

    您輸入的關鍵字: Ileana (TRN)


    搜尋結果共 5 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    Kiss Me: Confessions of a Bare-footed Leper

    Kiss Me: Confessions of a Bare-footed Leper

    • 優惠價: 822

    Renown for his plays depicting the socio-cultural context of modern society after the fall of Commun... more

    Women, Guerrillas, and Love: Understanding War in Central America

    Women, Guerrillas, and Love: Understanding War in Central America

    • 優惠價: 3000

    ? Ileana Rodriguez pursues this question through a reading of "politically committed" literature--texts produced within the...... more

    Mr. Darcy, vampiro / Mr. Darcy, Vampyre

    Mr. Darcy, vampiro / Mr. Darcy, Vampyre

    • 優惠價: 910
    The March to the Stars

    The March to the Stars

    • 優惠價: 630
    To Kill a Serpent in the Shell

    To Kill a Serpent in the Shell

    • 優惠價: 758

    To Kill a Serpent in the Shell dramatizes the final year of Tsarevna So fia s regency, interrogating... more



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