

    您輸入的關鍵字: Franz Urban


    搜尋結果共 3 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    European Union Intergovernmental Conferences: Domestic Preference Formation, Transgovernmental Networks and the Dynamics of Comp

    European Union Intergovernmental Conferences: Domestic Preference Formation, Transgovernmental Networks and the Dynamics of Comp

    • 優惠價: 3417

    This book provides a detailed examination of the complex negotiation processes surrounding intergove... more

    European Union Intergovernmental Conferences: Domestic Preference Formation, Transgovernmental Networks and the Dynamics of Comp

    European Union Intergovernmental Conferences: Domestic Preference Formation, Transgovernmental Networks and the Dynamics of Comp

    • 優惠價: 7700

    This book provides a detailed examination of the complex negotiation processes surrounding intergove... more

    Schubert’s Winterreise: A Winter Journey in Poetry, Image, and Song

    Schubert’s Winterreise: A Winter Journey in Poetry, Image, and Song

    • 優惠價: 1710

    Winterreise is perhaps the greatest song cycle ever written. Franz Schubert set to music the evocative poetry of his...... more


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