

    您輸入的關鍵字: Western Horseman


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    • 優惠價: 79 折, 355

    西洋古典藝術到底看什麼? 不用再在藝術品面前無語問蒼天 讀懂故事就能看懂名畫 藝術品背景故事通通報給你知! 歡樂無極限的藝術賞析 拉近你我與西洋古典藝術的距離 讓你站著看、坐著... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 553

    理解非西方世界全面崛起對於既有的西方中心世界秩序,特別是國際自由秩序,所帶來的衝擊與改變,是掌握當前全球變局的關鍵。 本書集聚十五位來自美國、歐洲與亞洲的大師級學者於一堂,從思想、歷史、政治、經... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 1305

    上世紀最後史學巨擘巴森,爬梳西方文化深層結構、洞見今日引領世界的文明從何而起,並以最具人文主義的素養揭櫫世界文明將往何處去。 「這不是一本普通的史書,而是一位博雅老人一生讀書與反思的最後結晶!」 ——... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 405

    本書以具當代意義之「後西方」新思維,對傳統文化進行再創發:既拒絕西方現代性對傳統文化的鄙棄,也超越鴉片戰爭以來以西方為師的改良主義。本書以中國傳統文化之多元探索為出發點,從不同面向發掘可茲回應當代議題... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 646

    《西方哲學史》是英國哲學家羅素根據其在美國講學時的講稿整理而成的一部著作,也是1950年獲得諾貝爾獎的因素之一,並在獲獎演說中兩次提及該書。 本書從哲學與社會生活的相互作用和密切聯繫中講述西方哲學... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 551

    西方哲學史》是英國哲學家羅素根據其在美國講學時的講稿整理而成的一部著作,也是1950年獲得諾貝爾獎的因素之一,並在獲獎演說中兩次提及該書。 本書從哲學與社會生活的相互作用和密切聯繫中講述西方哲學發... more

    Neurological complaints in children in western Algeria

    Neurological complaints in children in western Algeria

    • 優惠價: 4500


    • 優惠價: 9 折, 495

    西洋古典藝術業界專家帶領你直擊西方古典大師的世界 一步步走進行內世界 國際著名博覽會、藝廊與古典藝術商、拍賣行 神祕又充滿魅力的西方古典藝術,於當今全球藝術市場再起炫風,成為國際關注和競拍焦點。... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 558
    Royal funerals on the western frontier of Portuguese America

    Royal funerals on the western frontier of Portuguese America

    • 優惠價: 2340

    The aim of this work is to analyse the funeral ceremonies of the royal funerals in two towns in the ... more

    大和日記:西日本(限量贈 小林の西日本【日車‧夜車】紀念車票書籤)

    大和日記:西日本(限量贈 小林の西日本【日車‧夜車】紀念車票書籤)

    • 優惠價: 7 折, 336

    ◢◢◢◢久違了,NIPPON◣◣◣◣ 重啟日本旅遊的Guidebook首選 攝影家‧旅行作家 小林賢伍 『不想告訴任何人的日本祕境!』 (連日本國民也不一定知道) ————関西‧中国‧四国‧九州‧... more

    Sistine Chapel Ceiling Meowsterpiece of Western Art 2000 Piece Puzzle

    Sistine Chapel Ceiling Meowsterpiece of Western Art 2000 Piece Puzzle

    • 優惠價: 73 折, 832

    The Sistine Chapel Ceiling Meowsterpiece of Western Art 2000 Piece Puzzle from Galison features an a... more

    Evil eye in the western Highlands

    Evil eye in the western Highlands

    • 優惠價: 646

    R.C. Maclagan’s book "Evil Eye in the Western Highlands" explores the customs and cultural beliefs r... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 648

    歷代經典學派——文評巨擘哈洛.卜倫觀點 哈洛.卜倫討論了二十六位正典作者的作品,藉此一探西方文學傳統。他駁斥文學批評裡的意識形態:他哀悼智識與美學標準的淪亡:他悲嘆多元文化主義、馬克思主義、女性主... more

    The power of speech in Novelas tv and the impact of western-style

    The power of speech in Novelas tv and the impact of western-style

    • 優惠價: 2820

    Speech is a weapon. This weapon can easily destroy but is also an instrument of noble work. Speech c... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 504

    西方的鑄字印刷術東傳,不僅全面取代中國木刻印書傳統, 更深刻地影響百餘年來的書籍文化。 直至十九世紀為止,中國人主要以木刻印書已久。這項千年以來中國圖書文化的重要特徵與技術基礎,卻在十九世紀遭遇傳... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 494

    突破中國史框架,用更為廣大的視角 審視過去被視為「外族」、「征服王朝政權」的遼夏金元 馳騁草原的馬上民族從部落聯盟走向專制王朝,這樣的轉變,如何撼動了東亞乃至全世界? 在中國歷史上,北亞草原散... more



    • 優惠價: 95 折, 618

    當中醫遇到西醫 當經絡臟腑與遇上解剖學 在看醫生之前,要先看懂身體! 對西醫而言,身體是在手術解剖檯上可以「看」見的生理樣態, 對中醫而言,身體卻更隱含著一種氣化的、不可觀測的生命真... more

    The Life and Times of David Zeisberger: The western pioneer and apostle of the Indians

    The Life and Times of David Zeisberger: The western pioneer and apostle of the Indians

    • 優惠價: 4010

    The Life and Times of David Zeisberger - The western pioneer and apostle of the Indians is an unchan... more

    Gateway to Western Literature

    Gateway to Western Literature

    • 優惠價: 600

    從古至今,西方的藝術、文學、哲學,甚至建築,源頭總可以追溯至希臘羅馬神話故事與聖經,也因此閱讀神話和聖經故事,將能幫助讀者更了解這些藝術的典故與內涵。 本書包括希臘神話與聖經故事兩大部分。希臘神話... more

    Public policy for dairy production in the north-western region of Santa Catarina

    Public policy for dairy production in the north-western region of Santa Catarina

    • 優惠價: 2365

    Throughout its development, the Great West region of Santa Catarina has relied on agriculture as the... more

    Contribution to the study of valuation options for the species Arbutus unedo L. in western Algeria

    Contribution to the study of valuation options for the species Arbutus unedo L. in western Algeria

    • 優惠價: 4730

    Arbutus unedo L, commonly known as Arbutus, is a species known for its ecological and economic impor... more

    理性的勝利:自由、科學、資本主義,以及進步的理性神學 (電子書)

    理性的勝利:自由、科學、資本主義,以及進步的理性神學 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 350

    西方憑什麼進步? 現代文明的成就,建立在宗教之上。 而如今沒有宗教意識,只有宗教基因, 還能繼續稱霸世界嗎? 目前關於西方為何成功的書籍已有許多,各自分析了為何歐洲能在中世紀末期領先世界其他地區。... more

    Bush Tragedies: True stories of crime, murder, misery and heartache from western New South Wales

    Bush Tragedies: True stories of crime, murder, misery and heartache from western New South Wales

    • 優惠價: 1320

    Award-winning journalist Bill Poulos delves deep into Australia’s turbulent and lawless past with th... more

    大和日記:西日本 (電子書)

    大和日記:西日本 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 336

    ◢◢◢◢久違了,NIPPON◣◣◣◣ 攝影家‧旅行作家 小林賢伍 『不想告訴任何人的日本祕境!』 (連日本國民也不一定知道) ————関西‧中国‧四国‧九州‧沖縄‧神社———— 西日本絕景 ▍14... more

    Oran wetlands (western Algeria)

    Oran wetlands (western Algeria)

    • 優惠價: 2695
    經典戰役:西線無戰事 DVD(All Quiet on the Western Front)

    經典戰役:西線無戰事 DVD(All Quiet on the Western Front)

    • DVD , 位佳 , 出版日期: 2013-08-06
    • 優惠價: 199

    導演 路易邁史東 改編自同名小說 榮獲 奧斯卡最佳導演 最佳影片!(並同時提名最佳編劇與最佳攝影) ◆ 劇情介紹 以第一次世界大戰為背景,描述一群德國年輕人在老師的鼓勵下從軍,一心以為這會是件光榮事蹟... more

    Seawater desalination in north-western Algeria

    Seawater desalination in north-western Algeria

    • 優惠價: 2640

    Water desalination (also known as desalting or desalinization) is a process for obtaining fresh (dri... more

    西洋哲學史 (電子書)

    西洋哲學史 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 338

    一本具批判性質的西洋哲學史! 一本「哲學即不外是哲學史」的書! 「哲學史本質上是哲學思維的絕對預設不斷修正的一部歷史」——傅偉勳 唯有掌握哲學在歷史中的發展,我們才能更好地瞭解哲學研究的意義。... more

    哲學的故事(跨世紀經典,威爾杜蘭暢銷全球鉅作)(二版) (電子書)

    哲學的故事(跨世紀經典,威爾杜蘭暢銷全球鉅作)(二版) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 489

    跨世紀經典╳暢銷全球鉅作 有史以來最多人讀過的哲學書, 普立茲非小說獎得主威爾杜蘭成名代表作! ★「哲學入門必讀書單」次次上榜 ★哲學導讀最佳讀本 ★出版第一年再版22次,迅速譯成18種語言席捲全球 ... more

    The cultural identity of the gastronomy of western Paranaense

    The cultural identity of the gastronomy of western Paranaense

    • 優惠價: 3300

    In the development of the gastronomic origin of the territory of western Paraná, he discovered that ... more



    • 優惠價: 79 折, 434

    從古羅馬到中世紀歐洲 從地理發現到全世界 人類究竟如何走上戰爭不歸路 未來又將何去何從 ✽✽✽ 儘管在人類世界當中,沒有其他衝擊比戰爭更加殘酷,也沒有任何事件如同戰爭一般,往往伴隨難以抹滅之悲... more

    Burnham’s Manual Of Mid-western Securities: An Investor’s Handbook Of Useful Information Concerning The Principal

    Burnham’s Manual Of Mid-western Securities: An Investor’s Handbook Of Useful Information Concerning The Principal

    • 優惠價: 1537

    This book is a detailed guide to investing in securities in the Midwest region of the United States.... more

     North-western Provinces And Oudh

    North-western Provinces And Oudh

    • 優惠價: 1152

    This book is an important historical resource for anyone interested in Christian tombs and monuments... more

    The Glasgow & South-western Railway: Its Origin, Progress, & Present Position

    The Glasgow & South-western Railway: Its Origin, Progress, & Present Position

    • 優惠價: 1152

    Tracing the history of one of Scotland’s most significant railways, this book explores the political... more

    On The Dialects Of Eleven Southern And South-western Counties. From The Trans., Philol Soc

    On The Dialects Of Eleven Southern And South-western Counties. From The Trans., Philol Soc

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-18
    • 優惠價: 767

    A fascinating study of the dialects spoken in the southern and southwestern counties of England, wri... more

    North-western Hymn Book: A Collection Adapted To Church, Sunday School And Revival Services /

    North-western Hymn Book: A Collection Adapted To Church, Sunday School And Revival Services /

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-18
    • 優惠價: 1867

    This classic hymnal is perfect for use in church, Sunday school, or revival services. With a collect... more

    Savage Africa: Being The Narrative Of A Tour In Equatorial, South-western, And North-western Africa

    Savage Africa: Being The Narrative Of A Tour In Equatorial, South-western, And North-western Africa

    • 優惠價: 1922

    This book is a travelogue of William Winwood Reade’s journey through equatorial Africa in the late n... more

    Sixth Report on the North-western Tribes of Canada

    Sixth Report on the North-western Tribes of Canada

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This detailed report by pioneering ethnographer Franz Boas documents the customs, languages, and dai... more

    Management of western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests for timber production

    Management of western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests for timber production

    • 優惠價: 1757

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to managing these two important tree species for maximum ti... more

     Portion of the North-western Pr

    Portion of the North-western Pr

    • 優惠價: 1702

    This volume collects seven grammars of the dialects and subdialects of the Bihári language, which is... more

    From the Hub to the Hudson: With Sketches of Nature, History and Industry in North-western Massachu

    From the Hub to the Hudson: With Sketches of Nature, History and Industry in North-western Massachu

    • 優惠價: 1757

    A fascinating account of a journey by horse-drawn wagon through the hills and valleys of northwester... more

    Black’s Guide To The South-western Counties Of England. Dorsetshire, Devon And Cornwall

    Black’s Guide To The South-western Counties Of England. Dorsetshire, Devon And Cornwall

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-18
    • 優惠價: 2197

    First published in the 19th century, this travel guide offers a detailed and informative tour of the... more

    Botanical Observations In Western Wyoming ?with Notices Of Rare Plants And Descriptions Of New Species Collected On The

    Botanical Observations In Western Wyoming ?with Notices Of Rare Plants And Descriptions Of New Species Collected On The

    • 優惠價: 1482

    As a member of the Northwestern Wyoming Expedition, Charles Christopher Parry shares his botanical o... more

    Burnham’s Manual Of Mid-western Securities: An Investor’s Handbook Of Useful Information Concerning The Principal

    Burnham’s Manual Of Mid-western Securities: An Investor’s Handbook Of Useful Information Concerning The Principal

    • 優惠價: 2197

    This book is a detailed guide to investing in securities in the Midwest region of the United States.... more

    Savage Africa: Being The Narrative Of A Tour In Equatorial, South-western, And North-western Africa

    Savage Africa: Being The Narrative Of A Tour In Equatorial, South-western, And North-western Africa

    • 優惠價: 1317

    This book is a travelogue of William Winwood Reade’s journey through equatorial Africa in the late n... more

    Sixth Report on the North-western Tribes of Canada

    Sixth Report on the North-western Tribes of Canada

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This detailed report by pioneering ethnographer Franz Boas documents the customs, languages, and dai... more

    Management of western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests for timber production

    Management of western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests for timber production

    • 優惠價: 1042

    This book provides a comprehensive guide to managing these two important tree species for maximum ti... more

     Portion of the North-western Pr

    Portion of the North-western Pr

    • 優惠價: 987

    This volume collects seven grammars of the dialects and subdialects of the Bihári language, which is... more

    Black’s Guide To The South-western Counties Of England. Dorsetshire, Devon And Cornwall

    Black’s Guide To The South-western Counties Of England. Dorsetshire, Devon And Cornwall

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-18
    • 優惠價: 1482

    First published in the 19th century, this travel guide offers a detailed and informative tour of the... more

    From the Hub to the Hudson: With Sketches of Nature, History and Industry in North-western Massachu

    From the Hub to the Hudson: With Sketches of Nature, History and Industry in North-western Massachu

    • 優惠價: 1042

    A fascinating account of a journey by horse-drawn wagon through the hills and valleys of northwester... more

    The Glasgow & South-western Railway: Its Origin, Progress, & Present Position

    The Glasgow & South-western Railway: Its Origin, Progress, & Present Position

    • 優惠價: 1812

    Tracing the history of one of Scotland’s most significant railways, this book explores the political... more

     North-western Provinces And Oudh

    North-western Provinces And Oudh

    • 優惠價: 1812

    This book is an important historical resource for anyone interested in Christian tombs and monuments... more

    On The Dialects Of Eleven Southern And South-western Counties. From The Trans., Philol Soc

    On The Dialects Of Eleven Southern And South-western Counties. From The Trans., Philol Soc

    • 外文書 , Ingram , 出版日期: 2023-07-18
    • 優惠價: 1482

    A fascinating study of the dialects spoken in the southern and southwestern counties of England, wri... more

    Notes on the Geology of South-western Ontario [microform]

    Notes on the Geology of South-western Ontario [microform]

    • 優惠價: 1482

    In this book, Thomas Sterry Hunt provides an overview of the geology of Southwestern Ontario. He exp... more

    Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Matthew Bunn ...: In an Expedition Against the North-western Indians, in the

    Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Matthew Bunn ...: In an Expedition Against the North-western Indians, in the

    • 優惠價: 1647

    Matthew Bunn was one of the most celebrated explorers of his time. In this book, he tells the story ... more

    A Brief Narrative Of The Journeys Of David Thompson In North-western America

    A Brief Narrative Of The Journeys Of David Thompson In North-western America

    • 優惠價: 1482

    This book is a historical account of the travels of David Thompson, a fur trader and explorer in nor... more

    乖,你聽畫:希臘羅馬眾神篇——聽懂神話看懂神畫,那些西洋古典藝術的超狂神蹟! (電子書)

    乖,你聽畫:希臘羅馬眾神篇——聽懂神話看懂神畫,那些西洋古典藝術的超狂神蹟! (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 338

    西洋古典藝術到底看什麼? 不用再在藝術品面前無語問蒼天 讀懂故事就能看懂名畫 藝術品背景故事通通報給你知! 歡樂無極限的藝術賞析 拉近你我與西洋古典藝術的距離 讓你站著看、坐著看、倒著看 怎麼看都好看... more

    燃燒的西太平洋(1) (電子書)

    燃燒的西太平洋(1) (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 336

    台海戰爭爆發了?!台灣正逐漸步入修昔底德陷阱? 美中的全面性角力,這是台灣前所未有的漫畫題材 一個被長官稱為作品擁有破壞性的梁紹先,他想表達的是什麼意思? 戰場從深海至太空,武器從步槍到雷射砲,... more

    The Life and Times of David Zeisberger: The western pioneer and apostle of the Indians

    The Life and Times of David Zeisberger: The western pioneer and apostle of the Indians

    • 優惠價: 4043

    The Life and Times of David Zeisberger - The western pioneer and apostle of the Indians is an unchan... more

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