

    您輸入的關鍵字: Jacques-Philippe


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    Iac. Cornuti ... Canadensium Plantarum, Aliarúmque Nondum Editarum Historia

    Iac. Cornuti ... Canadensium Plantarum, Aliarúmque Nondum Editarum Historia

    • 優惠價: 1867

    drawings. Jacques Philippe Cornuti has meticulously documented every plant species he encountered in his travels across Canada...... more

    Iac. Cornuti ... Canadensium Plantarum, Aliarúmque Nondum Editarum Historia

    Iac. Cornuti ... Canadensium Plantarum, Aliarúmque Nondum Editarum Historia

    • 優惠價: 1262

    drawings. Jacques Philippe Cornuti has meticulously documented every plant species he encountered in his travels across Canada...... more

    Zone Diet: The Most Effective Weight Loss Tool Ever Explanation Of The Basic Principles And Workings (A Comprehensive Guide Conta

    Zone Diet: The Most Effective Weight Loss Tool Ever Explanation Of The Basic Principles And Workings (A Comprehensive Guide Conta

    • 優惠價: 456

    This book analyzes the blue zone diet, including its benefits, healthy and appetizing blue zone meal... more

    Humanness and Dehumanization

    Humanness and Dehumanization

    • 優惠價: 7975

    What does it mean to be human? Why do people dehumanize others (and sometimes themselves)? These que... more

    Humanness and Dehumanization

    Humanness and Dehumanization

    • 優惠價: 3244

    What does it mean to be human? Why do people dehumanize others (and sometimes themselves)? These que... more

    Barack (Hebrew:lightning) Obama

    Barack (Hebrew:lightning) Obama

    • 優惠價: 809
    Barack (Hebrew:lightning) Obama

    Barack (Hebrew:lightning) Obama

    • 優惠價: 1529
    Intergroup Misunderstandings: Impact of Divergent Social Realities

    Intergroup Misunderstandings: Impact of Divergent Social Realities

    • 優惠價: 10800

    The objectives of the volume are to direct the field’s attention to the unique value of studying int... more

    Intergroup Misunderstandings: Impact of Divergent Social Realities

    Intergroup Misunderstandings: Impact of Divergent Social Realities

    • 優惠價: 3839

    The objectives of the volume are to direct the field’s attention to the unique value of studying int... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 270

    ★ 獻給認真追尋,渴望與主相知相遇的你 ★ 絕妙闡釋何謂祈禱、如何祈禱的啟蒙書 ★ 靈修導師雅格.斐理神父集大成代表作 從愛出發,在心靈深處與祂相遇。 祈禱能真正改變你的生命。 與... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 162

    小書所要指引的即是此道。透過具體的日常生活,作者要我們靠著福音行動。既然內心平安純粹來自天主,我們就要在主內不停地尋求,以常保平心靜氣!本書的目的就在幫助我們找到平安,並且擁有平安。 作者簡介 雅格?斐理(Jacques Philippe...... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 171

    」。 作者簡介 雅格.斐理(Jacques Philippe)神父 法國人,一九八五年在真福團晉鐸後,於法國境內及許多國家帶領避靜。他的書已被譯成廿多種語言。...... more


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