
    您輸入的關鍵字: Soussana


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    Songs in the Shade of the Oak Tree: Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from Ireleand

    Songs in the Shade of the Oak Tree: Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from Ireleand

    • 優惠價: 720

    A sweeping collection of 14 songs from Ireland that invites children to discover a rich tradition of... more

    Songs in the Shade of the Cherry Tree: Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from Ukraine

    Songs in the Shade of the Cherry Tree: Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from Ukraine

    • 優惠價: 720

    A riveting selection of 20 nursery rhymes and lullabies from Ukraine, as remembered by immigrants li... more

    Songs in the Shade of the Cashew and Coconut Trees: From West Africa to the Caribbean (Book 1)

    Songs in the Shade of the Cashew and Coconut Trees: From West Africa to the Caribbean (Book 1)

    • 優惠價: 644

    Learn about the cultures and traditions uniting two continents with 12 lullabies and nursery rhymes.... more

    Songs on the Vanilla Trail: African Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from East and Southern Africa

    Songs on the Vanilla Trail: African Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from East and Southern Africa

    • 優惠價: 644

    An homage to the rich cultural heritage of faraway communities featuring 25 traditional songs. An en... more

    Songs in the Shade of the Cashew and Coconut Trees: Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from West Africa and the Caribbean

    Songs in the Shade of the Cashew and Coconut Trees: Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes from West Africa and the Caribbean

    • 優惠價: 644

    Songs about children playing in the schoolyard, sisters braiding each other s hair at the beach, and... more

    Songs from the Garden of Eden: Jewish Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes

    Songs from the Garden of Eden: Jewish Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes

    • 優惠價: 644

    Celebrate Jewish culture with 28 nursery rhymes, lullabies and traditional songs. An extraordinary c... more



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