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    Tensions of American Federal Democracy: Fragmentation of the State

    Tensions of American Federal Democracy: Fragmentation of the State

    • 優惠價: 7425

    Tensions of American Federal Democracy uses an original analytical framework combined with comparati... more

    Tensions of American Federal Democracy: Fragmentation of the State

    Tensions of American Federal Democracy: Fragmentation of the State

    • 優惠價: 2034

    Tensions of American Federal Democracy uses an original analytical framework combined with comparati... more

    Configurations, Dynamics and Mechanisms of Multilevel Governance

    Configurations, Dynamics and Mechanisms of Multilevel Governance

    • 優惠價: 10199

    This edited volume provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse and multi-faceted research on go... more

    Federal Democracies at Work: Varieties of Complex Government

    Federal Democracies at Work: Varieties of Complex Government

    • 優惠價: 4740

    Scholars widely agree that a federal system cannot work effectively without democracy. As a result o... more



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