
    您輸入的關鍵字: Friend


    搜尋結果共 2097 筆, 頁數 1 / 35



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 135

    本書《花精之友應用別冊》提供了選擇花精時的運用圖表與 60 組的花精分類,建議搭配2018年出版的《花精之友應用手帖》 與2023年出版的《花精之友應用手帖2》,從500 個世界花精與精素當中,運用會... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 316

    ★尋寶記20周年生日快樂★ 首度特別企劃跨國尋寶番外篇 布卡、麥克變成美食網紅, 要帶大家去亞洲各國打卡, 尋找吃貨最愛的異國料理!(流口水) #韓國 #中國 #泰國 #土耳其 #... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 316

    全球暢銷2300萬冊 / 阿囉哈!「人間天堂」我來了! 一起去夏威夷群島跳草裙舞吧!GO GO~ 【書籍資訊】 前往度假勝地夏威夷, 破解沉睡的寶藏傳說! 凱薩琳為了引... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    全球暢銷2300萬冊 / 相約在匈牙利美麗的多瑙河畔, 尋找與摯友的珍貴寶物! 回憶中的地點究竟在哪裡? 尋寶提示在朋友手上? 布卡受到牧馬少年的委託來到布達佩斯, 途中恰... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    可惡的寶物獵人, 快把求婚禮物還給凱薩琳! 生性浪漫的凱薩琳,終於遇到了人生中的第一次求婚, 她本來是想藉著這次機會,激起麥克的競爭意識, 沒想到無意間釀成大禍,竟弄丟了價值連城的寶... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 1305

    尋寶記帶你開拓國際視野, 滿足孩子環遊世界的夢想! ★全球暢銷2300萬冊 ★榮獲好書大家讀等大獎 ★征服小學生的人文科知識漫畫 ★國小圖書館翻閱率最高 「尋寶記」是小朋友最... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    全球暢銷2200萬冊 神祕的專業藝術品尋寶王, 即將與布卡一決高下! 布卡應凱薩琳的要求, 來到紐約幫忙茱麗葉尋寶。 沒想到半路卻跑出專業藝術品尋寶王, 竟讓布卡被誤認為冒牌貨... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    全球暢銷2100萬冊 ★無法採集指紋、沒有監視器影片、稱不上線索的碎片……★ 十萬火急的祕密委託!時間也太趕了吧? 布卡為了神祕的委託來到曼谷, 本想乘機大快朵頤泰國美食, 挽救... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 450

    〖台語說明〗 ★《呆呆囡仔古 - 狗仔阿光in兜》故事紹介: 狗仔阿光in兜tī呆呆社區內底,咱tuè阿光行, 做伙來看阿光in兜ê人tī佗位、leh創啥物? 阿光會拄著啥人?會發生啥... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 268

    全球暢銷2300萬冊 / 失蹤的伯爵生死未卜! 神祕情報員M到底是誰? 派勒森伯爵尋找大航海時代的寶物, 竟然在里斯本離奇失蹤, 只在探險筆記上留下神祕情報員M的線索…… ... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 1200

    ‧圖書館借閱率最高 ‧小朋友支持度最高 ‧暢銷超過10年的經典級童書 豐富的旅程 整合大量知識 滿足孩子探索世界的閱讀需求 「尋寶記」是小朋友最熟悉喜愛的一套知識漫畫,超過十年... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 268

    全球暢銷2300萬冊 / 世足熱潮,精彩可期! 2022世界盃足球賽史上第一次在冬季舉辦, 就是為了因應中東特殊的氣候與文化, 快來認識卡達首都「杜哈」,一邊踢球一邊尋寶吧! 尋找離奇消失的稀有珍... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    全球暢銷2100萬冊 ★尋寶王男扮女裝!這樣也行?★ 堪稱世界最大寶庫的羅馬, 當然吸引了各種尋寶獵人前來獵寶…… 聽到尋寶大師有可能要在羅馬下手的消息, 麥克只好隱藏身分,特別成假扮女生... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    全球暢銷2200萬冊 知本教授成為寶物失竊案共犯? 竟然又有新的反派角色(而且好帥?!) 心情不佳的布卡與知本教授, 應馬哈姆德教授的邀請來到伊斯坦堡, 本想用大吃大喝來忘... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 1140

    ‧圖書館借閱率最高 ‧小朋友支持度最高 ‧暢銷超過10年的經典級童書 豐富的旅程 整合大量知識 滿足孩子探索世界的閱讀需求 尋寶記是小朋友最熟悉喜愛的一套知識漫畫,超過十年時間... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    融合教育是擁抱和欣賞個別差異的一種教育理念,教師需要獲得持續的行政支持與資源,才能進行此項任務。本書兼具理論與實務,介紹各類特殊學生的特徵,提供特殊教育基礎知識與融合教育新資訊,論述在學科、社會互動與... more

    Let Him in

    Let Him in

    • 優惠價: 684

    , leaving Alfie to raise them alone. And now, when the girls mention a new imaginary friend, it seems like a harmless coping...... more

    うさまると一緒にまなぶ はじめての韓国語会話

    うさまると一緒にまなぶ はじめての韓国語会話

    • 優惠價: 585

    **到貨說明:此為客訂商品,讀者訂購後,商品將於21日工作天左右到貨。(以上預計到貨時間不包含假日且僅供參考,請以博客來寄發的取貨通知信函為準) うさまるに癒されながら「日常会話で使えるフレーズ」が自... more

    BT21 みんなでねんね

    BT21 みんなでねんね

    • 優惠價: 540

    **到貨說明:此為客訂商品,讀者訂購後,商品將於21日工作天左右到貨。(以上預計到貨時間不包含假日且僅供參考,請以博客來寄發的取貨通知信函為準) LINE FRIENDSのグローバル人気キャラクターブランド「BT21」から、ベビー世代の...... more



    • 優惠價: 950

    Maggie knows she’s taking a chance getting close to Detective Tate, but no matter how hard she tries... more

    Peter Puffin Learns to Fish

    Peter Puffin Learns to Fish

    • 優惠價: 604

    Peter the baby puffin lives out at sea with his mummy. He goes to school on puffin rock where he lea... more

    Davidji: A Collection of Memories

    Davidji: A Collection of Memories

    • 優惠價: 990

    FROM THE BOOK: "What was most amazing about being David’s friend was having a front-row seat to witness the...... more

    The Naughty Nineties: The Decade That Unleashed Sex, Lies, and the World Wide Web

    The Naughty Nineties: The Decade That Unleashed Sex, Lies, and the World Wide Web

    • 優惠價: 950

    wholesale tabloidization of pop culture. David Friend offers an unfiltered look into the captains of the culture wars and an...... more

    Florida Trail Hikes: Top Scenic Destinations on Florida’s National Scenic Trail

    Florida Trail Hikes: Top Scenic Destinations on Florida’s National Scenic Trail

    • 優惠價: 1138

    well as several accessible trail sections. Sandra Friend and John Keatley also offer the backstory of the Florida Trail...... more

    Mightier Than the Sword: Civilian Control of the Military and the Revitalization of Democracy

    Mightier Than the Sword: Civilian Control of the Military and the Revitalization of Democracy

    • 優惠價: 4200

    ? Combining scholarly expertise and firsthand civilian experience in the Department of Defense, Friend argues that civilians...... more

    Kota in Sedona

    Kota in Sedona

    • 優惠價: 646

    The Friend, the lyric-like story explores the many sites, wonders, and uniqueness of this magical town....... more

    Next-Level Competition: Book 4

    Next-Level Competition: Book 4

    • 優惠價: 1686

    At coding camp, La Ion’s friends wake up to an unusual lesson: how to make breakfast with coding! As one team member...... more

    Coding Camp Chaos: Book 3

    Coding Camp Chaos: Book 3

    • 優惠價: 1686

    When the robot soccer crew and their battle-robot rivals both attend the same coding camp, they get ... more

    Girl Friend女友寫真-小晰晰【靚麗女友情慾挑逗】 (電子書)

    Girl Friend女友寫真-小晰晰【靚麗女友情慾挑逗】 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 399

    Girl Friend 女友寫真顧名思義就是要邀請各位粉絲心中日思夜夢的女神,來拍攝寫真書。將女神私底下最性感、最可愛的畫面捕捉呈現給各位粉絲,猶如女神就是女朋友在您面前一般,以最真實的一面,讓您的視覺有最私密的體驗。...... more

    Our Australian HeArt

    Our Australian HeArt

    • 優惠價: 1154
    A Sense of Belonging: Religion and Identity in British Fishing Communities

    A Sense of Belonging: Religion and Identity in British Fishing Communities

    • 優惠價: 2397

    Exploring the relationship between identity and religion in British Fishing Communities during the 1... more

    Gino: A Child of War

    Gino: A Child of War

    • 優惠價: 824

    As the Canadian 4th Armoured Division fought its way through Italy, its soldiers experienced some of... more

    Let Him in

    Let Him in

    • 優惠價: 1026

    unexpectedly, leaving Alfie to raise them alone. And now, when the girls mention a new imaginary friend, it seems like a harmless...... more

    Guide-book to Mr. Washington Friend’s Great American Tour of Five Thousand Miles in Canada and the United States

    Guide-book to Mr. Washington Friend’s Great American Tour of Five Thousand Miles in Canada and the United States

    • 優惠價: 1645

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1857.... more

    Guide-book to Mr. Washington Friend’s Great American Tour of Five Thousand Miles in Canada and the United States

    Guide-book to Mr. Washington Friend’s Great American Tour of Five Thousand Miles in Canada and the United States

    • 優惠價: 2745

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1857.... more

    The Eden Code

    The Eden Code

    • 優惠價: 2399

    The Eden Code is the basis for Tazo’s unique Spiritual Science System. It is a foundational work, fu... more

    The Eden Code

    The Eden Code

    • 優惠價: 1019

    The Eden Code is the basis for Tazo’s unique Spiritual Science System. It is a foundational work, fu... more

    Barn Boot Blues

    Barn Boot Blues

    • 優惠價: 380

    farm’s daily surprises, especially those that prove to be embarrassing at school. With the help of her friend Megan, Taylor...... more

    Dispositions and Powers

    Dispositions and Powers

    • 優惠價: 1320
    Lucas’s Adventure To The Shed: From Shed Cleaning To Treasure Hunting Bedtime Story Book For Toddlers & Kids Lucas and Ruby’s Imaginative Adventure C

    Lucas’s Adventure To The Shed: From Shed Cleaning To Treasure Hunting Bedtime Story Book For Toddlers & Kids Lucas and Ruby’s Imaginative Adventure C

    • 優惠價: 418

    Take your kids on an amazing adventure, all while they’re tucked safely into bed! Lucas & Friends are back with another...... more

    An Introduction to the Chemistry of Paints

    An Introduction to the Chemistry of Paints

    • 優惠價: 1152

    This book provides a thorough introduction to the chemistry behind the creation and application of p... more

    The Chester Family: Or, The Curse Of The Drunkard’s Appetite

    The Chester Family: Or, The Curse Of The Drunkard’s Appetite

    • 優惠價: 1152

    threatened by the father’s alcoholism. Written by Julia M. Friend in the late 19th century, the novel offers a powerful...... more

    Quaker History, Volumes 1-2

    Quaker History, Volumes 1-2

    • 優惠價: 1262

    Quaker History is the premier scholarly journal for the study of Quakerism. Covering a wide range of... more

    The Journal Of The Friends’ Historical Society, Volumes 15-16

    The Journal Of The Friends’ Historical Society, Volumes 15-16

    • 優惠價: 1317

    Explore the fascinating history of the Quakers with the Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society. This two-volume set...... more

    Quaker Biographies: A Series Of Sketches, Chiefly Biographical, Concerning Members Of The Society Of Friends, From The

    Quaker Biographies: A Series Of Sketches, Chiefly Biographical, Concerning Members Of The Society Of Friends, From The

    • 優惠價: 1317

    This book is a collection of biographical sketches of Quakers from the 17th century to the present d... more

    The North Briton, From no. I to no. XLVI. Inclusive: With Several Useful and Explanatory Notes, not Printed in any Former Edition: to Which is Added,

    The North Briton, From no. I to no. XLVI. Inclusive: With Several Useful and Explanatory Notes, not Printed in any Former Edition: to Which is Added,

    • 優惠價: 1922

    Originally published in the 1760s, The North Briton is a collection of political essays by John Wilkes, a friend of...... more

    The Willow Pattern

    The Willow Pattern

    • 優惠價: 1757

    A story of forbidden love and tragic consequences, set against the backdrop of the beautiful Willow ... more

    The Appeal of the Religious Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Etc., to Their

    The Appeal of the Religious Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Etc., to Their

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This landmark document, originally published in 1830, was a plea to fellow Quakers to end the practi... more

    A Brief Statement of the Rights of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York

    A Brief Statement of the Rights of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This pamphlet presents the case of the Seneca Indians and their rights to land in New York state as ... more

    Thoughts on the Toleration of Important Differences of Opinion in the Same Religious Community

    Thoughts on the Toleration of Important Differences of Opinion in the Same Religious Community

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This work by the Society of Friends Lancashire Committee offers a thoughtful reflection on the importance of tolerance...... more

    A Memorial of York Monthly Meeting of Friends Respecting Lindley Murray

    A Memorial of York Monthly Meeting of Friends Respecting Lindley Murray

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This memorial of the Friends of York Monthly Meeting pays tribute to Lindley Murray, the grammarian and philanthropist...... more

    Discipline of the Society of Friends, Indiana Yearly Meeting

    Discipline of the Society of Friends, Indiana Yearly Meeting

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This book is a comprehensive guide to the discipline and practices of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in Indiana, as...... more

    The Annual Monitor for 1865 or Obituary of the Members of the Society of Friends

    The Annual Monitor for 1865 or Obituary of the Members of the Society of Friends

    • 優惠價: 1812

    Pay tribute to the lives and legacies of some of the most influential members of the Society of Friends with this...... more

    The Willow Pattern

    The Willow Pattern

    • 優惠價: 1042

    A story of forbidden love and tragic consequences, set against the backdrop of the beautiful Willow ... more

    The North Briton, From no. I to no. XLVI. Inclusive: With Several Useful and Explanatory Notes, not Printed in any Former Edition: to Which is Added,

    The North Briton, From no. I to no. XLVI. Inclusive: With Several Useful and Explanatory Notes, not Printed in any Former Edition: to Which is Added,

    • 優惠價: 1317

    Originally published in the 1760s, The North Briton is a collection of political essays by John Wilkes, a friend of...... more

    The Journal Of The Friends’ Historical Society, Volumes 15-16

    The Journal Of The Friends’ Historical Society, Volumes 15-16

    • 優惠價: 1922

    Explore the fascinating history of the Quakers with the Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society. This two-volume set...... more

    Man And The Chemical Elements

    Man And The Chemical Elements

    • 優惠價: 1372

    This illuminating book explores the fascinating relationship between humans and the chemical element... more

    A Brief Statement of the Rights of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York

    A Brief Statement of the Rights of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York

    • 優惠價: 767

    This pamphlet presents the case of the Seneca Indians and their rights to land in New York state as ... more

    Thoughts on the Toleration of Important Differences of Opinion in the Same Religious Community

    Thoughts on the Toleration of Important Differences of Opinion in the Same Religious Community

    • 優惠價: 767

    This work by the Society of Friends Lancashire Committee offers a thoughtful reflection on the importance of tolerance...... more

    The Appeal of the Religious Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Etc., to Their

    The Appeal of the Religious Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Etc., to Their

    • 優惠價: 767

    This landmark document, originally published in 1830, was a plea to fellow Quakers to end the practi... more

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