
    您輸入的關鍵字: Liu


    搜尋結果共 6275 筆, 頁數 3 / 105

    Primary Exploration of Hydrogen Metallurgy

    Primary Exploration of Hydrogen Metallurgy

    • 優惠價: 16799

    This book is a monograph dedicated to hydrogen metallurgy technology in iron ore reduction in the wo... more

    Governing After War: Rebel Victories and Post-War Statebuilding

    Governing After War: Rebel Victories and Post-War Statebuilding

    • 優惠價: 1797

    Governing After War explores how wartime processes affects post-war state-building efforts when rebe... more

    Building a Low- Carbon Future: Adaptive Control Strategies for Distributed Energy Networks

    Building a Low- Carbon Future: Adaptive Control Strategies for Distributed Energy Networks

    • 優惠價: 9599

    This book aims to emphasize the state-of-the-art research in realizing the optimal synthesis of micr... more

    Fabrication and application of water-lubricated bearing with polymer bushing

    Fabrication and application of water-lubricated bearing with polymer bushing

    • 優惠價: 5700

    Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is popular for its self-lubrication, wear resistan... more

    Toward Connected, Cooperative and Intelligent Iov: Recent Advances and Applications

    Toward Connected, Cooperative and Intelligent Iov: Recent Advances and Applications

    • 優惠價: 13199

    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to technological advances in Internet of Vehicles (IoV... more

    Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics

    Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics

    • 優惠價: 7680

    This textbook offers a concise yet rigorous treatment of continuum mechanics at the introductory lev... more

    Trajectory Optimization and Guidance Methods for Mars Entry

    Trajectory Optimization and Guidance Methods for Mars Entry

    • 優惠價: 11999

    This book systematically investigates the Mars entry problem from the perspectives of deterministic ... more

    Rewriting, Manipulation and Translator Subjectivity: Translating Chinese Literature in a Global Context

    Rewriting, Manipulation and Translator Subjectivity: Translating Chinese Literature in a Global Context

    • 外文書 , Hu Liu , Ingram , 出版日期: 2024-03-13
    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book presents an in-depth analysis of Howard Goldblatt’s translation of Mo Yan’s Life and Death... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 162

    元素、能量、意志、投影、樂音、弦月, 加上那違抗自然的融合,以及,那不可說的幽冥…… 世間魔法,僅有八系。 八千年的悠久歷史長河裡,這不僅是常識, 更是各地魔法學院理論的基石。 直... more

    頂級酒莊傳奇:義大利、德國、西班牙 (電子書)

    頂級酒莊傳奇:義大利、德國、西班牙 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 550

    Jason LIU,走訪世界百餘頂級酒莊十餘年,嘗遍瓶中傳奇,探盡風土與人。一則則名莊故事讀來,如同飲下各款醇厚芳香、餘韻悠長的美酒,更是醉人。各大名莊釀酒人長期依其至真、至善、至美信仰釀製酒款,觀念不同,酒釀風格自然殊異,而這正是葡萄酒精采迷人...... more

    Your Turn to Speak 2

    Your Turn to Speak 2

    • 優惠價: 95 折, 551

    Introduction Welcome to Your Turn to Speak. This is a perfect book for adult learners whose Englis... more

    Laura’s Tips for Pastel Nagomi Art (電子書)

    Laura’s Tips for Pastel Nagomi Art (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 88 折, 264

    This book will subvert people s assumptions about pastel paintings. The pastel works in this book ar... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 801

    speeches delivered by Liu Xiaoming during the 11 years as the ambassador to the United Kingdom, with the content of how to...... more

    我會紅!勇闖好萊塢 (電子書)

    我會紅!勇闖好萊塢 (電子書)

    • 優惠價: 266

    我下了決心,一定要出人頭地。我不想只當那92%。 在好萊塢,能成為明星的只有1%;能拿到戲劇固定角色的有7%, 剩下的92%,則是混不出個所以然, 很不幸的,蜜兒就是那92%。 離鄉背... more

    Collective Remembering and the Making of Political Culture

    Collective Remembering and the Making of Political Culture

    • 優惠價: 1799
    My City

    My City

    • 優惠價: 399

    . Children will enjoy following Max on his adventure and seeing things from his perspective as they explore Joanne Liu s colorful...... more

    Taking Care of God, Vol. 1

    Taking Care of God, Vol. 1

    • 優惠價: 570

    "One mysterious day, over twenty thousand otherworldly spaceships settle into stable orbit around Ea... more



    • 優惠價: 9 折, 252

    改變,就是現在! 早晨+夜晚的一點小習慣, 就能創造滿滿正能量, 瞬間擊退那朵總是罩在頭頂的大烏雲! 人生,越活越短。 什麼事對你來說才是最重要的? 當然是活得開心! 但是... more

    Robust Control for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems in the Finite-Time Domain

    Robust Control for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems in the Finite-Time Domain

    • 優惠價: 8399

    This book provides robust analysis and synthesis tools for Markovian jump systems in the finite-time... more

    Blockchain-Based Data Security in Heterogeneous Communications Networks

    Blockchain-Based Data Security in Heterogeneous Communications Networks

    • 優惠價: 9599

    This book investigates data security approaches in Heterogeneous Communications Networks (HCN). Firs... more

    Transforming Urban Green Space Governance in China Under Ecological Civilization - An Institutional Analysis

    Transforming Urban Green Space Governance in China Under Ecological Civilization - An Institutional Analysis

    • 優惠價: 8399
    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication in 6g

    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication in 6g

    • 優惠價: 10199

    As the main trend and key enabling technology for next-generation wireless networks (i.e., 6G), inte... more

    Professional Investment Portfolio Management: Boosting Performance with Machine-Made Portfolios and Stock Market Evidence

    Professional Investment Portfolio Management: Boosting Performance with Machine-Made Portfolios and Stock Market Evidence

    • 優惠價: 5399

    Professional investment portfolio management is increasingly utilizing sophisticated statistical and... more

    Active Power Decoupling Technology in Single-Phase Current-Source Converters

    Active Power Decoupling Technology in Single-Phase Current-Source Converters

    • 優惠價: 5399

    This book gives a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the development of active power decoupl... more

    Chinese Investments in Southeast Asia: Patterns and Significance

    Chinese Investments in Southeast Asia: Patterns and Significance

    • 優惠價: 2272

    its significance and impacts. From their carefully constructed dataset, Goh and Liu provide a regionwide, multi-sectoral...... more

    Super Supermarket

    Super Supermarket

    • 優惠價: 335

    台北書展大獎小說獎、金漫獎年度漫畫獎得主——Pam Pam Liu最新漫畫力作 「要是等他長大一切又恢復正常,我希望他有穿褲子的習慣呀!」 足不出戶、一切網購;逛超市、摸商品成為美夢。 二張客訴換來的超級超市體驗券,讓人...... more

    Gradient Smoothing Methods with Programming: Applications to Fluids and Landslides

    Gradient Smoothing Methods with Programming: Applications to Fluids and Landslides

    • 優惠價: 5880

    This unique compendium presents the Gradient Smoothing Methods (GSMs), as a general solver for linea... more

    The History of Chinese Presence in Nigeria (1950s-2010s): Factories, Commodities, and Entrepreneurs

    The History of Chinese Presence in Nigeria (1950s-2010s): Factories, Commodities, and Entrepreneurs

    • 優惠價: 3299

    As the first book-length study of the history of the Chinese presence in Nigeria, this book examines... more

    My Museum

    My Museum

    • 優惠價: 399

    to serious museum-goers everywhere, Joanne Liu s whimsical illustrations remind us that sometimes the best kind of art is...... more

    Large-Scale Group Decision-Making with Uncertain and Behavioral Considerations: Methods and Applications

    Large-Scale Group Decision-Making with Uncertain and Behavioral Considerations: Methods and Applications

    • 優惠價: 10199
    Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling of Nuclear Facilities with Coupled Codes and Its Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis

    Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling of Nuclear Facilities with Coupled Codes and Its Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis

    • 優惠價: 4799

    In this book, the author provides a deep study into multiscale and multiphysics modeling of nuclear ... more

    Geography of Technology Transfer in China: A Glocal Network Approach

    Geography of Technology Transfer in China: A Glocal Network Approach

    • 優惠價: 9480

    Technology transfer studies are usually framed through Economics and Management Sciences, but this v... more

    Optimization Control for Multiagent Systems with Disturbances via Dynamic Triggered Mechanisms

    Optimization Control for Multiagent Systems with Disturbances via Dynamic Triggered Mechanisms

    • 優惠價: 1615

    In this comprehensive study on distributed optimization in multiagent systems, the authors present a... more

    Selective Maintenance Modelling and Optimization: Basic Methods and Some Recent Advances

    Selective Maintenance Modelling and Optimization: Basic Methods and Some Recent Advances

    • 優惠價: 7799
    Elements of Electromigration: Electromigration in 3D IC Technology

    Elements of Electromigration: Electromigration in 3D IC Technology

    • 優惠價: 6000

    In this invaluable resource for graduate students and practicing professionals, Tu and Liu provide a comprehensive...... more

    Magnetic Communications

    Magnetic Communications

    • 優惠價: 9300

    The ideal reference book providing all the information needed to fully understand magnetic communica... more

    Understanding China’s New Common Prosperity: Significance, Connotations, and Goals

    Understanding China’s New Common Prosperity: Significance, Connotations, and Goals

    • 優惠價: 8399

    This book explains China’s new common prosperity policies--their significance, connotations, and goa... more

    American Monetary Policy Adjustment and Its Impacts

    American Monetary Policy Adjustment and Its Impacts

    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book reviews the historical evolution of U.S. monetary policy, and then uses various methods su... more

    Vegan Chinese Food

    Vegan Chinese Food

    • 優惠價: 1254

    Rice Noodle, Yang Liu and Kathi Pinczolits are known for their easy, delicious and plant-based Chinese recipes. Now, they...... more

    Birds of China

    Birds of China

    • 優惠價: 1518

    "A comprehensive, fully illustrated field guide to the birds of ChinaChina is home to some of the mo... more

    Dynamic Fluidic Sprinkler and Intelligent Sprinkler Irrigation Technologies

    Dynamic Fluidic Sprinkler and Intelligent Sprinkler Irrigation Technologies

    • 優惠價: 5999
    Dynamic Modeling and Boundary Control of Flexible Axially Moving System

    Dynamic Modeling and Boundary Control of Flexible Axially Moving System

    • 優惠價: 8399
    The Evolution of Interests Politics and the Balance of Governance Values: Contemporary Development of Utilitarianism

    The Evolution of Interests Politics and the Balance of Governance Values: Contemporary Development of Utilitarianism

    • 優惠價: 7199
    The Trialism and Application of Human Settlement, Inhabitation and Travel Environment Studies: Applications in Water-Net Region

    The Trialism and Application of Human Settlement, Inhabitation and Travel Environment Studies: Applications in Water-Net Region

    • 優惠價: 17999

    This book studies human settlements in China in terms of Human Settlements Trialism in 5 typical hum... more

    Characterisation of the Mechanical Properties of Heat-Induced Protein Deposits in Immersed Cleaning Systems

    Characterisation of the Mechanical Properties of Heat-Induced Protein Deposits in Immersed Cleaning Systems

    • 優惠價: 9599

    During heat treatment in dairy production, the rapid formation of heat-induced fouling deposits on t... more

    Quadri-Syllabic Schematic Idioms in Chinese: Description and Acquisition

    Quadri-Syllabic Schematic Idioms in Chinese: Description and Acquisition

    • 外文書 , Li Liu , Ingram , 出版日期: 2024-01-03
    • 優惠價: 11999

    This book offers an insightful description of the productive behavior of four-character schematic id... more

    Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach

    Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach

    • 優惠價: 6120

    Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach, Fourth Edition is an introduction to computation... more

    Land System Reform and China’s Economic Development

    Land System Reform and China’s Economic Development

    • 優惠價: 7199

    This book brings one of China’s most renowned economists’ views on systemic reform of the land syste... more

    Dielectric Resonator Antennas: Materials, Designs and Applications

    Dielectric Resonator Antennas: Materials, Designs and Applications

    • 優惠價: 7975

    Dielectric Resonator Antennas A detailed guide to dielectric-based techniques for antenna array desi... more

    From Classroom to War of Resistance: Chinese Military Interpreter Training During World War II

    From Classroom to War of Resistance: Chinese Military Interpreter Training During World War II

    • 優惠價: 10800

    This book focuses on a long-neglected yet important topic in China’s translation history: interprete... more

    70 Years of China’s Bridges

    70 Years of China’s Bridges

    • 優惠價: 1900

    The book takes time as the axis, selecting 98 bridges (or bridge groups) across the country and 7 re... more

    Confident Speaking: Theory, Practice and Teacher Inquiry

    Confident Speaking: Theory, Practice and Teacher Inquiry

    • 優惠價: 2999

    Confident Speaking provides language teachers and teacher educators with evidence-informed ideas to ... more

    Confident Speaking: Theory, Practice and Teacher Inquiry

    Confident Speaking: Theory, Practice and Teacher Inquiry

    • 優惠價: 10800

    Confident Speaking provides language teachers and teacher educators with evidence-informed ideas to ... more

    Fast Physics in Large Scale Atmospheric Models: Parameterization, Evaluation, and Observations

    Fast Physics in Large Scale Atmospheric Models: Parameterization, Evaluation, and Observations

    • 優惠價: 12650

    Improving weather and climate prediction with better representation of fast processes in atmospheric... more

    The Way of Urbanizing China

    The Way of Urbanizing China

    • 優惠價: 7799
    Grey Systems Analysis: Methods, Models and Applications

    Grey Systems Analysis: Methods, Models and Applications

    • 優惠價: 4199
    The Power of Ideas: A History of Technological Thoughts on Digital Economics

    The Power of Ideas: A History of Technological Thoughts on Digital Economics

    • 優惠價: 9599

    As the first academic monograph that a Chinese scholar discusses the histories of thoughts and ideas... more

    Laolao’s Dumplings

    Laolao’s Dumplings

    • 優惠價: 722

    "Millie loves to help Laolao cook, especially her favorite dish: dumplings. They gather fresh ingred... more

    New Polymeric Products: Fundamentals, Forming Methods and Applications

    New Polymeric Products: Fundamentals, Forming Methods and Applications

    • 優惠價: 9500

    New Polymeric Products: Fundamentals, Forming Methods and Applications introduces applications of po... more

    Microgrid Methodologies and Applications

    Microgrid Methodologies and Applications

    • 優惠價: 6270

    Microgrid Methodologies and Applications provides step-by-guide guidance on the implementation of mi... more

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