
    您輸入的關鍵字: Ai


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    • 優惠價: 9 折, 585

    人工智慧最強的功能是「從大量資料中創造規律性」並進行突破性的效率改善;人工智慧用在行銷上即稱為「AI Marketing」;意即用人工智慧來協助行銷人員,能夠即時改善行銷效率的系統性知識。 AIAI Marketing是快速發展...... more

    《戀愛》篠崎愛寫真書 第3章

    《戀愛》篠崎愛寫真書 第3章

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 434

    ★獲得《寫真界神7降臨》的評價,日本最暢銷寫真女星 ★來自東方的天真面孔和性感身材著實讓英國媒體網站大讚「童顏奇蹟」 ★因童顏巨乳被粉絲稱為“日版瑤瑤”,並在台迅速成名 ★辣秀養眼比基尼與... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 288

    初階基本盒/最基本的形狀,馬上就能上手完成 方型夾餅乾盒 藍莓圓杯蛋糕組 蘇打餅乾圓盒組 草莓三角蛋糕盒組 棉麻玫瑰收納箱 橢圓飾品盒 愛情盟約戒台 作者簡介 哀淑芳Ai 低調又藏不住光芒的獅子座,在經歷...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 197

    「我就是妳的孽緣! 我會一輩子纏著妳、黏著妳。」 為了顧全大局,巫心玉終於答應 與攝政王孤煌少司成婚。大婚之日, 從華轎上緩緩走下一襲紅衣男子, 妖豔無雙,不似凡物,卻令人渾... more

    翠羽 Ai×Kira初畫集 (全)

    翠羽 Ai×Kira初畫集 (全)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    香港人氣雙人繪師組合Ai×Kira第一本商業畫冊,凝聚多年插畫結晶,淬鍊出這本集大成的豪華畫冊。從同人原創到商業插畫,精選Ai×Kira十多年來的創作,展現古今皆宜、中西兼容的華麗風格。總共網羅100張彩圖與30張黑白插圖,並收錄Ai...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    培養108課綱科技素養,進入AI的世界,就靠這一本! 用免費平台和軟體,在家打造AI模型, AI一點也不難! 王子華博士|國立清華大學兼竹師教育學院副院長、教育與學習科技學系教授 許兆芳|親子科學暢銷作家、魅科坊科學原型工坊創辦人 許琳翊...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 360

    ★本書榮獲美國商業史學會頒發的2020年「哈格利最佳商業史書籍獎」★ 超市裡鮮紅欲滴的草莓、連鎖迴轉壽司店裡的鮭魚…… 隨著文明進步,消費者開始傾向「用看的」,評斷食物的品質與美味程度。 ... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    理解,相信本書會讓讀者有所收獲。本書作者為AI4kids團隊,曾應教育部國教署邀請,至全國高中主任會議分享AI教學、親子天下雜誌專文報導,成員來自AIA台灣人工智慧學校的校友,團隊有軟體技術、創新研發、工程管理、電商行銷等資歷專長,因為對AI科技...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    當我們學習人工智慧(AI)知識與應用時,最常遇到的問題是資料分析與前處理,但如果連資料都沒有的狀態下,如何蒐集資料就會變成一個挑戰!常見的資料蒐集方法之一為使用物聯網(IoT)技術,然而相關工具相當多種,操作方式又非常不同,許多學習者往往...... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 238

    漸漸回想起當年那段沒能來得及釐清的思緒。理智的兩人漸漸被這無以名狀的情感所浸染,產生了交集的漣漪,兩人這次會如何表明心跡? 由人氣BL音樂劇改編漫畫《新社員》作者Ai欸埃執筆的原創BL漫畫;No Name余荃斌以此故事情境量身打造,與...... more

    甜心書_兒童操作繪本 (全套20冊)

    甜心書_兒童操作繪本 (全套20冊)

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 2912

    這是一套由愛出發,促進親子互動,提升孩子多項領域發展的遊戲繪本,用有趣的方式引導孩子培養生活習慣與認知學習。 深入日常的五大領域,集結翻翻書、貼紙書、觸摸書、味道書、洞洞書、轉盤書與拼圖書……等... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    本書是為16~18歲青少年提供最新的人工智慧探索實作內容。書中講述人工智慧的「視覺辨識」相關的實作主題,啟發下一世代AI工作者或創造者。 這本為初學者寫的深度學習專書,打破艱澀的理論與難以理解的程式語言,介紹Teachable...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    本書透過有趣且生活化的AI實作案例,讓初學者一次掌握「機器學習」五大流程。透過圖文並茂的觀念解說與全步驟程式碼解析,讓你越過深奧的數學與方程式阻礙,直接探索AI各種實務應用,包含透過「Quick Draw!」塗鴉資料的AI判讀、監督式學習...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 738

    法國國立婦產學院與女性論壇合作 獻給準媽媽的權威參考書 6000位醫學專家+4000萬個準媽媽實例 140幅示意圖+45張超音波檢查圖 我的寶寶健康嗎? 有辦法決定生男生女嗎? 如何應對宮... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    本書透過簡單易懂的用語,以及大量的圖文解說,帶領讀者探索你我身邊最常見的AI應用──邊緣運算。從物聯網(IOT)的發展到加入AI元素的AIoT這段歷程,究竟是如何發生?這些改變又將帶給人們生活什麼樣的衝擊與改變?讀者都可在這本書中一窺究竟...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 266

    進一步將巨量資料可視化。讓我們一同揭開巨量資料神秘的面紗。 本書作者為AI4kids團隊,曾應教育部國教署邀請,至全國高中主任會議分享AI教學、親子天下雜誌專文報導,成員來自AIA台灣人工智慧學校的校友,團隊有軟體技術、創新研發、工程管理...... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 238

    叛逆男子」授權、漫畫家Ai欸埃執筆繪製的《新社員》漫畫版,重現17歲那年的曖昧與奇蹟! 本書特色 台灣首部BL搖滾音樂劇《新社員》自2014年首演以來即在劇場觀眾、獨立音樂聽眾及動漫迷之間口碑發酵,至2020年四度加演仍討論聲量不斷...... more

    燃吧!滬中男子橄欖球部 2

    燃吧!滬中男子橄欖球部 2

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 198

    昭和時代的滬尾少年邁向各自未來, 金鐘獎劇本團隊/蔡沂澄、黃光筠、張婉兒、葉子豪 漫畫家/Ai,共譜耽美浪漫奇譚最終章。 滬中橄欖球隊對戰宿敵,場上情意萌芽的青春少年, 汗水揮灑、熱血擒抱,奮力達陣! 在一系列球隊...... more

    燃吧!滬中男子橄欖球部 1

    燃吧!滬中男子橄欖球部 1

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 198

    昭和運動系浪漫奇譚。 穿越時空遇天菜! 《後來的我們》金馬劇本團隊、新銳漫畫家 Ai,共譜昭和風味青春耽美劇 肌肉、汗水、熱血, 暖男隊長、高冷天才球員,橄欖球少年的「肌情」魅力! 英姿颯爽的滬中橄欖球隊, 揮灑汗水與熾盛熱情...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 189

    當兔子正想大口大口咬下蘋果時,「兔子、兔子,我肚子好餓呵!」肚子餓的老鼠想吃蘋果,心地善良的兔子就把蘋果給了他。透過故事可以培養孩子分享的美德,從中感受到分享的快樂,比自己擁有得到更多。 本書特色 ... more

    燃吧!滬中男子橄欖球部 (1-2)完

    燃吧!滬中男子橄欖球部 (1-2)完

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 396

    昭和運動系浪漫奇譚。 穿越時空遇天菜! 《後來的我們》金馬劇本團隊、漫畫家 Ai,共譜昭和風味青春耽美劇。 肌肉、汗水、熱血, 暖男隊長、高冷天才球員,橄欖球少年的「肌情」魅力! 《燃吧!滬中男子橄欖球部 1...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 380

    雖然臺灣語言振興政策已執行二十多年,但原住民族語言仍存在不同程度的衰退,有些族語更面臨滅絕的危機。對許多族人而言,族語並非日常生活用語;族語傳承亦出現斷層。為扭轉語言衰退現象,有效進行族語復振,我們必... more

    Gateway to Western Literature

    Gateway to Western Literature

    • 優惠價: 600

    Questions則針對此篇章提出問題,讓讀者易於了解並延伸討論。 作者簡介 嚴愛群 Ai Chun Yen 諾丁漢大學英語研究系博士。目前任教於國立東華大學英美語文學系,專長領域包括文學教學、語言教育、華語文教學等。著有《背起文學行囊—造訪英倫名家...... more

    Unfree Speech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act, Now

    Unfree Speech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act, Now

    • 優惠價: 66 折, 401

    - and Nobel Peace Prize nominee - with an introduction by Ai Weiwei With global democracy under threat, we must act...... more

    1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows: A Memoir

    1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows: A Memoir

    • 優惠價: 450

    ” by The New York Times, Ai Weiwei has written a sweeping memoir that presents a remarkable history of China over the last...... more

    Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China

    Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China

    • 優惠價: 304

    ...A worthwhile addition to picture book collections. -- Booklist. Executed with chromatic splendor... more

    Zodiac: A Graphic Memoir

    Zodiac: A Graphic Memoir

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 638

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER - In this beautifully illustrated and deeply philosophical graphic memoir, legendary artist Ai...... more

    Neighborhood Story, Vol. 2

    Neighborhood Story, Vol. 2

    • 優惠價: 950

    Mikako aims to take the world of fashion by storm but stumbles when love comes into season in this c... more

    Neighborhood Story, Vol. 1

    Neighborhood Story, Vol. 1

    • 優惠價: 950

    "Welcome to Happy Berry! No, this isn’t a fruit stand, but the label dreamed up by aspiring fashion ... more

    Nana 2

    Nana 2

    • 優惠價: 456

    This is the story of two 20-year old women who share the same name. Even though they come from compl... more

    Prevalence and Factors Associated with Burnout

    Prevalence and Factors Associated with Burnout

    • 優惠價: 2880
    Am I Actually the Strongest? 6 (Manga)

    Am I Actually the Strongest? 6 (Manga)

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 360

    This fast and funny action isekai manga about a newborn whose power is literally unfathomable is per... more

    Nana, Vol. 1

    Nana, Vol. 1

    • 優惠價: 456

    A chance meeting on a train to Tokyo sends two girls named Nana on a collision course with destiny! ... more

    Wireless Channel Measurement and Modeling in Mobile Communication Scenario: Theory and Application

    Wireless Channel Measurement and Modeling in Mobile Communication Scenario: Theory and Application

    • 優惠價: 4797

    This book delves into the fundamental characteristics, measurement techniques, modeling methods, and... more

    Zodiac: A Graphic Memoir

    Zodiac: A Graphic Memoir

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 804

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER - In this beautifully illustrated and deeply philosophical graphic memoir, legendary artist Ai...... more

    What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Your 60-Minutes Guide

    What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Your 60-Minutes Guide

    • 優惠價: 1595

    Ever wondered about AI? In just 60 mins, learn what it’s all about! This book makes it easy, with no hard words, just...... more

    King in Limbo 1

    King in Limbo 1

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 610

    "Eight years have passed since the sickness known as ’the Sleep’ ended millions of lives. Now, after... more

    Nana 4

    Nana 4

    • 優惠價: 456

    A chance meeting on a train to Tokyo sends two girls named Nana on a collision course with destiny! ... more

    On Weaving: New Expanded Edition

    On Weaving: New Expanded Edition

    • 優惠價: 2204

    illustrations with full-color photos, and features an afterword by Nicholas Fox Weber and essays by Manuel Cirauqui and T ai Smith...... more

    Dead Letters: Episodes of Epistolary Horror

    Dead Letters: Episodes of Epistolary Horror

    • 優惠價: 1374

    sleepless nights. Featuring thrilling contributions from Gemma Files, Ai Jiang, Gordon B. White, J.A.W. McCarthy, and Red Lagoe...... more

    Dead Letters: Episodes of Epistolary Horror

    Dead Letters: Episodes of Epistolary Horror

    • 優惠價: 1044

    sleepless nights. Featuring thrilling contributions from Gemma Files, Ai Jiang, Gordon B. White, J.A.W. McCarthy, and Red Lagoe...... more

    Protecting Societal Interests in Corporate Takeovers: A Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory Framework in the U.K., Germany and China

    Protecting Societal Interests in Corporate Takeovers: A Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory Framework in the U.K., Germany and China

    • 優惠價: 9599
    Am I Actually the Strongest? 5 (Manga)

    Am I Actually the Strongest? 5 (Manga)

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 360

    This fast and funny action isekai manga about a newborn whose power is literally unfathomable is per... more

    Nana 3

    Nana 3

    • 優惠價: 456

    A chance meeting on a train to Tokyo sends two girls named Nana on a collision course with destiny! ... more

    Wilted Pages: An Anthology of Dark Academia

    Wilted Pages: An Anthology of Dark Academia

    • 優惠價: 1099

    Wilted Pages is a new Dark Academia anthology filled with gloomy buildings, hidden histories, secret... more

    Effect of Muscle Electrostimulation on Chronotropic Reserve

    Effect of Muscle Electrostimulation on Chronotropic Reserve

    • 優惠價: 2585

    Resistance training (RER) forms the basis of an exercise rehabilitation program, helping to improve ... more

    It’s Not Me: 40 Years as Director of the Association of Banks in Singapore

    It’s Not Me: 40 Years as Director of the Association of Banks in Singapore

    • 優惠價: 1680

    This book chronicles the story of how the hand of God has guided me through my professional and fami... more

    It’s Not Me: 40 Years as Director of the Association of Banks in Singapore

    It’s Not Me: 40 Years as Director of the Association of Banks in Singapore

    • 優惠價: 3480

    This book chronicles the story of how the hand of God has guided me through my professional and fami... more

    Love, Faith and Forgiveness

    Love, Faith and Forgiveness

    • 優惠價: 1154

    Allianka Prosviryakovich has transparently shared God’s love and how He led her to understand and fu... more

    Love, Faith and Forgiveness

    Love, Faith and Forgiveness

    • 優惠價: 687

    Allianka Prosviryakovich has transparently shared God’s love and how He led her to understand and fu... more

    Drawing Cute Birds in Colored Pencil

    Drawing Cute Birds in Colored Pencil

    • 優惠價: 684

    Learn how to draw your favorite feathered friends It s one thing to watch birds fly outside your win... more

    Am I Actually the Strongest? 4 (Manga)

    Am I Actually the Strongest? 4 (Manga)

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 360

    This fast and funny action isekai manga about a newborn whose power is literally unfathomable is per... more

    La Manière de Langage qui Enseigne à Parler et à Écrire le Français, Publ. D’après le MS. du Mus. Br

    La Manière de Langage qui Enseigne à Parler et à Écrire le Français, Publ. D’après le MS. du Mus. Br

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This guide to speaking and writing French offers a glimpse into the language and culture of 18th-cen... more

    La Manière de Langage qui Enseigne à Parler et à Écrire le Français, Publ. D’après le MS. du Mus. Br

    La Manière de Langage qui Enseigne à Parler et à Écrire le Français, Publ. D’après le MS. du Mus. Br

    • 優惠價: 767

    This guide to speaking and writing French offers a glimpse into the language and culture of 18th-cen... more

    Social Edge Computing: Empowering Human-Centric Edge Computing, Learning and Intelligence

    Social Edge Computing: Empowering Human-Centric Edge Computing, Learning and Intelligence

    • 優惠價: 10799

    The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) leads to the emergence of edge computing...... more

    I Am AI: A Novelette

    I Am AI: A Novelette

    • 優惠價: 494

    limitations. . . would you? Ai is a cyborg, under the guise of an AI writing program, who struggles to keep up with the...... more

    Nana 8

    Nana 8

    • 優惠價: 456

    Hachi s happiness with Nobu is slipping through her fingers as an unexpected complication with Takum... more

    Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization

    Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization

    • 優惠價: 9000

    Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization is written by Dr. Ai-...... more

    Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization

    Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization

    • 優惠價: 11700

    Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization is written by Dr. Ai-...... more

    Spinal tuberculosis

    Spinal tuberculosis

    • 優惠價: 3575

    Introduction: Spinal tuberculosis is the most frequent and severe manifestation of osteoarticular tu... more

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