
    您輸入的關鍵字: Cell


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    重組世界Rebuild World (4)

    重組世界Rebuild World (4)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    為了追尋舊文明遺產,獵人們爭相挺進大量遺跡的世界。 在逐漸熟悉了新裝備的強化服之際,阿基拉承接了來自獵人辦公室的委託。 內容是久我間山都市周邊的巡邏任務,而任務也順利進行著。 但是委託突然... more

    重組世界Rebuild World (3)

    重組世界Rebuild World (3)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    為了追尋舊文明遺產,獵人們爭相挺進大量遺跡的世界。 在荒野進行訓練的阿基拉,聽到阿爾法突然大叫一聲後,立刻趕往崩原街遺跡。 在遺跡那裡有一台拖車正遭受怪物的襲擊, 而阿基拉也已經被怪物群捉... more

    重組世界Rebuild World (1)

    重組世界Rebuild World (1)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    這是一個為了追求舊文明的遺產,獵人們拚死踏入眾多遺跡的世界。 出生於貧民窟的少年阿基拉,抱著必死的決心闖入舊世界的遺跡之中, 結果遇見了只有阿基拉能夠看見的神祕美女「阿爾法」。 她願意將力... more

    重組世界Rebuild World (2)

    重組世界Rebuild World (2)

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 126

    這是一個為了追求舊文明的遺產,獵人們拚死踏入眾多遺跡的世界。 阿基拉在接受了阿爾法的委託後,獵人等級也平安晉升到十級。 此時,卻受到了貧民窟幫派的襲擊。 為了讓他們明白襲擊阿基拉是不划算的... more

    重組世界Rebuild World (3) 〈下〉 懸賞目標的討伐邀約

    重組世界Rebuild World (3) 〈下〉 懸賞目標的討伐邀約

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 234

    阿基拉發現的予野塚車站遺跡中出現數隻超大型怪物── 過合成巨蛇、坦克狼蛛、多聯裝砲蝸牛,以及巨人行者, 這些怪物由於非比尋常的強度,被獵人辦公室認定為懸賞目標。 為了討伐超乎常識的怪物,多... more

    重組世界Rebuild World (3) 〈上〉 地下遺跡

    重組世界Rebuild World (3) 〈上〉 地下遺跡

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 234

    阿基拉在靜香的店裡取得新裝備,重新投入獵人工作。 下一個目的地是沉眠於地底的未發現遺跡。 遺物收集牽連了謝麗爾等人;獵人們覬覦未經開發的遺跡,引發騷動; 再加上與克也等人相遇── 沉眠... more

    重組世界Rebuild World 2 〈上〉 舊領域連結者

    重組世界Rebuild World 2 〈上〉 舊領域連結者

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    阿基拉由於在久我間山都市防衛緊急委託任務中活耀,展現出身為獵人驚人的成長。 多蘭卡姆的新手獵人克也對他抱著複雜的想法。 這樣的兩人又在同一個討伐任務中碰頭。殲滅在遺跡裡成群行動的強敵亞拉達蠍子... more

    重組世界Rebuild World 1 〈下〉 逞強荒唐魯莽

    重組世界Rebuild World 1 〈下〉 逞強荒唐魯莽

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 234

    藉由在舊世界遺跡遇到的謎之美女「阿爾法」的幫助,阿基拉終於正式成為獵人。 擁有阿爾法的輔助,加上獲得能給予穿著者驚人身體能力的新裝備「強化服」, 身為獵人的阿基拉有了飛躍性的成長。新的試煉在等... more

    重組世界Rebuild World 2 〈下〉 死後報復委託程式

    重組世界Rebuild World 2 〈下〉 死後報復委託程式

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    掃蕩怪物作戰在阿基拉等人的活躍之下漸漸走向尾聲, 然而那只是未來襲擊阿基拉的無數困難的序幕! 阿基拉在地下街遭遇了身分不明的遺物強盜。 遺物強盜以蕾娜為人質,用計強逼詩織與阿基拉展開兩人都... more

    Louis-Joseph Papineau

    Louis-Joseph Papineau

    • 優惠價: 1317

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Louis-Joseph Papineau

    Louis-Joseph Papineau

    • 優惠價: 1922

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ... more

    Athonite Fathers of the 20th Century, Volume 1

    Athonite Fathers of the 20th Century, Volume 1

    • 優惠價: 1320

    In the lives of twenty-four Athonite Fathers of the twentieth century the reader encounters heaven o... more

    Let That Cancer Go: A Guidebook for Leaving Negative Thoughts Behind and Finding Your Joy Again

    Let That Cancer Go: A Guidebook for Leaving Negative Thoughts Behind and Finding Your Joy Again

    • 優惠價: 912
    Get Money: Self-Educate, Get Rich & Enjoy Life, Vol. 3

    Get Money: Self-Educate, Get Rich & Enjoy Life, Vol. 3

    • 優惠價: 1099
    Get Money: Self-Educate, Get Rich & Enjoy Life, Vol. 2

    Get Money: Self-Educate, Get Rich & Enjoy Life, Vol. 2

    • 優惠價: 1099
    Get Money: Self-Educate, Get Rich & Enjoy Life, Vol. 1

    Get Money: Self-Educate, Get Rich & Enjoy Life, Vol. 1

    • 優惠價: 1099
    How Fargo of You: True Stories from a Place Stranger than Fiction

    How Fargo of You: True Stories from a Place Stranger than Fiction

    • 優惠價: 646
    once again we are here in my head: a book of poetry by my cell phone

    once again we are here in my head: a book of poetry by my cell phone

    • 優惠價: 544
    The Brave And The Woman: A Heartwarming Story

    The Brave And The Woman: A Heartwarming Story

    • 優惠價: 549
    Bringing Life to Completion: Reflections on Living Deeply and Ending Life Well

    Bringing Life to Completion: Reflections on Living Deeply and Ending Life Well

    • 優惠價: 897

    In our quest to live a worthwhile life --one we can affirm with a whole heart --we experience much a... more

    Bringing Life to Completion: Reflections on Living Deeply and Ending Life Well

    Bringing Life to Completion: Reflections on Living Deeply and Ending Life Well

    • 優惠價: 1439

    In our quest to live a worthwhile life --one we can affirm with a whole heart --we experience much a... more

    Engineering Problems - Illustrating Mathematics

    Engineering Problems - Illustrating Mathematics

    • 優惠價: 1539
    Cell and Molecular Biology of Endometrial Carcinoma

    Cell and Molecular Biology of Endometrial Carcinoma

    • 優惠價: 11000

    The 15th International Symposium of the Japan Human Cell Society on Cell and Molecular Biology of Endometrial Carcinoma...... more

    Hailey: A Study in British Imperialism, 1872 1969

    Hailey: A Study in British Imperialism, 1872 1969

    • 優惠價: 2819

    century on two continents. John W. Cell, Professor of History at Duke University, has written three books in the fields of...... more

    Cell and Molecular Biology of the Ear

    Cell and Molecular Biology of the Ear

    • 優惠價: 11000

    success with prosthetic and device research, the Institute began cultivating a new field of endeavor-cell and molecular...... more

    The Functional Roles of Glial Cells in Health and Disease: Dialogue Between Glia and Neurons

    The Functional Roles of Glial Cells in Health and Disease: Dialogue Between Glia and Neurons

    • 優惠價: 13199

    properties and functions of neuroglial cells, very few neuro- scientists were impressed at the time with the hypothesis that...... more

    Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association

    Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association

    • 優惠價: 4950

    Animal cell technology is a newly growing discipline of cell biology which aims not only to understand structure...... more

    Animal Cell Technology: From Vaccines to Genetic Medicine

    Animal Cell Technology: From Vaccines to Genetic Medicine

    • 優惠價: 19799

    Animal cell technology has undergone a rapid transformation over the last decade from a research tool and highly...... more

    Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Volume 5

    Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Volume 5

    • 優惠價: 5940

    Preface. I: Cell Characterization. II: Expression of Recombinant Animal Genes in Cultured Cells. III: Cell Culture for...... more

    Hailey: A Study in British Imperialism, 1872-1969

    Hailey: A Study in British Imperialism, 1872-1969

    • 優惠價: 6450

    century on two continents. John W. Cell, Professor of History at Duke University, has written three books in the fields of...... more

    Animal Cell Culture and Production of Biologicals, Volume 3

    Animal Cell Culture and Production of Biologicals, Volume 3

    • 優惠價: 5940

    I. Control of Animal Cell Growth.- Novel Specific Inhibitors for Analysis of Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Control.- II. New...... more

    The Rediscovery of John Wesley

    The Rediscovery of John Wesley

    • 優惠價: 4439

    Originally published in 1935 by Henry Holt and Company, this insightful and groundbreaking volume is... more

    The Highest Stage of White Supremacy

    The Highest Stage of White Supremacy

    • 優惠價: 1140

    twentieth-century patterns of race relations to the continuation of earlier social norms and attitudes, Cell understands segregation as...... more

    English Enterprise in Newfoundland 1577-1660

    English Enterprise in Newfoundland 1577-1660

    • 優惠價: 2397

    Between 1577 and 1660 Newfoundland emerged from relative obscurity to become the centre of a booming... more

    重組世界Rebuild World 1 〈上〉 誘惑亡靈

    重組世界Rebuild World 1 〈上〉 誘惑亡靈

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 216

    這是為了追求舊文明遺產,獵人們爭相挺進大量遺跡的世界。 菜鳥獵人阿基拉為了脫離貧民窟出人頭地,賭命踏入舊世界遺跡, 結果遇見全裸佇立於該處的謎之美女「阿爾法」。 她表示願意幫助阿基拉,但委... more

    Being Fargo: A Memoir

    Being Fargo: A Memoir

    • 優惠價: 684
    Una vacanza tra i monti

    Una vacanza tra i monti

    • 優惠價: 3785
    Surprise at the Intersection of Phenomenology and Linguistics

    Surprise at the Intersection of Phenomenology and Linguistics

    • 優惠價: 5434
    Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Crosslinguistic Perspectives

    Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Crosslinguistic Perspectives

    • 優惠價: 6004
    Sikkim Human Development Report 2014: Expanding Opportunities, Promoting Sustainability

    Sikkim Human Development Report 2014: Expanding Opportunities, Promoting Sustainability

    • 優惠價: 9000

    This report brings together the findings of a decade-long field survey conducted in the Indian state... more

    Expressing and Describing Surprise

    Expressing and Describing Surprise

    • 優惠價: 5130
    The Art of 5th Cell

    The Art of 5th Cell

    • 優惠價: 1520
    Connectives As Discourse Landmarks

    Connectives As Discourse Landmarks

    • 優惠價: 5662
    Hormone-Related Tumors: Novel Approaches to Prevention and Treatment

    Hormone-Related Tumors: Novel Approaches to Prevention and Treatment

    • 優惠價: 5130
    Landmark Papers in Cell Biology: Selected Research Articles Celebrating Forty Years of the American Society for Cell

    Landmark Papers in Cell Biology: Selected Research Articles Celebrating Forty Years of the American Society for Cell

    • 優惠價: 1710
    Information Processing in Cells and Tissues

    Information Processing in Cells and Tissues

    • 優惠價: 4950

    . Rosentiel. Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in Pancreatic beta-Cells Explained by Chay’s Store-Operated Model; T.R. Chay. Towards...... more

    Organizational Life: Learning to Be Self-Directed

    Organizational Life: Learning to Be Self-Directed

    • 優惠價: 6960
    Organizational Life: Learning to Be Self-Directed

    Organizational Life: Learning to Be Self-Directed

    • 優惠價: 4679
    Methods in Plant Cell Biology

    Methods in Plant Cell Biology

    • 優惠價: 4066
    Parallels in Cell to Cell Junctions in Plants and Animals

    Parallels in Cell to Cell Junctions in Plants and Animals

    • 優惠價: 4370
    Peter of Celle: Selected Works

    Peter of Celle: Selected Works

    • 優惠價: 416
    Daily Readings from Quaker Spirituality

    Daily Readings from Quaker Spirituality

    • 優惠價: 188
    Learning to Learn from Experience

    Learning to Learn from Experience

    • 優惠價: 2097

    Our success in life and living depends largely on our ability to learn from experience. Direct conta... more

    Newfoundland Discovered: English Attempts at Colonisation, 1610-1630

    Newfoundland Discovered: English Attempts at Colonisation, 1610-1630

    • 優惠價: 10200



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