
    您輸入的關鍵字: Lont


    搜尋結果共 5 筆, 頁數 1 / 1

    On the Path of the Lone Wolf

    On the Path of the Lone Wolf

    • 優惠價: 758
    Wake-Up Receiver Based Ultra-Low-Power Wban

    Wake-Up Receiver Based Ultra-Low-Power Wban

    • 優惠價: 6599

    This book presents the cross-layer design and optimization of wake-up receivers for wireless body ar... more

    Wake-up Receiver Based Ultra-Low-Power WBAN

    Wake-up Receiver Based Ultra-Low-Power WBAN

    • 優惠價: 6599

    This book presents the cross-layer design and optimization of wake-up receivers for wireless body ar... more

    Juggling Money: Financial Self-help Organizations And Social Security in Yogyakarta

    Juggling Money: Financial Self-help Organizations And Social Security in Yogyakarta

    • 優惠價: 2400

    This social-anthropological study, focusing on urban Indonesia, examines a variety of financial self... more

    Livelihood And Microfinance: Anthropological And Sociological Perspectives On Savings And Debt

    Livelihood And Microfinance: Anthropological And Sociological Perspectives On Savings And Debt

    • 優惠價: 2340

    This volume offers a unique perspective on microfinance, an issue traditionally dominated by economi... more



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