
    您輸入的關鍵字: ADOBE


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    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    一堆怎麼設?不知道! 濾鏡雖然好用,但市面上並沒有專書特別講述「濾鏡」這檔子事,所以楊比比一口氣把全部的濾鏡全整理出來,甚至做的比Adobe的收藏館更具收藏價值,從版面安排就能清楚看的出各濾鏡的使用效果及最適合的參數設定。 .當你看到目錄...... more

    Adobe Photoshop ACP國際認證應考攻略 (適用2021/2022/2023)

    Adobe Photoshop ACP國際認證應考攻略 (適用2021/2022/2023)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    Adobe Certified Professional(ACP)是Adobe官方推出的原廠國際證照,為媒體設計學習者最該必備的原廠證照。能有效驗證個人於Adobe Creative Cloud的核心應用技能已具備相當的熟練度,並藉由各項...... more

    Adobe Illustrator ACP 國際認證應考攻略 (適用2021/2022/2023)

    Adobe Illustrator ACP 國際認證應考攻略 (適用2021/2022/2023)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    Adobe Certified Professional(ACP)是Adobe官方推出的原廠國際證照,為媒體設計學習者最該必備的原廠證照。能有效驗證個人於Adobe Creative Cloud的核心應用技能已具備相當的熟練度,並藉由各項...... more

    Adobe Photoshop CC:從新手到強者,職場必備的視覺影像特效超完全攻略含WIA職場智能應用國際認證-影像處理Using Adobe Photoshop CC(Specialist Level)

    Adobe Photoshop CC:從新手到強者,職場必備的視覺影像特效超完全攻略含WIA職場智能應用國際認證-影像處理Using Adobe Photoshop CC(Specialist Level)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 395

    讀了就會,最適合新手的Photoshop CC實務工具書, 打造最扎實影像編修技能,零基礎也不怕! 明明在學校裡學的是設計,設計相關的軟體卻是自學? 基礎知識不扎實,缺乏系統性學習,導致初... more

    精彩 Adobe Illustratror CC 製作向量視覺創意

    精彩 Adobe Illustratror CC 製作向量視覺創意

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    從Illustrator基礎操作到實務運用,徹底網羅初學者必備技巧,一本完整的超實用學習聖經。 Illustrator 是深受廣大圖像專業設計人員喜愛的繪圖軟體之一,其版本不斷更新,迄今已升級至I... more

    Adobe Illustrator CC:從出局到出眾,設計必備的向量繪製超詳實技巧含WIA職場智能應用國際認證-向量插圖設計Using Adobe Illustrator CC(Specialist Level) - 最新版 - 附

    Adobe Illustrator CC:從出局到出眾,設計必備的向量繪製超詳實技巧含WIA職場智能應用國際認證-向量插圖設計Using Adobe Illustrator CC(Specialist Level) - 最新版 - 附

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 450

    讀了就會,最適合新手的Illustrator實務工具書, 打造最扎實向量圖繪製技能,零基礎也不怕! 明明在學校裡學的是設計,設計相關的軟體卻是自學? 基礎知識不扎實,缺乏系統性學習,導致初... more

    Adobe Illustrator CS 鼎惠揚昇

    Adobe Illustrator CS 鼎惠揚昇

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 774
    精彩 Adobe PhotoShop CC 製作影像視覺創意

    精彩 Adobe PhotoShop CC 製作影像視覺創意

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    ,學習Photoshop仍是最佳的選擇。 Photoshop一直都是圖像編輯者及美工人員的最愛!長久以來,穩居影像處理軟體的龍頭地位,並且在網頁設計方面也佔有極重要的地位。Adobe公司推出的Photoshop 歷經了前面眾多版本的千錘百煉...... more

    AI 繪圖夢工廠 + 社群玩家特典:Midjourney、Stable Diffusion、Copilot、Leonardo.Ai、Adobe Firefly 超應用神技

    AI 繪圖夢工廠 + 社群玩家特典:Midjourney、Stable Diffusion、Copilot、Leonardo.Ai、Adobe Firefly 超應用神技

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 537

    繪圖工具,Leonardo.Ai 讓你畫很棒又免錢 ★ 打造各種寫真美少男美少女,從 Cosplay 到時尚外拍都沒問題 ★ 操作介面最簡單易懂的 Adobe Firefly,全民都能做伙來 ★ AI 繪圖工具的明日之星...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    整個軟體業,不!是全世界的人都在想著:如何將事情做好。然而以往的傳統做法,讓軟體業成為了最緩慢也最昂貴的行業。 近來,敏捷席捲了整個軟體業,而今更漸漸應用至各個領域。敏捷是包含了眾多實踐做法的核心... more

    跟Adobe完全掌握After Effects CS5視覺特效合成(附光碟)

    Adobe完全掌握After Effects CS5視覺特效合成(附光碟)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 558

    書附光碟*1 來自專業工作室技巧 - After Effects視覺特效的終極指南 作者曾實際參與Pirates of the Caribbean(神鬼奇航3:世界盡頭)、Avatar(阿凡達... more

    Adobe Premiere Pro ACP國際認證應考攻略(適用2022/2023)

    Adobe Premiere Pro ACP國際認證應考攻略(適用2022/2023)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    Adobe Certified Professional(ACP)是Adobe官方推出的原廠國際證照,為媒體設計學習者最該必備的原廠證照。能有效驗證個人於Adobe Creative Cloud的核心應用技能已具備相當的熟練度,並藉由各項...... more

    iOS/Android遊戲APP開發精粹:Adobe Flash CS6應用攻略(附CD)

    iOS/Android遊戲APP開發精粹:Adobe Flash CS6應用攻略(附CD)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 432

    想要用Flash增加遊戲APP的有趣創意,就從這裡開始! 本書是針對Flash/ActionScript 3.0初學者或使用者進階為行動裝置觸控遊戲創作與設計者所規劃的,看過它跟著它,您就可輕易地... more

    TQC+ 使用者介面設計認證指南 Adobe XD CC

    TQC+ 使用者介面設計認證指南 Adobe XD CC

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    「TQC+ 使用者介面設計認證Adobe XD CC」,係為TQC+ 視傳設計領域之使用者介面設計認證能力鑑定,以實務操作方式進行認證,評核符合企業需求的新時代專業設計人才。 1.範例題目之設計均以實務應用為導向,品質及認證公信力最具...... more

    Adobe After Effects ACP國際認證應考攻略(適用2022/2023)

    Adobe After Effects ACP國際認證應考攻略(適用2022/2023)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    Adobe Certified Professional(ACP)是Adobe官方推出的原廠國際證照,為媒體設計學習者最該必備的原廠證照。能有效驗證個人於Adobe Creative Cloud的核心應用技能已具備相當的熟練度,並藉由各項...... more

    Adobe Dreamweaver ACP國際認證應考攻略 (適用2020/2021)

    Adobe Dreamweaver ACP國際認證應考攻略 (適用2020/2021)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 225

    Adobe Certified Professional(ACP)是Adobe官方推出的原廠國際證照,為媒體設計學習者最該必備的原廠證照。能有效驗證個人於Adobe Creative Cloud的核心應用技能已具備相當的熟練度,並藉由各項...... more

    網頁設計丙級檢定術科解題教本:109年啟用試題 (適用Adobe CC)

    網頁設計丙級檢定術科解題教本:109年啟用試題 (適用Adobe CC)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    ★依勞動部勞動力發展署技能檢定中心網頁設計丙級最新公告試題,全新解題編撰★ ◆109年啟用之術科試題,改版重點17300-104302試題,網站橫幅文字設計須以CSS或HTML直接處理。 ◆網... more

    SOEZ2u 多媒體學園電子書:完整學會Adobe 影像Ⅹ繪圖Ⅹ網頁Ⅹ動畫

    SOEZ2u 多媒體學園電子書:完整學會Adobe 影像Ⅹ繪圖Ⅹ網頁Ⅹ動畫

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 456

    本書特色 本書包含如下4大單元 Photoshop CS5:認識Photoshop CS5、檔案與影像的處理、影像的編輯、範圍的選取、影像繪製工具、濾鏡特效。 Illustrator CS... more

    專題實作與備審資料呈現技巧(使用軟體:Word 2010、Excel 2010、PowerPoint 2010、PhotoCap、PhotoImpact、Adobe Reader、Google表單) - 最新版(第二版) - 附MOSME

    專題實作與備審資料呈現技巧(使用軟體:Word 2010、Excel 2010、PowerPoint 2010、PhotoCap、PhotoImpact、Adobe Reader、Google表單) - 最新版(第二版) - 附MOSME

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    1.作者以自身參加學測推甄的成功案例,與讀者分享經驗 2.專題與論文製作的要領及技巧,在學業和工作上終身受用 3.有條理且有系統地整理備審各項目文件製作要點 4.巧妙運用各項軟體,快速完成... more

    Adobe Animate 2020經典教程

    Adobe Animate 2020經典教程

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 425

    Adobe Animate 2020經典教程》由Adobe公司編寫,是Adobe Animate軟體的培訓手冊。全書共10課,圍繞具體的示例進行講解,步驟詳細、重點明確,教讀者進行實際操作。本書講解細緻,內容包括Animate的基礎知識...... more

    iPad Adobe Fresco繪圖軟體描繪可愛迷你插畫教學手冊

    iPad Adobe Fresco繪圖軟體描繪可愛迷你插畫教學手冊

    • 日文書.MOOK , 翔泳社 , 出版日期: 2021-08-27
    • 優惠價: 696

    使用iPad Adobe Fresco學繪圖 可愛的插畫,動人的故事,想要自己畫出美麗的插畫又不知道該怎麼入門嗎?現在只要一個iPad就可以學習可愛插畫的畫法了。韓國人氣插畫家Susujin就要教你使用iPad的Adobe Fresco...... more

    Adobe Premiere Pro Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    Adobe Premiere Pro Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    • 優惠價: 3849

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Premiere Pro Classroom in a Book 2024...... more

    Adobe Creative 3D Workflows: A Designer’s Guide to Adobe Substance 3D and Adobe Creative Cloud Integration

    Adobe Creative 3D Workflows: A Designer’s Guide to Adobe Substance 3D and Adobe Creative Cloud Integration

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Adobe Creative 3D Workflows brings a practical approach to understanding not only how to begin working with 3D assets...... more

    Mastering Adobe Commerce Frontend: Build optimized, user-centric e-commerce sites with tailored theme design and

    Mastering Adobe Commerce Frontend: Build optimized, user-centric e-commerce sites with tailored theme design and

    • 優惠價: 2254

    A comprehensive guide to Adobe Commerce storefront development covering theme creation, customization, JavaScript usage...... more

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    • 優惠價: 3849

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Adobe Photoshop Lightroom...... more

    Creative Motion Mastery with Adobe After Effects: Learn the ins and outs of motion graphics, post-production

    Creative Motion Mastery with Adobe After Effects: Learn the ins and outs of motion graphics, post-production

    • 優惠價: 2474

    Discover the top tricks and techniques to make the most of Adobe After Effects and elevate your graphics design skills...... more

    Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements - Sixth Edition: Bring out the best in your images using Adobe Photoshop Elements

    Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements - Sixth Edition: Bring out the best in your images using Adobe Photoshop Elements

    • 優惠價: 3299

    Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024, including new AI-powered tools and advanced features Practical guidance on photo organization...... more

    Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    • 優惠價: 3849

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Animate Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book 2024 Release...... more

    Mastering Adobe Photoshop 2024: Discover the smart way to polish your digital imagery skills by editing professional

    Mastering Adobe Photoshop 2024: Discover the smart way to polish your digital imagery skills by editing professional

    • 優惠價: 3024

    , blending, and liquify filters. By the end of this Adobe Photoshop book, you’ll soar to new heights with your designs, creating...... more

    Adobe XD功能解析與應用

    Adobe XD功能解析與應用

    • 優惠價: 87 折, 412

    Adobe XD功能解析與應用》分為三大部分:第1部分是Adobe XD從零到精通,這部分對軟體的各種操作技巧和方法進行了全面的講解,為設計打下基礎;第2部分是Adobe XD的UI設計實例,這部分講解軟體在具體設計實例中的應用,在強化...... more

    Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    • 優惠價: 3849

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe After Effects Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book...... more

    Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book 2024 Release

    • 優惠價: 2925

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book 2024 Release...... more

    Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book

    Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book

    • 優惠價: 3574

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book 2024...... more

    Adobe Indesign Classroom in a Book

    Adobe Indesign Classroom in a Book

    • 優惠價: 3574

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe InDesign Adobe InDesign Classroom in a Book 2024 Release...... more

    デザイナーのためのAdobe Firefly完全ガイド Photoshop+Illustrator+Web

    デザイナーのためのAdobe Firefly完全ガイド Photoshop+Illustrator+Web

    • 優惠價: 900

    。 本書は、いまFireflyを使用できるPhotoshop、Illustrator、Firefly Web版、Adobe Expressの情報・使い方をまとめた、すべてのユーザー・クリエーター必須の最新ガイドブックです。 〈本書の内容...... more

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - Edit on the Go (2023 Release)

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - Edit on the Go (2023 Release)

    • 優惠價: 3077

    Unique Bonus! Most Lightroom books are out-of-date within a couple of months, as Adobe regularly adds new features...... more

    Adobe Lightroom: A Complete Course and Compendium of Features

    Adobe Lightroom: A Complete Course and Compendium of Features

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-10-03
    • 優惠價: 1898

    Adobe Lightroom: A Complete Course and Compendium of Features is your guide to using Adobe Lightroom for importing...... more

    Designing the Adobe InDesign Way: Explore 100+ recipes for creating stunning layouts with the leading desktop

    Designing the Adobe InDesign Way: Explore 100+ recipes for creating stunning layouts with the leading desktop

    • 優惠價: 2474

    increase productivity and speed up the design process Book Description: Adobe InDesign is the leading desktop publishing and...... more

    Introduction to Digital Photography: Creating Images and Working with Adobe

    Introduction to Digital Photography: Creating Images and Working with Adobe

    • 優惠價: 6477

    and Working with Adobe guides readers through the basic technical aspects of photography and then encourages them to apply...... more

    The Use Of Adobe In Prehistoric Dwellings Of The Southwest

    The Use Of Adobe In Prehistoric Dwellings Of The Southwest

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This book is a comprehensive study of the construction and use of adobe in the prehistoric dwellings of the American...... more

    The Use Of Adobe In Prehistoric Dwellings Of The Southwest

    The Use Of Adobe In Prehistoric Dwellings Of The Southwest

    • 優惠價: 767

    This book is a comprehensive study of the construction and use of adobe in the prehistoric dwellings of the American...... more

    Express Your Creativity with Adobe Express: Create stunning graphics, captivating videos, and impressive web pages

    Express Your Creativity with Adobe Express: Create stunning graphics, captivating videos, and impressive web pages

    • 優惠價: 2474

    In Express your Creativity with Adobe Express, you’ll learn to elevate your brand and stand out from the crowd by...... more

    Enterprise LMS with Adobe Learning Manager: Design and develop world-class learning experiences for your employees

    Enterprise LMS with Adobe Learning Manager: Design and develop world-class learning experiences for your employees

    • 優惠價: 2749

    recommendations for an immersive learning experience Book Description: Looking to deliver scalable online learning solutions? Adobe’s...... more

    Enhancing Adobe Acrobat Forms with JavaScript: Take Your Forms to the Next Level!

    Enhancing Adobe Acrobat Forms with JavaScript: Take Your Forms to the Next Level!

    • 優惠價: 2660

    PDFs in Action Wizard. Enhancing Adobe Acrobat Forms with JavaScript covers up-to-date, real working examples that you can...... more

    Adobe Captivate 2019: Beyond The Essentials (4th Edition)

    Adobe Captivate 2019: Beyond The Essentials (4th Edition)

    • 優惠價: 2145

    "A hands-on, self-paced workbook that guides you through the advanced features of Adobe Captivate Classic and Adobe...... more

    Adobe Illustrator: Art of Graphic Creation Art Working and Illustration (The Complete Beginners Manual With Latest Tips

    Adobe Illustrator: Art of Graphic Creation Art Working and Illustration (The Complete Beginners Manual With Latest Tips

    • 優惠價: 758

    This guide is a good book for anybody who wants to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator, one of the most popular design...... more

    Adobe Premiere Pro官方認證標準教材 (電子書)

    Adobe Premiere Pro官方認證標準教材 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 539

    本書是 Adobe系列中的 Premiere Pro分冊。本書共分為 15章,內容包括瞭解視頻編輯軟體、創建專案、認識 Premiere Pro工作介面、導入素材並添加到序列、剪輯的基本操作、視頻效果、使用關鍵幀、添加過渡、執行高級修剪...... more

    Adobe InDesign官方認證標準教材 (電子書)

    Adobe InDesign官方認證標準教材 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 539

    本書由Adobe專家委員會委員領銜編寫,是Adobe系列中的InDesign分冊。本書共分14章,內容包括認識InDesign、通過一本畫冊瞭解InDesign、InDesign工作環境優化、InDesign CC 2020新增功能、認識...... more

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book

    • 優惠價: 3574

    The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book(R), the...... more

    Adobe Captivate 2019: The Essentials (4th Edition)

    Adobe Captivate 2019: The Essentials (4th Edition)

    • 優惠價: 2145

    Adobe Captivate Classic and Captivate 2019: The Essentials (4th Edition) ... a self-paced beginner workbook that...... more

    Adobe Acrobat Ninja: A productivity guide with tips and proven techniques for business professionals using Adobe

    Adobe Acrobat Ninja: A productivity guide with tips and proven techniques for business professionals using Adobe

    • 優惠價: 1374

    Discover Adobe Acrobat’s most important features and advanced functions that will help you to find easier ways to work...... more

    Mastering Adobe Animate 2023 - Third Edition: A comprehensive guide to designing modern, animated, and interactive

    Mastering Adobe Animate 2023 - Third Edition: A comprehensive guide to designing modern, animated, and interactive

    • 優惠價: 3574

    This book will enable you as a creative professional or developer working with Adobe Animate to put your knowledge to...... more

    Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book

    Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book

    • 優惠價: 3574

    Develop creative animation and multimedia using Adobe Animate Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book (2023 release) uses...... more

    Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book

    Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book

    • 優惠價: 3574

    Learn video compositing, motion graphics design, and animation using Adobe After Effects Adobe After Effects Classroom...... more

    Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 - Fifth Edition: Bring out the best in your images using Photoshop Elements

    Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 - Fifth Edition: Bring out the best in your images using Photoshop Elements

    • 優惠價: 3189

    The fifth edition of this widely acclaimed series helps you master photo-editing from scratch. The b... more

    Perspective Warps and Distorts with Adobe Tools: Volume 1: Putting a New Twist on Photoshop

    Perspective Warps and Distorts with Adobe Tools: Volume 1: Putting a New Twist on Photoshop

    • 優惠價: 2660

    portfolio or for your client’s next graphic project. As Adobe’s Photoshop and Illustrator have evolved, new and unique features...... more

    Real-Time Animation with Adobe Character Animator: Animate characters in real time with webcam, microphone, and custom

    Real-Time Animation with Adobe Character Animator: Animate characters in real time with webcam, microphone, and custom

    • 優惠價: 2749

    Character Animator is a power app for non-animators that provides easy rigging and easy-to-understan... more

    Gobee From The Adobe

    Gobee From The Adobe

    • 優惠價: 1500

    the Adobe....... more

    Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book

    Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book

    • 優惠價: 2925

    Learn to create and edit images using Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book (2023 release) uses...... more

    Gobee From the Adobe

    Gobee From the Adobe

    • 優惠價: 1139

    the Adobe....... more

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