
    您輸入的關鍵字: Whiting


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    The Elements of Style

    The Elements of Style

    • 優惠價: 380

    Strunk & White is as valuable today as when it was first offered.This book’s unique tone, wit and charm have conveyed the...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    一本與眾不同可以用十幾年的高CP值英語寶典! ★孩子「英語力」的關鍵在於父母,那如果父母的英語不好呢? ★不出國、不補習孩子的英文就這麼好,到底是怎麼辦到的? 眾所皆知「英文是通往未來世界... more

    The Elements of Style

    The Elements of Style

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 499

    beloved illustrators Every English writer knows Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style. The book’s mantra, make every word...... more

    The Book Thief

    The Book Thief

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 416


    Charlotte’s Web, Stuart Little, & the Trumpet of the Swan

    Charlotte’s Web, Stuart Little, & the Trumpet of the Swan

    • 優惠價: 399

    Medal-winning Stuart Little, and The Trumpet of the Swan--three beloved, timeless classics by E. B. White, with black-and-white...... more

    Charlotte’s Web

    Charlotte’s Web

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 305

    E. B. White, author of Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children’s literature that is "just...... more

    Charlotte’s Web

    Charlotte’s Web

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 419

    E. B. White, author of Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children’s literature that is "just...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 257

    程序,都各自用以闡明理解的某個特定面向,並沒有哪一個是比較好的,或是當前最被廣泛採用的方法。它們的差別,只在於功能各有不同。而它們的多樣性適可有力協助教師,指導學生更深入理解。 作者簡介 Richard White 曾任澳洲墨爾本市莫納...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 792

    White 現任 Cloudera 工程師,也是阿帕契基金會的成員。自2007年2月起,他就是Apache Hadoop的提交者。他曾幫oreilly.com、java.net與IBM的developerWorks撰寫多篇技術文章;此外也在多場...... more

    親子英文自學筆記大公開-小六多益980分、國三965分的閱讀養成計畫 (電子書)

    親子英文自學筆記大公開-小六多益980分、國三965分的閱讀養成計畫 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    一本與眾不同可以用十幾年的高CP值英語寶典! ★孩子「英語力」的關鍵在於父母,那如果父母的英語不好呢? ★不出國、不補習孩子的英文就這麼好,到底是怎麼辦到的? 眾所皆知「英文是通往未來世界... more

    Charlotte’s Web (Book & MP3 Pack)

    Charlotte’s Web (Book & MP3 Pack)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    Charlotte 和小老鼠 Templeton 屢施巧計,使小豬逃過劫難,儘管 Charlotte 最後犧牲自己,她拼命吐出蛛絲構成的字跡,卻編織出動人不朽的友情故事。 美國散文名家 E. B. White 以平易近人的文筆,帶領大小讀者進入一連串...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 399

    羅浮宮內遭警衛追趕的場景,竟是真的違規現場? 電影大師們這樣拍電影! 業界心得無私分享!低成本照樣出好片! 本書由英國衛報評選出的「最佳設計電影雜誌」《Little White Lies》整理製作, 捨去了艱澀的專業術語,以清楚易懂的文字和...... more

    Charlotte’’s Web

    Charlotte’’s Web

    Brought to life by Meryl Streep and a full cast, this beloved book by E. B. White, author of Stuart Little and The...... more

    好用!暢銷!用中文說美國話:簡易中文拼音學習法 (附中文.英語朗讀MP3)

    好用!暢銷!用中文說美國話:簡易中文拼音學習法 (附中文.英語朗讀MP3)

    史上最簡單! 英語學習成功手冊。 中文注音小把戲,開口就能說英語, 英語單字和會話,都有中文拼音對應, 會中文就可以溜英語, 躺著聽,輕鬆說, 旅遊、生活、會話、單字,一本通,... more

    Stuart Little

    Stuart Little

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 323

    The classic story by E. B. White, author of the Newbery Honor Book Charlotte s Web and Trumpet of the Swan, about one...... more

    NEW TOEIC990分 核心詞彙:[基礎篇](附MP3)

    NEW TOEIC990分 核心詞彙:[基礎篇](附MP3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    大陸新東方多益考試指定培訓教材,兩岸暢銷10萬冊 大陸新東方是華人唯一,在美國上市的英語補習班 也是華人地區最大英語補習班 每到開學季想進新東方英語補習班的學子, 都要提前幾個星期去排隊,以免向隅 本... more

    NEW TOEIC高分單字大全:突破900分得分筞略(附MP3)

    NEW TOEIC高分單字大全:突破900分得分筞略(附MP3)

    記得快․答得快․考高分 1.每天10分鐘,多益常考單字,輕鬆記 2.考前10分鐘,最後衝刺,巧拿最高分 3.訓練常考單字記憶法!增進新多益應考能力! 4.聯想快、記得快,快速提高聽力與... more

    我用中文溜美國話(附贈MP3):世界第一簡單 中文注音學習法

    我用中文溜美國話(附贈MP3):世界第一簡單 中文注音學習法

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    5個私房本領 另類美語學習法 學來好Easy 本領1.用中文溜美國話,好輕鬆、好有趣 本領2.第一次說美語,就能溜得很輕鬆、很愉快 本領3.快樂走好第一步,自信跨出第二步 本領4.每句... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 333

    學思考該是被賦予更多關懷的時刻。澳洲國立大學Kevin White教授的《醫療社會學》(An Introduction to the Sociology of Health andIllness)一書,內容包含健康、疾病、醫療等議題,各社...... more

    The Elements of Style

    The Elements of Style

    Strunk & White is as valuable today as when it was first offered.This book’s unique tone, wit and charm have conveyed the...... more

    新多益一定考單字:用心機應付NEW TOEIC(附1MP3)

    新多益一定考單字:用心機應付NEW TOEIC(附1MP3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 269

    法 同義字,反義字,衍生字,一次記10個單字 心機3 字源分析記憶法 一生難忘,提高聽讀實力,證書立即到手 作者簡介 Rose White 美國UCLA工商管理碩士 張瑪麗 國立台灣師範大學英語系畢 旅居美國,從事全球企業併購...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    都不能隨心所欲的小貝殼好想聽傑利漂來漂去到處冒險的故事於是,傑利開始講了……. 大鯨鯊、海底船精彩的冒險也等著小朋友呢! 作者簡介 Sue Whiting 原在小學教特殊教育、識字和兒童文學的Sue Whiting於2005年轉換跑道...... more

    The Trumpet of the Swan

    The Trumpet of the Swan

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 277

    The delightful classic by E. B. White, author of Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little, about overcoming obstacles and the...... more

    Introduction to Computing Systems:From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond 2/e 計算機概論導讀本

    Introduction to Computing Systems:From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond 2/e 計算機概論導讀本

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1188

    本書特色 We live in an increasingly multi-lingual world. While in the past it was sufficient to be pro... more

    39步拍電影:輕鬆上手!手機也能辦到的拍片重點指南 (電子書)

    39步拍電影:輕鬆上手!手機也能辦到的拍片重點指南 (電子書)

    羅浮宮內遭警衛追趕的場景,竟是真的違規現場? 電影大師們這樣拍電影! 業界心得無私分享!低成本照樣出好片! 本書由英國衛報評選出的「最佳設計電影雜誌」《Little White Lies》整理製作, 捨去了艱澀的專業術語,以清楚易懂的文字和...... more

    薩爾達傳說百科全書 The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia

    薩爾達傳說百科全書 The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 1003

    Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about The Legend of Zelda--now in one collectable volume featu... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 2926

    Dark Horse honors Link, the chosen hero, with the Hero’s Edition of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of t... more

    解謎大衛.芬奇:暗黑系天才導演,與他眼中的心理遊戲 (電子書)

    解謎大衛.芬奇:暗黑系天才導演,與他眼中的心理遊戲 (電子書)

    《Little White Lies》操刀編排 ★攝影師、剪接師、選角指導、演員班底暢談製作祕辛 僅有大衛.芬奇能帶給我們……又長又直、精心傑作般的血痕,也可以說是一道極其美麗的電影傷痕。──奉俊昊/《寄生上流》導演 創下影史口碑的百大...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 285

    數學學習專題研究。現任加州福尼亞州立大學(Chico) 教育學教授。 Jackie M. White-Holtz 教育學碩士,主要專研於幼稚園、一年級孩子學習的數學教學活動,以及如何促使父母參與到這個領域的論題。 Sydney S. Dickson...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 171

    品質優良的學齡兒童課後托育照顧的要素是什麼?我們如何分辨每日托育的品質?當人數漸增的學齡兒童註冊進入課前、課後托育中心,面對照顧者和家長,品質就是挑戰。《學齡兒童課後托育環境評量表》(SACERS)提... more

    The Once and Future King

    The Once and Future King

    • 優惠價: 380

    T. H. White s masterful retelling of the saga of King Arthur is a fantasy classic as legendary as Excalibur and Camelot...... more

    Trumpet of the Swan (Book & MP3 Pack)

    Trumpet of the Swan (Book & MP3 Pack)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    情境有聲書》由說故事大師 E.B. White 親自錄音。讀者不僅可聽到作者親自娓娓述說此一動人故事,也藉由有聲書的呈現,聆聽小天鵝 Louis 出現的書中各段落的喇叭演奏。 錄音片長:04:20:00 有聲試聽請掃描書籍試閱QR...... more

    Sanditon, Lady Susan, & the History of England: &c. the Juvenilia and Shorter Works of Jane Austen

    Sanditon, Lady Susan, & the History of England: &c. the Juvenilia and Shorter Works of Jane Austen

    A collection containing some Jane Austen s earliest work - her hilarious brief History of England, i... more

    Stuart Little (Book & MP3 Pack)

    Stuart Little (Book & MP3 Pack)

    ,而這段旅程順利與否全憑牠那股不循常規的冒險精神也激發出製作電影「美國鼠譚」的靈感,亦是電影「一家之鼠」原著。 美國散文名家 E. B. White 以愛護動物,發揮人道關懷為主旨,寫了三本童書,公認為兒童文學經典之作;Stuart...... more

    The Once and Future King

    The Once and Future King

    • 優惠價: 1216

    Covers competition T. H. White s masterful retelling of the saga of King Arthur is a fantasy classic as legendary as the...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 261

    人唯一能帶進天國的是內在品格,青年男女須以《聖經》為最高準則,並與上帝共同合作成為合神心意的人。全書共15篇,每篇以不同主題揭示《聖經》的修養之法,使青年男女透過屬靈的眼光,知道如何選擇朋友與嗜好、培... more

    白物語 1

    白物語 1

    • 優惠價: 306

    想いが象になるとき、世界が開かれる! 九十九師VS妖怪、開戦! 数日前に失踪事件が起こったカラオケ店。そこでバイトする青木時也はさらなる奇怪な事件に巻きこまれていく。一方、失踪事件を調査する緑間はその... more

    白物語 1 アクリルスタンド付き特装版

    白物語 1 アクリルスタンド付き特装版

    • 優惠價: 1125

    青木時也のアクリルスタンド付き。 想いが象になるとき、世界が開かれる! 九十九師VS妖怪、開戦! 数日前に失踪事件が起こったカラオケ店。そこでバイトする青木時也はさらなる奇怪な事件に巻きこまれていく。... more

    初戀櫻時~First Love~ (電子書)

    初戀櫻時~First Love~ (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 78

    新人獎」得獎作品,共有五本,分別是:輕小說組金獎作品非瓴 《龍騎兵的防禦工事》、銀獎作品IROYI.h《鴉之聲》和BL小說組金獎作品觀止《賭牌.迷信愛情》、銀獎作品白芸(WHITE)《初戀櫻時 ~ First Love ~ 》、佳作作品...... more

    The Once and Future King

    The Once and Future King

    • 優惠價: 988

    T. H. White s masterful retelling of the saga of King Arthur is a fantasy classic as legendary as Excalibur and Camelot...... more

    Adventures With Barefoot Critters

    Adventures With Barefoot Critters

    • 優惠價: 646

    delight in Teagan White s sweet, nostalgic illustrations....... more

    The Devil in the Kitchen: Sex, Pain, Madness and the Making of a Great Chef

    The Devil in the Kitchen: Sex, Pain, Madness and the Making of a Great Chef

    • 優惠價: 722

    -star kitchen. Without question, the original rock-star chef is Marco Pierre White. Anyone with even a passing interest in...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 333

    具備的美德(democratic virtues)。本書作者Patricia White指出:單單只看重能體現民主價值的各種機制並不夠,我們還需要有能夠參與民主運作及維持民主機制的公民;假如社會公民缺乏了民主美德,那麼民主體制的運作就不會順利...... more

    Walt Disney’s Mary Poppins (Disney Classics)

    Walt Disney’s Mary Poppins (Disney Classics)

    • 優惠價: 228

    Even a simple outing becomes extraordinary when you re with the wonderful Mary Poppins Boys and girl... more

    Brave Birds: Inspiration on the Wing

    Brave Birds: Inspiration on the Wing

    In Brave Birds, cut-paper artist and writer Maude White presents an entirely new collection of sixty-five stunning...... more

    Uniquely Felt: Dozens of Techniques from Fulling and Shaping to Nuno and Cobweb, Includes 46 Creative Projects

    Uniquely Felt: Dozens of Techniques from Fulling and Shaping to Nuno and Cobweb, Includes 46 Creative Projects

    • 優惠價: 948

    Bright, welcoming, and suitable for all skill levels, this comprehensive guide includes a complete p... more

    Navigator Reader.Book 4(附MP3一片)

    Navigator Reader.Book 4(附MP3一片)

    • 優惠價: 350

    國中一到三年級,欲加強英語閱讀能力的學生。全民英檢初級閱讀。增進各學科知識領域的英文閱讀能力。 本系列書籍,以知識閱讀(content area reading)的精神為基礎編寫,目的使讀者在增進... more

    Look and Listen: Who’s in the Garden, Meadow, Brook?

    Look and Listen: Who’s in the Garden, Meadow, Brook?

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 249

    explains the rich variety of wildlife and natural habitats found in the book, author Dianne White’s playful text is paired with...... more

    Star Wars Darth Vader 1: Vader

    Star Wars Darth Vader 1: Vader

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 532

    The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! Ever since Darth Vader’s first... more

    White Heat: 25th Anniversary Edition

    White Heat: 25th Anniversary Edition

    • 優惠價: 1520

    the face of things. White Heat is one such book. Since it w as originally produced in 1990, it has gone on to become one...... more

    A Boy’s Own Story

    A Boy’s Own Story

    • 優惠價: 646

    unnamed narrator of Edmund White s first autobiographical novel finds solace in literature, works of art, and his own...... more

    The Idea Factory: Learning to Think at Mit

    The Idea Factory: Learning to Think at Mit

    • 優惠價: 2400

    personal story of the educational process at one of the world s great technological universities. Pepper White entered MIT in...... more

    The Married Man

    The Married Man

    • 優惠價: 935

    In Edmund White s most moving novel yet, an American living in Paris finds his life transformed by an unexpected love...... more

    Here Is New York

    Here Is New York

    • 優惠價: 720

    Perceptive, funny, and nostalgic, E. B. White’s stroll around Manhattan remains the quintessential love letter to the...... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 1260

    《Little White Lies》操刀編排 ★攝影師、剪接師、選角指導、演員班底暢談製作祕辛 僅有大衛.芬奇能帶給我們……又長又直、精心傑作般的血痕,也可以說是一道極其美麗的電影傷痕。──奉俊昊/《寄生上流》導演 創下影史口碑的百大...... more

    Springsteen: Album by Album

    Springsteen: Album by Album

    • 優惠價: 1710

    The definitive illustrated book on "The Boss"--now in an updated edition to celebrate his 75th birth... more

    Framed For Murder

    Framed For Murder

    • 優惠價: 1044

    After a life-changing injury, Mel O’Rourke trades in her badge for bed sheets, running a B & B in th... more

    Ecology, Spirituality, and Cosmology in Edwidge Danticat: Crossroads as Ritual

    Ecology, Spirituality, and Cosmology in Edwidge Danticat: Crossroads as Ritual

    • 優惠價: 2399

    Returning to the cosmological and ontological center of Africana spirituality, Ecology, Spirituality... more

    Breaking It Down: Audition Techniques for Actors of the Global Majority

    Breaking It Down: Audition Techniques for Actors of the Global Majority

    • 優惠價: 1440

    - A practical guide that shows BIPOC actors how to break down the audition process rather than being... more

    Medieval Religion and Technology: Collected Essays

    Medieval Religion and Technology: Collected Essays

    • 優惠價: 5700

    This collection of nineteen essays, their previous publication dates scattered over a long career, i... more

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