
    您輸入的關鍵字: Debbie


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    Debby W∞的愛情生活百科:畫給所有女生的情感療癒書

    Debby W∞的愛情生活百科:畫給所有女生的情感療癒書

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 221

    。」 ——Debby W∞ 新生代人氣插畫家Debby W∞,第一個完全以插畫「談情說愛」的創作型女孩,她畫畫的題材圍繞在愛情中發生的大小事,畫出每一個人都可能會遇見的煩惱(包括她自己△△△)。她的畫風溫暖、簡約、乾淨、透明,富有情感,一趣味小圖搭...... more



    只要畫幾個圓圈, 6,000個單字輕鬆植入腦中, 永久放入大腦「長期記憶區」! 最聰明的「同心圓單字記憶法」, 主題明確、簡單明瞭, 讓你畫個圓,單字就能背更多! 背... more

    DEBBY W∞的戀愛自癒手冊

    DEBBY W∞的戀愛自癒手冊

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    1. FB超過16萬粉絲!IG近12萬追隨者! 2. PO文按讚數破萬,人氣插畫家DEBBY W∞的愛情寶典再出擊! 3. 犀利愛情金句+時尚感插畫 => 引人共鳴 4. 憧憬戀愛、在愛中迷惘的女孩兒們的心情寫真+療癒手冊 5. 書中...... more



    有備無患,背了就要會用! 你一定背過升學必背的7,000單字, 你可能看過分量驚人的20,000個單字, 但為何總在關鍵時刻,一個單字也講不出來? 因為這些單字中, 只有15-20%是生活常用到的單字... more



    「不是最狂,不敢大聲!」 《全彩、全圖解、全實景地表最狂英語會話王》 1. 超好記學習方法 2. 超華麗內頁編排 3. 超完整學習內容 4. 免費附贈虛擬點讀筆App 造就「超... more

    Debby W∞&Irene的改變小行動365日曆

    Debby W∞&Irene的改變小行動365日曆

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 695

    個小提案,把日子變成你喜歡的樣子 什麼事會讓你眼神發亮? 昨天有做夢嗎?那個夢可能想跟你說什麼? 新的一年,讓《Debby W∞&Irene的改變小行動365日曆》, 用可愛的手繪插畫&一天一個小行動, 為你的生活帶來...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 190

    《嬰幼兒托育環境評量表—修訂版》(ITERS-R)是由廣泛使用的《嬰幼兒托育環境評量表》全面修訂而來。它主要的目的是評估收托嬰兒?學步兒(出生至三十個月)的托育機構。ITERS-R可做為托育機構主管的... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 359

    365天說英文! 學習英文從日常生活開始! 全年12月說英文! 學習英文從文化節慶開始! 學英文是為了「溝通」 培養溝通的能力就從生活開始! 《全彩全圖解365天說英文》讓你 下至吃喝玩樂,美食遊玩樂... more

    出國一定要會的英語會話:365天都用得到的英文溝通技巧(附1CD+「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

    出國一定要會的英語會話:365天都用得到的英文溝通技巧(附1CD+「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 359

    一年到頭都會用的英文! 從辦理簽證、留學就業, 到吃喝玩樂、生活起居, 在國外生活,這些英文不講不行! 常用會話搭配全彩實景圖解, 讓你全方位沉浸在英文的真實使用環境, 會話不再只是生硬的紙上談兵! ... more

    Everything Is Ok

    Everything Is Ok

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 471

    battle. Everything Is OK is the story of Debbie Tung’s struggle with anxiety and her experience with depression. She shares...... more

    A Dragon on the Doorstep(with CD)

    A Dragon on the Doorstep(with CD)

    What would you do if you found a dragon on your doorstep? Or a crocodile in your cupboard? In this p... more

    How Not to Babysit Your Brother(Step into Reading, Step 4)

    How Not to Babysit Your Brother(Step into Reading, Step 4)

    • 優惠價: 228

    Will s little brother, Steve, is big trouble. What happens when Will has to babysit? Steve s over-th... more

    I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark

    I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 527

    Get to know celebrated Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg--in the first picture book about he... more

    Debby-萌寵天使 (電子書)

    Debby-萌寵天使 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 449

    愛笑甜美女神-Debby黛比身高體重: 165cm/45kg生日:12/01星座: 射手喜愛動物: 貓咪/狗狗/蛇專長: 工作時可以無時無刻都保持笑容IG: debby911201FB: 黛比比逮捕你Debby介紹:標準貓系女友,愛撒嬌...... more

    Book Love

    Book Love

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 416

    , book-hoarding bibliophiles. Debbie Tung s comics are humorous and instantly recognizable--making readers laugh while precisely...... more

    Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story

    Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 416

    Sweet, funny, and quietly poignant, Debbie Tung s comics reveal the ups and downs of coming of age as an introvert...... more

    How Not to Start Third Grade(Step into Reading, Step 4)

    How Not to Start Third Grade(Step into Reading, Step 4)

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 166

    University, Pennsylvania, and New York City, respectively.Debbie Palen has illustrated many books for children, including How Not...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    『小』一定不被看見嗎? 再堅持一下,努力最終一定會被看見的! 獨特的畫風入圍 ★國際繪本獎The Key Colours Award★ 跟昆蟲一樣大的迷你狗, 因為太小了, ... more

    Debby W∞的戀愛自癒手冊 (電子書)

    Debby W∞的戀愛自癒手冊 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 224

    1. FB超過16萬粉絲!IG近12萬追隨者! 2. PO文按讚數破萬,人氣插畫家DEBBY W∞的愛情寶典再出擊! 3. 犀利愛情金句+時尚感插畫 => 引人共鳴 4. 憧憬戀愛、在愛中迷惘的女孩兒們的心情寫真+療癒手冊 5. 書中...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 380

    本書試圖縮小學界、實務界人士及決策者三方的鴻溝,藉以確保嬰幼兒所需的非居家照顧,順利發育成長。書中內容分為三部分,第一部分主要內容包括認知、語言及社會性發展,對於嬰幼兒早期發展的重要性提出不少精闢的分... more

    The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams

    The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams

    • 優惠價: 646

    material. Debbie Ford believes that we each hold within us a trace of every human characteristic that exists, the capacity for...... more

    Build a Story Cards Ocean Adventure

    Build a Story Cards Ocean Adventure

    • 優惠價: 494

    Build mathematics, storytelling and writing skills in young children with this adventurous card deck... more

    Bear in a Square

    Bear in a Square

    • 優惠價: 342

    "Bold graphics with bright colors and eye-zapping patterns will draw children to this picture book o... more

    Bear about Town

    Bear about Town

    • 優惠價: 342

    "Many direction words can be used while exploring the town... highly recommended for anyone, young a... more

    Freckle Juice

    Freckle Juice

    • 優惠價: 228

    What’s a guy gotta do to get some freckles? This perennial bestselling favorite from Judy Blume has ... more

    Bear’s Busy Family

    Bear’s Busy Family

    • 優惠價: 342

    """A simple rhyming text and appealing illustrations will capture the very youngest of children.... ... more

    Hey Little Ant

    Hey Little Ant

    • 優惠價: 722

    The perfect tool to help inspire compassion in our world’s youth." --Jane Goodall, world-renowned pr... more

    Next Stop: (A Graphic Novel)

    Next Stop: (A Graphic Novel)

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 388

    itself. Next Stop explores grief, resilience, and learning how to laugh again. Debbie Fong weaves together an incredibly...... more

    Debby W∞&Irene的改變小行動365日曆 (電子書)

    Debby W∞&Irene的改變小行動365日曆 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 616

    想跟你說什麼? 新的一年,讓《Debby W∞&Irene的改變小行動365日曆》, 用可愛的手繪插畫&一天一個小行動, 為你的生活帶來一點小趣味、小變化。 |感受不同的Debby W∞魅力!| 許久未推出新作品的人氣插畫家Debby W∞,帶來了365...... more

    Dinosaur Rap (with CD)

    Dinosaur Rap (with CD)

    • 優惠價: 299

    bestselling Animal Boogie illustrator Debbie Harter and 6 pages of dinosaur facts make this an inclusive, educational and fun...... more

    Bear in a Square

    Bear in a Square

    • 優惠價: 342

    """Bold graphics with bright colors and eye-zapping patterns will draw children to this picture book... more

    A is the Apple

    A is the Apple

    • 優惠價: 418

    A is the Apple is a humorous, rhyming way for young children to learn the English alphabet and remem... more

    A is the Apple

    A is the Apple

    • 優惠價: 760

    A is the Apple is a humorous, rhyming way for young children to learn the English alphabet and remem... more

    Designing Brand Identity: an essential guide for the entire branding team

    Designing Brand Identity: an essential guide for the entire branding team

    • 優惠價: 2050

    Whether you re the project manager for your company s rebrand, or you need to educate your staff or ... more

    Bubble Gum Troubles

    Bubble Gum Troubles

    • 優惠價: 1099
    Bubble Gum Troubles

    Bubble Gum Troubles

    • 優惠價: 714
    Bear about Town/Ours En Ville

    Bear about Town/Ours En Ville

    • 優惠價: 342

    "The illustrations are colorful, the bears that fill the busy scenes are appealing, and there is ple... more

    How to Hug a Porcupine: Easy Ways to Love the Difficult People in Your Life

    How to Hug a Porcupine: Easy Ways to Love the Difficult People in Your Life

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 346

    ourselves With a foreword by noted psychotherapist Dr. Debbie Ellis, widow of Dr. Albert Ellis, How to Hug a Porcupine is a...... more

    Defying Beijing: Societal Resistance to the Belt and Road in Myanmar

    Defying Beijing: Societal Resistance to the Belt and Road in Myanmar

    • 優惠價: 1406

    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to construct a Sino-centric transcontinental infrastructure ... more

    The Mental Capacity ACT 2005: A Guide for Practice

    The Mental Capacity ACT 2005: A Guide for Practice

    • 優惠價: 3240

    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its accompanying Codes of Practice continue to have a huge impact o... more

    The Mental Capacity ACT 2005: A Guide for Practice

    The Mental Capacity ACT 2005: A Guide for Practice

    • 優惠價: 10740

    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its accompanying Codes of Practice continue to have a huge impact o... more

    Language of Love

    Language of Love

    • 優惠價: 646

    The changes we experience as we age are often scary and difficult to understand... even to those liv... more

    8 Sandpiper Way

    8 Sandpiper Way

    • 優惠價: 418

    The characters you know and love face new challenges and fresh starts! Pastor Dave and Emily Flemmin... more

    The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self

    The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self

    • 優惠價: 608

    In this groundbreaking exploration, three New York Times bestselling authors--Debbie Ford (The Dark Side of the Light...... more

    2: 17 a.m.

    2: 17 a.m.

    • 優惠價: 440

    ""2:17 A.M is a poetry collection exploring people and places in the dark of night. From a coffee sh... more

    The Pony in the Shoe

    The Pony in the Shoe

    • 優惠價: 604

    No children’s story quite says friendship, love and adventure like The Pony in the Shoe! In this hea... more

    Rainbows in the Night Companion Guide: Waking Up to the Goodness of God

    Rainbows in the Night Companion Guide: Waking Up to the Goodness of God

    • 優惠價: 1099

    Your guide through the storms of life. In the ’Rainbows in the Night Companion Guide, ’ find your pa... more

    Rainbows in the Night: Waking up to the Goodness of God

    Rainbows in the Night: Waking up to the Goodness of God

    • 優惠價: 1099

    , Debbie Farthing’s Rainbows in the Night explores the profound significance of a radiant rainbow that graced the darkened sky...... more

    The Pony in the Shoe

    The Pony in the Shoe

    • 優惠價: 760

    No children’s story quite says friendship, love and adventure like The Pony in the Shoe! In this hea... more

    Manless: A Celebration of Single Life and Achieving Deeper Fullfilment on Your Own

    Manless: A Celebration of Single Life and Achieving Deeper Fullfilment on Your Own

    • 優惠價: 646

    You know them almost instantly, the women in committed relationships who can’t imagine being without... more

    Three Little Wishes

    Three Little Wishes

    • 優惠價: 646

    USA Today bestselling author Debbie Mason takes another trip to Sunshine Bay with a heartwarming story about a family...... more

    The Man on the Train

    The Man on the Train

    • 優惠價: 682

    Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Linda Haley is awakened early one morning by two police office... more

    An Awareness of Grace: Stories of Divine Intervention in Daily Life

    An Awareness of Grace: Stories of Divine Intervention in Daily Life

    • 優惠價: 718

    Do miracles still happen? Does God really care about what is going on in my life? The stories in thi... more

    Bear in Sunshine

    Bear in Sunshine

    • 優惠價: 342

    "Young readers are invited to anticipate Bear’s fun activities as he introduces various types of wea... more

    Andrew Lost #2: In the Bathroom

    Andrew Lost #2: In the Bathroom

    • 優惠價: 190

    When Andrew and Judy s neighbor gives her dog a bath, microscopic Andrew and Judy find themselves wa... more

    Wealth, Wellness & Mindset: Connecting the mind, body and brain for a happier, healthier and wealthier life.

    Wealth, Wellness & Mindset: Connecting the mind, body and brain for a happier, healthier and wealthier life.

    • 優惠價: 1282

    In a world filled with distractions and demands, finding balance and fulfillment can seem like an el... more

    How Shadowchaser Got His Name: A Cat Tale

    How Shadowchaser Got His Name: A Cat Tale

    • 優惠價: 418

    Sam thinks his new stuffed animal - a life-like cat - is special and should have a special name - Bu... more

    The Case of the Whale Watching Wedding Planner

    The Case of the Whale Watching Wedding Planner

    • 優惠價: 874

    Cathy, Nancy, and Mildred are on their way to Long Island to plan a triple wedding. When they try to... more

    The Case of the Whale Watching Wedding Planner

    The Case of the Whale Watching Wedding Planner

    • 優惠價: 1292

    Cathy, Nancy, and Mildred are on their way to Long Island to plan a triple wedding. When they try to... more

    The Case of the Whale Watching Wedding Planner

    The Case of the Whale Watching Wedding Planner

    • 優惠價: 1311

    Cathy, Nancy, and Mildred are on their way to Long Island to plan a triple wedding. When they try to... more

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