

    您輸入的關鍵字: Shih Lin


    搜尋結果共 5 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    Wireless AD HOC Networking: Personal-Area, Local-Area, And the Sensory-Area Networks

    Wireless AD HOC Networking: Personal-Area, Local-Area, And the Sensory-Area Networks

    • 優惠價: 6600

    The rapid progress of mobile, wireless communication and embedded micro-sensing MEMS technologies ha... more

    City of the Queen: A Novel of Colonial Hong Kong

    City of the Queen: A Novel of Colonial Hong Kong

    • 優惠價: 5100

    steeped in drama, intrigue, and seismic social shifts. Shih Shu-ching, an acclaimed Taiwanese writer, sets her epic tale of...... more

    X-Ray Multiple-Wave Diffraction: Theory and Application

    X-Ray Multiple-Wave Diffraction: Theory and Application

    • 優惠價: 10199

    X-ray multiple-wave diffraction, sometimes called multiple diffraction or N-beam diffraction, result... more

    我的第一堂捷語課(隨書附捷克籍名師親錄標準捷克語發音+朗讀音檔QR Code)

    我的第一堂捷語課(隨書附捷克籍名師親錄標準捷克語發音+朗讀音檔QR Code)

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 442

    到捷克經商、旅遊不求人! 零基礎!從發音、單字、會話到文法, 政治大學名師用系統性的教學,要您一開口就是漂亮的捷克語! 趕緊打開本書,用捷克語搭起友誼的橋樑吧! 您還在看不便宜且全是捷克語的外版書... more

    Wireless AD Hoc Networking: Personal-Area, Local-Area, and the Sensory-Area Networks

    Wireless AD Hoc Networking: Personal-Area, Local-Area, and the Sensory-Area Networks

    • 優惠價: 4497

    The rapid progress of mobile, wireless communication and embedded micro-sensing MEMS technologies ha... more



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