您輸入的關鍵字: Miriam A. (EDT)
搜尋結果共 15 筆, 頁數 1 / 1
prestige; waitstaff at breastaurants who conform their bodies to a business model; and inventory stockers at grocery stores...... more
language learning. It aims to engender a useful dialogue between (im)politeness theorists, language teachers, and SLA...... more
Chiricahua Apache prisoners of war, including those originally classified as POWs in 1886, infants who lived only a few days...... more
focused explicitly on impoliteness. As a result, only one aspect of facework/relational work has been studied in detail. Next...... more
The theme of this collection is a discussion of the notions of ’norms’ and ’standards’, which are studied from various...... more
Michael Wallerstein was a leader in developing a rigorous comparative political economy approach to understanding...... more
The hip is a challenging joint to image. The neighboring anatomy, including bones, tnedons, ligaments and...... more