

    您輸入的關鍵字: The Siren


    搜尋結果共 679 筆, 頁數 5 / 12

    The Mysterious Siren

    The Mysterious Siren

    • 優惠價: 358

    If you liked Robbery on the Atlantic Special, or the Ridgeville Caper, then be sure to read book two of the series! In...... more

    The Rival Sirens: Performance and Identity on Handel’s Operatic Stage

    The Rival Sirens: Performance and Identity on Handel’s Operatic Stage

    • 優惠價: 6540

    music histories to this day, but it is a fiction. Starting from this misunderstanding, The Rival Sirens suggests that the...... more

     Paradigm of the Art of War

    Paradigm of the Art of War

    • 優惠價: 1557
    The Secret Life of a Teenage Siren

    The Secret Life of a Teenage Siren

    • 優惠價: 675

    barely get the cute guys to notice her, much less go out with her. Then, on her birthday, Roxy is transformed into a siren...... more

    The Legendary House of Sirens

    The Legendary House of Sirens

    • 優惠價: 550
    State Agent, Identity and the "New World Order"

    State Agent, Identity and the "New World Order"

    • 優惠價: 4693
    Gietic: Erotic poems/Kinky short stories

    Gietic: Erotic poems/Kinky short stories

    • 優惠價: 992
    Enterprise 2.0 - The Art of Letting Go

    Enterprise 2.0 - The Art of Letting Go

    • 優惠價: 644

    There is the idea of the different company. A company that after more than 100 years is now turning its back on...... more

    Mystic Siren: Woman’s Voice in the Balance of Creation

    Mystic Siren: Woman’s Voice in the Balance of Creation

    • 優惠價: 998

    from a Jewish point of view, it s major teachings apply to all people. The siren is an important image of women, and this...... more

    Siren’’s Song: Book III of the SOFAR Trilogy

    Siren’’s Song: Book III of the SOFAR Trilogy

    • 優惠價: 1859
    The Medulla Obligation Book Two: To Thrive Within the Song of Nature’s Siren

    The Medulla Obligation Book Two: To Thrive Within the Song of Nature’s Siren

    • 優惠價: 1138

    The Medulla Obligation is the siren of the mating dance. The character of the Medulla Obligation is much more...... more

    小女友 GFRIEND - 回:SONG OF THE SIRENS (韓國進口版) 一般A版

    小女友 GFRIEND - 回:SONG OF THE SIRENS (韓國進口版) 一般A版

    • 優惠價: 748

    產品內容: 版本:A VER. 外盒包裝:218mm x 156mm x 37mm 外盒POP-UP:21種隨機1 寫真書:60頁(150mm x 210mm x 5.5mm) CD:1片 迷你書:1... more

    The Agonist / Lullabies For The Dormant Mind(痛苦終結樂團 / 鎮魂曲)

    The Agonist / Lullabies For The Dormant Mind(痛苦終結樂團 / 鎮魂曲)

    • 優惠價: 368

    Thrash Hits給予4/6高分評鑑。開場 The Tempest (The Siren’s Song; The Banshee’s Cry) 炮火全開毫不保留,強烈攻勢立刻將聽者帶拉入金屬混戰中;足以媲美Angela Gossow怒吼能量的...... more

    Satellite Stories / Phrases to Break the Ice(衛星故事 / 破冰)

    Satellite Stories / Phrases to Break the Ice(衛星故事 / 破冰)

    • 優惠價: 450

    ★ 派對男孩熱度攻佔!芬蘭獨立搖滾樂團首張專輯 ★ 樂天指數直逼The Strokes、Vampire Weekend及Two Door Cinema Club, 收錄北歐風輕狂派對單曲〈Anti-Lover〉及彈跳俏皮作〈Sirens...... more

    Tommy Andrews: The Crux(湯米.安卓 /〈核〉)

    Tommy Andrews: The Crux(湯米.安卓 /〈核〉)

    • 優惠價: 550

    手,年僅25歲的他卻有豐富的經歷,曾在 “BBC Big Band 、英國著名電視選秀節目 “The X Factor 中擔任演奏,並與黃金時段艾美獎最佳迷你影集、電視電影配樂得主Howard Goodall、知名搖滾樂團 “McFLY...... more

    妖女傳說 2 完

    妖女傳說 2 完

    • 優惠價: 85 折, 272

    收錄連續短篇系列《妖女傳說》中, 跨越十年歲月所完成的大長篇「沙漠女王」。 自古以來,在橫越非洲北部至中東的沙漠之中, 有著無數流血事件,同時也催生了許多宗教。 本書便是敘述一位渴求著... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 331

    Fiction」之百大最佳小說 ★科幻界最高榮耀雨果獎年度最佳小說決選名單 ☆啟發科幻經典《銀河便車指南》之作 ☆由邪典電影大師史都華‧戈登改編舞台劇上演 ☆傳奇樂團The Grateful Dead買下電影改編版權 ☆日本電子樂師匠平澤進以專輯...... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 680

    新品上市單筆訂單採訂購數量限制,發售量以實際庫存為主。 線上限定商品, 設計主題以星巴克女神擁抱地球的海底生活故事為發想, 邀請大家一起持續關心環境保護議題,守護美麗地球。 [食品業者登錄字號] A-... more



    • 優惠價: 85 折, 1275

    新品上市單筆訂單採訂購數量限制,發售量以實際庫存為主。 線上限定,同為金星兌換商品。 新上市的人魚小熊口金斜背包。 [食品業者登錄字號] A-116097091-00000-1 [商品檢驗標識字號] ... more

    泰坦星的海妖(現代科幻小說之父撼動文壇、探討自由意志之異色經典) (電子書)

    泰坦星的海妖(現代科幻小說之父撼動文壇、探討自由意志之異色經典) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 258

    Fiction」之百大最佳小說 ★科幻界最高榮耀雨果獎年度最佳小說決選名單 ☆啟發科幻經典《銀河便車指南》之作 ☆由邪典電影大師史都華‧戈登改編舞台劇上演 ☆傳奇樂團The Grateful Dead買下電影改編版權 ☆日本電子樂師匠平澤進以專輯...... more

    選輯 / 星光百老匯金典 (豪華2CD版)(V.A. / Best Of The Best Musicals)

    選輯 / 星光百老匯金典 (豪華2CD版)(V.A. / Best Of The Best Musicals)

    • 優惠價: 599

    【Best Of The Best MUSICALS】為戲迷挑選歷年戲碼中的經典名曲,包括2005-06年間來台公演的「歌劇魅影」、「貓」、「芝加哥」,還有2007春夏即將登場的法國音樂劇史上最大製作戲碼「羅密歐與茱麗葉」以及由ABBA合唱團...... more

    老菸槍雙人組 / 厭世男孩 (日本限定獨佔版)(The Chainsmokers / Sick Boy...Special Edition)

    老菸槍雙人組 / 厭世男孩 (日本限定獨佔版)(The Chainsmokers / Sick Boy...Special Edition)

    • 優惠價: 489

    〉在內等13首排行神曲混音版本 【內附曲目1到10彩色摺頁中/英文歌詞海報 尺寸:29.7x42CM】 葛萊美獎、全美音樂獎、MTV歐洲音樂獎等30項大獎榮耀加冕、屢創排行紀錄超狂EDM雙人組合The Chainsmokers,由Andrew...... more

    老菸槍雙人組 / 厭世男孩 (CD)(The Chainsmokers / Sick Boy)

    老菸槍雙人組 / 厭世男孩 (CD)(The Chainsmokers / Sick Boy)

    • 優惠價: 459

    Owe Me〉、〈Everybody Hates Me〉、〈This Feeling〉等加總突破10億串流暢銷曲目 葛萊美獎、全美音樂獎、MTV歐洲音樂獎等30項大獎榮耀加冕、屢創排行紀錄超狂EDM雙人組合The Chainsmokers,由...... more

    藝術大家系列:史坦威 王者之聲(The Leader of Crossover on Steinway & Sons)

    藝術大家系列:史坦威 王者之聲(The Leader of Crossover on Steinway & Sons)

    • CD , 金革 , 出版日期: 2021-11-01
    • 優惠價: 1850

    (Rhapsody in Blue)〉詮釋到贏得各方佳評盛讚。其中,美國賓州的晨報 (The Morning Call, Pennsylvania) 樂評說法,墨里根的音樂將蓋西文這首作品演奏得狂放不羈且出神入化。作為跨界音樂工作者得此樂評嘉許,自 然對於...... more

    崔維斯史考特 / 烏托邦(Travis Scott / UTOPIA)

    崔維斯史考特 / 烏托邦(Travis Scott / UTOPIA)

    • 優惠價: 439

    《Rodeo》、《Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight》和《Astroworld》三張專輯,全部空降告示牌饒舌榜冠軍。睽違5年發行全新大碟《UTOPIA》,第3度連霸全美流行、饒舌與節奏藍調/嘻哈3大榜冠軍,首度搶下英國...... more

    走近心靈秘境 (10CD)

    走近心靈秘境 (10CD)

    • 優惠價: 199

    心無罣礙故唯有讓心平靜才能入定,寧靜的樂章讓我們可以慢慢的走近心靈秘境,藉由音樂的輔助讓你更有效的貼近你的心,在音樂的引導下得到另一個安靜的角落。聆聽時宜放鬆心情或坐或躺,調節呼吸深而不急促緩而平順,... more

    Above & Beyond / Acoustic(超越自我三人組 / 原音聖殿)

    Above & Beyond / Acoustic(超越自我三人組 / 原音聖殿)

    • 優惠價: 378

    隻身徘徊清冷冬夜的迷離夢境,用音符編織唯美惆悵的動人詩篇 英倫傳思天團首張不插電現場演奏專輯,重現一票難求演出實況 大型管弦樂編制為十二首經典舞池國歌打造嶄新浪漫生命力 這晚我們為Above & Be... more

    Tiny Island / Tiny Island (SACD)(小島樂團 / 小島風情 (SACD))

    Tiny Island / Tiny Island (SACD)(小島樂團 / 小島風情 (SACD))

    • 優惠價: 650

    ●晶瑩透明的吉他琴音、充斥於空間中的打擊樂器、溫暖飽滿的貝斯,營造出融合島嶼熱情風格。北歐時尚風情、爵士藍調高超技藝的發燒無國界音樂。 小島樂團組成於1989年,由吉他手葛蘭溫能布蘭特領軍。但是在19... more

    Genesis / R-Kive 《3CD》(創世紀合唱團 / 經典全紀錄《3CD精選》)

    Genesis / R-Kive 《3CD》(創世紀合唱團 / 經典全紀錄《3CD精選》)

    • 優惠價: 499

    ★開創搖滾新世紀,西洋樂史上無可取代的偉大樂團★ ★破天荒首度精選樂團與團員菲爾柯林斯 / Peter Gabriel / Mike + The Mechanics等單飛後共37首個人代表作★ ★3CD、4小時搖滾盛宴,典藏:樂團經典...... more

    阿爾瑪.多伊徹 / 我的旋律筆記本(Alma Deutscher / From My Book of Melodies)

    阿爾瑪.多伊徹 / 我的旋律筆記本(Alma Deutscher / From My Book of Melodies)

    • 優惠價: 439

    .多伊徹。 今年芳齡十四歲的阿爾瑪,2005年出生於英國漢普郡,雙親只是單純的音樂愛好者,她兩歲開始彈奏鋼琴,隔年已會拉奏小提琴,不到四歲即嘗試作曲。六歲完成了第一首鋼琴奏鳴曲,七歲譜出小型歌劇《掃夢人》(The Sweeper of...... more

    The Sirens

    The Sirens

    • 優惠價: 1102

    and space, The Sirens captures the power of dreams, and the mystery and magic of the sea....... more

    The Sirens of Soleil City

    The Sirens of Soleil City

    • 優惠價: 684

    Three generations of women learn to own their mistakes and rebuild their bonds as they prepare to compete in the South...... more

    What Song the Sirens Sang

    What Song the Sirens Sang

    • 優惠價: 1482

    ’ claims contains the last echoes of the legendary sirens’ song. Before they can find out more, however, Smith vanishes...... more

    What Song the Sirens Sang

    What Song the Sirens Sang

    • 優惠價: 722

    ’ claims contains the last echoes of the legendary sirens’ song. Before they can find out more, however, Smith vanishes...... more

    The Siren’’s Sting

    The Siren’’s Sting

    • 優惠價: 1140

    If James Bond had a slightly eccentric younger sister; if Eloise had outgrown the Plaza and joined a kidnap and ransom...... more

    The Siren’s Refrain

    The Siren’s Refrain

    • 優惠價: 570

    , culminating in revelations, reckonings, and regrets. THE SIREN’S REFRAIN explores themes of aging, mortality, lost love, and...... more

    The Siren of Sussex: Belles of London

    The Siren of Sussex: Belles of London

    • 優惠價: 2087
    The Siren

    The Siren

    • 優惠價: 760
    The Siren

    The Siren

    • 優惠價: 1335
    The Siren

    The Siren

    • 優惠價: 1064
    The Siren Lib/E

    The Siren Lib/E

    • 優惠價: 4180
    The Siren Depths: Volume Three of the Books of the Raksura

    The Siren Depths: Volume Three of the Books of the Raksura

    • 優惠價: 304
    The Siren’’s Stone: an Outer Banks Mermaid story

    The Siren’’s Stone: an Outer Banks Mermaid story

    • 優惠價: 824
    The Siren and the Specter

    The Siren and the Specter

    • 優惠價: 948

    "Worth every bit of praise it has received so far, The Siren and the Specter should definitely be on your top 10 list...... more

    The Siren and the Specter

    The Siren and the Specter

    • 優惠價: 568

    "Worth every bit of praise it has received so far, The Siren and the Specter should definitely be on your top 10 list...... more

    Hunting the Siren

    Hunting the Siren

    • 優惠價: 879

    In the aftermath of the massacre in Las Vegas, Kylee Paradox has no choice but to run. Her siren caused innocent lives...... more

    The Siren

    The Siren

    • 優惠價: 380

    All the missing victims of North Carolina s deadliest serial killer have been found, all except Rachel Smith. When the...... more

    Waking the Siren

    Waking the Siren

    • 優惠價: 879

    not bode well for a siren. In fact, it could be just as deadly as the monster she is hunting....... more

    Silencing the Siren

    Silencing the Siren

    • 優惠價: 824

    . They forbid her from using her deadly siren song to lure the beasts back to the pit. If she harms even a single innocent...... more

    The Siren

    The Siren

    • 優惠價: 618
    The Siren Wakes

    The Siren Wakes

    • 優惠價: 608
    The Siren and the Sword

    The Siren and the Sword

    • 優惠價: 380
    The Siren’s Touch

    The Siren’s Touch

    • 優惠價: 675
    When the Siren Cries

    When the Siren Cries

    • 優惠價: 897
    The Siren Series 3: Brandon

    The Siren Series 3: Brandon

    • 優惠價: 714
    The Professor and the Siren

    The Professor and the Siren

    • 優惠價: 606

    in a new translation. The Professor and the Siren, like The Leopard, meditates on the past and the passage of time, and...... more

    Call of the Siren

    Call of the Siren

    • 優惠價: 570
    The Siren’s Sting

    The Siren’s Sting

    • 優惠價: 910
    I Hear the Sirens in the Street

    I Hear the Sirens in the Street

    • 優惠價: 1138

    identifying the victim. The torso turns out to be all that s left of an American tourist who once served in the US military. What...... more

    I Hear the Sirens in the Street: Library Edition

    I Hear the Sirens in the Street: Library Edition

    • 優惠價: 3420

    identifying the victim. The torso turns out to be all that s left of an American tourist who once served in the US military. What...... more

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