

    您輸入的關鍵字: Muñoz


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    Juan Muñoz: Seven Rooms

    Juan Muñoz: Seven Rooms

    • 優惠價: 2470

    A comprehensive look into the fascinating life and enduring legacy of Juan Muñoz and his enigmatic installations...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 276

    全世界的孩子都會上學,你知道他們是怎麼到學校的嗎? 翻開這本書,一起看看他們如何抵達目的地! 全世界的孩子都會去學校上學,無論他們來自世界上的哪一個角落。 在不丹,孩子們需要走三個小時的路程到... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    一把來自禁忌森林的神祕口琴, 它悠揚的琴聲飄洋過海,穿越過動盪不安的時空, 也為他們黯淡的人生點亮希望的微光……. 少年版《偷書賊》,2015年科克斯年度童書大獎作品! 誤闖禁忌森林的男孩奧圖遇見... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    不同的場合、不同的心情,我們的想法也會隨之改變 當別人改變心意時……我會關心對方感受、尊重對方決定 當我改變心意時……我會清楚告訴對方! 「我們昨天不是玩得很開心嗎?我們明明約好了呀,為什麼傑明... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    輕微的肢體碰觸,是許多孩子表達善意的方式 從小養成碰觸別人身體前先詢問的習慣,保護自己,也保護別人 「傑克森!」躲在積木區的喬凡忽然跳了出來,對著他的好朋友大叫一聲。這讓傑克森嚇了好大一跳,還把... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    每個人都有說「不」的權利 教孩子學習被拒絕或拒絕別人的勇氣 踩著愉快的步伐,傑明開心地來到學校,今天他也好期待和他最要好的朋友札吉雅一起做好多事。 每天放學前,他們總會給彼此一個好大、好大的抱... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    ◎以色列民族經歷被亞述、巴比倫、希臘、羅馬帝國征服,從歷史中反省出什麼智慧? ◎以色列民族亡國兩千多年,族人流徙世界各地,依靠什麼沒被滅絕或同化? ◎為什麼周圍的民族信仰多神,他們卻要堅持一神... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    ◎為什麼我們說以色列是世界最奇特的民族? ◎以色列民族亡國兩千多年,為什麼他們能重回故土復國,沒被滅絕或同化? ◎為什麼周圍的民族信仰多神,他們怎麼發展出一神信仰,即使亡國了也不放棄? ... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 195

    ★紐伯瑞文學獎作家潘‧慕諾茲‧里安最新力作★ 古老的傳說X虛實莫測的巨人皇后X自由的明日之地 奇幻般的寫實手法宛如向《百年孤寂》致敬 懷有真誠的心才能掌握未來的方向 透過巨人皇后高塔隱藏的訊息... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    利用生活實例引導孩子留意自己的身體反應 不用等到「大人問、我才說」,就是學會照顧自己的第一步! 當我們在某些時候,手不自覺發抖、皺起眉頭、聳著肩膀,或者想掉眼淚…… 小朋友,你知道這是... more

    世界的孩子上學去:全球學生的真實歷險記 (電子書)

    世界的孩子上學去:全球學生的真實歷險記 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 193

    全世界的孩子都會上學,你知道他們是怎麼到學校的嗎? 翻開這本書,一起看看他們如何抵達目的地! 全世界的孩子都會去學校上學,無論他們來自世界上的哪一個角落。 在不丹,孩子們需要走三個小時的路程到... more



    • 優惠價: 380

    就像音樂裡的音符與休止符,繪畫的媒材是有限的,而結合的可能性卻是無限。本書詳細說明構圖的觀念及基本原理,引史為例,為您介紹構圖的沿革;以圖為輔,讓您瞭解構圖的技法,從黃金分割、比例安排到透視及整體布局... more

    得到同意後,才能碰觸別人的身體 (電子書)

    得到同意後,才能碰觸別人的身體 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 224

    輕微的肢體碰觸,是許多孩子表達善意的方式 從小養成碰觸別人身體前先詢問的習慣,保護自己,也保護別人 「傑克森!」躲在積木區的喬凡忽然跳了出來,對著他的好朋友大叫一聲。這讓傑克森嚇了好大一跳,還把... more

    我會尊重朋友的感受 (電子書)

    我會尊重朋友的感受 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 224

    不同的場合、不同的心情,我們的想法也會隨之改變 當別人改變心意時……我會關心對方感受、尊重對方決定 當我改變心意時……我會清楚告訴對方! 「我們昨天不是玩得很開心嗎?我們明明約好了呀,為什麼傑明... more

    當好朋友對我說「不」…… (電子書)

    當好朋友對我說「不」…… (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 224

    每個人都有說「不」的權利 教孩子學習被拒絕或拒絕別人的勇氣 踩著愉快的步伐,傑明開心地來到學校,今天他也好期待和他最要好的朋友札吉雅一起做好多事。 每天放學前,他們總會給彼此一個好大、好大的抱... more

    了解自己身體的反應,才能保護自己 (電子書)

    了解自己身體的反應,才能保護自己 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 224

    利用生活實例引導孩子留意自己的身體反應 不用等到「大人問、我才說」,就是學會照顧自己的第一步! 當我們在某些時候,手不自覺發抖、皺起眉頭、聳著肩膀,或者想掉眼淚…… 小朋友,你知道這是... more

    Wildlife of the Antilles

    Wildlife of the Antilles

    • 優惠價: 4440
    Strategic planning in logistics and business development

    Strategic planning in logistics and business development

    • 優惠價: 4500
    Black Schoolgirls in Space: Stories of Black Girlhoods Gathered on Educational Terrain

    Black Schoolgirls in Space: Stories of Black Girlhoods Gathered on Educational Terrain

    • 優惠價: 8100

    Locating Black girls’ desires, needs, knowledge bases, and lived experiences in relation to their so... more

    Chyropterocenosis in coffee plantations of Guamuhaya, Cuba

    Chyropterocenosis in coffee plantations of Guamuhaya, Cuba

    • 優惠價: 2820
    Presence of the Guaba in the Caja de Agua Cave, Sierra de Banao, Cuba

    Presence of the Guaba in the Caja de Agua Cave, Sierra de Banao, Cuba

    • 優惠價: 2880

    The main data on the presence of Paraphrynus viridiceps, an amblypygid known from Cuba, which belong... more

    Crowdsourcing During Covid-19: Case Studies in Health and Education

    Crowdsourcing During Covid-19: Case Studies in Health and Education

    • 優惠價: 1619

    Crowdsourcing is a means by which public interest is sought and leveraged to achieve specific goals,... more

    Exploring the Language of Adventure Tourism; A Corpus-Assisted Approach

    Exploring the Language of Adventure Tourism; A Corpus-Assisted Approach

    • 優惠價: 4437

    This collective volume deals with the language of adventure tourism from different approaches, such ... more

    Dolores and Other Sorrows

    Dolores and Other Sorrows

    • 優惠價: 416

    Life is full of unexpected twists, but how do ordinary people like us handle these pivotal moments? ... more

    To the south of memories

    To the south of memories

    • 優惠價: 494

    "To the South of Memories" is a captivating narrative of loss, love, and resilience. Set against the... more

    Birds of the Neotropics

    Birds of the Neotropics

    • 優惠價: 5220

    This book deals with the diversity, endemism and conservation of Neotropical birds. Each topic is il... more

    Mañanaland (Scholastic Gold)

    Mañanaland (Scholastic Gold)

    • 優惠價: 342

    This timeless tale of struggle, hope, and the search for tomorrow has much to offer today about comp... more

    Migration Management

    Migration Management

    • 優惠價: 3540

    The text introduces us to various intertwined themes; on the one hand, resorting to important theore... more

    Field guide to the bats of Cuba

    Field guide to the bats of Cuba

    • 優惠價: 2880

    This book is an overview of our bats, for children, where common names, scientific names, descriptio... more

    Little Red Riding Hood Goes to the Sea

    Little Red Riding Hood Goes to the Sea

    • 優惠價: 770

    Muñoz, this book aims to encourage creativity and the questioning of limitations, even those that have been self-imposed...... more

    Pregnant Women and Body Mass Index

    Pregnant Women and Body Mass Index

    • 優惠價: 4020

    The etiology of obesity is complex and includes genetic, environmental, cultural and socioeconomic f... more

    Business Internationalization And Accompanying Executives

    Business Internationalization And Accompanying Executives

    • 優惠價: 2880

    Internationalization in MSMEs is an inevitable process for growth, permanence and the achievement of... more

    Brooklyn Chess Chronicle

    Brooklyn Chess Chronicle

    • 優惠價: 3845

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    Brooklyn Chess Chronicle

    Brooklyn Chess Chronicle

    • 優惠價: 2745

    Reprint of the original, first published in 1883.... more

    New Perspectives in Software Engineering

    New Perspectives in Software Engineering

    • 優惠價: 14999

    The goal of this book is to provide a broad understanding on the New Perspectives in Software Engine... more

    Composition and Structure of the Pinar de la Sabina Pine Forest, Banao, Cuba

    Composition and Structure of the Pinar de la Sabina Pine Forest, Banao, Cuba

    • 優惠價: 2880

    A pine forest plantation of the Pinus caribaea species was studied. The composition and structure of... more

    Design of IT security policies

    Design of IT security policies

    • 優惠價: 4680

    Computer systems, computer equipment, information generated by organisations, companies, educational... more

    Diffusion Under Confinement: A Journey Through Counterintuition

    Diffusion Under Confinement: A Journey Through Counterintuition

    • 優惠價: 5999

    This book offers the reader a journey through the counterintuitive nature of Brownian motion under c... more

    Wine Analysis and Testing Techniques

    Wine Analysis and Testing Techniques

    • 優惠價: 13199
    ERP for the internal management of UEB Railways

    ERP for the internal management of UEB Railways

    • 優惠價: 3600

    This research arises from the immediate need to organize and have a strict control of all the import... more

    Study Habits

    Study Habits

    • 優惠價: 2580

    When we talk about study habits we refer to the strategies that the student has to acquire significa... more

    Civil Poems

    Civil Poems

    • 優惠價: 684

    This book puts on the table the work of the poet (and of the creator in general) in a convulsed worl... more

    Covid-19 and Insurance

    Covid-19 and Insurance

    • 優惠價: 10199

    This book offers a novel study on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on insurance from an internati... more

    Influence of work stress on professional performance

    Influence of work stress on professional performance

    • 優惠價: 2640

    This research work on Job Stress and its Influence on the Performance of Nursing Personnel Working a... more

    Game Theory: An Introduction with Step-By-Step Examples

    Game Theory: An Introduction with Step-By-Step Examples

    • 優惠價: 2999

    An introduction to game theory, complete with step-by-step tools and detailed examples. This book of... more

    Desert Dreams: Mexican Arizona and the Politics of Educational Equality

    Desert Dreams: Mexican Arizona and the Politics of Educational Equality

    • 優惠價: 2700

    "Desert Dreams offers a dynamic history of Mexican Americans in Arizona who demanded education as a ... more

    Three poets: Gustavo Quesada, Julio D. Chaparro, Raúl Gómez

    Three poets: Gustavo Quesada, Julio D. Chaparro, Raúl Gómez

    • 優惠價: 2640

    The book Tres poetas colombianos contemporáneos: Gustavo Quesada, Julio D. Chaparro, Raúl Gómez - Po... more

    The Soul (Psyché)

    The Soul (Psyché)

    • 優惠價: 2640

    The research work refers to the treatise on the Soul by the philosopher Aristotle, where we must mas... more

    Genesis of the Characteristics of the Wild Fauna of Cuba

    Genesis of the Characteristics of the Wild Fauna of Cuba

    • 優惠價: 2880

    Cuba’s fauna is similar to that of other islands, with high levels of endemism and a low and skewed ... more

    Birdlife of the southern island group of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba

    Birdlife of the southern island group of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba

    • 優惠價: 2880

    The insular groups surrounding the island of Cuba constitute biocenters in the context of the coasta... more

    Gamification and Design Thinking in Higher Education: Case Studies for Instructional Innovation in the Economics Classroom

    Gamification and Design Thinking in Higher Education: Case Studies for Instructional Innovation in the Economics Classroom

    • 優惠價: 4019

    This book analyzes the use of gamification and design thinking in Higher Education, examining how bo... more

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    • 優惠價: 2640

    A methodology for genetic counseling to patients and/or relatives at risk with the diagnosis of Duch... more

    Nitrate Reductase During Sprouting in Pecan Walnut

    Nitrate Reductase During Sprouting in Pecan Walnut

    • 優惠價: 2640

    La nuez pecanera es originaria del Norte de México y Sureste de los Estados Unidos de América, en el... more

    Ergonomics in gynecological laparoscopy

    Ergonomics in gynecological laparoscopy

    • 優惠價: 2640

    Ergonomics is the scientific discipline in charge of creating an effective and efficient human-machi... more

    Industrial Organization: Practice Exercises with Answer Keys

    Industrial Organization: Practice Exercises with Answer Keys

    • 優惠價: 8399

    Revised and updated for the second edition, this textbook presents over 100 exercises on industrial ... more

    Kimet: First trip to Planet Earth

    Kimet: First trip to Planet Earth

    • 優惠價: 838

    Embark on a captivating adventure with Kimet, a lovable outer space creature, or better said: a peop... more

    Governance of Water Services

    Governance of Water Services

    • 優惠價: 3245

    At the outset, it is agreed that within the framework of Sustainable Development, Social Work has es... more

    A Fool’s Journey: To the Beach Boys and Beyond

    A Fool’s Journey: To the Beach Boys and Beyond

    • 優惠價: 1140

    teeth in a Puerto Rican jazz club in the 1960s, Carli Muñoz came of age during the countercultural flowering of that era; he...... more

    Daring Honor: A Spy Makers Guild Novel

    Daring Honor: A Spy Makers Guild Novel

    • 優惠價: 714

    She saved me. Now, to save her, I’ll have to face my violent past. Tony The first male adopted by th... more

    Encore! Encore!

    Encore! Encore!

    • 優惠價: 720

    Behind the Beauty of a Tropical Paradise is a World Seldom Seen... Step into the world of Encore! En... more

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