
    您輸入的關鍵字: Nana


    搜尋結果共 848 筆, 頁數 1 / 15

    柴犬Nana X 阿楞的萌日誌

    柴犬Nana X 阿楞的萌日誌

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    最可愛最搞笑最逗趣最溫馨的超人氣「網紅」 柴犬Nana和阿楞的一天 終於出書啦! 「不論未來發生什麼事情 牽起妳的手跟妳約定好 妳安心的把一生託付給我 因為妳是我最愛的寶貝女兒奈奈」─阿楞 可愛心動、感人溫馨、逗趣搗蛋的讓人嘴角失守...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 434

    開始拍照,並試著表現出器物的魅力,也讓其他人想像實際使用的情景。那時候的社群網站,像我這種料理搭配食器的照片還很少見,後來有幾位工藝家對我的照片風格很感興趣,我們取得聯繫後,開設了生活選品店「AURORA」。」…………Nana* 你是否...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 276

    我的美麗飾品是熱縮片! 從平面到立體,經過簡單上色、加熱塑型、黏合加工, 就能完成掛飾、胸針、手鍊、耳環、戒指……等晶透感的配飾物件。 ◆上色 除了以油性馬克筆、色鉛筆、粉彩塗色&勾勒輪... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 522

    ,也對街屋所在的街道紋理、相關的歷史等等,作了延伸的書寫。 *採用進口紙張與精美印刷的裝禎設計,將街屋之美躍然紙上,值得收藏。 ■台南街屋有何特色? NaNa是日文ナナ的發音,也就是七條通的意思。有著七條道路的圓環,即現今的湯德章...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 621

    26歲,是傅提芬Inti的「人生分水嶺」,她完全失去視力。 8歲,是導盲犬Nana的「狗生交叉點」,牠宣佈自願退休。 Inti面對完全的「黑暗」,選擇向前跑,成為全港第一位完成全球「六大」馬拉松的視障跑手,感受由美國到非洲的日出...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    「可是,我討厭韓國人耶……」 一碗辛拉麵,意外地讓NANA踏上韓國人妻之路。 用翻譯軟體與婆婆溝通、適應長男家族的繁瑣禮儀, 還有年節的洗碗地獄…… 一本衝撞韓國傳統的歪國小媳婦「不良」日記, 最直白&逗趣的韓國文化觀察書! ★日本...... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 315

    隨著季節、花語挑選花材,打造一室一刻的美 四季花草物語X簡單花藝手法 喜愛英式優雅、韓式中性簡約花藝風格的花草控必備! 將花草搬進平凡的日子裡,讓美好的事物進入生活, 簡單擁有讓自己愉悅放鬆的... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    嶺南女大學生在最後一學期,到墨西哥蒙特雷大學交流讀書,體驗了該國貴族的學生生活。被墨西哥的文化深深吸引,毅然停學,展開了與眾不同的旅行故事。她在墨西哥城寄住在一戶窮人家,真正體驗當地的生活又到瓦哈卡的... more

    Reading is Fun 3

    Reading is Fun 3

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    1. Reading is Fun 一套三本,由淺入深,循序漸進,結構嚴謹且語法道地,用詞遣句合乎英美人士的語言習慣。 2. 原創的文章,內容新穎,題材多樣,既有名人趣事、幽默短文、史地新知、科普... more

    Reading is Fun 2

    Reading is Fun 2

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    1. Reading is Fun 一套三本,由淺入深,循序漸進,結構嚴謹且語法道地,用詞遣句合乎英美人士的語言習慣。 2. 原創的文章,內容新穎,題材多樣,既有名人趣事、幽默短文、史地新知、科普... more

    Reading is Fun 1

    Reading is Fun 1

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    1. Reading is Fun一套三本,由淺入深,循序漸進,結構嚴謹且語法道地,用詞遣句合乎英美人士的語言習慣。 2. 原創的文章,內容新穎,題材多樣,既有名人趣事、幽默短文、史地新知、科普小... more

    小不點 1

    小不點 1

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 198

    春天賞花、夏天觀察喇叭花、秋天踩落葉、冬天堆雪人…… 愛玩的小不點、博學多聞的懷尼、愛吃的胖肯… 小不點是拯救日本的超級英雄!?胖肯有個麵包複製箱!?還有懷尼未免也知太多!! 讓這三個超級... more

    貓手帳 2

    貓手帳 2

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 90

    〝有時比起真實,還有更讓人想珍惜的事〞(福丸) 〝即使是貓,也還是女生啊〞(斯瑪羅西娜) 〝沒想到人類還真是閒呢〞(黑白) 不用特別的言語將貓咪的心情細心、輕柔地寫成的手帳。 發覺貓咪... more

    千與萬 1

    千與萬 1

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 117

    住在一個屋簷下的爸爸‧千廣和國中一年級的女兒‧詩萬相依為命。對爸爸的言行感到不耐煩的詩萬,莫非是青春期來臨!?還是只是單純耍任性!?或者是當爸爸自我感覺太良好了…!?父女間的平凡日常物語。... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 90

    〝就算是隻貓,也想要有所貢獻。〞(虎鐵) 〝印入我眼簾的盡是美好的事物。〞(小芥) 〝人類這玩意終究還是一團謎。〞(波太) 集結了貓咪們悄悄傾訴,祕密話語的手帳。 遇見小小的愛、貓咪短... more

    餐桌攝影的法則:日本IG人氣攝影講師的桌上攝影課,100%拍出心中想要的日常美感 (電子書)

    餐桌攝影的法則:日本IG人氣攝影講師的桌上攝影課,100%拍出心中想要的日常美感 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 338

    開始拍照,並試著表現出器物的魅力,也讓其他人想像實際使用的情景。那時候的社群網站,像我這種料理搭配食器的照片還很少見,後來有幾位工藝家對我的照片風格很感興趣,我們取得聯繫後,開設了生活選品店「AURORA」。」…………Nana* 你是否...... more

    Hero Without a Class Volume 1: Who Even Needs Skills?!

    Hero Without a Class Volume 1: Who Even Needs Skills?!

    • 優惠價: 530

    In a world where everyone receives a Class and Skills at the age of ten, and where such revelations ... more

    Ofoufouk and the Light of Friendship

    Ofoufouk and the Light of Friendship

    • 優惠價: 989

    Ofoufouk is a small bat who feels lonely in the jungle. He wishes for a friend who understands him a... more

    Evolved Gravure 「Encantada.~初めまして~」 NANA.watson 写真集 (電子書)

    Evolved Gravure 「Encantada.~初めまして~」 NANA.watson 写真集 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 390

    「Evolved Gravure」シリーズ 新鋭外人モデル・NANAのセクシー&キュートな幻想的グラビア写真集! スペインとウルグアイのハーフで、身長175cm、B95cmのFカップ巨乳・W62cmの見事なくびれ・H98cmのまん丸なエロ...... more

    Light Created the World: Ancient Persian Stories

    Light Created the World: Ancient Persian Stories

    • 優惠價: 1430

    Immerse yourself in the captivating world of ancient Persian myths with this collection of stories. ... more

    Kit Makes a Friend

    Kit Makes a Friend

    • 優惠價: 549

    It’s time to fly again! Kit is so excited! But what happens when a dragon kite flies where he doesn’... more

    Kit Makes a Friend

    Kit Makes a Friend

    • 優惠價: 824

    It’s time to fly again! Kit is so excited! But what happens when a dragon kite flies where he doesn’... more

    DifferAnt The Overcomer

    DifferAnt The Overcomer

    • 優惠價: 1264

    during Nana’s first pregnancy when she was placed on bed rest. Its significance deepened when her second son was diagnosed...... more

    DifferAnt The Overcomer

    DifferAnt The Overcomer

    • 優惠價: 824

    during Nana’s first pregnancy when she was placed on bed rest. Its significance deepened when her second son was diagnosed...... more

    My Parents’ Marriage

    My Parents’ Marriage

    • 優惠價: 1102

    "Determined to avoid the pain and instability of her parents’ turbulent, confusing marriage, Kokui m... more

    Beyond The Greener Pastures

    Beyond The Greener Pastures

    • 優惠價: 418

    With an expired visitor’s visa, two young children, and a husband with no work permit, Akua’s life s... more

    台南街屋:73處老屋之美,體現台灣百年常民生活美學印記 (電子書)

    台南街屋:73處老屋之美,體現台灣百年常民生活美學印記 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 348

    ,也對街屋所在的街道紋理、相關的歷史等等,作了延伸的書寫。 *採用進口紙張與精美印刷的裝禎設計,將街屋之美躍然紙上,值得收藏。 ■台南街屋有何特色? NaNa是日文ナナ的發音,也就是七條通的意思。有著七條道路的圓環,即現今的湯德章...... more

    Renewable Energy Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing Ghanaian Renewable Energy Development and Policy

    Renewable Energy Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing Ghanaian Renewable Energy Development and Policy

    • 優惠價: 10800

    This book contributes to the broader discussion on the development of renewable energy sources for a... more

    Managing the brand image of musical artists

    Managing the brand image of musical artists

    • 優惠價: 4500

    Modern music in Burkina Faso began to industrialize at the turn of the 2000s, with the advent of the... more

    Success in Graduate School and Beyond: A Guide for Stem Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

    Success in Graduate School and Beyond: A Guide for Stem Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

    • 優惠價: 2157

    Success in Graduate School and Beyond is designed to empower graduate students and postdoctoral fell... more

    Field Practice: methodology for its development

    Field Practice: methodology for its development

    • 優惠價: 1560

    The natural sciences, due to the characteristics of their objects of study, are integrators of a sys... more

    【S-cute】Girlfriend Nana たくさん舐められて感じすぎちゃう制服童顔美少女 adult (電子書)

    【S-cute】Girlfriend Nana たくさん舐められて感じすぎちゃう制服童顔美少女 adult (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 420

    キュートで彼女にしたい美少女のエッチな写真集【S-cute Girlfriend】。 健康的なショートヘア美少女Nanaちゃん。笑顔の絶えない明るい子ですが、キスして身体に触れられると少しずつエッチな表情に。 腋まで舐められて「恥ずかしい...... more

    【S-cute】Girlfriend Nana すごくやわらかいカラダの小麦肌娘 adult (電子書)

    【S-cute】Girlfriend Nana すごくやわらかいカラダの小麦肌娘 adult (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 210

    キュートで彼女にしたい美少女のエッチな写真集【S-cute Girlfriend】。 ずっとニコニコ笑顔で楽しそうなNanaちゃん。健康的に日焼けした肌と、180度の開脚ができる体の柔らかさが魅力的な女の子です。制服を着ると、まるで部活帰...... more

    Becoming a Modern Healer from the Ancient World of AkƆm

    Becoming a Modern Healer from the Ancient World of AkƆm

    • 優惠價: 1099

    BECOMING A MODERN HEALER FROM THE ANCIENT WORLD OF AKƆM is a memoir of Nana Kwaku Sakyi’s transnational experiences in...... more

    Patterns: A Bard’s Midnight Verse

    Patterns: A Bard’s Midnight Verse

    • 優惠價: 440

    ""Patterns: A Bard’s Midnight Verse, is a refreshing mash-up of meditations, melodies and memories h... more

    Quantitative Phase Field Modelling of Solidification

    Quantitative Phase Field Modelling of Solidification

    • 優惠價: 3719

    This book presents a study of phase field modelling of solidification in metal alloy systems. It is ... more

    Chain Gang All Stars

    Chain Gang All Stars

    • 優惠價: 684

    "Loretta Thurwar and Hamara ’Hurricane Staxxx’ Stacker are the stars of Chain-Gang All-Stars, the co... more

    Kigdom Conversations Exploring God’s DNA in Us!: A Family Devotional for Rainbow Conversations Storybooks

    Kigdom Conversations Exploring God’s DNA in Us!: A Family Devotional for Rainbow Conversations Storybooks

    • 優惠價: 1262

    WHY AM I HERE? WHAT DOES GOD THINK ABOUT ME?He sees our Design. He knows the beauty of our spiritual... more

    Kigdom Conversations Exploring God’s DNA in Us!: A Family Devotional for Rainbow Conversations Storybooks

    Kigdom Conversations Exploring God’s DNA in Us!: A Family Devotional for Rainbow Conversations Storybooks

    • 優惠價: 1592

    WHY AM I HERE? WHAT DOES GOD THINK ABOUT ME?He sees our Design. He knows the beauty of our spiritual... more

    【S-cute】プリンセス NANA 色っぽい美女の淫らな腰の動き ADULT (電子書)

    【S-cute】プリンセス NANA 色っぽい美女の淫らな腰の動き ADULT (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 365

    とびきり可愛いコのセクシー写真集【S-cuteプリンセス】シリーズ。 妖艶な色気を放つNANAちゃん。カラダをまさぐられると、コリコリに勃起する乳首とクリちゃん。パンツにシミをつけてます。なんてエロいフェラをするのでしょう。なんて淫らに腰...... more

    Kingdom Conversations

    Kingdom Conversations

    • 優惠價: 1262

    WHY AM I HERE? WHAT DOES GOD THINK ABOUT ME? He sees our Design. He knows the beauty of our spiritua... more

    Kingdom Conversations

    Kingdom Conversations

    • 優惠價: 1812

    WHY AM I HERE? WHAT DOES GOD THINK ABOUT ME? He sees our Design. He knows the beauty of our spiritua... more

    Major Contemporary Problems of Public Finance in Cameroon

    Major Contemporary Problems of Public Finance in Cameroon

    • 優惠價: 5220

    Cameroon, like any other developing nation grapples with unstable and unsustainable economic growth,... more

    ¡Cobertura del Reino Explorando El Adn de Dios En Nosotros!: Un devocional familiar para los libros de cuentos de Conversaciones del arcoiris

    ¡Cobertura del Reino Explorando El Adn de Dios En Nosotros!: Un devocional familiar para los libros de cuentos de Conversaciones del arcoiris

    • 優惠價: 1209

    POR QUÉ ESTOY AQUÍ? QUÉ PIENSA DIOS DE Mİ? Él ve nuestro Diseño. Él conoce la belleza de nuestro ADN... more

    ¡Cobertura del Reino Explorando El Adn de Dios En Nosotros!: Un devocional familiar para los libros de cuentos de Conversaciones del arcoiris

    ¡Cobertura del Reino Explorando El Adn de Dios En Nosotros!: Un devocional familiar para los libros de cuentos de Conversaciones del arcoiris

    • 優惠價: 1812

    POR QUÉ ESTOY AQUÍ? QUÉ PIENSA DIOS DE Mİ? Él ve nuestro Diseño. Él conoce la belleza de nuestro ADN... more

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations - English Caucasian

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations - English Caucasian

    • 優惠價: 1099

    The Best Nana Ever Gracie loves spending time with her Nana! They have great adventures exploring the farm and Tim’s...... more

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations

    • 優惠價: 1537

    The Best Nana Ever Gracie loves spending time with her Nana! They have great adventures exploring the farm and Tim’s...... more

    【素人ハメ撮り】NANAちゃん (電子書)

    【素人ハメ撮り】NANAちゃん (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 100

    NANAちゃん(仮)ツンデレ要素あってキャラに引き込まれる!下着撮影に手足をバタつかせ、顔を隠し恥じらう!萌え!!身体をまさぐると感度良い!ムッツリ確定w言葉責めに頬を赤らめ手マン洪水音に必死で抵抗。バック好きなのか、思わず出る喘ぎ声を押し殺す...... more

    【S-cute】Nana #2 黒髪美少女の欲張りなエッチ ADULT (電子書)

    【S-cute】Nana #2 黒髪美少女の欲張りなエッチ ADULT (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 140

    S級美女のセックスを高画質でお届けするアダルト写真集☆体が火照っているのか、エッチがしたくてしょうがないNanaちゃん。早速肉棒にしゃぶりつき、自らはオ○ンコをグッショリ濡らしています。たっぷりピストンすれば、オ○ンコから響き渡る淫らな音...... more

    【S-cute】Nana #1 感じまくる極上くびれ美少女 ADULT (電子書)

    【S-cute】Nana #1 感じまくる極上くびれ美少女 ADULT (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 140

    S級美女のセックスを高画質でお届けするアダルト写真集☆Nanaちゃんの服の上からでもわかる柔らかな曲線のボディ。可愛らしい顔して、けしからん体つきです。恥らう彼女を他所に服を脱がせば色、形、文句無しの美乳が。初めは照れ混じりな彼女も、喘い...... more

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations Yeshua Edition: Rainbow Conversations

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations Yeshua Edition: Rainbow Conversations

    • 優惠價: 1429

    The Best Nana Ever Gracie loves spending time with her Nana! They have great adventures exploring the farm and Tim’s...... more

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations Yeshua Edition: Rainbow Conversations

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations Yeshua Edition: Rainbow Conversations

    • 優惠價: 824

    The Best Nana Ever Gracie loves spending time with her Nana! They have great adventures exploring the farm and Tim’s...... more

    Designing a Cost Accounting Model

    Designing a Cost Accounting Model

    • 優惠價: 2530

    The ascendancy of today’s globalized world is subjecting companies to ever stiffer competition, maki... more

    【S-cute】Nana #1 (電子書)

    【S-cute】Nana #1 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 140

    S級にカワイイ素人さんがモデルの写真集【S-cute】シリーズ♪今回は清楚でおとなしそうな印象の女の子、Nanaちゃん。Nanaちゃんの服の上からでもわかる柔らかな曲線のボディ。可愛らしい顔して、けしからん体つきです。 T160 B85...... more

    The Hoppity Floppity Collection

    The Hoppity Floppity Collection

    • 優惠價: 2472

    Together at Last! All five Hoppity Floppity Gang stories are finally together in this exciting colle... more

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations

    • 優惠價: 824

    The Best Nana Ever Gracie loves spending time with her Nana! They have great adventures exploring the farm and Tim’s...... more

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations

    Storybook 1 Made in the Image of God: Rainbow Conversations

    • 優惠價: 1429

    The Best Nana Ever Gracie loves spending time with her Nana! They have great adventures exploring the farm and Tim’s...... more

    Willow Weep for Me: A Black Woman’s Journey Through Depression

    Willow Weep for Me: A Black Woman’s Journey Through Depression

    • 優惠價: 682

    When Nana-Ama Danquah, a twenty-two-year-old single mother, began to suffer from a variety of depressive symptoms after...... more

    The Family Bucket List: 1,000 Trips to Take and Memories to Make All Over the World

    The Family Bucket List: 1,000 Trips to Take and Memories to Make All Over the World

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 1109

    On the heels of the bestselling Bucket List comes a new entry into the series focused on family-frie... more

    Kit Goes to the Kite Festival

    Kit Goes to the Kite Festival

    • 優惠價: 824

    Kit the kite wants to fly! At last, a boy buys her. What great adventures will they have as she flie... more

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