
    您輸入的關鍵字: Jones


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    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    不一樣,也很棒! 充滿歡樂和勇氣的繪本故事 每種形狀,都能玩在一起 輕鬆愉快建立基本幾何概念 ------------------------------- ★★★繪本職人‧教育專家 熱情推薦★★★ ... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 543

    帶領孩子一起和形狀作朋友, 擁抱各種「不一樣」的驚喜! ★暢銷形狀繪本二部曲★ ★輕鬆愉快建立基本幾何概念★ ★英國佛魯格繪本大獎入圍★ ★好書大家讀推薦★ ★兒童閱讀優良媒材推薦★【套書特色】 ★一... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 238

    《基本諮商技巧》(第三版)為重要技巧專家Richard Nelson-Jones的暢銷著作。本書對助人的諮商技巧精華做了最容易理解而實際可行的介紹,並且充滿了生動的案例說明、治療對白以及實驗性活動,對於完成助人歷程各階段的主題,提供了逐步...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 551

    本本書以中立的立場來介紹各種不同的政治學理論與概念架構,拓寬讀者的視野。除了美國的例子外,本書用了很多來自世界各國的例子,提高讀者之接受度。例如:談到從威權政體轉型為民主國家時,臺灣、南韓、智利和巴西... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    英國新銳之星超人氣組合 暢銷繪本《什麼形狀,都行!》二部曲! 充滿歡樂和勇氣的繪本故事 歡樂登場 不要放棄,勇敢嘗試! 每種形狀,都能創造無限可能 輕鬆愉快建立基本幾何概念 -------------... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 468

    21世紀的今天,金融期貨已躍居市場主導地位,許多交易所合併、佣金費率大幅下降,致使期貨成為最有用的避險與投機工具。 《期貨賽局》第一版出版當時,被視為是針對非主流產業所做的客觀、務實的研究,很多期... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 252

    Tellington-Jones)所發明,因而命名為TTouch®系統,這個特別的系統可用於照護及訓練伴侶動物、馬匹及野生動物,也可用來提昇人類的生理及情緒健康。...... more



    • 優惠價: 350

    第二版《高齡者體適能測驗手冊》,為評估60歲以上高齡者體適能,提供最完整的測驗組合。健康從業人員、體適能及復健專家,能診斷出高齡者弱化活動能力的原因,進而設定體適能目標及發展運動計畫,提供高齡者及病患... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    在這本書中,作者生動的闡釋了「洛可可」(Rococo)和「新古典藝術」兩種藝術風格的誕生。洛可可的藝術風格誕生於法國,「….它唯一的目的,就是要使那些名為悠閒,實則是懶散的上流社會感到高興,因為這個社... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1980

    英國美術工藝運動 先鋒鉅作 ◆ 150 年經典重現——重洗時代美學、震撼設計名家觀念 ◆ 19 種世界紋飾風格——橫亙東西方歷史長河的文物大觀 ◆ 100 幀彩色圖版——透視令人嘆為觀止的精湛細節 ... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 537

    。 作者Charity Majors、Liz Fong-Jones和George Miranda都是來自Honeycomb團隊,為你介紹了良好可觀測性的標準,展示如何改進你目前正在進行的工作,並提供從傳統工具(如指標、監控和日誌管理)遷移的...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    聽力訓練書(Training Book)兩大部分,堅實打造直接閱讀、聽懂原文名著的實力。閱讀寓言故事,不僅能品嚐西方文學簡潔機智的語言,又能學到寓言傳達的深意與智慧。 原文為V. S. Vernon Jones的英譯版本,因所使用字彙及...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 456

    本書涵蓋14種影響高齡者完成日常身體活動的普通醫學問題,而運動能幫助他們維持及增進功能性體適能。本書著重關節炎、心血管疾病、糖尿病、高血壓、骨科議題、骨質疏鬆、帕金森氏症及阿滋海默症等醫療的特殊需求。... more

    我是小怪獸,誰的身體,配我的腳?3N【小怪獸的512種變身 厚紙翻翻配對遊戲書】

    我是小怪獸,誰的身體,配我的腳?3N【小怪獸的512種變身 厚紙翻翻配對遊戲書】

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    拼一拼,翻一翻,我的小怪獸! 小怪獸在哪裡?牠們喜歡什麼?正在做什麼呢?自己動動小手翻翻頁,尋找有趣的組合,發揮想像力,創造出專屬於你的奇特可愛小怪獸吧! 獨特的翻頁設計,手感絕佳的厚紙材... more

    Effective Ruby中文版:寫出良好Ruby程式的48個具體做法

    Effective Ruby中文版:寫出良好Ruby程式的48個具體做法

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    如果你是經驗豐富的Ruby程式設計師,《Effective Ruby 中文版》將會協助你利用Ruby所有威力編寫出更穩固、更有效率、更容易維護、執行更順暢的程式碼。藉由近十年的Ruby經驗,Peter J. Jones匯集了48項Ruby...... more

    Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach: Theory (Asia Edition)(13版)

    Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach: Theory (Asia Edition)(13版)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1311

    companies. MindTap for Hill/Schilling/Jones STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, AN INTEGRATED APPROACH: THEORY & CASES, 13E is the digital...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 180

    本書是專為需要照顧年邁雙親的人而寫,父母可能只是年老體衰,或才從一場心臟病、中風後恢復過來,或長期風濕行動不便、甚或患有程度不等的老人痴呆症而需人照顧;作子女的有些得二十四小時不眠不休待命,有些人只能... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    一、二冊共含52個練習與複習文法的活動,適用於初、中級程度的成人和青少年,不僅針對不同人數的班級提供了有趣及刺激的文法練習方式,且包含多種類型,如:資訊互補、拼圖閱讀、調查、賓果、問卷、發佈與遵守指令... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    傳統上,兒童遊戲時,教師僅扮演著組織遊戲、設定規則、並在遊戲場面失控時中斷遊戲的角色;然而,社會扮演遊戲卻是三至五歲幼兒創造與熟悉日常生活的韻律與行為的重要管道。為此,我們極力推薦本書給您,因為書中不... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    )與聽力訓練書(Training Book)兩大部分,堅實打造直接閱讀、聽懂原文名著的實力。閱讀寓言故事,不僅能品嚐西方文學簡潔機智的語言,又能學到寓言傳達的深意與智慧。 原文為V. S. Vernon Jones的英譯版本,因所使用...... more

    Navigator Reader.Book 1

    Navigator Reader.Book 1

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    國中一到三年級,欲加強英語閱讀能力的學生。全民英檢初級閱讀。增進各學科知識領域的英文閱讀能力。 本系列書籍,以知識閱讀(content area reading)的精神為基礎編寫,目的使讀者在增進... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 224

    一、二冊共含52個練習與複習文法的活動,適用於初、中級程度的成人和青少年,不僅針對不同人數的班級提供了有趣及刺激的文法練習方式,且包含多種類型,如:資訊互補、拼圖閱讀、調查、賓果、問卷、發佈與遵守指令... more

    Essentials of Contemporary Management(10版)

    Essentials of Contemporary Management(10版)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1501

    organizations large and small making the text relevant and interesting to students. Jones/George infuses real managers who seize...... more

    Navigator Reader.Book 3

    Navigator Reader.Book 3

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    國中一到三年級,欲加強英語閱讀能力的學生。全民英檢初級閱讀。增進各學科知識領域的英文閱讀能力。 本系列書籍,以知識閱讀(content area reading)的精神為基礎編寫,目的使讀者在增進... more

    Navigator Reader.Book 2

    Navigator Reader.Book 2

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    國中一到三年級,欲加強英語閱讀能力的學生。全民英檢初級閱讀。增進各學科知識領域的英文閱讀能力。 本系列書籍,以知識閱讀(content area reading)的精神為基礎編寫,目的使讀者在增進... more

    Internationalizing English Language Education in Globalized Taiwan

    Internationalizing English Language Education in Globalized Taiwan

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    lives, for example, in multilingual, multicultural communities or in culturally diverse families (Godwin-Jones, 2018). Since...... more

    Macmillan(Elementary): The Phantom Airman

    Macmillan(Elementary): The Phantom Airman

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 133
    紋飾理論+實務及皮鞋工藝套書(共三冊):紋飾法則+ Pattern Design圖解圖樣設計+高級手工訂製紳士鞋

    紋飾理論+實務及皮鞋工藝套書(共三冊):紋飾法則+ Pattern Design圖解圖樣設計+高級手工訂製紳士鞋

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 4050

    Jones)梳理的設計原則,打通一條清晰的設計思路;後者為日本設計家藤田伸多年研究成果,採用17種平面對稱群組的國際共通標記(包括平移、鏡射、旋轉、分割的變化式),透過重複和拼合手法拆解圖樣規律,引發讀者一步步嘗試的樂趣、進而重組出極具現代感的迷人...... more

    Macmillan(Elementary):Unquiet Graves+2CDs

    Macmillan(Elementary):Unquiet Graves+2CDs

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 209

    Four friends join an archaeological dig in south eastern England. As Regan, Tom and Jack find out mo... more

    Contemporary Management (ISE)(12版)

    Contemporary Management (ISE)(12版)

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1235

    1. Incorporate recent developments in management theory and research with current examples of how ma... more

    Microeconomics: A Journey Through Life’s Decisions

    Microeconomics: A Journey Through Life’s Decisions

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 1140

    , relationships, families, education, politics, terrorism, racism and death. John Cullis, University of Bath Philip Jones...... more

    Macmillan(Elementary): Unquiet Graves

    Macmillan(Elementary): Unquiet Graves

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 133

    Four friends join an archaeological dig in south eastern England. As Regan, Tom and Jack find out mo... more

    Macmillan(Elementary): Phantom Airman+2CDs

    Macmillan(Elementary): Phantom Airman+2CDs

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 209


    • 優惠價: 75 折, 1080

    巫師霍爾系列全套集結 世界奇幻獎終身成就獎得主:黛安娜.韋恩.瓊斯── 生涯代表系列 ●收錄本系列全三集 ●附贈郵票造型書籤卡:來自荒野女巫的詛咒 以英國生產紙張印刷而成 霍爾與卡... more

    霍爾的移動城堡(巫師霍爾系列 卷一)【收錄原作小說作者訪談】

    霍爾的移動城堡(巫師霍爾系列 卷一)【收錄原作小說作者訪談】

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 441

    霍爾的移動城堡原作小說,台灣專屬繁體中文版 世界奇幻獎終身成就獎得主:黛安娜.韋恩.瓊斯── 英國兒童奇幻之母生涯代表作 ●改編動畫於台灣上映近二十年後,原作小說重新問世 ●「最印象深刻的那... more

    歧路之屋(巫師霍爾系列 最終卷)

    歧路之屋(巫師霍爾系列 最終卷)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 423

    巫師霍爾系列的「幻之最終回」 世界奇幻獎終身成就獎得主:黛安娜.韋恩.瓊斯── ●又一棟屬於巫師的屋子? ●霍爾與蘇菲的結局終將到來? ●收錄作者給予這系列讀者的短序 回歸《霍爾的... more

    Howl’s Moving Castle

    Howl’s Moving Castle

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 332

    those by Diana Wynne Jones, whose acclaim included the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement. As Neil Gaiman stated, she...... more

    Modern Love, Revised and Updated: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Redemption

    Modern Love, Revised and Updated: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Redemption

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 471

    lucky--endure. Edited by longtime Modern Love editor Daniel Jones and featuring a diverse selection of contributors--including...... more

    House of Many Ways

    House of Many Ways

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 277

    classic fantasy books deserve the pleasure of reading those by Diana Wynne Jones, whose acclaim included the World Fantasy...... more

    Castle in the Air

    Castle in the Air

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 277

    "Abdullah meets and falls instantly in love with the beautiful and clever Flower-in-the-Night. But a... more

    In a Dark, Dark House: A Picture Reader/With 24 Flash Cards

    In a Dark, Dark House: A Picture Reader/With 24 Flash Cards

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 127

    Simple words, rebus pictures, and flash cards make learning to read easy in this tale of a little bo... more

    Who Was Mark Twain?

    Who Was Mark Twain?

    • 優惠價: 266

    A humorist, narrator, and social observer, Mark Twain is unsurpassed in American literature. Best kn... more

    Pride and Prejudice

    Pride and Prejudice

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 249

    In early nineteenth-century England, a spirited young woman copes with the suit of a snobbish gentle... more

    Dragon Masters #7: Search for the Lightning Dragon

    Dragon Masters #7: Search for the Lightning Dragon

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 171

    Pick a book. Grow a Reader This series is part of Scholastic s early chapter book line, Branches, ai... more

    Earwig and the Witch Movie Tie-In Edition

    Earwig and the Witch Movie Tie-In Edition

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 194

    Achievement-winner Diana Wynne Jones, beautifully and humorously illustrated in black and white by Caldecott Medalist Paul O. Zelinsky...... more

    Dragon Masters #6: Flight of the Moon Dragon

    Dragon Masters #6: Flight of the Moon Dragon

    • 優惠價: 83 折, 157

    Pick a book. Grow a Reader This series is part of Scholastic s early chapter book line, Branches, ai... more

    The French Laundry Cookbook

    The French Laundry Cookbook

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 1664

    2019 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the acclaimed French Laundry restaurant in the Napa Valle... more

    Dragon Masters #10: Waking the Rainbow Dragon

    Dragon Masters #10: Waking the Rainbow Dragon

    • 優惠價: 83 折, 189

    Pick a book. Grow a Reader This series is part of Scholastic s early chapter book line, Branches, ai... more

    Those Shoes

    Those Shoes

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 249

    "In this witty, wise picture book, Boelts presents a kid’s-eye view of a consumer fad that rages thr... more

    Roar of the Thunder Dragon: Dragon Masters, Book 8

    Roar of the Thunder Dragon: Dragon Masters, Book 8

    • 優惠價: 83 折, 189

    Pick a book. Grow a Reader This series is part of Scholastic s early chapter book line, Branches, ai... more

    The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean Production-Toyota’s Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars that is Revolutio

    The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean Production-Toyota’s Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars that is Revolutio

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 527

    the first book to reveal Toyota’s lean production system that is the basis for its enduring success. Authors Womack, Jones...... more

    Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time

    Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 554

    In Pour Your Heart Into It, former CEO and now chairman emeritus Howard Schultz illustrates the prin... more

    Anna Karenina

    Anna Karenina

    • 優惠價: 378

    One of the greatest novels ever written, Anna Karenina sets the impossible and destructive triangle ... more



    • 優惠價: 329

    From the intro: Some two years ago, Oahspe was mechanically written through my hands by some other... more

    Dragon Masters #5: Song of the Poison Dragon

    Dragon Masters #5: Song of the Poison Dragon

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 138

    Pick a book. Grow a Reader This series is part of Scholastic s early chapter book line Branches, aim... more

    Heaven’s Hell

    Heaven’s Hell

    • 優惠價: 948

    Anthony Jones on his adventure of creating a fascinating place where imagination has no bounds....... more



    • 優惠價: 439

    Chronicles the exploits and adventures of the warrior Odysseus as he struggles to return home to Ith... more

    The Odd Fish

    The Odd Fish

    • 優惠價: 299

    A warm and funny eco-adventure with a clever message about looking after our blue planet, perfect fo... more

    An American Marriage

    An American Marriage

    • 優惠價: 722


    The Odd Fish

    The Odd Fish

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 266

    A warm and funny eco-adventure with a clever message about looking after our blue planet, perfect fo... more



    • 4.17-4.30愛媽折學 寵愛美好生活|母親節獨家商品3折起