
    您輸入的關鍵字: Joseph W. H.


    搜尋結果共 4 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    Weber And Persistence of Religion: Social Theory, Capitalism And the Sublime

    Weber And Persistence of Religion: Social Theory, Capitalism And the Sublime

    • 優惠價: 8250

    There is an increasing interest in religion and belief and the diverse forms these take in the conte... more

    Weber and the Persistence of Religion: Social Theory, Capitalism and the Sublime

    Weber and the Persistence of Religion: Social Theory, Capitalism and the Sublime

    • 優惠價: 1497

    There is an increasing interest in religion and belief and the diverse forms these take in the conte... more

    Turbulent Jets and Plumes: A Lagrangian Approach

    Turbulent Jets and Plumes: A Lagrangian Approach

    • 優惠價: 13199

    Jets and plumes are shear flows produced by momentum and buoyancy forces. Examples include smokestac... more

    River Dynamics and Integrated River Management

    River Dynamics and Integrated River Management

    • 優惠價: 14999

    H.W. Lee is a Chair Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of...... more
