
    您輸入的關鍵字: Ying


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    你清楚這些韓語觀念嗎? •為什麼「고기(肉)」兩個字開頭都是ㄱ,發音聽起卻不同? •우선、먼저都是「先」、무료、공짜都是「免費」、심심하다、지루하다都是「無聊」,這些字用法上有什麼不同? ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    讓出身廚藝名校Ferrandi的專業甜點師Ying, 為你舀上一匙私藏的巴黎滋味, 一起探索真正的花都食尚, 發現這座城市對味與美的不懈追求。 來到巴黎,這座世人眼中的浪漫之都, 除了欣賞歷史名勝、體驗美好氛圍之外, 各式精緻...... more

    那些好想搞懂的韓文問題 (電子書)

    那些好想搞懂的韓文問題 (電子書)

    你清楚這些韓語觀念嗎? •為什麼「고기(肉)」兩個字開頭都是ㄱ,發音聽起卻不同? •우선、먼저都是「先」、무료、공짜都是「免費」、심심하다、지루하다都是「無聊」,這些字用法上有什麼不同? ... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1260

    。而穩坐甜點霸主地位的法式甜點,除了擁有悠長的歷史與文化背景,其講究的製作結構、對重新詮釋的實驗精神以及奔放的創意,更讓它達到難以凌駕的地位及藝術性。 作者Ying畢業自廚藝界的哈佛「斐杭迪高等廚藝學校」,擁有法國專業甜點師資格...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    聽音,看圖,學KK! 趣味,好學,超有效! 學好正確發音是學習英語的第一步, 本書針對英語初學者所撰寫,包含17個母音和24個子音,加上11回練習, 幫您奠定英文好基礎! 1.清... more

    電腦網路:開放源碼導向 1/e

    電腦網路:開放源碼導向 1/e

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 808

    《電腦網路:開放源碼導向》認為通訊協定是以特殊方式設計而成,而其背後原因為何遠比它是如何運作來得更為重要。本書闡釋協定行為,並傳達關鍵概念和基礎原理。為了進一步彌補設計和實作之間長久以來的落差,本書以... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 720

    我們既是獨一無二的,也是彼此相連的—— 在法式甜點中尋找台灣,回答「我是誰」,定義其中的台灣身分識別 2020年,Ying交出了《法式甜點學》這本厚實大作。介紹了法式甜點的歷史發展、結構與技術、鑑賞方式、甜點圈內的祕密,以及法國頂尖...... more

    Ra Pu Zel and the Stinky Tofu

    Ra Pu Zel and the Stinky Tofu

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 527

    "A playful, feminist retelling of Rapunzel with a Chinese-cuisine twist. The story of Rapunzel where... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    11位動物溝通師,11個生命交會的故事。 關於愛的探索與體悟。 動物們都知道。 我們也知道。 會不會好奇,同是地球上的生物,身旁毛孩子眼中的世界跟我們有什麼不一樣?想得是同樣的事嗎? 又該怎麼... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 399

    本書主要關注的面向為臺灣農村的社會變遷。1980年代正逢國家經濟起飛之際, 臺灣躋身亞洲四小龍之首,工業化程度日深,在現代浪潮衝擊下的臺灣農村,其原本的價值觀與生活方式,要如何適應這迅速變化的新時代呢... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 695

    奔放的創意,更讓它達到難以凌駕的地位及藝術性。 作者Ying C. 畢業自廚藝界的哈佛「斐杭迪高等廚藝學校」,擁有法國專業甜點師資格認證(CAP),並歷經巴黎米其林星級廚房莫里斯酒店(Le Meurice)、聖詹姆斯酒店(Saint...... more

    法式甜點裡的台灣:味道、風格、神髓,台灣甜點師們的自我追尋 (電子書)

    法式甜點裡的台灣:味道、風格、神髓,台灣甜點師們的自我追尋 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 560

    我們既是獨一無二的,也是彼此相連的—— 在法式甜點中尋找台灣,回答「我是誰」,定義其中的台灣身分識別 2020年,Ying交出了《法式甜點學》這本厚實大作。介紹了法式甜點的歷史發展、結構與技術、鑑賞方式、甜點圈內的祕密,以及法國頂尖...... more

    Reading and Writing Chinese: A Comprehensive Guide to the Chinese Writing System: Traditional Character Edition

    Reading and Writing Chinese: A Comprehensive Guide to the Chinese Writing System: Traditional Character Edition

    • 優惠價: 758

    This is a complete and easy-to-use guide for reading and writing traditional Chinese characters. Rea... more

    English for Hospitality & Tourism

    English for Hospitality & Tourism

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 495

    本書專為觀光餐旅相關科系學生量身打造,針對餐廳、旅館、觀光旅遊等主題設計而成。並與國外專業主編合作,提供原汁原味的道地美式英語教材。各單元對話之音檔可掃描QR Code後取得,藉以同步提昇讀者在觀光旅... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 694

    本書內容豐富、圖文並茂,是一本易懂易學的化學入門書,概分為普通化學、有機化學、生物化學及環境化學等部分。本書兼具以下特色:一、從生活上息息相關的例子引發每一章節的學習動機。二、每一章節都附有多量的採色... more



    • 優惠價: 1235

    Renowned artist and architect Maya Lin’s visual and verbal sketchbook--a unique view into her artwor... more

    The Tragedy of 228:Historical Truth and Transitional Justice in Taiwan(二二八悲劇:台灣的歷史真相與轉型正義)[軟精裝]

    The Tragedy of 228:Historical Truth and Transitional Justice in Taiwan(二二八悲劇:台灣的歷史真相與轉型正義)[軟精裝]

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1045

    本書以二二八事件的歷史真相與轉型正義為主軸,涵蓋二二八事件的原因論述、國際社會在事件前後對於台灣地位的認識、縣市首長與情治單位在事件中的角色、事件中的軍事部署與鎮壓、事件對於台灣新聞媒體造成的衝擊、平... more

    Ricky the Carpenter 瑞奇小木匠

    Ricky the Carpenter 瑞奇小木匠

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 81

    木匠瑞奇幫動物朋友釘椅子,他設計的椅子,每一把都很貼心,坐起來好舒適。瑞奇設計了哪些特別的椅子呢?... more

    Your Turn to Speak

    Your Turn to Speak

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    Welcome to Your Turn to Speak. This is a perfect book for adult learners whose English proficiency i... more

    法式甜點學【暢銷經典版】:從概念到鑑賞、從技藝到名廚,帶你看懂、吃懂法式甜點門道的行家養成指南 (電子書)

    法式甜點學【暢銷經典版】:從概念到鑑賞、從技藝到名廚,帶你看懂、吃懂法式甜點門道的行家養成指南 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 616

    奔放的創意,更讓它達到難以凌駕的地位及藝術性。 作者Ying C. 畢業自廚藝界的哈佛「斐杭迪高等廚藝學校」,擁有法國專業甜點師資格認證(CAP),並歷經巴黎米其林星級廚房莫里斯酒店(Le Meurice)、聖詹姆斯酒店(Saint...... more

    Tangled (Disney Tangled)

    Tangled (Disney Tangled)

    • 優惠價: 228

    When the kingdom s most wanted--and most charming--bandit Flynn Rider hides in a mysterious tower, t... more

    Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party

    Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party

    • 優惠價: 494

    The summer of 1972, before I turned nine, danger began knocking on doors all over China. Nine-year-o... more

    Ear Economy: China Audio Streaming Programs Study

    Ear Economy: China Audio Streaming Programs Study

    • 優惠價: 9599

    This book sheds light on the overall description and explanation of the current socio-political, eco... more

    The Chinese Astronomical Bureau, 1620-1850: Lineages, Bureaucracy and Technical Expertise

    The Chinese Astronomical Bureau, 1620-1850: Lineages, Bureaucracy and Technical Expertise

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This book offers a new insight into one of the most interesting and long-lived institutions known to... more

    Consumer Nationalism in China: Examining Its Critical Impact on Multinational Businesses

    Consumer Nationalism in China: Examining Its Critical Impact on Multinational Businesses

    • 優惠價: 6600

    China has made nationalism central as the country seeks to achieve a "rejuvenation of the Chinese na... more

    Growing Up Under a Red Flag: A Memoir of Surviving the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    Growing Up Under a Red Flag: A Memoir of Surviving the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    • 優惠價: 760

    "The memoir of Ying Chang Compestine’s childhood growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution"--...... more

    Foundations of Quantum Programming

    Foundations of Quantum Programming

    • 優惠價: 9000

    Foundations of Quantum Programming, Second Edition provides a systematic exposition of the subject o... more

    Polyamide Thin Film Composite Membranes for Water Applications: Advanced Characterization Techniques

    Polyamide Thin Film Composite Membranes for Water Applications: Advanced Characterization Techniques

    • 優惠價: 3897

    This monograph presents the latest trends in characterization techniques for PA TFC (polyamide thin ... more

    The Religious Ethic and Mercantile Spirit in Early Modern China

    The Religious Ethic and Mercantile Spirit in Early Modern China

    • 優惠價: 2100

    capitalist growth that Protestantism gave Europe. The preeminent historian Ying-shih Yü offers a magisterial examination of...... more

    Jade Eye

    Jade Eye

    • 優惠價: 1252

    Embark on a captivating journey through time and place as you delve into the pages of Jade Eye: My S... more

    Jade Eye

    Jade Eye

    • 優惠價: 1822

    Embark on a captivating journey through time and place as you delve into the pages of Jade Eye: My S... more

    The Tragedy of 228: Historical Truth and Transitional Justice in Taiwan (電子書)

    The Tragedy of 228: Historical Truth and Transitional Justice in Taiwan (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 770

    The Tragedy of 228: Historical Truth and Transitional Justice in Taiwan is published by Memorial Fou... more

    A Study of China’s Urban-Rural Integration Development

    A Study of China’s Urban-Rural Integration Development

    • 優惠價: 8399

    China’s urbanization has stunned the world in the past two decades- but as the authors of this book ... more

    The Philosophy of Change: Comparative Insights on the Yijing

    The Philosophy of Change: Comparative Insights on the Yijing

    • 優惠價: 2217

    Chung-ying Cheng is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i. His many books include New Dimensions of...... more

    Cross-Cultural Challenges of Managing ’One Belt One Road’ Projects: The Experience of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

    Cross-Cultural Challenges of Managing ’One Belt One Road’ Projects: The Experience of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This book looks at issues when developing capabilities of cross-cultural management, adaptation and ... more

    Doctor-Patient Communication in Chinese and Western Medicine

    Doctor-Patient Communication in Chinese and Western Medicine

    • 優惠價: 3177

    Drawing on naturally-occurring Doctor-patient conversations in real-life medical consultations, this... more

    Bearrington and the Happy Bears: The Gift

    Bearrington and the Happy Bears: The Gift

    • 優惠價: 440

    ""A collection of imaginative nursery rhymes and poems storytelling the discoveries of Kitty the cat... more

    Pour une analyse aspectuelle et stéréotypique des prépositions de lieu du français dans les structures en Ø Nlieu, à Ø Nlieu et au Nlieu (法文書)

    Pour une analyse aspectuelle et stéréotypique des prépositions de lieu du français dans les structures en Ø Nlieu, à Ø Nlieu et au Nlieu (法文書)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 342

    Depuis environ soixante ans, les grammairiens et les linguistes ne considèrent plus que les préposit... more

    Karma of the Sun

    Karma of the Sun

    • 優惠價: 646

    "A thoughtful read perfect for this moody season." --Wall Street Journal "Karma of the Sun is a not-... more

    Ivan Ramen: Love, Obsession, and Recipes from Tokyo’s Most Unlikely Noodle Joint

    Ivan Ramen: Love, Obsession, and Recipes from Tokyo’s Most Unlikely Noodle Joint

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 832

    The end-all-be-all guide to ramen featuring more than 40 recipes from Ivan Orkin, the iconoclastic N... more

    Machine Learning, Medical AI and Robotics: Translating Theory Into the Clinic

    Machine Learning, Medical AI and Robotics: Translating Theory Into the Clinic

    • 優惠價: 11400

    This book explores the latest breakthroughs in medical technology, focusing specifically on artifici... more

    Faith by Aurality in China’s Ethnic Borderland: Media, Mobility, and Christianity at the Margins

    Faith by Aurality in China’s Ethnic Borderland: Media, Mobility, and Christianity at the Margins

    • 優惠價: 6300

    region. In Faith by Aurality in China’s Ethnic Borderland, Ying Diao finds important sonic evidence for this religious...... more

    Morning Sun in Wuhan

    Morning Sun in Wuhan

    • 優惠價: 380

    herself alone in a locked-down city trying to find a way to help. Author Ying Chang Compestine draws on her own experiences...... more

    Energy Efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing

    Energy Efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing

    • 優惠價: 10199

    This book provides a comprehensive review and in-depth discussion of the state-of-the-art research l... more

    SQL Server Database Programming with C#: Desktop and Web Applications

    SQL Server Database Programming with C#: Desktop and Web Applications

    • 優惠價: 4124

    One of the most popular database systems, Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express, is presented and implem... more

    Shang-Chi and the Quest for Immortality (Original Marvel Graphic Novel)

    Shang-Chi and the Quest for Immortality (Original Marvel Graphic Novel)

    • 優惠價: 494

    Sneaking out of the palace into the outside world to find the legendary Peaches of Immortality to gi... more

    Fire-Resistant Paper: Materials, Technologies, and Applications

    Fire-Resistant Paper: Materials, Technologies, and Applications

    • 優惠價: 3959

    Even in today’s electronic information age, traditional paper is a multi-purpose product that contin... more

    Organizational Transformation and Order Reconstruction in Village-Turned-Communities

    Organizational Transformation and Order Reconstruction in Village-Turned-Communities

    • 優惠價: 2199

    Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, a state-led urbanization has evolved into a "city m... more

    The Ethics of Becoming a Good Teacher: In Conversation with Aristotle and Confucius

    The Ethics of Becoming a Good Teacher: In Conversation with Aristotle and Confucius

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This book explores Aristotelian and Confucian wisdom traditions to understand education and what cou... more

    Real Estate Management in China

    Real Estate Management in China

    • 優惠價: 6599
    Appointment with Ying @10am: Growing Your Business

    Appointment with Ying @10am: Growing Your Business

    • 優惠價: 1099

    In this second installment of the Appointment with Ying series, accomplished accountant and entrepreneur Ying Sa draws...... more

    Appointment with Ying @ 10am: Growing Your Business

    Appointment with Ying @ 10am: Growing Your Business

    • 優惠價: 934

    In this second installment of the Appointment with Ying series, accomplished accountant and entrepreneur Ying Sa draws...... more

    Artists and Markets in Music: The Political Economy of Music During the Covid Era and Beyond

    Artists and Markets in Music: The Political Economy of Music During the Covid Era and Beyond

    • 優惠價: 7425

    This monograph is an innovative examination of the political economy of music. It integrates origina... more

    SQL Server Database Programming with Java: Concepts, Designs and Implementations

    SQL Server Database Programming with Java: Concepts, Designs and Implementations

    • 優惠價: 3299

    This textbook covers both fundamental and advanced Java database programming techniques for beginnin... more

    Integrated Governance in Rural China: Case Study of Nanjiang County

    Integrated Governance in Rural China: Case Study of Nanjiang County

    • 優惠價: 3299
    The Runner’s Paradox: Frame Your Mind, Fix Your Form, Find Your High

    The Runner’s Paradox: Frame Your Mind, Fix Your Form, Find Your High

    • 優惠價: 1395

    Mok Ying Rong offers an authentic perspective on the art of running. Learn how to identify and address dysfunctions in...... more

    The Runner’s Paradox: Frame Your Mind, Fix Your Form, Find Your High

    The Runner’s Paradox: Frame Your Mind, Fix Your Form, Find Your High

    • 優惠價: 950

    Mok Ying Rong offers an authentic perspective on the art of running. Learn how to identify and address dysfunctions in...... more

    The Philosophy of Change: Comparative Insights on the Yijing

    The Philosophy of Change: Comparative Insights on the Yijing

    • 優惠價: 5940

    An analysis of the philosophy of the Yijing in comparison to modern Western philosophies.... more

    A Ricoeurian Analysis of Identity Formation in Philippians: Narrative, Testimony, Contestation

    A Ricoeurian Analysis of Identity Formation in Philippians: Narrative, Testimony, Contestation

    • 優惠價: 6900

    Scott Ying Lam Yip presents the first specialized narrative study devoted to the identity formation processes in...... more

    Child Agency in Family Language Policy: Growing Up Multilingual and Multiliterate

    Child Agency in Family Language Policy: Growing Up Multilingual and Multiliterate

    • 優惠價: 5445

    Past studies of family language socialization often focus on children’s verbal communication skills ... more

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