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    New TOEIC Skills 3

    New TOEIC Skills 3

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 570

    Description TOEIC Skills® 3 is the third book in a three level series designed to prepare students... more

    戰國派出所♂夜晚的上克下,開幕! 2 (完) (電子書)

    戰國派出所♂夜晚的上克下,開幕! 2 (完) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    【END】光秀正要和春日井開始做愛時,織田信長也穿越到現代了!?就在信長要拿刀砍向春日井時,春日井用警棍制伏了信長。意外的這些戰國武將在現代也是呼風喚雨!?... more

    戰國派出所♂夜晚的下克上,開幕! 1 (電子書)

    戰國派出所♂夜晚的下克上,開幕! 1 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    春日井是在偏僻的鄉下派出所任職的警察,但有一天,竟然有一個穿著甲冑的男人被抬進派出所裡!?而且還長得超帥!男人自稱是戰國武將明智光秀,說自己是因為受不了暴君上司的欺負才逃出來……春日井只好先收留了他,... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 1 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 1 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 60

    「為我生孩子吧!」「啊、呀!嗯嗯……不要……舔那種地方啊啊啊啊!!」──沒有家人、也沒有安身之所的薰的身體,被西裝男玩弄著。明明…接吻、乳頭愛撫和後庭…不管哪邊都是第一次……!接著男人巧妙的引誘了薰,... more

    發情♂兔子執事 2完 (電子書)

    發情♂兔子執事 2完 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    兔人無意間得知主人的生日後,決定打工賺錢買禮物送他。恰巧前同事黑兔的店正缺人手,還說工作內容跟執事一樣,因此不疑有他的兔人決定前往試試…但一到現場卻被綁在十字架上!這到底是怎麼回事啊??... more

    發情♂兔子執事 1 (電子書)

    發情♂兔子執事 1 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    「主人的『胡蘿蔔』好大……」──在某個下雨的夜晚,我撿到了一個倒在路旁的男子。他全身赤裸,不僅戴著兔耳,連屁股也夾著尾巴的飾品……。我以為他是個奇怪的過氣牛郎,沒想到他居然自稱是「從月亮跌入地球的月亮... more

    相戀在戰國公寓裡~戰亂、開幕!~ 1 (電子書)

    相戀在戰國公寓裡~戰亂、開幕!~ 1 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    史郎住在破舊的公寓裡,他都還不太習慣公寓陰森的氣氛,就突然必須管理整棟公寓!在陷入絕望時,史郎的面前竟突然出現了可疑的圓形通道,而從裡面竟冒出了人影……!?這個人雖然是超級大帥哥但卻穿著甲冑……還戴著... more

    Sieve Meter: Innovative Features for Energy Learning

    Sieve Meter: Innovative Features for Energy Learning

    • 優惠價: 2820

    The book focuses on the investigation of key features for the application "Tamimeter", designed for ... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 3 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 3 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    原本順利修建的運動場,因費用被不肖經理捲款潛逃而停滯。為了籌出工資,工地大哥建議工藤去「運動員專屬的脫衣舞秀」賺錢。單純的工藤起初以為只要裸體供有錢人觀賞就行,結果還得在大家面前男男性交,他會…... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 2 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 2 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 60

    「如果是教授的孩子…我覺得就能成功懷孕的…」教授一想到薰若是懷上自己的孩子,就不用再跟其他男人們接觸後,不禁抱了他。完事後還發現薰手上的胎記消失不見,該不會是懷孕了?但爸爸是誰!?... more

    Shamshiri: Interior Architecture & Design

    Shamshiri: Interior Architecture & Design

    • 優惠價: 2850

    Studio Shamshiri’s richly layered, narrative-driven interiors are a tour de force of contemporary de... more

    Games to introduce the environmental dimension in Street Plans

    Games to introduce the environmental dimension in Street Plans

    • 優惠價: 4020

    It addresses a current issue related to one of the spheres of Recreation, the Street Plans. The prop... more

    Educational Work in the Reduction of Adolescent Pregnancy

    Educational Work in the Reduction of Adolescent Pregnancy

    • 優惠價: 2880

    The training process for specialists in General Comprehensive Medicine (MGI) includes aspects relate... more

    The Heart and the Chip: Our Bright Future with Robots

    The Heart and the Chip: Our Bright Future with Robots

    • 優惠價: 1140

    Daniela Rus and science writer Gregory Mone provide an overview of the interconnected fields of robotics, artificial...... more

    Water Stress in Rice Crops, its Impact on Productivity

    Water Stress in Rice Crops, its Impact on Productivity

    • 優惠價: 2580

    "Water stress in the rice crop, its impact on productivity" carried out in dry season of 2016, locat... more

    Structural Violence: The Makings of Settler Colonial Impunity

    Structural Violence: The Makings of Settler Colonial Impunity

    • 優惠價: 2100

    Enduring social inequalities in settler colonial societies are not an accident. They are produced an... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~18 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~18 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    夏出現異狀的次數愈來愈頻繁,就連春睡著的時間也愈來愈長…可是夏不管翻遍了多少本書,依舊沒有找到解決的辦法。難道只能順應既定的命運,就這樣陷入永眠嗎?... more

    Status Royale, Vol. 1

    Status Royale, Vol. 1

    • 外文書 , Ru Xu , Ingram , 出版日期: 2024-02-13
    • 優惠價: 646

    "Status Royale is THE game to master if you want to join the rank of elite players in the competitiv... more

    公主處男姬野拋棄童貞之路! (電子書)

    公主處男姬野拋棄童貞之路! (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    所謂的公主處男、指的就是那種,只想跟符合自己理想的女性交往,在不斷挑選女性的過程中,不知不覺讓自己的處男資歷越來越長的男性。姬野的長相・家世・工作全都是一流的、所以他在努力尋找跟自己相配的『公主』。但... more

    相戀在戰國公寓裡~戰亂、開幕!~ 2 (完) (電子書)

    相戀在戰國公寓裡~戰亂、開幕!~ 2 (完) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    【END】織田信長、武田信玄都穿越時空來到史郎的公寓,不僅他們要爭領土,而且還爭相要把史郎納為小姓,狀況越來越混亂的戰國公寓!?... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~16 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~16 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    那位曾經與自己一同奮鬥的夥伴又再度出現,讓圭吾燃起了希望。可是在戰場和愛情上失去重要之物的畢克托爾,已經無力與圭吾共同研究。明明畢克托爾就近在眼前,為何兩人的距離會如此遙遠呢…... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 14 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 14 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    圭吾發現自己一碰到畢克托爾,心臟就會撲通撲通跳得很快…而且如果老鼠受精成功的話,再來就是人體臨床實驗…沒想到腦中居然閃過「跟畢克托爾做也沒關係」的念頭!?不過,對方可是有個重要的人在等他,一想到這裡圭... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 12 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 12 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    在薰好奇的詢問下,教授也漸漸想起那段與畢克托爾一起研究的時光。當時,畢克托爾是受財部邀請,才來到圭吾所在的大學裡。然而,一見面就不合的兩人,卻因為共同研究而開始有了密切的交集!?... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 11 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 11 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    畢克托爾從夏偷來的雪茄中,驗出神經興奮劑。原來…經理是利用嘴巴將禁藥餵給毫不知情的選手們。為了阻止憾事繼續發生,工藤決定親自去勸說對方…... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 9 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 9 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    財部大人派圭吾去本島出差,還特別允許薰一同前往。當兩人在遊艇上準備親熱時,竟意外發現躲起來的夏!另外,由於夏不在島上,導致懷孕的春不按時吃藥,最後財部只好請出「那個人」,還拜託他帶春去夏的身邊…... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 15 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 15 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    自從畢克托爾去迎接重要的人後,已經兩個禮拜沒有回來。即使與畢克托爾進展到這一步,對方終究還是離開自己的身邊。眼看實驗就快要完成了,但圭吾的內心卻有股說不出的寂寞感…... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 7 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 7 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    春被尤安強行帶走。夏一想到春會被尤安與畢克托爾這樣那樣♥就焦躁不安,沒想到在找春的途中,居然發現自己的親生爸爸圭吾!!就在兩人拼盡全力尋找春的同時,春能夠順利保住自己的貞操嗎?... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 13 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 13 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    隨著相處的時間增加,圭吾發現在畢克托爾那高傲的態度下,似乎也有著寂寞的一面。另外,要在一年的期限內研究出成果,讓圭吾承受了不少壓力。沒想到就在他快要被絕望淹沒之際,竟因為那個契機而看到了曙光…... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 6 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 6 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    畢克托爾為了集齊BLANK細胞的研究資料,只好利用夏與春來逼問圭吾教授有關實驗體薰的所在位置,為得就是要讓薰生下自己的孩子。明明當初一起共事的畢克托爾對此研究提出反對意見,然而現在執著的原因究竟是…?... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 10 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 10 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    教授不建議工藤繼續留在藍月,畢竟他現在已經不必再為錢煩惱。既然不是為錢,那工藤堅持下去的理由是什麼呢?另一方面,教授此次的目的就是對工藤做藥物指導,結果提醒的話才說完沒多久,工藤的身體就出現藥物反應!... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 5 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 5 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    夏與春自從養父過世後,只能寄宿在神社中簡陋的屋內。春睡前向夏提議繼續早上沒做完的事,就在兩人毫無防備的時候,突然有三位陌生男子擅自闖入他們的住處,還說把春賣掉前,先好好調教他一番!?... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 8 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 8 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    在圭吾與夏趕到前,春與畢克托爾剛好完事。正當圭吾與孩子重逢之際,薰也現身研究設施迎接受困的家人們!原本快樂重逢的一家人,卻接獲春懷孕的消息…... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 4 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~ 4 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    明明教授什麼都沒做,薰卻覺得體內有種奇怪的疼痛感。不僅如此,光是診療身體就想做的不得了。但會有這樣的症狀,就是胎兒在薰的肚子裡漸漸長大的證明,薰能夠順利產下兩人愛的結晶嗎?... more

    Participatory Governance

    Participatory Governance

    • 優惠價: 3600

    For the reader interested in the work in hand, it is important to point out that this is an importan... more

    Extended Family

    Extended Family

    • 優惠價: 990

    Francisco, a Colombian-American New Yorker, embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about his family... more

    Risk Management

    Risk Management

    • 優惠價: 3660

    The discussion concerning the socio-psychological system will contribute to the explanation of the i... more

    Public Safety Administration

    Public Safety Administration

    • 優惠價: 3660

    The State, the media and the citizenry are a trident that, when interrelated in an electoral situati... more

    Educational Institutionalism

    Educational Institutionalism

    • 優惠價: 2640

    The Mexican education system, being linked to the national political system, has developed a teachin... more

    Workplace Stigma

    Workplace Stigma

    • 優惠價: 3660

    Background. Migratory flows are due to processes of acculturation, multiculturalism and intercultura... more

    Effectiveness of VAT application and registration

    Effectiveness of VAT application and registration

    • 優惠價: 3660

    The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the application and registration of th... more

    Inconvenience of Surrogacy in Tabasco

    Inconvenience of Surrogacy in Tabasco

    • 優惠價: 4235

    Surrogate motherhood in Tabasco is a real practice that brings with it a series of social, economic ... more

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 5 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 5 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    • 優惠價: 879

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical... more

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 3 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 3 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    • 優惠價: 879

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical... more

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 2 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 2 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    • 優惠價: 879

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical... more

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 6 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 6 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    • 優惠價: 879

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical... more

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 4 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 4 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    • 優惠價: 824

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical... more

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 1 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    The Chronicle of Sea and Cloud Volume 1 English Edition: Fantasy Comic Manga Graphic Novel

    • 優惠價: 879

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical... more

    Gamification to increase motivation in physical education

    Gamification to increase motivation in physical education

    • 優惠價: 3685

    It is a fact that high school classrooms are full of passive and uninvolved students, whose main obj... more

    Ch’ul Mut: Sacred Bird Messengers of the Chamula Maya

    Ch’ul Mut: Sacred Bird Messengers of the Chamula Maya

    • 優惠價: 2700

    lives. In these testimonies dictated to her lifelong friend, anthropologist Diane Rus, Méndez Pérez describes her years of...... more

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~17 (電子書)

    監獄的婚禮~為我生孩子吧~17 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 45

    牛角麵包之所以長壽,都是多虧了BLANK細胞。也因此,擔心薰的身體出現異狀,教授當然要好好診斷一下他的「全身上下」。就在兩人完事後,被子裡突然有東西在蠕動,想不到探出頭來的人是「春」!?... more

    Bon Courage: Essays on Inheritance, Citizenship, and a Creative Life

    Bon Courage: Essays on Inheritance, Citizenship, and a Creative Life

    • 優惠價: 722

    and layering of great fiction. As if that’s not enough, it sings. Ru Freeman participates intimately while bringing global...... more

    Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Applications in Agriculture and Biology

    Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Applications in Agriculture and Biology

    • 優惠價: 2999

    This open access book offers an introduction to mixed generalized linear models with applications to... more

    Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Applications in Agriculture and Biology

    Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Applications in Agriculture and Biology

    • 優惠價: 3599

    This open access book offers an introduction to mixed generalized linear models with applications to... more

    Inside the Party Headquarters: Organizational Culture and Practice of Rule in the Socialist Unity Party of Germany

    Inside the Party Headquarters: Organizational Culture and Practice of Rule in the Socialist Unity Party of Germany

    • 優惠價: 10740

    Everyday life in the East German Socialist Unity Party revolved heavily around maintaining the "part... more

    Internal wall cladding

    Internal wall cladding

    • 優惠價: 2420

    The application of internal coating with plaster paste is an executive method widely used outside th... more

    When exile becomes dispatch On the mystical realism of Teresa of Avila

    When exile becomes dispatch On the mystical realism of Teresa of Avila

    • 優惠價: 2420

    The spiritual experience of Teresa of Avila is carried, in the musical sense of the word, by an inne... more

    Economic Evaluation of Transport Projects

    Economic Evaluation of Transport Projects

    • 優惠價: 4799

    This book is a guide to the economic evaluation of transport policies and investment projects throug... more

    Mastering Microsoft 365 Defender: Implement Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Identity, Cloud Apps, and Office 365 and respond to threats

    Mastering Microsoft 365 Defender: Implement Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Identity, Cloud Apps, and Office 365 and respond to threats

    • 優惠價: 2749

    Get to grips with Microsoft’s enterprise defense suite and its capabilities, deployments, incident r... more

    Old Faces in Odd Places

    Old Faces in Odd Places

    • 優惠價: 1812

    lost. Photographer Urban Rus has an eye for the unusual and the surreal, creating stunning images that are sure to...... more

    Old Faces in Odd Places

    Old Faces in Odd Places

    • 優惠價: 1152

    lost. Photographer Urban Rus has an eye for the unusual and the surreal, creating stunning images that are sure to...... more

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