

    您輸入的關鍵字: Bruce Bueno Smith


    搜尋結果共 3 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    The Logic of Political Survival

    The Logic of Political Survival

    • 優惠價: 3000

    The authors of this ambitious book address a fundamental political question: why are leaders who pro... more

    The Spoils of War: Greed, Power, and the Conflicts That Made Our Greatest Presidents

    The Spoils of War: Greed, Power, and the Conflicts That Made Our Greatest Presidents

    • 優惠價: 1064

    may make the future better. Bueno de Mesquita and Smith demonstrate in compelling fashion that wars, even bloody and noble...... more

    The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Bad Behavior Is Almost Always Good Politics

    The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Bad Behavior Is Almost Always Good Politics

    • 優惠價: 1064



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