660分:專為突破最低錄取門檻考生而設計(附1CD)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 315

    多益考試在2017年宣布改制, 新考題將於2018年3月上線! 你,還在為改制的多益考試而苦惱、害怕嗎? 先停下腳步和思緒,想想報考目的! 你報考多益,為的是什麼? 是為了新色證書?還是為... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 315

    有許多人大聲疾呼: 「學好英文不用學文法!」 但是,你相信嗎? 有許多老師振臂呼籲: 「要死記猛背英文文法,才能考好英文考試!」 但是,有這個必要嗎? 如果只是想達到畢業門閂, 那時間有限、腦力有限!... more

    怪物講師嚴選全新制多益單字就考這3,000 個【虛擬點讀筆版】(附1CD+1別冊)

    怪物講師嚴選全新制多益單字就考這3,000 個【虛擬點讀筆版】(附1CD+1別冊)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 315

    經驗豐富的「怪物講師教學團隊(台灣)」親自挑選,「多益金色證書收集者」Dean Liao 編著,再加以電腦分析多益歷年試題,嚴選出必考的3,000個單字。 考前30天衝刺必備! 本書囊括126組「字首、字根、字尾」,拆解單字、剖析詞義...... more

    全面突破NEW TOEIC新多益必考單字(附1MP3)

    全面突破NEW TOEIC新多益必考單字(附1MP3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 341

    新多益考試沒範圍! 那考生會問:「該如何準備呢?」 新多益考試是真的可以考出英文程度的一種考試, 因為考題很靈活、很實用。 但真的沒有偷機取巧、事半功倍的方法嗎? 英文單字幾十萬個, 哪些比較會考? ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    什麼是專心? 為什麼要專心? 怎麼樣才能專心? 學會專心,會讓你好開心! 花10分鐘靜靜的看完這本書, 讓孩子養成一輩子都受用的好習慣,專心。 商品特色: 1. 作者將自... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    繼《Grace說專心》、《Grace said Focus》之後,一起來看看Grace這次要說什麼故事呢? 什麼是耐心? 你知道耐心,是需要練習的嗎? 是不是覺得要學會耐心,好困難? ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    繼《Grace說專心》、《Grace 說耐心》之後, 一起來看看Grace這次要說什麼故事呢? 什麼是恆心? 你知道該怎麼培養恆心嗎? 遇到困難的時候,你會告訴自己不要放棄嗎? 花1... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 315

    多益考試沒範圍! 那考生會問:「該如何準備呢?」 多益題型愈來愈靈活,得分愈來愈困難, 真的沒有事半功倍、輕鬆過關的方法嗎? 研究指出,至少要懂題目中52%的單字, 才有較高機率答對題目, ... more

    365天,用日曆學日文:每天都用心智圖輕鬆背日文單字【虛擬點讀筆版】(二版)(附「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

    365天,用日曆學日文:每天都用心智圖輕鬆背日文單字【虛擬點讀筆版】(二版)(附「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 269

    1年365天, 每一天都可以是學習日文的第一天! 這一次就讓我們下定決心好好學日文! 一天一張「心智圖」,啟發你的聯想力, 再用「圖像記憶法」,加深單字記憶力, 讓日文單字留在「長期記憶」裡! 365... more



    時間有限、腦力有限, 只是想快速突破門檻,又不是要考高分, 為何要浪費精力,背一堆單字、文法? 要讀就讀會考的! 多益考生的需求各不相同,只想跨過門檻,何必花那麼多時間把多益考試範圍的所有內容死背... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    ▍幾米獻給孩子的最新繪本!延續《地球寶寶晚安》和《地球寶寶早安》,用最動人的故事、最溫暖的聲音、最真摯的愛,與孩子共度最溫馨的親子閱讀時光。 ▍你今天和身邊的人抱抱了嗎?一個溫暖的擁抱,能讓人產生... more

    Grace說 中文版(三冊裝)

    Grace說 中文版(三冊裝)

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 588

    Grace說系列中文版(三冊裝) 什麼是專心?專心就是…全心投入一件事,就像玩積木時,滿腦子都是積木,完成後會讓你好開心,這就是專心! 什麼是耐心?耐心就是…學會等待不著急,在遊樂園排隊的時候... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 236

    「不是最狂,不敢大聲!」 《全彩、全圖解、全實景地表最狂多益單字王》有 1、超好記學習方法, 2、超華麗內頁編排, 3、超完整學習內容, 4、免費附贈虛擬點讀筆APP, 造就... more



    • 優惠價: 5 折, 300

    解鎖地圖與JavaScript相遇的秘密 全國第一本介紹WebGIS開發與實戰應用的實體書籍! 本書提供範例程式下載,事半功倍一學即上手! WebGIS啟蒙首選✖五家地圖API✖近百個程式... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 243

    的台灣韓國美食特搜 喜愛美食的饕家、酷愛韓流的朋友、追求生命熱情與樂趣的同好…絕對不能錯過的美食手札 作者簡介 Maggie Liao 廖安絜 現任-VIA-U 崴宇國際多媒體有限公司 總監 電視-高點電視台 / 東森電視台 -- 媒體...... more

    Textures Murmuring娜娜的手機照片碎碎唸

    Textures Murmuring娜娜的手機照片碎碎唸

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    3C產品發達的世代,每個人出門至少都有一到兩個可以拍照的行動裝置。不管是手機還是平板電腦。隨手拍拍變成大家的習慣,不管是小朋友還是大嬸,大家都愛拍,台灣人尤其是愛自拍跟拍食物。 作者喜歡使用手機的... more

    初學日文的第一堂會話課(附1CD+「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

    初學日文的第一堂會話課(附1CD+「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 341

    初學日文總是覺得單字量不夠…… 《初學日文的第一堂會話課》利用實景照片背單字, 讓學新詞就像按下快門一樣, 記得快又記得清晰! 初學日文總是沒辦法好好說出一句日語…… 《初學日文的第一堂會話課》列舉... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    戰士化身 炯炯女神 Warrior to i·Goddess ★陸續在紐約與香港財經圈龐大壓力下生活的Celine,藉由冥思與自我對話,省思曾經經歷過的失敗、痛楚、愛恨與傷痕,全然且真切的自我和解... more

    Grace said Patience(英文版)

    Grace said Patience(英文版)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    What is patience? How do you explain the concept of “patience”? How to practice being patient? ... more

    地球寶寶抱抱禮盒組:幾米給孩子的溫暖故事集 (全套3冊、含地球寶寶雙面絨毛抱枕、中英朗讀音檔線上聽)

    地球寶寶抱抱禮盒組:幾米給孩子的溫暖故事集 (全套3冊、含地球寶寶雙面絨毛抱枕、中英朗讀音檔線上聽)

    • 優惠價: 75 折, 1124

    「創作這麼多年,我想為孩子好好說故事!」 幾米給孩子的溫暖故事集 用最動人的故事、最溫暖的聲音、最真摯的愛, 與孩子共度最溫馨的親子閱讀時光。 ★內含超可愛地球寶寶雙面絨毛造型抱枕 尺寸:約2... more

    Grace said Focus(英文版)

    Grace said Focus(英文版)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    商品特色 Reading this book with your children will help them cultivate one of the most important quali... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    狸貓胖胖有一張神奇紙,它能出現圖案幫森林裡的小動物指點迷津?小芝麻花兔家中唯一的「黑寶寶」,他懷疑是送子鳥爺爺送錯了「好孕包」;鳳仙花種子小六籽不想長大,因為長大以後就要離開媽媽的身邊;周猩猩最喜歡仰... more

    Grace said Persistence(英文版)

    Grace said Persistence(英文版)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    孩子第一本全英文故事繪本,給孩子最高質感的繪本,適合爸爸媽媽與孩子一同閱讀,培養外文閱讀能力。 What is persistence? How to explain the concept ... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    ▍幾米第一本為孩子創作的晚安繪本!這次,讓幾米陪孩子一同長大,用最動人的故事、最溫暖的聲音、最真摯的愛,一起安穩入眠。 ▍以寶寶的觀點和愛的守護出發,洋溢著幸福圓滿的氛圍,願地球上的每個寶寶,都能... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 630

    ●Written according to the core concepts of “the 5Cs” 依照美國外語教學的5C核心概念撰寫 ●Designed to complement m... more

    你的地圖會說話?WebGIS與JavaScript的情感交織(iT邦幫忙鐵人賽系列書) (電子書)

    你的地圖會說話?WebGIS與JavaScript的情感交織(iT邦幫忙鐵人賽系列書) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 460

    解鎖地圖與JavaScript相遇的秘密 全國第一本介紹WebGIS開發與實戰應用的實體書籍! 本書提供範例程式下載,事半功倍一學即上手! WebGIS啟蒙首選✖五家地圖API✖近百個程式... more

    Progress of Shrimp and Prawn Aquaculture in the World

    Progress of Shrimp and Prawn Aquaculture in the World

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1425

    這本專書主要邀請國內外專家學者以涵蓋養蝦技術以及人文歷史,可讀性較高的內容為宗旨,包括:地區性養蝦研究的全盤介紹有10篇、蝦類營養研究1篇、蝦病研究4篇、蝦類養殖之經營及營收1篇,以及淡水蝦養殖和蝦類... more

    Mullet and Its Aquaculture[精裝]

    Mullet and Its Aquaculture[精裝]

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1330

    本書為I Chiu Liao及E.M. Leaño編輯的第五本水產養殖叢書,邀請來自美國、印度、菲律賓、泰國及台灣等地在烏魚水產養殖上之生物學(包括人工繁殖、精子保存等)、產業以及經濟、人文(休閒農業)等方面之世界頂尖之專家學者執筆,共...... more

    Phytoseiidae of Taiwan (Acari: Mesostigmata)

    Phytoseiidae of Taiwan (Acari: Mesostigmata)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 3780

    The Phytoseiidae are among the best-known mite families, with more than 2,700 recorded species world... more

    What Is Mine: A Thriller

    What Is Mine: A Thriller

    • 優惠價: 646

    "Hope Chen and her husband are raising her nine-year-old nephew, Luca, in the wake of his troubled m... more

    Classification and Pattern Recognition of Cancer Gene Expression Data

    Classification and Pattern Recognition of Cancer Gene Expression Data

    • 優惠價: 6900

    Gene expression data analysis is one of the most valuable and relatively mature application areas of... more

    T’Ai Chi Classics

    T’Ai Chi Classics

    • 優惠價: 834

    on three classic internal martial arts texts According to Master Liao, the great power of T’ai Chi cannot be realized...... more

    Side By Side Chinese & English Grammar

    Side By Side Chinese & English Grammar

    • 優惠價: 608

    Learn and review Chinese grammar at a glance Of all the obstacles you face while learning a new lang... more

    Clean Numerical Simulation

    Clean Numerical Simulation

    • 優惠價: 5997

    This book describes the basic principles of Clean Numerical Simulation (CNS) proposed by the author ... more

    Stories of Roars

    Stories of Roars

    • 優惠價: 988

    If you want to comprehend the critical contemporary life, you need to read this book. I regard mysel... more

    Comprehensive Experiments for Materials Science and Engineering

    Comprehensive Experiments for Materials Science and Engineering

    • 優惠價: 8940

    The experimental teaching of materials science and engineering (MSE) is important because the compre... more

    Mediation and Law in China I: The Past, Present, and Future

    Mediation and Law in China I: The Past, Present, and Future

    • 優惠價: 6875

    As the first volume of a two-volume set on mediation in China, this book examines the legal foundati... more

    Mediation and Law in China II: Development and Integration

    Mediation and Law in China II: Development and Integration

    • 優惠價: 6875

    As the second volume of a two-volume set on mediation in China, this book examines the development o... more

    Warranty Chain Management: Digitalization and Sustainability

    Warranty Chain Management: Digitalization and Sustainability

    • 優惠價: 7199
    Manual for Sojourners

    Manual for Sojourners

    • 優惠價: 1292

    Peter reads the messages originally addressed by God to sojourners in the Old Testament as the same ... more

    Manual for Sojourners: A Study on Peter’s Use of Scripture and Its Relevance Today

    Manual for Sojourners: A Study on Peter’s Use of Scripture and Its Relevance Today

    • 優惠價: 722

    Peter reads the messages originally addressed by God to sojourners in the Old Testament as the same ... more

    The Economics of Cruise Ships

    The Economics of Cruise Ships

    • 優惠價: 3024

    Ships is a valuable resource for anyone affiliated with or an interest in the cruise ship industry. Professor Liao Minsheng...... more

    Everyone Loves Lunchtime But Zia

    Everyone Loves Lunchtime But Zia

    • 優惠價: 722

    "Even though Zia loves the Cantonese food her parents prepare at home, she is embarrassed to eat it ... more

    Someone Else’s Life: A Thriller

    Someone Else’s Life: A Thriller

    • 優惠價: 646

    "Annie should be at ease, safe in her new Kauai home with her husband and son. She hopes proximity t... more

    Water Management in China’s Power Sector

    Water Management in China’s Power Sector

    • 優惠價: 934

    This book examines water resource management in China’s electric power sector and the implications f... more

    The New Book of Transcending Death: Achieve Liberation and Ascension by Merging with the Divine Light During the Bardo

    The New Book of Transcending Death: Achieve Liberation and Ascension by Merging with the Divine Light During the Bardo

    • 優惠價: 959

    The book reveals the truth about death: it is just a transition of consciousness and life is eternal... more



    • 優惠價: 570

    The poet found himself retreating to his own lodge as an observer after long tedious travel, writing... more

    Variations in Sex Development: Medicine, Culture and Psychological Practice

    Variations in Sex Development: Medicine, Culture and Psychological Practice

    • 優惠價: 2280

    Biological variations in sex development, also known as intersex, are greatly misunderstood by the w... more

    Crafting Characters: Character Analysis For Film & TV: : Character Analysis For Film & TV

    Crafting Characters: Character Analysis For Film & TV: : Character Analysis For Film & TV

    • 優惠價: 380

    What is the difference between a static and a dynamic character? Do you have other story structures ... more

    The Collection of Thoughts: Romantic Poetry

    The Collection of Thoughts: Romantic Poetry

    • 優惠價: 494

    The poet found himself retreating to his own lodge as an observer after long tedious travel, writing... more

    Cognitive Neural Mechanism of Semantic Rhetoric

    Cognitive Neural Mechanism of Semantic Rhetoric

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This book is a necessary supplement to the theoretical exploration into semantic rhetoric, particula... more

    Deep Network Design for Medical Image Computing: Principles and Applications

    Deep Network Design for Medical Image Computing: Principles and Applications

    • 優惠價: 6600

    Deep Network Design for Medical Image Computing: Principles and Applications covers a range of MIC t... more

    Unity in Embedded System Design and Robotics: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Unity in Embedded System Design and Robotics: A Step-By-Step Guide

    • 優惠價: 11275

    The first book of its kind, Unity in Embedded System Design and Robotics provides a step-by-step gui... more

    Unity in Embedded System Design and Robotics: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Unity in Embedded System Design and Robotics: A Step-By-Step Guide

    • 優惠價: 4564

    The first book of its kind, Unity in Embedded System Design and Robotics provides a step-by-step gui... more

    Random Matrix Methods for Machine Learning

    Random Matrix Methods for Machine Learning

    • 優惠價: 5099
    Warranty Chain Management: Digitalization and Sustainability

    Warranty Chain Management: Digitalization and Sustainability

    • 優惠價: 10199

    -Chapter 1. Overview- Chapter 2. Warranty Policy - Chapter 3. Warranty Plan - Chapter 4. Claim Manag... more

    Multi-Agent Systems: Platoon Control and Non-Fragile Quantized Consensus

    Multi-Agent Systems: Platoon Control and Non-Fragile Quantized Consensus

    • 優惠價: 4797

    Multi-Agent Systems: Platoon Control and Non-Fragile Quantized Consensus aims to present recent rese... more

    Dimension One: The Laws of the Universe According to Tao: The Laws

    Dimension One: The Laws of the Universe According to Tao: The Laws

    • 優惠價: 836

    to Taoist novice through the generations. Master Waysun Liao gives you those keys and unlocks the door to Lao Tzu’s...... more

    The Governance Structures of Chinese Firms: China’s Innovation System and Chinese Model

    The Governance Structures of Chinese Firms: China’s Innovation System and Chinese Model

    • 優惠價: 7799

    other countries? What long-term effects will China’s economic growth have on the global economy? In this volume, Chun Liao...... more

    Green Internet of Things (IoT): Energy Efficiency Perspective

    Green Internet of Things (IoT): Energy Efficiency Perspective

    • 優惠價: 10199

    Energy efficiency issues for green internet of things (IoT) are investigated in this book, from the ... more


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