
    您輸入的關鍵字: Carvin


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    The Philadelphians: A Story of Two American Families

    The Philadelphians: A Story of Two American Families

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Two Irish immigrants - one wealthy, one poor - connect in Philadelphia during the anti-immigrant rio... more

    Intelligence Analysis and Policy Making: The Canadian Experience

    Intelligence Analysis and Policy Making: The Canadian Experience

    • 優惠價: 1920

    relationship between intelligence and policy in Canada. Thomas Juneau and Stephanie Carvin, both former analysts in the Canadian...... more

    Stand on Guard: Reassessing National Security Threats to Canada

    Stand on Guard: Reassessing National Security Threats to Canada

    • 優惠價: 2142

    In Stand on Guard, Stephanie Carvin sets out to explain the range of activities considered national security threats by...... more

    Salvation in the South Seas: A Story of Fiji

    Salvation in the South Seas: A Story of Fiji

    • 優惠價: 1045
    It’’s Been Four Billion Years: The Story of Life on Earth a Million Years at a Time

    It’’s Been Four Billion Years: The Story of Life on Earth a Million Years at a Time

    • 優惠價: 1097
    The Pink Pig: A Lesson in Stewardship

    The Pink Pig: A Lesson in Stewardship

    • 優惠價: 935
    Two Stories of Puerto Rico: Carlos of Puerto Rico / Luis and El Toro

    Two Stories of Puerto Rico: Carlos of Puerto Rico / Luis and El Toro

    • 優惠價: 1265
    The Pink Pig: A Story of Stewardship

    The Pink Pig: A Story of Stewardship

    • 優惠價: 1097
    Ly Huy’’s Escape: A Story of Vietnam

    Ly Huy’’s Escape: A Story of Vietnam

    • 優惠價: 1045
    A Miracle for Samuelito: A Story of Mexico

    A Miracle for Samuelito: A Story of Mexico

    • 優惠價: 1430
    Doming, the Popsicle Boy: A Story of the Philippines

    Doming, the Popsicle Boy: A Story of the Philippines

    • 優惠價: 1430
    Whiter than Snow

    Whiter than Snow

    • 優惠價: 1045
    Pilgrim’’s Progess: Adapted for Children

    Pilgrim’’s Progess: Adapted for Children

    • 優惠價: 1045
    Praying Hyde: Missionary to India

    Praying Hyde: Missionary to India

    • 優惠價: 825
    Rainbow Garden: Elaine’’s Search for Joy

    Rainbow Garden: Elaine’’s Search for Joy

    • 優惠價: 1265
    The Walking Umbrella / Antonio of Brazil

    The Walking Umbrella / Antonio of Brazil

    • 優惠價: 825
    Oh Mother, That Man’s Here Again!!: The Christmas Cards of Charles W. Carvin

    Oh Mother, That Man’s Here Again!!: The Christmas Cards of Charles W. Carvin

    • 優惠價: 1537
    Salvation in the South Seas: A Story of Fiji

    Salvation in the South Seas: A Story of Fiji

    • 優惠價: 825
    Boy Afraid

    Boy Afraid

    • 優惠價: 825
    A Piece of the Pie: The Story of Customer Service at Publix

    A Piece of the Pie: The Story of Customer Service at Publix

    • 優惠價: 657


    • 優惠價: 760


    • 優惠價: 763
    No Tree for Christmas and Peggy’’s Christmas Stocking: Two Christmas Short Stories

    No Tree for Christmas and Peggy’’s Christmas Stocking: Two Christmas Short Stories

    • 優惠價: 825
    A Miracle for Samuelito: A Story of Mexico

    A Miracle for Samuelito: A Story of Mexico

    • 優惠價: 1045
    Ly Huy’’s Escape: A Story of Vietnam

    Ly Huy’’s Escape: A Story of Vietnam

    • 優惠價: 1045
    Law, Science, Liberalism, and the American Way of Warfare: The Quest for Humanity in Conflict

    Law, Science, Liberalism, and the American Way of Warfare: The Quest for Humanity in Conflict

    • 優惠價: 6180
    Law, Science, Liberalism and the American Way of Warfare: The Quest for Humanity in Conflict

    Law, Science, Liberalism and the American Way of Warfare: The Quest for Humanity in Conflict

    • 優惠價: 1559
    Paul Harris and the Birth of Rotary

    Paul Harris and the Birth of Rotary

    • 優惠價: 1375

    In 1905, Paul Harris started a movement that today is one of the world’s premiere service organizati... more

    Top Secret Canada: Understanding the Canadian Intelligence and National Security Community

    Top Secret Canada: Understanding the Canadian Intelligence and National Security Community

    • 優惠價: 2397

    National security in the interest of preserving the well-being of a country is arguably the first an... more

    Stand on Guard: Reassessing National Security Threats to Canada

    Stand on Guard: Reassessing National Security Threats to Canada

    • 優惠價: 5100
    No Darkness At All

    No Darkness At All

    • 優惠價: 1097
    On the Trail with Boots McFarland: Volume 1

    On the Trail with Boots McFarland: Volume 1

    • 優惠價: 604
    No Darkness At All: Adapted from Star of Light by Patricia St. John

    No Darkness At All: Adapted from Star of Light by Patricia St. John

    • 優惠價: 1100
    Prisoners of America Wars: From the Early Republic to Guantanamo

    Prisoners of America Wars: From the Early Republic to Guantanamo

    • 優惠價: 1235
    Prisoners of America’’s Wars: From the Early Republic to Guantanamo

    Prisoners of America’’s Wars: From the Early Republic to Guantanamo

    • 優惠價: 1235

    Prisoners of war have featured in virtually every conflict that the US has engaged in since its revo... more

    Conrad Saves Pinger Park

    Conrad Saves Pinger Park

    • 優惠價: 340
    Top Secret Canada: Understanding the Canadian Intelligence and National Security Community

    Top Secret Canada: Understanding the Canadian Intelligence and National Security Community

    • 優惠價: 4500


    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    漂亮革命。本書作者安迪.卡文(Andy Carvin)——被《衛報》譽為「推特革命的人」——別開生面地以第一人稱視角,帶領讀者目擊阿拉伯之春。 從埃及到利比亞到敘利亞,安迪.卡文鍥而不捨地即時報導改寫了人們的新聞經驗。不再只是消費者,而是...... more



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