
    您輸入的關鍵字: Designs


    搜尋結果共 48381 筆, 頁數 1 / 807



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    神級插畫師 IC4Design 耗時 2 年 3 個月隆重鉅獻 要來挑戰台灣讀者的偵探力 請你讀故事、接下尋寶任務、走出歌劇城迷宮、奪回迷宮石! 賭上你的偵探名聲,用上所有的專注力與觀察力吧! 【故事緣起】 在歌劇城...... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 374

    “inspiration”直覺式選擇 新感覺的配色設計書,配色範本4,199款, 想要的配色一翻就能找到! 學習色彩搭配的基本知識&思考方式的最佳指南 從你喜歡的顏色開始檢索查找, ... more

    小水豚教你做網站! 輕鬆學好 HTML / CSS 網頁設計

    小水豚教你做網站! 輕鬆學好 HTML / CSS 網頁設計

    • 優惠價: 79 折, 458

    ★★★★★日本暢銷突破 3 萬冊!史上最可愛的網頁設計書來啦! 怎樣都學不會 HTML 和 CSS?別放棄,跟著可愛的水豚君一起學習吧! 現在人人都需要在網路上自我宣傳和賣東西,做個網站來推銷自... more

    食物設計Design Beyond Food:台灣第一本「食物設計」實戰聖經

    食物設計Design Beyond Food:台灣第一本「食物設計」實戰聖經

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 792

    Design Beyond Food ——為食物而設計—— 以食物為核心 透過「設計」將飲食情境化、儀式化、表演化… 以激發六感、深化體驗、吃出美味又永續的未來! 「食物設計」是近年極受矚目的風潮——食物早已不只是一日三餐或單純感官...... more

    新手學英文書法的第一堂課:Engrosser’s Script

    新手學英文書法的第一堂課:Engrosser’s Script

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 342

    集結多年教學經驗,完整不藏私大公開 無論初入門或想更進階者,都必備的教學書 ◎由台灣老師為本地讀者寫作的沾水筆書法專書 幾不老師累積多年沾水筆教學經驗,知道對入門者而言最困難的筆順是哪些,也知... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 284

    常奇妙的作品,作者是在國際獲獎無數的IC4design。他們曾獲選為全球 200 家最佳插畫師(2009/2010年度),但大家之所以認識他們,是因為他們創作過很多很繁複又有無數細節的作品,散見於知名品牌的廣告稿。2014 年他們在日本出版...... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 355

    ★世紀最強禮物書★ 粉絲詢問度破表!迷宮偵探「皮爾」回應了 …… 皮爾:我即將在天空之城出現,來找我吧! ★世界頂級插畫家IC4DESIGN★ 兩年鉅獻最美的天空之城迷宮書,激發每個人的觀察力與專注力。 一個迷宮可以玩上一小時,即使一玩...... more

    可愛手作.珠繡緣飾Lesson Two:刺繡×串珠×可愛圖案&美麗花樣112 全圖解愛藏版

    可愛手作.珠繡緣飾Lesson Two:刺繡×串珠×可愛圖案&美麗花樣112 全圖解愛藏版

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    112款各具特色的民族服飾娃娃、可口的甜點、 繽紛溫暖的北歐風羊毛繡圖案&雅致緣飾…… 縫上迷你可愛的珠繡圖案,讓布作衣飾煥然一新吧! 本書延續《氣質手作.珠繡緣飾Lesson One》的珠繡主題... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 351

    從包裝製作的基礎到實踐,專為商品企劃者、設計師編輯的決定版! 第2版在長銷型包裝與應用範例上做了大篇幅更新, 挖掘出不少的包裝設計秘密,非常值得大家去研讀與參考! 不善於商品包裝設計者有福了! ... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 877

    ★世紀最強禮物書:迷宮偵探經典全3冊,一次擁有★ 跟著迷宮偵探「皮爾」走進迷宮裡,一起實現找寶物、當偵探的願望。 ★世界頂級插畫家IC4DESIGN★ 耗時2年3個月的45幅壯觀大迷宮,激發每個人的觀察力與專注力。 一個...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 359

    提升設計的最佳捷徑就是不斷地多做! ★練習設計所需要的題材/素材/文字/完成範本全都齊備,現在立刻就可以開始模仿練習! ★練習模仿設計、掌握基本技術,提升設計力目標達成! 即使閱讀了設... more

    比稿囉!設計智囊團全員集合!:1 個文案、6 大主題、4 顆不同的設計腦。同樣的素材與文案,運用方式竟如此截然不同!

    比稿囉!設計智囊團全員集合!:1 個文案、6 大主題、4 顆不同的設計腦。同樣的素材與文案,運用方式竟如此截然不同!

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 522

    廣納30項全方位主題.120 種詳解範例 1 個文案、6 大主題、4 顆不同的設計腦 比稿形式,多款設計排版,強力拓展靈活思維 美食、美容、旅行、生活……各類商業設計的絕佳破題技術 同樣的素材與文... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    ★日本熱銷系列累計突破30萬冊★ (初學者沒問題!) (想重新徹底學習的人也超歡迎!) (值得一再參考的工具書!) 從基礎徹底學會數位繪圖! 立刻實現想像中的設計作品! 完... more



    • 優惠價: 75 折, 374

    「啊!就是這個感覺。」 將腦海裡的形象直接輸出, 翻閱書頁時馬上獲得最佳配色靈感。 暢銷書《好設計の配色圖鑑》第2彈! 學習色彩搭配的基本知識&思考方式的最佳指南 直覺式使用的配色範本4,1... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 359

    只要意識到「概念」,設計就會變得更好! ★練習設計所需要的題材/素材/文字/完成範本全都齊備,現在立刻就可以開始模仿練習! ★模仿是提升設計的最短捷徑。一定會發現到某些光用觀看無法了解的事情... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 378

    全作法實拍圖解輕鬆看懂, 一次學會多款有型耐用的旅行包製作, 超強隔層設計、靈活收納概念,玩出有意思的機縫包創意。 為了旅行的特別日子,也為東西太多但想俐落出門時的日常而設計。優雅從容,智慧收納,... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 315

    做設計一定要學的斷捨離&加減法! 加法≠填滿留白、拼命裝飾 減法≠低調至上、缺乏印象 平面設計中,究竟該如何加?如何刪? 日本設計師給你一款兩風格 更有疑難雜症諮商室,提出大解惑 加法=華麗歡樂,... more



    • 優惠價: 7 折, 266

    超現實の華麗紙藝 巧手打造超大朵紙花の異想世界 ※素材容易取得/製作方法簡單/裝飾效果超乎想像! ※婚禮會場/宴會派對/攝影佈景道具/主題活動/展場裝飾…… 「好大朵的花啊!」 以令人... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    滿足客戶常見的7大不明確需求。 可依照風格做查詢の設計對應詞典。 你說想要“可愛的„設計是指什麼……? 本書將收到客戶委託設計時常見的7種設計風格需求分成不同章節,各個需求都列舉了數種答案... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 522

    全球暢銷百萬冊、超過數千位家長實證、英國最受歡迎的超級保母, 傳授新手爸媽最輕鬆、得心應手有效的「滿意小寶寶」育兒秘訣! .分辨寶寶肚子餓、疲憊、不舒服間的不同反應 .建立符合寶寶自然節奏的良好餵食及... more

    Rem Koolhaas. Elements of Architecture

    Rem Koolhaas. Elements of Architecture

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 4037

    , this is an essential toolkit to understanding the fundamentals that comprise structure around the globe. Designed by Irma...... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 418

    京都的商業是有著既讓人感受到歷史傳統的東西,又讓現代的我們能為之著迷。其慎重地保護生活文化傳統要素的同時,持續接納新的人和素材‧技術來革新。充分靈活運用各式各樣的設計所擁有價值創造力以及交流力量,將其... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1080

    涵蓋人聲×音效×音樂 3大範疇 影視、戲劇、動畫、遊戲…… 所有音頻創作者的聽覺體驗設計權威指南 史蒂芬.史匹柏說:聲音比影像更能引領觀眾融入故事! 《影視聲音設計》是國際公認的聲音設計教科書,內容涵... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 144

    位於地震帶的島國日本,和英國一樣存在皇室的日本,擁有武士道精神的日本,本書搭配可愛的圖畫,介紹了關於日本形形色色的資訊,快來一探究竟吧!... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1440

    大雄設計回歸設計的原點, 試圖尋覓可以被停留、依附、共同記憶或是欣賞的可能性, 找到文化與歷史的注入,當代與前衛的共存, 萃取記憶的歷程,將最小的因子化做最大的結果, 醞釀抽象與意象,寓情于景、以景托... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 523

    本書是協助您在設計時挑選理想顏色與圖案的全方位指南(內含互動示光碟) 以和諧色與對比色概念為基礎。本書按照時尚、流行、裝飾、東方風、自然感與工業化的標題,來安排色彩與圖案的組合,進而為色彩與圖案的趨勢... more

    These Are the Avengers

    These Are the Avengers

    • 優惠價: 83 折, 126

    The Marvel Heroes of Reading line of early readers is designed to offer reluctant readers, specifically boys, books...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    神奇寶貝袋裡面有兩本小書,適合寶寶的小手翻玩、一看再看。其中一本需要動腦猜一猜,另外一本,這些事物會再一次出現。好玩又能認識事物,適合洗澡的時候翻看,用餐的時候把玩,也不怕弄髒小手。... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 300

    怪獸入侵森林!動物們不再快樂、每天唉聲嘆氣。 聽說「夢幻森林」充滿著不可思議,是個沒有汙染、充滿鳥語花香的地方。 於是,動物們決定搬家到夢幻森林! 不過,前往森林一定要穿越過馬路, 該... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 315

    隨書贈送!「喵屋 meow House貓抓板」, 讓貓星人盡情磨爪玩high! (尺寸:37*14*4cm,長纖維無毒環保再造材質) 隨書贈送!「喵屋 meow House」100元現金折價優惠! ... more

    Pierre the Maze Detective: The Mystery of the Empire Maze Tower

    Pierre the Maze Detective: The Mystery of the Empire Maze Tower

    • 優惠價: 824

    seek-and-find challenges in a series of IC4DESIGN s trademark and popular detailed cityscapes. A page of answers with the routes...... more

    乙級印前製程術科必攻秘笈含線上學科題庫 - 使用Photoshop / InDesign / Illustrator - 最新版 (第三版)- 附MOSME行動學習一點通:評量.影音.加值

    乙級印前製程術科必攻秘笈含線上學科題庫 - 使用Photoshop / InDesign / Illustrator - 最新版 (第三版)- 附MOSME行動學習一點通:評量.影音.加值

    • 優惠價: 9 折, 495

    1.依據勞動部最新公告術科試題編寫,完整收錄試題解析。 2.著重概念引導與步驟分析,Step by Step方式逐步建構,簡單易學。 3.提供範例線上下載,除素材檔案可供練習使用之外,另有解題... more

    Be Your Own Wildflower: 30 Daily Affirmation Cards Inspired by Holly Ringland’s Beloved Book the Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

    Be Your Own Wildflower: 30 Daily Affirmation Cards Inspired by Holly Ringland’s Beloved Book the Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 554

    30 daily affirmation cards inspired by the beloved book The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart Following the... more

    1000 garment graphics

    1000 garment graphics

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 817

    1,000個最佳的服裝圖案藝術設計 本書1000個作品範例,內容包括---T恤、提袋、圍巾、褲子、皮帶…等,以多元化的設計樣式圖案 元素為本書蒐集的特色。... more

    Unicorns, Dragons and More Fantasy Amigurumi: Bring 14 Magical Characters to Life!

    Unicorns, Dragons and More Fantasy Amigurumi: Bring 14 Magical Characters to Life!

    • 優惠價: 720

    Crochet 14 magical fantasy amigurumi! Whip out your crochet hook and summon your coziest chair: the ... more

    Gnomes, homes and friends volume 1

    Gnomes, homes and friends volume 1

    • 優惠價: 1330

    Created for those who love the gnomes and myths that are hidden just around the corner. Use colored ... more

    Gnomes, homes and friends volume 2

    Gnomes, homes and friends volume 2

    • 優惠價: 1330

    Created to share some of the myths in the world of the gnomes and their friends hidden just around t... more

    Levanter Lifestyle Journal, Blank Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, Wide Ruled, Size (A5) 6 x 9 In (Green)

    Levanter Lifestyle Journal, Blank Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, Wide Ruled, Size (A5) 6 x 9 In (Green)

    • 優惠價: 932

    Beautiful design with 144 sheets, durable perfect bound paperback cover finish. The booklet is portable (6 x 9 Inches...... more

    Best Mom Lifestyle Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, 288 Pages, Wide Ruled, Size 6 x 9 Inch (A5) Hardcover (Olive Green)

    Best Mom Lifestyle Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, 288 Pages, Wide Ruled, Size 6 x 9 Inch (A5) Hardcover (Olive Green)

    • 優惠價: 1738

    Professional layout with elegant pattern design cover finish. Perfect notebook for planning, journaling, sketching or...... more

    The Hitchhiker’’s Guide to PCB Design

    The Hitchhiker’’s Guide to PCB Design

    • 優惠價: 2199

    detailed illustrations, you’ll gain decades of wisdom in a fraction of the time. Read the Hitchhikers Guide to PCB Design to be...... more

    Egg Hunt Lifestyle Journal, Blank Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, Wide Ruled, Size (A5) 6 x 9 In (Royal Blue)

    Egg Hunt Lifestyle Journal, Blank Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, Wide Ruled, Size (A5) 6 x 9 In (Royal Blue)

    • 優惠價: 932

    Beautiful design with 144 sheets, durable perfect bound paperback cover finish. The booklet is portable (6 x 9 Inches...... more

    Super Animals Coloring Book

    Super Animals Coloring Book

    • 優惠價: 439

    . Unleash your creativity and bring each hero to life with bold colors. With 50 simple and easy designs, printed single-sided on...... more

    Easter Fever Lifestyle Journal, Blank Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, Wide Ruled, Size (A5) 6 x 9 In (Green)

    Easter Fever Lifestyle Journal, Blank Write-in Notebook, Dotted Lines, Wide Ruled, Size (A5) 6 x 9 In (Green)

    • 優惠價: 932

    Beautiful design with 144 sheets, durable perfect bound paperback cover finish. The booklet is portable (6 x 9 Inches...... more

    High Desert Retreat: Aidlin Darling Design

    High Desert Retreat: Aidlin Darling Design

    • 優惠價: 1710

    desolate desert landscape - With insight from the team at Aidlin Darling Design, this title includes drawings, sketches, and...... more

    North American Wildlife Coloring Book for Young Outdoor Adventurers: Color & Learn about Deer, Fish, Ducks, Bears, Trout, and Geese

    North American Wildlife Coloring Book for Young Outdoor Adventurers: Color & Learn about Deer, Fish, Ducks, Bears, Trout, and Geese

    • 優惠價: 570

    Dedicated to educating youth on the importance of conservation and protecting our natural resources,... more

    Pierre the Maze Detective: The Curious Case of the Castle in the Sky

    Pierre the Maze Detective: The Curious Case of the Castle in the Sky

    • 優惠價: 760

    "Pierre the Maze Detective is on the case again! Arriving in Canal City to see the unveiling of the ... more

    Journey Through Tea: A Collection of Riddles, Puzzles, Trivia and Coloring Pages

    Journey Through Tea: A Collection of Riddles, Puzzles, Trivia and Coloring Pages

    • 優惠價: 494

    "Journey through Tea: A Collection of Facts, Riddles, Puzzles, Trivia and Coloring Pages" Immerse yo... more

    Coffee Is My Therapy Coloring Book

    Coffee Is My Therapy Coloring Book

    • 優惠價: 769

    . The designs are intentionally simple, inviting you to enjoy a relaxing coloring experience without any complexity. Coffee...... more

    Nuthin’ But Mech 3: Sketches and Renderings

    Nuthin’ But Mech 3: Sketches and Renderings

    • 優惠價: 1062

    the eponymous blog started by designer Lorin Wood in 2009 to create a place for his friends, colleagues, and acquaintances...... more

    Activity Book for Kids Ages 3-5: Puzzles for Children Preschoolers & Toddlers with Coloring, Tracing, Dot to Dot, Mazes, Counting

    Activity Book for Kids Ages 3-5: Puzzles for Children Preschoolers & Toddlers with Coloring, Tracing, Dot to Dot, Mazes, Counting

    • 優惠價: 418

    Are you looking for a fun activity book that will keep your child engaged and entertained for hours?... more

    Christmas Activity Book for Kids Ages 6-8: Children Puzzles Activities: Coloring, Mazes Games, Spot The Differences, Dot to Dot, Word Searches, Crossw

    Christmas Activity Book for Kids Ages 6-8: Children Puzzles Activities: Coloring, Mazes Games, Spot The Differences, Dot to Dot, Word Searches, Crossw

    • 優惠價: 418

    are designed to entertain kids of ages 6-8 years, allowing them to explore the festive spirit of Christmas while...... more

    Christmas Activity Book for Kids Ages 4-6: Children Workbook Games Activities: Coloring, Mazes, Spot The Difference, Tracing, Counting, Dot to Dot, Dr

    Christmas Activity Book for Kids Ages 4-6: Children Workbook Games Activities: Coloring, Mazes, Spot The Difference, Tracing, Counting, Dot to Dot, Dr

    • 優惠價: 418

    difference Drawing games What fits together Search shadows Find the pair Pattern games These activities are designed to entertain...... more

    Ride: Futuristic Electric Motorcycle Concept

    Ride: Futuristic Electric Motorcycle Concept

    • 優惠價: 948

    The field of design combines the talent of an artist, the intuition and awareness of what the future could be...... more

    Surf Princess (Barbie)

    Surf Princess (Barbie)

    • 優惠價: 228

    Girls ages 4 to 6 will love learning to read with this Step 2 reader based on Barbie s latest direct... more

    Advent Calendar Activity Book for Kids Ages 5-8: Activities for Countdown to Christmas for Children: Mazes Games, Spot the Differences Puzzles, Crossw

    Advent Calendar Activity Book for Kids Ages 5-8: Activities for Countdown to Christmas for Children: Mazes Games, Spot the Differences Puzzles, Crossw

    • 優惠價: 494

    ? - Promote fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. - Promotes logical thinking and concentration. - The lovingly designed...... more

    Advent Calendar Activity Book for Kids Ages 3-5: Workbook Countdown to Christmas for Children with many Activities: Mazes Games, Spot the Difference P

    Advent Calendar Activity Book for Kids Ages 3-5: Workbook Countdown to Christmas for Children with many Activities: Mazes Games, Spot the Difference P

    • 優惠價: 494

    concentration. - The lovingly designed illustrations can also be colored and encourage creativity. - Each day has 4 pages of puzzles...... more

    Display, Commercial Space & Sign Design

    Display, Commercial Space & Sign Design

    • 優惠價: 1200

    本書為全球最著名的展示設計年鑑,集結了從日本展示設計大獎、產業獎、協會獎、標誌設計獎等競賽中脫穎而出的入選和獲獎作品,內容豐富具有相當的可看性,是日本商業空間環境設計協會年度作品精選,也是設計師們的必... more

    It’s Always Spritz O’Clock Somewhere: Classic Cocktail Recipes from Where You’d Rather Be

    It’s Always Spritz O’Clock Somewhere: Classic Cocktail Recipes from Where You’d Rather Be

    • 優惠價: 646

    Classic cocktail recipes from where you’d rather be. A bellini in Buenos Aires. A mimosa in Barcelon... more

    Underwater Alphabets

    Underwater Alphabets

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    "Underwater Alphabets: Trace the Shark Wonders" is an exciting journey through the ocean world, wher... more

    Bohemian Patchwork Quilt Coloring Book

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    relaxation for all ages! Immerse yourself in the intricate tapestry of Bohemian-inspired designs, thoughtfully curated to offer...... more


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